Unofficial patches
770 files
The Saboteur Origin to GOG patch
By lcferrum
This patch updates Origin version of The Saboteur to GOG version. Patch only affects game's main executable (Saboteur.exe). Works only with English version.
TheSaboteurGogPatch.2020.exe - for Origin version from August 2020 (latest) TheSaboteurGogPatch.2017.exe - for Origin version from November 2017 TheSaboteurGogPatch.FALLBACK.exe - ignores version, use it only if latest patch doesn't work (dangerous, it's advisable to make a backup)20,861 downloads
Sabotain: Break the Rules Widescreen fix
By killer-m
All supported screen resolutions are visible in the game menu HOR+ FOV Installation:
Unpack the archive
Copy all files to the game folder
F5 - FOV +
F6 - FOV -
F7 - Default FOV
In the Fix.ini file, you can change the following settings
Stretch = 0
On/Off stretched HUD
- widescreen
- 16:9
- (and 4 more)
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Windows 10 Compatibility Fix
By kendotlibero
A simple replacement of OMT2.dll to make Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius compatible on modern systems
just extract it on the game's installation folder and play the game.
I didn't do this fix, I just took it from the Speedrunning Discord
Foregone ultrawide & superwide fix
By Rose
The small patcher forces the game to use your display resolution, removing black bars at 21:9 and wider. Keep in mind that it does not work in the exclusive fullscreen mode.
Download and unpack the archive. Use the tool to patch the file found in the game folder as instructed. In the game, select any resolution and make sure the window mode is windowed/borderless. Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, briefly at 3440x1440, 5120x2160 and 3840x1080.
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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events FOV fix by Killer-m
By IraFunesto
Replace the files in the game's system folder with those contained in the archive Change the resolution in the game.ini file
% USERPROFILE% \ Documents \ Lemony Snicket \ game.ini
FullscreenViewportX= 1920
FullscreenViewportY= 1080
The FOV value is set automatically (and accordingly) for every resolution, multi-monitor setup or aspect ratio.
Gal*Gun Returns Partial 21:9/32:9 Fix [GGResturn]
By KingKrouch
This mod/fix modifies the aspect ratio values for VN dialogue, shoot-em-up, and DokiDoki sequences. This required searching for opcodes/functions that determine the horizontal aspect ratio (As the game has separate vertical and horizontal aspect ratio values which can cause zooming when not carefully modified), and modifying those to the desired aspect ratio.
There wasn't much time (or having experience with assembly) to figure out how the hardcoded resolutions and pillarboxing (Outside of running in 2560x1080) are being handled, so this is a rather basic aspect ratio modification. This comes at the expense of resolution and stretched UI. A GitLab repository link for the source code will be up soon (For those who are rightfully paranoid about running random code, and for those who are interested in maintaining or contributing). Once the source code is up, this page will be updated accordingly to link to it. Apologies if it's half-baked (or a hack-job) compared to other solutions. This fix may break if game updates/patches release.
Download the "GGResturn.7z" archive, and extract it with 7Zip or WinRAR (The password used is "pcgw"), making sure to have the plugins folder and dinput8.dll in the game's directory (This is usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GalGun Returns"). Go into the plugins folder that was extracted to the game's directory and open "config.ini" in a text editor. In the text editor, change "horizontalResolution" and "verticalResolution" to your desired resolution, making sure to save the file afterwards. The aspect ratio is calculated this way at the moment. NOTES:
If the ImageScale related variables in the config.ini don't work, download Reshade, and during setup, select the "Legacy Standard Effects" package, make sure the "AspectRatio.fx" file is selected, run Reshade, enable the "AspectRatio.fx" effect, and play around with the scale value.
If the ImageScale doesn't fit the image onto the screen automatically, set "UseImageScale" to 1, and mess with the "ImageScale" and "ImageHorizontalScale" float values.
