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  1. 64 downloads

    A mod that restores events exclusive to the deluxe edition of the game and Uplay unlockables, that became unavailable with the online functionality breaking Uplay/Ubisoft Connect update. It comes in three flavors: Uplay Events - restores only the events that were unlockable through Uplay points. Deluxe Events - restores only the events that were unlockable through the purchase of Deluxe Edition. Uplay & Deluxe Events - restores both the events that were unlockable through the purchase of Deluxe Edition and those that were unlockable through Uplay points. Installation: Extract "ScriptsLuaScripts.fchunk" from the folder of your choice into the "media" folder located in game's main directory.
  2. Version v0.3


    Now presenting... GridMTFix A Race Driver: Grid Multithread Fix. A little insight The game was launched on 2008, just prior to Intel's Sandy Bridge Core microarchitecture , which more or less marked a milestone on multithreading as we all know it nowadays. So given that circunstance, the game already has support for 2 and 4 cores CPU, mostly from the Dual and Quad Core era. It even has a non-working 8 core support implemented (in fact, the 8 core worker map file is there, but the game won't make use of it on modern hardware and implements it weirdly). EGO engine it has been vastly used on several titles from Codemasters, so I did a little investigation on other EGO 1.0 and 1.5 titles, and came up with a fix for that 8 core workermap. Upon testing, I realized that the workermap could be extrapolated to more cores, so I made several other worker map files to support 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 cores. I don't really know how much better the game will perform, but at least It won't hurt as much as being only using 4 cores max. Also, this method fixes several other hardware detection problems as: Improper resolution detection Improper system internal rating Adds more granularity on the graphics settings What exactly does this fix? Well, it downloads Steamless , NTCore's Patcher to patch the EXE file, then downloads my modded files, and copies my fix xml files to your game's system folder, and then using a template, will detect your CPU's logical cores, and create a personalized hardware restriction file, to make your the game uses the most amount of cores possible. Important Requirement This scripts is (v0.3) online, so it will download the necesary files to patch your game, and then clean the installation. So an online connection is needed to apply the patch now. GOG Release / Retail versions / Zoom Release Gog release is already DRMless, so you only have to apply the 4GB LAA Patch. Use NTCore's 4GB Patch tool to patch the exe file and you are good to continue with the other steps of this document. Use the v0.3 release now, be sure to select the GOG exe. It will automatically patch the exe file with the NTCore 4GB patch, and apply the MTFix. Steam Release Steam release has DRM, so if you apply the 4GB LAA Patch to it, it will fail. You have to remove it's DRM using atom0s Steamless tool and then, use the NTCore's 4GB Patch tool to patch the exe file. It's mandatory doing it in this exact order. Then, continue with this instructions. Use the v0.3 release now, be sure to select the WaterVapor exe. It will automatically remove the DRM with Steamless, patch the exe file with the NTCore 4GB patch, and apply the MTFix. How to apply the fix If you already have the requirements above done, the fix is easy to apply. 1-Download the fix Download the file "GridMTFix_XXX.exe" (being XXX your selected flavour) and paste it on the main Race Driver Grid folder, just near the grid.exe file. The other zip files from the download are for backup purposes. Ignore them. 2-Execute GridMTFix_XXX.exe Let it do its things 3-Run the game and reconfigure it. Your settings should be gone. Set them up again. If everything works, you can now play Race Driver: Grid making the most out of your hardware. * Strong Recommendation I really encourage you to pair this fix with DXVK from Doitsujin if your GPU is Vulkan capable. On my system I go from 180fps in race with D3D9 to 285fps with Vulkan. Give it a try!! Check my Github for more info, this script is open source!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Project Jehuty for Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the steps below in order. 1. Download the files and drop the files in your Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS steam game folder. 2. Launch game and select resolution and graphic settings. 3. Happy Gaming. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gsync and Vsync --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gsync only works properly in borderless window with in game Vsync disabled. Game will lock to 60fps no tearing. 2. In game Vsync works in Fullscreen mode 60fps no tearing. Gsync must be disabled or fps drop will occur. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All fixes are listed below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All ultrawide resolutions supported for 1080p, 1440p, 1600p, 2160p. Render Resolution fixed for all aspect ratios. Game window fixed for all aspect ratios. In game cinematics and gameplay fixed for all aspect ratios. Effects fixed for all aspect ratios. Custom UI fixed to 16x9. (maybe more updates in the future for ui.) Menu and in game maps affixed to 16x9. FMV's have been affixed to 16x9 as well with black bars. Main Menu Custom UI for all aspect ratios. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can report anything wrong with the mod on here or on WSGF discord channel. There is still small things to fix with the UI. Hopefully update will be posted soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support! This mod couldn't have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to Phantom Gamers! https://github.com/phantomgamers/suwsf#module --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.
  4. Version 1.1.1


