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Version 2.2.1
Note: A standalone solution for the Director's Cut edition is now available. The tools allow for support of any display aspect ratio and real-time FOV adjustment in Death Stranding. The gameplay and engine-rendered cutscenes will properly fill the screen, while the state of the pre-rendered cutscenes will depend on the used solution. Option 1: A trainer automatically detecting any resolution and allowing to make the zoomed pre-rendered cutscenes 16:9. Left alignment of the pre-rendered cutscenes is a known issue. The tool also allows to adjust FOV at any aspect ratio. Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the trainer Press the desired keys - ideally from the main menu and before any cutscenes Go to Graphics Settings and select your resolution under 21:9 Correcting the aspect ratio may require switching to 16:9 in Graphics Settings, then back to 21:9. Option 2: The known ultrawide solution made into patchers limited to common wide resolutions and keeping the pre-rendered cutscenes zoomed. Tested on the latest Steam version at 1920x1080, 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080 (HUD is spanned). I may have been the first to discover the common sense aspect ratio change solution (as seen on the WSGF Discord), but I am certainly not the one who published the bytes first (looks like it was FasterThanFTL). As such, I am not taking any credit for the patchers but you can buy me a coffee or support me on Patreon for the trainer built over many hours of 100% unique research, calculations and code. -
Version 1.0.0
Camera mod for God of War created by huutaiii. Features Change field of view (FOV) during gameplay only. Change camera distance and X, Y offsets. Change the window in which the lock-on target can move without having the camera rotate to follow. Customize the smoothness of cutscene transitions. Installation Extract the contents of into the folder containing GoW.exe. Configuration The configuration file is located at mods\GoWCameraMod.ini.- 1 comment
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- field of view
- fov fix
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Version v1.1.0
TL;DR The Modern Warfare Remastered - Singleplayer FOV Fix (MWRSPFovFix) is a mod for Modern Warfare Remastered. It allows changing the FOV of the singleplayer campaign, including the size of the weapon model. Download Sources: PC Gaming Wiki Quick Start Guide: Extract all files to the game’s installation folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered\"). Start the MWRSPFovFixGUI.exe to configure the mod (might require .NET runtime 3.1.0). Start the game as usual (e.g. through Steam). Configuration Note that the game uses two FOV values: A vertical base FOV and a scaling factor; which also affects the “size” of the weapon. The effective FOV is calculated by using both of these two values. By default, the game uses a base FOV of 65.0 and a weapon scaling of 1.0. Features The features of this mod include: Option to set the vertical FOV to almost arbitrary values Option to set the FOV scale of the weapon model Simple to install and use Easy to configure via a GUI and ingame bindings Supported Versions This mod is designed for the latest version of the game and might not be compatible with older or modified executables! Steam- 5 comments
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- field of view
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Version 3.1
Unpack the archive (password is pcgw), then use the trainer to modify the game FOV in real time. Make sure to run the game first to let the program detect it. Press the FOV correction button before trying to modify the FOV. Tested on the Steam and Epic versions. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My linktree.- 4 comments
- fov
- the sinking city
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Version 1.0.0
Quantum Break FOV fix originally posted by Tical. Requires Cheat Engine to use. Usage Use [Numpad *] to set value to 85, [CTRL] to 95 or 105 with [ALT] or 68.33000183 (default) with [CTRL]+[ALT]. Use [Numpad -] and [Num +] to increase/decrease value by 1 or 5 with [CTRL] or 10 with [ALT]. Check the FOV box on the left to prevent the value from changing. All values can be changed by editing the hotkeys on the FOV variable line (right click it then CTRL+H to show the hotkeys menu). -
Version 1.0.0
You need to have Cheat Engine installed, then launch the game, open the table, attach it to the process and use the hotkeys: F4 - activate the mod F5 - reset FoV to default F6 - Increase FoV F7 - Decrease FoV F8 - Set FoV to default +30° Quick video to show the mod in action: Known issues: If you set an offset too high or too low the camera will flip upside down, just press F5 to reset it. In-engine cutscenes are also affected, things that weren't supposed to be in the shot may behave oddly. Vehicle weapon crosshairs may be off-center (higher) when using higher FoV, just aim a bit higher than the actual target.- 6 comments
Version 1.1
The game limits FOV between 70° and 80°. This tool lets you set the FOV anywhere between 1° and 160°. To use the tool, make sure you've run the game at least once, then close it. Run the tool, and choose which player profile to update the FOV for. Then enter the desired FOV and press enter. I recommend either 100 or 110. If all goes well, press any key to close the tool, then launch the game. Enjoy. If you go into the settings, the FOV slider will be out of bounds. You can safely adjust any other setting without affecting the FOV. If you touch the FOV slider, you'll revert the FOV changed by the tool. To fix, close the game and re-run the tool.- 7 comments
- field of view
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Version 1.0.0
