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Unofficial patches

562 files

  1. X-wing Alliance (Steam to XWA Compatible patch)

    This patch is designed for people who want to use XWA Hacker in order to play X-Wing Alliance in widescreen mode.
    Keep in mind, you use this at our own responsibility (nothing should happen, as the process is 100% safe, but this is just for for this one in the billion guy, who will have his PC die while playing X-Wing Alliance and then is going to blame me for it).
    In order to use it, copy patch.bat, xwing_diff.xdelta and xdelta3-3.0.11-x86_64.exe to a game folder and run patch.bat. DO NOT run it before copying, as I can't be bothered to write if statement that'd check files in order to avoid deleting patch files before patching).




  2. Static Camera, with and without red filter

    This makes the camera "static" meaning it won't shake, or move in any way, during the executions.
    This file was created by user: Markyevansy
    The resource1.glg file inside the "Static no red filter" folder was made by me.
    It is the same as the last one, only without the red filter present in executions.
    Meaning you'll have both, no red filter without any effect loss, whilst also having the static camera.
    This is compatible with both the original Manhunt 2 game, as well as with the "Extended Executions" mod posted by Megahoff.




  3. No stereo mode required

    This file removes Manhunt 2 "red filter" without the need to add "-stereo" as a launch command, effectively allowing you to play the game without any effect loss, caused from using "-stereo".
    It is perfectly compatible with "Beta mod" made by MegaHoff.


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  4. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - HQ Sound Patch

    This download contains a set of files that replace the some of the lower quality audio files in the Windows port of "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain" with those from the original PlayStation release.




  5. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - Bink Video Support Pack

    This pack contains every patch giving Bink video support for "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain". I've taken the liberty of reuploading all of these files, since the website they were hosted on before, NosGothica.org, has shut down. The files were obtained using the Wayback Machine.




  6. Lords of Doom missing sounds fix

    Fix for missing sounds in some releases of Lords of Doom. This is known to affect the Starbyte Software CD-ROM release. Affected releases show a "sound open error" message during gameplay when sounds are meant to play.
    Extract the SOUNDS folder to the installation folder.




  7. The Punisher Gore patch

    A patch that includes files that both restore, as well as add, removed, as well as shortened executions back into the game.
    Reinstituting both gore effects, as well as blood effects to interrogations, executions, or even simple blood splatters.
    It also removes, and clears the image of the "black and white" filter that the game displays when executing enemies after interrogating them.
    The patch its also perfectly compatible with the widescreen fix made by "ThirteenAG".
    I didn't created the patch, I would give credit to the person that did, but sadly I don't know who, or how many people where involved in the creation of this patch.


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  8. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 - High Poly Fix

    NFS6 High-Poly Fix 0.8
    By Golfstationwagon: https://www.nfsaddons.com/downloads/all/all/author:golfstationwagon
    Source: http://www.nfsaddons.com/nfshp2/tools/609/
    NFS Hot Pursuit 2 High-Poly Fix for both Championship & Hot Pursuit Mode:
    All racer cars available Fully functional police Fully functional traffic Full Grid  
    What this tool basicly does is that it forces the game to make your opponent's cars the same as yours. The NFS 6 engine cannot render more than 1 high-poly car + 1 high-poly police so the game crashes if you use custom-made high poly cars when playing Championship or Hot Pursuit mode. This has bothered HP2 players for a long time and since no one came up with a fix, I decided to publish this solution.
    Steps: Go to <game folder>\FrontEnd\. Replace Championship.ini and Hot Pursuit.ini with the files in the archive.




  9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sewer fix

    Fix for the impossible jump in the original North American release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The European release (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) and the North American re-release (Version 2.0) are already patched.
    Extract the DATA folder and its contents to the installation folder (confirm the replacement of the existing files when prompted).
    This fix replaces L3-06.ATP and L3-06.MPP with the corrected versions used in later releases.




