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Version 1.3
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure FPS game "Arthur's Quest: Battle for the Kingdom" (2002), as the game's engine, LithTech Talon, stretches the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in ArthursQuestBattleForTheKingdomFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.0.0
Crazy Taxi (Steam) Ultrawide Fix Compatibility: - The patcher only works with Crazy Taxi Steam version which comes in the Dreamcast collection. Installation: 1. First start the game through Steam and choose "Configure Crazy Taxi". 2. Choose your monitor resolution, save and close the game. 3. Extract the patcher from either 2560x1080 or 3440x1440 folders to your desktop. (password: pcgw) 4. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in the game directory. 5. Click on Start. Issues: - The game suffers from performance issues with or without this fix. - Menus and UI will be stretched. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only.- 2 comments
- crazy taxi
- dreamcast collection
(and 3 more)
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Version 3709.4
Download the archive, unpack it with 7zip or similar software, then point the patcher matching your aspect ratio at \TSCGame\Binaries\Win64\TSCGame-Win64-Shipping.exe within the game folder. This will match the FOV to the default 16:9 vertical value and remove the pillarboxing from the dialogue scenes. Tested at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. -
Version 1.0
The tool allows to remove black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider and increase or decrease field of view in real-time at any resolution. The included presets will adjust the vertical FOV at the gameplay to match that of 16:9, with some deviations at the cutscenes and interactions mostly in favor of higher vertical FOV. Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkeys as instructed to make the desired changes. Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 2.2.1
Note: A standalone solution for the Director's Cut edition is now available. The tools allow for support of any display aspect ratio and real-time FOV adjustment in Death Stranding. The gameplay and engine-rendered cutscenes will properly fill the screen, while the state of the pre-rendered cutscenes will depend on the used solution. Option 1: A trainer automatically detecting any resolution and allowing to make the zoomed pre-rendered cutscenes 16:9. Left alignment of the pre-rendered cutscenes is a known issue. The tool also allows to adjust FOV at any aspect ratio. Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the trainer Press the desired keys - ideally from the main menu and before any cutscenes Go to Graphics Settings and select your resolution under 21:9 Correcting the aspect ratio may require switching to 16:9 in Graphics Settings, then back to 21:9. Option 2: The known ultrawide solution made into patchers limited to common wide resolutions and keeping the pre-rendered cutscenes zoomed. Tested on the latest Steam version at 1920x1080, 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080 (HUD is spanned). I may have been the first to discover the common sense aspect ratio change solution (as seen on the WSGF Discord), but I am certainly not the one who published the bytes first (looks like it was FasterThanFTL). As such, I am not taking any credit for the patchers but you can buy me a coffee or support me on Patreon for the trainer built over many hours of 100% unique research, calculations and code. -
Version 2.0
The tool removes black bars from the gameplay and in-level cutscenes at 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions. Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game first, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed while in the main menu of the game. If already playing, switch to windowed and back. Tested the latest Xbox Game Pass / Microsoft Store version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. Additionally verified by a WSGF member at 3440x1440. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. Mirrored here. -
Version 2.2
These solutions for 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 32:9, 5:4, 4:3 and 16:10 resolutions will remove the black bars from the game without reducing the field of view. The pre-rendered cutscenes, subtitles and some of the UI elements will be stretched. Unpack the applicable archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw if required. If using the trainer, make sure the game is launched before it. After applying the fixes with the hotkeys, change the display mode to fullscreen or borderless and apply. If using the patcher with the Steam version, unpack the game executable with Steamless first, rename it back, then patch. Tested on the latest EGS and Steam versions mainly at 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 3840x1080. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. Linktree. -
Version 1.0.0