    Install Flawless Widescreen Unpack the archive included here and copy the folders to the main Flawless Widescreen folder in Program Files Launch Flawless Widescreen and make sure the fix is enabled, which will remove the black bars and allow for FOV adjustment through the UI or hotkeys
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Camera mod for God of War created by huutaiii. Features Change field of view (FOV) during gameplay only. Change camera distance and X, Y offsets. Change the window in which the lock-on target can move without having the camera rotate to follow. Customize the smoothness of cutscene transitions. Installation Extract the contents of GoWCameraMod-v0.3.1-Release.zip into the folder containing GoW.exe. Configuration The configuration file is located at mods\GoWCameraMod.ini.
  6. 46 downloads

    This mod(s) restores the original looks of Cube from the original Japanese Dreamcast release to Jet Set Radio HD. Works only when the game is set to English. Uploaded here for preservation purposes, since one of them was on some old Dropbox cloud and the other on the obscure Jet Set Radio Modding server, uploaded in the #general and forgotten. Installation: Read the "README.txt" file. Credits: java_finch - Port of the gameplay model and textures. egregiousguy - Port of the garage model and textures. Me - Packing those mods together and uploading them as a package here for preservation purposes.
  7. Version 6.0.0


    Anima Edition for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are separate installs for both 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 5120x1440. Follow the steps below in order. 1. I recommend playing in 2.25x DSR DL Mode. Set 2,25x DSR DL Mode via nvidia control panel and set desktop to 2.25x DSR DL Mode resolution. 2. Launch game and select borderless windowed mode in game launcher. Also select high video quality settings and 2560x1440 or 1920x1080. 3. Launch one of the games from the game launcher. Once ingame press escape and select ultrawide resolution in graphics options. Tweak graphics options to max and close game. 4. Download the file specific to your monitor and drop the files in your Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster steam game folder. 5. Start game. Happy Gaming. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All fixes are listed below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Render Resolutions revamped. 8k Fog, Textures and Shadows added. High Quality Effects added. Custom UI for FFX. FFX-2 partially fixed UI for now. Sphere Grid Revamped Upscaled for FFX. Outdoor Aspect Ratio fixed for all .exe's. Indoor Aspect Ratio fixed for all .exe's. True scrolling on 4x3 added to FFX only for now. Map Fixed for both FFX and FFX-2. Large address aware added for extra stability for both FFX and FFX-2. And lots more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can report anything wrong with the mod on here or on WSGF discord channel. There is still small things to fix with FFX. FFX-2 I will still have to work on the UI and indoor 4x3 scrolling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support! This mod couldnt have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to PhantomGamers! https://github.com/phantomgamers/suwsf#module --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.
  8. 445 downloads

    Mod for the Batman: Arkham Origins, that ports the PS3 exclusive DLCs (Knightfall DLC + One Million and New 52 Metallic skins) to the PC version of the game Installation: See this section in the PCGamingWiki's article about the game. Credits: Weffette - Original creator of this mod Me - Repacking to reduce file size, fix for the "Run as Administrator" problem and re-upload here for preservation purposes
  9. Version 3709.4


    Download the archive, unpack it with 7zip or similar software, then point the patcher matching your aspect ratio at \TSCGame\Binaries\Win64\TSCGame-Win64-Shipping.exe within the game folder. This will match the FOV to the default 16:9 vertical value and remove the pillarboxing from the dialogue scenes. Tested at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
  10. Version 1.0


    Mod that fixes the small font issue in F.E.A.R., Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. The archives are separated by resulotion, 1080p, 1440p and 4k (only for base game). Password for the archives is pcgw. Original authors of the mod are: Deus and montonero, the original Steam guide link and further instructions are here: How to fix the small subtitles font at big screen resolutions Big Thank you, Deus and montonero!
  11. 137 downloads

    CD2DVD Patch is an unofficial patch for Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter, which adds DVD release specific fixes to the CD release, without censoring the game in any way. Installation: Extract "MaceGriffin.exe" from the archive to the game's main folder.
  12. 21 downloads