  10. American Girls Dress Designer Popup Crash Fix

    The American Girls Dress Designer was originally intended to be run on Windows 95, 98 and ME. At the time, NT was a business-grade operating system, and supporting an OS few families would even bother owning would add up to development costs. The patch fixes an issue with Dress Desginer that prevented popup windows from being displayed ingame.
    Before the fix:

    After applying the patch:

    Made this mostly to aid doll collectors and families in getting this game to run on modern operating systems, in response to numerous complaints on Amazon and elsewhere, with at least one going so far as to throwing their copy in the bin. :/




  11. Viper Racing Unofficial Patch 1.2.4

    Unofficial 1.2.4 patch for Viper Racing that fixes numerous problems on modern systems




  12. Operation Matriarchy - Unofficial Music, Sound & Re-Localization Patch

    This is a mirror of unofficial music, sound & re-localization patch by Devisraad. Original can be found here: http://www.devisraad.com/op-m/




  13. SkyNET Unofficial Patch 2017

    SkyNET Unofficial Patch 2017
    SkyNET (aka The Terminator: SkyNET) is Bethesda's 1996 sequel to The Terminator: Future Shock, a Quake-like game set
    in the Terminator universe. This is an all-in-one patch which includes every known fix and improvement for the game.
    This patch:
    Updates the game to v1.01. Allows for playing entirely from the hard drive. Starts the game with 640x480 (SVGA) mode enabled. Fixes crashes at the start of gameplay (aka the "SVGA fix"). Fixes crashes when entering buildings (aka the "door fix"). Credit to ripsaw8080. Extends the visual range (so that structures and objects are visible from farther away). Credit to WERTA & Corak. Corrects the night sky color from blue to black (as it was in Future Shock). Credit to WERTA & Corak. Includes an INSTALL.DAT to aid users in setting up the game and adding Future Shock.  
    The following screenshots demonstrate the two visual improvements: extended visual range and sky color correction.
    (What the left image can't show is that buildings and other objects suddenly appear in the distance as you approach. In overlay mode, they gradually fade in from black. It may see too dark here, but it should look better in the game.)
    To apply/install:
    1. Copy these files and folders to your SkyNET game folder, overwriting the ones there. 2. If using DOSBox: * Set output=overlay in your .conf file. This gives the best appearance with the extended visual range because it's slightly darker than other modes, greatly helping distant objects to gradually appear out of the shadows. * Make sure that DOSBox is v0.74 or a recent SVN build. Pre-0.74 versions and older SVN builds may have very poor performance or crash in 640x480 mode.  
    Future Shock:
    To play Future Shock (SkyNET's 1995 predecessor) in SkyNET's 640x480 mode and with the extended visual range, copy or install it to SkyNET's new SHOCK folder, then run SkyNET, choose New Game and select Future Shock. If you prefer to keep it elsewhere, edit the "fspath" line in INSTALL.DAT accordingly.  
    SkyNET install tip:
    To do a full installation of SkyNET to the hard drive, copy the SKYNET folder from the CD, copy this patch over it and run SETUP.EXE to configure your sound drivers. That eliminates having to mount the CD in DOSBox and go through the installation program, after which you still would've had to copy the SKYNET folder, since even the largest installation option leaves most of it on the CD.  
    320x200 mode:
    To start SkyNET in 320x200 mode, run GAME.EXE instead of SKYNET.EXE. GAME.EXE is the actual patched game executable (formerly SKYNET.EXE) which starts in 320x200 mode by default and SKYNET.EXE is a new launcher which tells it to run in 640x480, instead, so that you don't have to change the resolution to 640x480 every time that you start the game.  
    Blue sky:
    If you prefer to keep the original blue sky, don't copy GAMEDATA\MDMDIMGS.BSA. Be aware, though, that Future Shock's sky color was black, so Future Shock won't look as it originally did if you play it through SkyNET.  
    Menu mouse bug:
    After dismissing the intro, if the main menu options are unresponsive to clicks, simply RIGHT click anywhere to fix it. This isn't a bug in this patch, but with this game and DOSBox's overlay mode. You may experience it only now because overlay mode is recommended for this patch (because of how much more nicely objects fade in from the shadows in it). Rather than change modes to avoid the bug, it's recommended that you work around it by right-clicking... or simply rename GAMEDATA\OPENING.VID to disable the intro, so that you don't have to dismiss it and encounter the bug.  
    ripsaw8080 @ vogons.org (door fix) WERTA & Corak @ old-games.** (extended visual range and sky color fix) Bethesda Softworks® LLC © 1996 (game)  
    SkyNET and The Terminator: Future Shock are the property of Bethesda Softworks® LLC.
    This patch is not made, offered or supported by Bethesda Softworks.