These patches are made using the addresses posted by Reddit user OnkelJupp to remove ultra-widescreen pillarboxing from Horizon Zero Dawn without the need for manual hex editing. Unpack the archive using the password pcgw Open the desired patcher and navigate to the game folder where HorizonZeroDawn.exe is located and click Start Launch the game and set the aspect ratio in the settings to Auto Included resolutions are 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1600, 5120x2160, 6880x2880 and a combined patcher for 32:9 aspect ratio resolutions 3840x1080 and 5120x1440. If a desired resolution isn't included with the patches, test use this calculator by first entering one of the included resolutions and then entering the desired resolution. If an exact match is achieved (such as 2560x1080 matching with 3840x1620), you will be able to use the patch compared against without issue. Tested on the Steam version of the game on versions 1.00 and 1.01, however there should be no issue with using these patches on the Epic Games Store version. -
Version 1.0
Tiny patchers to correct the stretching of the game at 21:9 resolutions. Download and unpack the archive matching the desired resolution / aspect ratio. Run the patcher and target the game file as instructed. Download and install DPfix. In DPfix.ini, set the render and present Width and Height values to match your resolution. Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080 and 3440x1440. The FMVs will remain stretched and may need to be manually re-encoded. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. -
Version 1.0
The patcher removes black bars at all resolutions, although it does not address the UI cropping issues present in the game at 21:9 and wider, making it likely inapplicable to 32:9. The in-game notes can be read without closely inspecting them to work around the issue. Simply unpack the archive and follow the instructions to patch the specified game file. Thanks to Dopefish for playing through the game to test the solution at 2560x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0
The tool for the Microsoft Store / Game Pass version of Torchlight III fixes the issues affecting the game at ultrawide and wider resolutions, removing the black bars and adjusting the field of view to vertically match that of 16:9 at every scene. Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey to toggle the fix on and off in real time. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. Tested the latest Game Pass version primarily at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. -
Version 1.0
The small patcher forces the game to use your display resolution, removing black bars at 21:9 and wider. Keep in mind that it does not work in the exclusive fullscreen mode. Download and unpack the archive. Use the tool to patch the file found in the game folder as instructed. In the game, select any resolution and make sure the window mode is windowed/borderless. Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, briefly at 3440x1440, 5120x2160 and 3840x1080. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. -
Version 1.0.0
BPM: Bullets per Minute Ultrawide Fix Fixes: - Fixes the Vert- issue for ultrawide screens (3440x1440 & 2560x1080). Compatibility: - Works with BPM: Bullets per Minute Steam version. Installation: 1. Extract the patcher to your desktop. 2. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in Steam/steamapps/common/BPM BULLETS PER MINUTE/WindowsNoEditor/BPM/Binaries/Win64. 3. Start the game. Issues: - None. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.0.1
Project CARS 3 Ultrawide screen Fix Fixes: - Fixes the Vert- issue for ultrawide screens (3440x1440, 2560x1080 and 32:9). Compatibility: - Works with Project CARS 3 Steam version. Installation: 1. Make sure the FOV is set to the default value in-game, which is 80. You can then change it to your liking. 1. Extract the patcher to your desktop (depending on your monitor resolution). 3. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in Steam/steamapps/common/Project CARS 3. 4. Start the game. Issues: - NOT tested in an online game. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.0.0
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Ultrawide Fix Fixes: - Removes and pillarboxing (blackboxes) and unlocks 21:9 resolutions for ultrawide screens (3440x1440 & 2560x1080). Compatibility: - Works with WWE 2K Battlegrounds Steam version. Installation: 1. Extract the patcher to your desktop depending on your monitor resolution. 2. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in Steam/steamapps/common/WWE 2K Battlegrounds/WWEPlaygrounds/Binaries/Win64. 3. Start the game. Issues: - Menus will stay stretched. - NOT tested in an online game. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.0.0
Driver: San Francisco Ultrawide Fix Fixes: - Fixes the stretching for ultrawide screens (2560x1080 & 3440x1440). Compatibility: - Tested with Driver: San Francisco (1.04) Uplay version. Installation: 1. Extract the patcher to your desktop (depending on your monitor resolution). 2. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in the game directory. 3. Start the game. Issues: - FMVs will be stretched. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.0.0