*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw' This is mostly suited for 32:9 - if you use a lower aspect ratio the FOV might be exaggurated. Made my own patch for Visage as there's very little information on how to get this game to work in the field of view you want. The game's zoomed in for 32:9 users without any edits or with the use of the Universal Unreal Engine Unlocker. This patch resolves that issue entirely. There's no need to use 'UUEU' to get the game to run at a higher field of view. There are four different versions. 90 FOV 80 FOV 70 FOV 60 FOV You still need to implement your own custom 32:9 / 21:9 resolution and you can do so by following this: Follow this path: AppData\Local\Visage\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor ( Access appdata by typing in %appdata% in your windows search bar ) and you'll end up seeing a file called 'GameUserSettings.ini which you need to open with notepad or equivalent. You'll have two values you need to change. ResolutionSizeX=xxxx ResolutionSizeY=xxxx Change those two values to your own custom resolution, mine is set like this: ResolutionSizeX=5120 ResolutionSizeY=1440 Hit 'Save' and make it a 'read-only' file by right-clicking the file and going into the properies and checking the 'read-only' checkerbox. If you don't then any video settings you change in the game will reset the resolution and you'll have to redo this step. Run the patcher after you've edited your custom resolution. -
Version 1.1
The trainer displays the current FOV and allows to change it at all resolutions in real time. Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed All trainers based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. Tested the latest full GOG version and the Steam demo. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0.1
The trainer allows for real-time FOV adjustment in the game. Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool and press the keys as instructed The underlying script is built around the FOV bytes for Shantae found by czarman. For permanent changes or manual adjustment, modify the first instance of those bytes in a hex editor. Tested the latest Steam version.-
- fov
- field of view
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Version 2.0
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip (password is pcgw), then use the trainer to modify the game FOV in real time. Make sure to run the game first to let the program detect it. Any tool based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. Tested the EGS version kindly provided by cheswick of /r/ultrawidemasterrace. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version Final?
Use this to change the FOV ingame. Requires CE to use. ------ This works by checking if the FOV as stored in game memory meets the condition of being between 39 and 52 (also checking if leaning). 39 being the lowest desirable number to modify. Going any lower leaves any ADS modes unusable due to lack of zoom. 52 being the highest desirable number to modify. Sprinting usually sends the camera FOV past the standing FOV of 51 into the 53+ range. When you modify any of the sprint numbers past 52, the sprint camera draws out backwards far too much to be usable. The drawback of having these numbers as the limits is the obvious "change" when you change from one viewpoint to another. The lean check number of 41 is to prevent similar camera issues as described with sprinting when you are leaning from cover. this is separately changeable to allow for the player to reduce camera issues with leaning. What is unknown to me as the author of this CT is if the FOV being referred to is Horizontal or Vertical. Personal Current Preference of modifier numbers are anywhere between 28-30, thus forcing the 51 of standing fov up to around 79-81. ------ For the curious, The standard numbers for multiple states as stored in game memory: Standing 51 Crouch 49 ACOG 16 6X Scope 8.5 ADS (with or without Reflex) 34.01699829 Crouched ADS (with or without Reflex) 33.16657257 Lean out (Crouch) 39 Lean out (Not Crouched) 40 Sprint varies but tends to increase FOV dramatically past 51, sending any attempt at modification haywire. ------ To verify these numbers yourself, Load up CE and do a float search for the FOV listed with your state. Multiple results will show up that have the same value but I created this in the first place to avoid any messing about unless you really are just curious (like i was). You are free to modify the AA script to change the condition numbers to see the effects listed in the explanation. You are also free to examine how this works and possibly work it into your own implementation outside of CE. Shoutouts in any possible outside implementation would be nice but not required. ------ Okay, all tech stuff out of the way? good. I haven't tested this online and don't plan to since i'm not going to risk my Punkbuster status on it either. do so at your own risk. Also shoutout to ParkourPenguin of the CE Forums for cleaning up my messy but working AA script into something neat and tidy. Worked on between 2015 and sometime early/mid 2016. -JJXB-
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
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- Race Driver: Grid
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- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
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- Field of view
- Rise of the Triad
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The original Rise of the Triad: Dark War was first released back in 1995 (and re-released on in 2009) by Apogee Software on a heavily modified Wolfenstein engine. The 2013 reboot, also published by Apogee, is developed by Interceptor Entertainment whose only other release to their name is an iOS port of Duke Nukem II. Their reboot promises to wrap the classic Rise of the Triad gameplay in a shiny new graphical update, developed on the ever-enduring Unreal Engine 3. Click here to view the article
- Field of view
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