  14. Lost Files/Serrated Scalpel - Repeating Music Patch

    Repeating Music Patch v1.1
    The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (1992, DOS)
    The game ordinarily plays most pieces of music only once per location. After each one finishes, no more music plays until you leave the location. Because most of the pieces are about only a minute long, the gamer is liable to end up playing much of the game in silence. When Mythos Software ported the game to the 3DO a few years later, they made the music repeat, but never patched the DOS version.
    This patch makes the music repeat after it finishes, like in the 3DO version. Four variations are provided:
    * Repeat - Play the music again immediately after it finishes. This is like the 3DO version.
    * Repeat after 20s - Play the music again after 20 seconds.
    * Repeat after 40s - Play the music again after 40 seconds.
    * Repeat after 60s - Play the music again after 60 seconds.
    While the first option is probably what most users want, the last three are provided just in case some people get a little tired of hearing the same music again so soon. They'll give your ears a little break, if you find that preferable.
    Copy MUSIC.LIB from one of the folders to your game folder, overwriting the one there. You'll probably want to try the one in the "Repeat" folder first. If you find the repetition a little tiring, try one of the other variations. If you want to turn repetition off, the unpatched MUSIC.LIB is in the "Original (no repeating)" folder.
    * 15 of the 49 music pieces have not been touched because they either belong to cutscenes or were designed to repeat immediately.
    * The map music and a few others have been made to always repeat immediately. In the case of the map music, that's because the music loops seemlessly and gamers aren't liable to stay long enough on the map screen to get tired of it.
    * This patch has not been tested through the entire game. It works very early in the game, so it's likely to work throughout, but there could be spots where music repeats when it shouldn't or other little issues like that. If you find any such spots and they're not tolerable, you can always revert to the unpatched MUSIC.LIB, at least temporarily.




  15. Strike Commander CD Missile Fix

    Strike Commander CD Missile Fix
    This patched version of Strike Commander's Strike.exe fixes an issue with missiles being less effective than they should be because enemy planes evade them more often than they should. This issue seems to be due to the higher number of CPU cycles in modern machines and emulators giving enemy planes higher-than-designed reaction times to deploy counter measures. It can be avoided by lowering the CPU cycles (to roughly 10,000) to simulate the performance of mid-90s hardware, but that results in the choppy gameplay that the game had back then. This patch allows you to fix the missile issue while keeping the game running smoothly.
    This applies only to the CD-ROM edition and any re-releases which use it, like GOG's. The floppy version is unaffected by this issue.
    To use, simply replace your STRIKE.EXE with the included one. It would be good to backup your original first, though.
    For reference and in case GOG or someone else wants to incorporate the fix, these were the hex edits made:
    0xD4AD 66 -> EB
    0xD4AE 26 -> 2B
    All credit for this patch goes to Harr-Nuta on the GOG forums:




  16. High Detail Mod for Jedi Knight DF2 & MotS

    High Detail Mod
    for Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II & Mysteries of the Sith (1997-98) by LucasArts
    This mod disables unsightly mipmapping and LOD (levels of detail) in all levels of each game. That's when textures and models are blurry and blocky, respectively, at a distance and "pop" to higher quality versions as you get near. That was originally done to achieve good performance on 1997 hardware, but is unnecessary today.
    This doesn't add or replace anything in the game. It simply makes the game use the highest quality textures and models at all times and never use the lower quality ones, no matter how far away objects are. Besides giving better detail, that also means no more distracting transitions when the game switches between qualities.
    Key differences from the original LOD mod:
    Works with existing save games. If you're partway through the game, you can install this and continue playing. If you've already applied the original LOD mod, though, see the notes below. Works with non-English installations and language packs. It won't force all of your level loading screens to be in English. Also patches the multiplayer levels for both games. Also includes patched versions of the secret/bonus level for Mysteries of the Sith, both the original from LucasArts and Marc Sauve's "Special Edition" version (in which he famously replaced the boss with Darth Vader). Play them in MotS by selecting New Game.  
    To install: Either use the installer (recommended) or manually copy the correct folder contents to your game folder.
    To uninstall: If you created an uninstaller during installation, use Windows' Apps/Programs and Features. If you didn't, delete just the folders from your game's \Episode folder (leaving the .GOB/GOO files, which are your original files).
    If you're using the original LOD mod, you'll have to start a new game again. That's because that mod isn't compatible with regular save games, so nothing that is (including this mod) is compatible with its save games. You'd have the same problem if you tried to load them in a fresh, unmodded installation of the game. There's not really any reason to replace that mod with this one, so, if you're in the middle of a play-through, you're better off de-selecting the singleplayer levels and installing only the multiplayer and/or bonus levels. If you're using the Jedi Knight Enhanced or Jedi Knight Retexture Pack mods, this mod will still be beneficial. That's because those mods don't replace every model and texture (respectively) in the game, so this mod will still remove blurriness and blockiness from the ones that weren't replaced.