    English: A mod for the Spintires that corrects the mistakes in the original Polish translation and translates missing text added in the "China Adventure" DLC. Polish: Niniejsza poprawka służy jako korekta tekstu z podstawowej wersji gry oraz dotłumaczenie brakującego tekstu z dodatku "China Adventure". Installation: Extract the "Media" folder into the game's main folder. Credits: Oovee Games - original translation of the game. Me - translating new content and correction of the original translation.
  13. 22 downloads

    A mod for the Spintires that restores the pre-2019 look of the in-game compass and time table. Installation: Extract the "User" and "TextureCache" folders into the game's main folder. Credits: Oovee Games - making the original textures. Me - ripping textures from the older version and making them compatible with the newest version of the game.
  14. 12,796 downloads

    This is a collection of important mods and fixes for Final Fantasy XIII-2. Placed in one place file for convenience. This contains the following: Console Content Patch: This restores and unlocks all DLC normally unavailable in-game due to copyright and licensing issues. Make sure to apply this before any other patches Follow the instructions in Readme.txt to install. Note that as this is a patch, it will be removed when Steam verifies or updates the modified files. Leviathan's Tears Mod: The PC version's rain has broken translucency. This replaces it with parameters for a higher resolution version of the original PS3's rain textures. Controller button prompts: The game uses Xbox button prompts without differentiating colors. Playstation button prompts: Replaces the default controller prompts with shaped prompts emulating the PS3 version. Xbox button prompts: Replaces the default controller prompts with colored prompts emulating the Xbox 360 version. Music volume modifications: The game has low unadjustable audio volume with most music set to 60%-70% volume. Double volume music: Replaces music with those with a volume of 100%. Half volume music: Replaces music with those with a volume of 50%. Disable music: Replaces music with those with a volume of 0%. For: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XIII-2
  15. I've been trying out Risen (2009) - Steam version. I headed to it's page on PCGamingWiki. I downloaded and extracted the Unofficial Patch. On NexusMods.com most popular MODs for Risen, I noticed - 'Risen Remaster'. I downloaded and extracted this which gave me it's own Risen_Remaster_Launcher.exe. Each time I run the .exe, nothing happens. I've tried running it as Administrator and nothing. I followed the MOD's page instructions. - Risen_Remaster_Launcher, -Textures, -Update, -Loading Screens Do you have any suggestions? Since it's an old game and the first one of the series, I was to make sure it's modded correctly to improve performance and visuals on modern Windows 11 hardware.
  16. 144 downloads

    Original description: "The Better Bloom Mod turns down all the bloom to more reasonable values in the games’ levels, as well as tweaking other aspects of the sky, such as the suns’ intensity. The Purpose of this mod is to not disable the bloom (as the game looks a little off without it; it was clearly made with it in mind), but tones it down to more reasonable levels. This, in general, tones down: The overexposure Bloom when you exit buildings (varies by level due to implementations between levels differing) The Berlin light-cubes are now much less distracting Chongqing has less bloom in general HAVEN Island’s storm is now much more grey/blue The Sun is now visible (where applicable)." Original source: HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread I'm uploading this mod here for preservation purposes, since the original mod author took it down from Nexus Mods. Credits: Dribbleondo - Making this mod. Me - Re-uploading it here.
  17. 649 downloads

    Original description: "This simple *.pk3 file edits out the frustrating drop rate limiter from the orginal script files. Enemies now drop ammo and health pickups as frequent as in the base game, making Breakthrough much more enjoyable. For some reason ammo drop rates on mission 1-3 don't seem to increase. For that reason you now spawn with an additional Thompson in your arsenal. Health flasks do drop more frequently though. You now also begin mission 3-3 with a scoped rifle which makes way more sense for a big chunk of the map layout." How to use: Simply put the 'ZZZ_more_ammo_health.pk3' file into your 'maintt' folder and you're good to go. The changes should take effect when starting a mission from the beginning." Original source: Mod DB I'm uploading here an updated version of this mod, that reverts weapon change in third segment of the first mission and fixes ammo drops in the same level, while also fixing crashes at the end of first segment of the second mission and reducing file size quite a bit (mod author forgot to delete unmodified .scr files from the archive).
  18. Version v.0.1