This mod/fix requires Visual C++ Redistributables for Visual Studio 2015-2019. Please install those from here before launching the game, and especially before reporting any errors or bugs:
Known issues:
The character select screen upon starting a new game doesn't have a proper value that controls the horizontal aspect ratio (after hours of searching in Cheat Engine's disassembler). As a result, this screen may appear stretched.137 downloads
Max Payne 2: Fixing the Payne
By AlphaYellow
Fixes a lot of things in Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.
Read the provided ReadMe file for detailed instructions and its features.
Credits: The Eddo, VGames, The_Silver
Password: pcgw
- mods
- max payne 2 mod
- (and 12 more)
Song of Horror Ultrawide Patch
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
Got around to making an ultrawide patch for Song of Horror. This removes the black bars during gameplay for 21:9 and 32:9 ultrawide users.
Made this as I haven't been able to find anyone else with a patch release for this game.
New Gundam Breaker EAC Bypass
By KingKrouch
This fix bypasses the Easy AntiCheat used in New Gundam Breaker, so single-player modifications and executable modifications (Such as hex edits) can be used.
Extract the contents inside of the file into the game's directory, and accept replacing the original files.
Then launch through Steam like one would normally do.
Password: pcgw
Dungeon Keeper 2: General Improvement Mod
By Noenko
General Improvement Mod is a mod/unofficial patch for Dungeon Keeper 2 version 1.7 (GOG and EA ORIGIN included)
The user can choose between the official patch 1.51 DKII.exe or DKII-dx.exe to get the benefits along with additions and fixes.
The file "GIMChangelog.txt" has a list of what's been changed in the rebalanced version.
There are two versions:
The Rebalanced Version has the better AI for enemy Keepers from DK2 version 1.51 with features from GOG patch 1.7 version, as well as balance changes/creature modifications.
The Vanilla version does not have balance changes/creature modifications, to keep things closer to original, but does include Quality of life fixes, including a fix for the issue where many creatures do not enter the player's dungeon. For example Dark Angels not appearing has now been fixed.
Mod made by:
Wyrmcast over at Keeperklan
- patches
- dungeon keeper ii
- (and 1 more)
Witcher 3 Ultrawide Cutscene Patch
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
This patch removes the black bars during cutscenes for ultrawide users.
Simply locate the 'witcher3.exe' file and hit apply. Next time you're in a cutscene the black bars should be gone.
Just let me know if the patch isn't working for you, I'll try to fix it.
Ashen Ultrawide Patch
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
Made a patcher for Ashen that corrects FOV for 21:9 and 32:9 users.
Extract the archive, run the patcher and locate Ashen-Win64-Shipping.exe then click 'Start' on the patcher.
Over the Hedge - Resolution Fix
By Markie
The game only supports 4:3 resolutions and aspect ratio.
This is jackfustes' fix for proper widescreen support, mirrored from here.
Code Vein Ultrawide Patch
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
Turned the fix from Code Vein's PCGW's hex editing ultrawide guide into a patcher. I don't take credit for the actual hex-editing work. All I did was correct the FOV and implement the hex edits from the ultrawide guide into a patcher so it's easier to apply for those who don't want to hex edit things themselves.
In-short this patch removes the black pillars from cutscenes and corrects the field of view for 21x9 and 32x9.
Extract the archive, run the patcher and locate CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe then click 'Start' on the patcher.
- code vein ultrawide
- code vein
- (and 6 more)
Uncompressed Sonic Riders Assets
By Sewer56lol
These are uncompressed versions of all compressed assets in Sonic Riders; which were obtained through reverse engineering game code to run the custom decompression algorithm.
These uncompressed assets should fix loading screen freezes, an issue caused by bad threading/lock mechanism between a thread that does decompression and a thread which reads file data from disk.
Extract to the `Data` folder inside the game directory.
Note: This archive only contains the assets which were originally compressed.
Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated FOV Patcher - 32:9 Ultrawide
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
Made my own patch for Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated for those who are playing in ultrawide and prefer not to have an active FOV trainer in the background while playing the game. This is mostly suited for 32:9 - if you use a lower aspect ratio the FOV might be exaggurated. Rose's trainer is a much better option overall but if you don't want to run a trainer in the background this could be something for you. The implementation isn't perfect however, and it doesn't remove the black bars during cutscenes.
