166 files
HDR Tweaker for Colin McRae DiRT 2007
By Moka
Tool to remove HDR from the game, for it to work you need to run it in Vista compatibility and administrator, select None and Apply, to reactivate the HDR select Full and Apply.
Credits: ScruffyIMS
Tester: murdo
Spider-Man Camera Trainer
By IraFunesto
Open the trainer when the level has already been started.
The Artful Escape ultrawide fix
By Rose
The solutions correct the reduced field of view and remove the black bars affecting 21:9 and wider resolutions, particularly prominent at 32:9 and wider.
For Microsoft Store:
Download the archive and unpack it with software like PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the key as instructed to toggle the fix on and off in real time. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
For Steam and any other stores the game may appear on, simply unpack and move the archive contents to the game folder next to the ArtfulEscape-Win64-Shipping executable.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and 5760x1080. Steam version tested by OnkelJupp at 3440x1440.
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Mirrored here.
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD Fov Trainer
By IraFunesto
This trainer will make you increase or decrease the field of view (FOV) in Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD.
Run after the game.
Psychonauts 2 ultrawide cutscenes fix
By Rose
The tools for the Microsoft Store / Game Pass and other versions of Psychonauts 2 remove the black bars appearing at cutscenes at 21:9 and wider resolutions.
For the Microsoft Store version,
Download and unpack the applicable archive using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the button as shown to toggle the black bars off and on. For other stores,
Download the applicable archive, unpack it, and use the patcher to target the game executable as instructed. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 5760x1080 on one screen.
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XInput Plus v4.15.2.90
By exaercase
Orignal Sources (To translate by Google) :
A Part of What that can do XInput+ For you (See Orignal Sources for more Informations and Foncinality).
Hope that could help you.
Best regard's ExA.
Twelve Minutes ultrawide fix (Game Pass)
By Rose
The tool forces the game to use the current resolution, removing pillarboxing at 21:9 and wider.
Download the archive and unpack it using the password pcgw Launch the game and ideally reach a scene affected by black bars. Run the tool and press the hotkey as instructed. Press Alt+Tab in the game, then return, or apply any in-game resolution if the fix does not work immediately. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. The UI gets bigger depending on the screen width.
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Lethal League Blaze ultrawide fix (Game Pass)
By Rose
The tool for the Microsoft Store / Game Pass version of the game removes the black bars appearing at 21:9 and wider resolutions.
Download the archive and unpack it using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey to enable the fix. Press Alt+Enter in the game twice or switch Fullscreen off and on to apply it. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080, though the solution is not specific to any aspect ratio.
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The Ascent ultrawide & superwide fix, FOV changer
By Rose
The tool adjusts the field of view of the game to address the decrease affecting 21:9 and wider resolutions, vertically matching each scene to that of 16:9. It also removes the black bars from the menu screens and the cutscenes (prominent at 32:9 and wider). Lastly, it allows to manually modify the field of view in real time.
Download the archive and unpack it using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed to remove the black bars, fix the FOV, or adjust it in real time. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Inspired in part by killer-m's work.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 3840x1080.
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Omno ultrawide & multi-monitor fix, FOV changer
By Rose
The tool fixes the field of view decrease affecting the game at 21:9 and wider resolutions, matching the vertical FOV of each scene to that of 16:9.
It also allows to manually adjust the FOV at any resolution in real time.
Download the archive and unpack it using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed to fix the FOV or adjust it in real time. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 5760x1080.
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Scarlet Nexus ultrawide, superwide, multimonitor fix
By Rose
Compared to the existing solutions from WSGF made to remove the black bars appearing in the game at 21:9 and wider resolutions, this tool perfectly matches the vertical field of view of each scene to that of 16:9, also allowing to see and adjust the current FOV in real time.
Download the archive and unpack it using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Apply the fix before the main menu appears or at the main menu before loading into a game. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Inspired in part by killer-m's work.
Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
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Dark Alliance ultrawide & multi-monitor fix
By Rose
The small patcher and trainer for Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance remove black bars appearing in the game at 21:9 and wider resolutions.