    Now presenting... CMCR-DiRT-MTFix A VERY WORK-IN-PROGRESS Colin MCRae DiRT Multithread Fix, for Windows OS A little insight The game was launched on 2007, just prior to Intel's Sandy Bridge Core microarchitecture , which more or less marked a milestone on multithreading as we all know it nowadays. So given that circunstance, the game already has support for 2 and 4 cores CPU, mostly from the Dual and Quad Core era. It even has a non-working 8 core support implemented (in fact, the 8 core worker map file is there, but the game won't make use of it on modern hardware and implements it weirdly). EGO engine it has been vastly used on several titles from Codemasters, so I did a little investigation on other EGO 1.0 and 1.5 titles, and came up with a fix for that 8 core workermap. Upon testing, I realized that the workermap could be extrapolated to more cores, so I made several other worker map files to support 6, 8 and 12 cores. I don't really know how much better the game will perform, but at least It won't hurt as much as being only using 4 cores max. Also, this method fixes several other hardware detection problems as: Improper resolution detection Improper system internal rating What exactly does this fix? Well, it copies my fix xml files to your game's system folder, and then using a template, will detect your CPU's logical cores, and create a personalized hardware restriction file, to make your the game uses the most amount of cores possible, to a max of 12 cores, as it seems this EGO iteration won't work with more cores. In what Release do I have to use this fix? It should work on any release, but I've only tested it in the v1.22 release, the one that removes the DRM, so I encourage you to use that one. How to apply the fix If you already have the requirements above done, the fix is easy to apply. Download the fix Download the file "CMCR-DiRT-MTFix.exe" and paste it on the main Colin MCRae DiRT folder, just near the DiRT.exe file. Execute CMCR-DiRT-MTFix.exe Let it do its things Run the game and reconfigure it. Your settings should be gone. Set them up again. If everything works, you can now play Colin McRAe DiRT making the most out of your hardware. Strong Recommendation I really encourage you to pair this fix with DXVK from Ph42oN if your GPU is Vulkan capable. On my system I go from 180fps in race with D3D9 to 400fps with Vulkan. Give it a try!! Check my Github for more info, even a SteamOS release, as this script is open source!
  19. Version 2.1


    Unpack the archive, then use the tool to patch two game files as guided. This unlocks all resolutions and removes the pillarboxing (black bars). Tested the latest GOG version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    A third English translation for Konosuba: Fukkatsu no Beldia. This modifies the entire game by updating the version of Clickteam Fusion the game runs on, translates all untranslated text, and adds various QOL fixes to the game/launcher. Since the updated files are usable without needing to have the base game installed the patch will be installed using Clickteam's patching tool. If the game's file path has Japanese characters in it please rename it or the install will fail.
  21. Version 3.1.1


    Unpack the trainer archive for your platform with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool Press the keys as instructed to remove the black bars and enable FOV modifications, then manipulate in real time. Tested on the latest GOG version at 2560x1080 and 7680x1080. The Steam version was confirmed as working by Ferosnow95. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. Backup repository.
  22. 1,014 downloads

    Increases draw distance in Driver: Parallel Lines Mod used to be hosted here http://www.planet-driver.de/driver4/downloads,id102,draw_distance_mod.html
  23. Version


    The mod rescales the movies to fully use up the screen height, as opposed to windowboxing in ultrawide. Unpack the archive to the game folder. The first launch may be longer than expected. Works with the latest Steam game version as of December 14, 2023. Tested at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, and 5120x1440. You can buy me a coffee if you like my work.
  24. Version 3.1


    The FOV tool attempts to automatically correct the field of view of the cutscenes at 21:9 and wider and allows for real-time FOV adjustment affecting all scenes at any resolution. As any trainer based on CE components, it may trigger some anti-virus software. Use software like 7zip or PeaZip to unpack the archive. The password is pcgw Launch the game first, followed by the tool. Press the hotkeys as instructed. The letterbox remover tool is a patcher, which previously required Steamless as a prerequisite on Steam. Tested on the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. The game copy was generously funded by AlRayes of Ultrawide Benchmarks. You can support me on Patreon if you like my work. More here. The mod previously removed pillarboxing from the gameplay and menu.
  25. Version 0.1


    This is an implementation of the mod used HERE . Using PhantomGamer's SUWSF this mods allows to apply FOV correction to your resolution's aspect ratio, without dealing with hexadecimal editors and without tinkering with the exe file. Check the wiki or the included "How To" file inside the mod to use it. Tested on Toca Race Driver version 1.1 (17/11/2023)
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