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  17. Hellforces Lightmap Fix

    It's a basic vortex shader file, which should fix the incorrect rendering of lightmaps. In order to use it, extract the files and move vshader folder to a game directory.




  18. Devil May Cry 3 Starter Pack

    A preconfigured compilation of community made mods and fixes meant to fix the game while keeping the game vanilla.
    Addressed to all newcomers who want to play the game properly without fiddling around with multiple downloads and configuring settings. I wanted to simplify this process.
    Style Switcher 3.1.3 for best performance and maintaining core vanilla experience
    360 pad support
    HQ music fix including missing tracks and proper looping
    button prompts for PS2, 360 and Xbox One pads
    properly working UI at 16:9, 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratios

    Follow the instructions in readme.txt file.




  19. dpfix095.zip

    A Mirror for Durante's Deadly Premonition patch that fixes many crashes and bugs.
    An excerpt from the README file.
    Delete previous version of the mod if you have any
    Place the contents of the .zip into the game's binary directory. (The place where DP.exe is)
    (this may be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Deadly Premonition The Director's Cut)
    Adjust the settings in DPfix.ini as desired
    Adjust the keybindings in DPfixKeys.ini as desired




  20. Manhunt 2 60 FPS Patch

    Quoted from the readme:
    "This mod brings to you the game at constant 60fps on any release of the game (USA or Russia).
    Game Language: English (Enabled by default if you copy all files)
    Game Language: Russian (Just copy Manhunt2_R_60fps.exe to play the game at 60fps after installing the game from your DVD, others files translate the game to English)
    Enjoy this new experience!
    Catarax from
    There are bugs with this patch though. I noticed that some animations didn't play correctly, the FMV in the menu ran at double the speed, and aiming with guns is sped-up.




  21. Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions - Short Intro Videos

    This file allows you to replace the logo intros for Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions with much shorter ones. Backup the files in <path-to-game>\video\LogoIntros\ and replace them with the files contained in this zip file.




  22. Postal 3 NoDRM

    Unofficial fix for Postal 3 to remove non-functional ActControl DRM.
    This fix was originally downloaded from the Running With Scissors forum.




  23. Kitserver 7

    Kitserver 7 is an add-on program for Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. It is a loader and manager for various modules.
    It also fixes the issue where settings.exe claims you do not meet the minimum specs for the game and won't allow you to change settings.
    Kitserver 7 manual: http://kitserver.mapote.com/ks7/manual.html




  24. Missing Shuriken particle effect

    Other systems have the blue crescent texture in place, but the PC version does not. This re-adds the blue crescent texture that was either forgotten to be added or was removed for the particle effect that is emitted when Espio's shuriken disappears on the PC version of the game. To apply it, place cmn_effect.txd in the textures folder in the "dvdroot" folder.




  25. v2winfix

    Fixes mouse cursor in windowed mode, and allows borderless fullscreen for:
    Victoria 2
    Hearts of Iron 3 (versions 4.02 and 3.05)
    March of the Eagles
    Europa Universalis 3
    Europa Universalis: Rome

    To enable windowed mode, edit My Documents\Paradox Interactive\[Game Name]\settings.txt or [Steam Dir]\SteamApps\common\[Game Name]\settings.txt and set "fullScreen = no".
    Then, to install this patch, simply drop dinput8.dll into the game directory.
    To disable borderless windowed, run the game once with this enabled then open My Documents\Paradox Interactive\v2winfix.ini and change the line "borderless=1" to "borderless=0".
    All credit for this patch goes to horsenit.




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