There are four different versions.
90 FOV 80 FOV 70 FOV 60 FOV Extract the archive, run the patcher and locate Pineapple-Win64-Shipping.exe then click 'Start' on the patcher.
- battle for bikini bottom
- squarepants
- (and 9 more)
Visage FOV Patcher - 32:9 Ultrawide
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
This is mostly suited for 32:9 - if you use a lower aspect ratio the FOV might be exaggurated.
Made my own patch for Visage as there's very little information on how to get this game to work in the field of view you want. The game's zoomed in for 32:9 users without any edits or with the use of the Universal Unreal Engine Unlocker.
This patch resolves that issue entirely. There's no need to use 'UUEU' to get the game to run at a higher field of view.
There are four different versions.
90 FOV 80 FOV 70 FOV 60 FOV You still need to implement your own custom 32:9 / 21:9 resolution and you can do so by following this:
Follow this path: AppData\Local\Visage\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor ( Access appdata by typing in %appdata% in your windows search bar )
and you'll end up seeing a file called 'GameUserSettings.ini which you need to open with notepad or equivalent.
You'll have two values you need to change.
Change those two values to your own custom resolution, mine is set like this:
Hit 'Save' and make it a 'read-only' file by right-clicking the file and going into the properies and checking the 'read-only' checkerbox. If you don't then any video settings you change in the game will reset the resolution and you'll have to redo this step.
Run the patcher after you've edited your custom resolution.
- visage ultrawide
- visage ultrawide fov
- (and 8 more)
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart - 60 FPS Patch
By tylerbrawl
NOTE: The password for the archive is pcgw.
This patch allows you to play Hyperdevotion Noire at 60 FPS, rather than the original 30 FPS. Installation instructions are included with the archive.
Night in the Woods ultrawide mod
By Rose
The small patcher removes the side black bars (pillarboxing) from the game.
Follow the instructions within the patcher UI to apply it.
Tested the latest Epic Games Store version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 3840x1080. Wider resolutions may be affected by camera issues.
The solution will not work for the Microsoft Store / Game Pass game version.
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patch TRAOD_P4
By asabarabi
This is a mirror for the Fixed patched executable for user controls in TRAOD, originally uploaded March 23, 2019.
- control
- exe patcher
- (and 1 more)
Devil May Cry 5 Vergil Ultrawide Fix
By killer-m
Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors
Unpack the archive Launch the patcher and apply patch to DevilMayCry5.exe Issues:
Some parts of UI are stretched
Twin Mirror ultrawide cutscenes fix
By Rose
The small patcher removes black bars from the in-game cutscenes at 21:9 and wider resolutions.
Simply unpack the archive, launch the patcher, then target the game executable as instructed.
Tested the latest Epic Games Store version briefly at 2560x1080, 3840x1080, and 5760x1080.
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mods Driver Parallel Lines MegaFix
By Patrxgt
This is a mod pack containing fixes to draw distance, car names, car camera, cut music and weapon names. I did this because most of the Dropbox links that had those mods on have expired and those that haven't expired yet may expire, so I decided to archive them in one big package.
1uRLzgqGXDYc8QNj61B63Kx1iHekDZWT9 = PS2 and XBOX Songs and Fixed High Pitched Music
Password: PCGW
- fix
- unofficial patch
- (and 2 more)
Atlantis Extended Cut Updater
By Noenko
This installer fixes most, if not all, issues with Atlantis: The Lost Tales on modern Windows.
Also includes "Atlantis Package Installer" used to install ".big" files.
Might require: Microsoft .net Framework 4.6.1
From the author tgamesfr:
Source: GOG Forum post
BPR Speed Patch
By orimarc
The speed patch for Burnout Paradise Remastered, uploaded in case the Discord link fails.
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