Trailblazers Ultrawide screen Fix Fixes: - Removes the pillarboxing (blackbars) for ultrawide screens (2560x1080, 3440x1440 & 3840x1600). Compatibility: - Tested with Trailblazers Steam version. Installation: 1. Extract the patcher to your desktop (depending on your monitor resolution). 2. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in Steam/steamapps/common/Trailblazers. 3. Start the game. Issues: - The UI will be bigger and in some cases cropped. - NOT tested in an online game. - Loading screens will remain in 16:9. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.0.0
Street Power Football Ultrawide Fix Fixes: - Ultrawide screens support 3440x1440 and 2560x1080 (21:9). Compatibility: - Works with Street Power Football Steam version. Installation: 1. Steam version executable needs to be unpacked with Steamless before modification. 2. Extract the patcher folder to your desktop (depending on your monitor resolution). 3. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in Steam/steamapps/common/Street Power Football/SFL/Binaries/Win64. 4. Start the game. Issues: - Some cut-scenes will remain pillarboxed (16:9). Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.1
The small patcher removes black bars from the game at all wide resolutions. Keep in mind that some of the textures simply do not have enough width to fill the screen, and the menu UI will become cropped the wider it gets from 21:9, although the game appears to be playable even at 48:9. Tested the latest GOG version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0.0
Virtua Tennis 3 Ultrawide screen Fix Fixes: - Ultrawide and Super Ultrawide screens support (21:9, 32:9 & 32:10). Compatibility: - Works with Virtua Tennis 3 1.0 and 1.01. Installation: 1. Start Config.exe found in the game directory, then click on Video Settings and change the resolution to your monitor resolution. (Make sure widescreen is checked) 2. Extract the patcher from either 21-9, 32-9 or 32-10 folder to your desktop. (depending on your monitor aspect ratio). 3. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in the game directory. 4. Start the game. Issues: - Menus and UI will be stretched. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki: Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT re-upload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.0.0
Dino Dini's Kick Off Revival Ultrawide screen Fix Fixes: - Ultrawide screens support (3440x1440, 2560x1080 and 3840x1600). Installation: 1. Extract the patcher 3440x1440, 2560x1080 or 3840x1600 to your desktop. (depending on your monitor resolution). 2. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in the game directory. 3. Start the game and choose your monitor resolution from the launcher. Issues: - Menus will be pillarboxed and UI will be stretched. Links: Game article on PCGamingWiki:'s_Kick_Off_Revival Ultrawide Benchmarks Youtube channel: NOTE: Please do NOT reupload the fix to any other website, this fix is strictly to be downloaded from PCGamingWiki only. -
Version 1.1
The mod removes pillarboxing and adjusts the vertical FOV to match that of 16:9. The pre-rendered cutscenes will be unaffected. Use software like PeaZip or 7-Zip and password pcgw to unpack the 7z archive. Play through the dog customization part at the very start of the game at 16:9. Pressing alt+enter should work as well. The mod is best used with DoF off. For higher FOV at 21:9, simply use the 32:9 patcher instead. Tested the Game Pass version at 3440x1440 and 3840x1080. You can buy me a coffee here.- 14 comments
- blair witch
- 2560x1080
(and 6 more)
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Version (game version 0.0.4)
Unpack the applicable archive and use the tool to patch the exe in \DevilsHuntUnreal\Binaries\Win64\ within the main folder. This will remove the pillarboxing from the gameplay, menu screens and cutscenes. Tested with the latest GOG version at 2560x1080 and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0
The tool removes pillarboxing and adjusts the vertical FOV to match that of 16:9. It's meant for 21:9 but it can also be used to increase FOV at 16:9. Use software like PeaZip or 7-Zip and password pcgw to unpack the archive. Tested with the latest Xbox Game Pass version at 2560x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0.2025
Download the archive and unpack it with software like PeaZip or 7zip. Use the included tool to patch \FadeToSilence\Binaries\FadeToSilence-Win64-Shipping.exe within the game folder. This will adjust the vertical FOV to match 16:9 and remove the pillarboxing from the menu screens and cutscenes. Tested with the latest GOG version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. Let me know if dialogue screens require fixing and post your save file from right before one starts to make it easier for me to trigger it. You can buy me a coffee here.