For the Microsoft Store version,
Download and unpack the applicable archive using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the button as shown to toggle the black bars off and on. For Steam,
Unpack the Shipping exe found in /CotH/Binaries/Win64/ with Steamless (like this). Download the applicable archive from here and patch the unpacked file renamed to match the original. Simply patching should work for any other versions.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 5760x1080.
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- multimonitor
- superwide
- (and 2 more)
tool Unity2Classic
By Patrxgt
This is a simple tool, that will allow you to extract The Plutonia Experiment, TNT: Evilution, No Rest for the Living and The Master Levels of Doom II wads from Doom II Classic (Unity port) and patch them to use with various source ports.
Joshua MacDonald (jmacd) - Xdelta3 Patcher
Mike Swanson (chungy) - IWAD Patches
Kaelan Evans - Unity Doom Ripper
Patrxgt (Me) - Unity2Classic Script
PS. For the usage instructions, check out "Readme.txt" file.
PPS. I have altered Unity Doom Ripper, so it doesn't have any references to the for the sake of clarity, but due to my poor hex editing it looks... not good (please, don't kill me mr. Evans).
Tails Noir ultrawide cutscenes and dialogue fix
By Rose
The tools for Microsoft Store, Steam, and other versions remove black bars from the cutscenes and dialogue, perfectly matching the vertical FOV to 16:9.
Run the game once and apply any resolution. In order to force the game to use your resolution, open GameUserSettings.ini and modify the values of ResolutionSizeX and ResolutionSizeY as needed. Download the archive corresponding to your platform and unpack using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the trainer. Enable or disable the fix in real time by pressing the specified button. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. Steam version tested by a 32:9 WSGF user.
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Biomutant ultrawide fix
By Rose
The tool corrects the vert- FOV scaling (often described as the zoom-in effect) affecting ultrawide and wider resolutions. Corrected, the vertical FOV of each scene matches that of 16:9.
See the wiki article if interested in manually correcting the gameplay FOV only.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey as shown to enable or disable the fix. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Inspired by killer-m's work.
Tested the latest GOG version at 2560x1080, briefly at 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
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Yoku's Island Express ultrawide, superwide, multi-monitor fix
By Rose
The tool removes black bars from the game at ultrawide and wider resolutions.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey as shown to enable the fix. In the game, Set the Video Resolution to Desktop. Alternatively, if already selected, switch between 1080p and Desktop or press Alt+Enter twice. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Although the changes are small enough to be part of a convenient patcher, Origin DRM, the common nature of Microsoft Store apps, and unpatched Steam DRM would not allow binary patching in this specific case.
Tested the latest Origin version at 2560x1080, briefly at 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
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R-Type Final 2 ultrawide, superwide, multi-monitor fix
By Rose
The tool removes black bars from the game at ultrawide and wider resolutions.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the shown hotkey to toggle the fix on and off in real time.
Some menu UI scaling and cropping issues are to be expected. For example, some customization decals may be out of view unless the fix is toggled off. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. Tested the latest GOG version in borderless briefly at 2560x1080, 5760x1080 and 11520x1080. Dialogue choice options were out of view at the latter, though the gameplay was fine.
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File mirrored here.
MAT16 for Sith Engine MAT textures
By SirYodaJedi
From personal backup; originally downloaded from from or
GOB explorer for Sith Engine GOB files
By SirYodaJedi
From personal backup; originally downloaded from from or
Yakuza 6 superwide & multi-monitor cutscenes fix
By Rose
The tool removes black bars affecting cutscenes at 32:9, 48:9 and other wide resolutions.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey to toggle the black bars off and on. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
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- superwide
- multimonitor
- (and 2 more)
Yakuza Collection ultrawide, superwide, multi-monitor fix
By Rose
The tool removes black bars from the in-game cutscenes and other places, such as the mini-games in Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey to toggle the black bars off and on. Make sure to restart the tool when switching between games. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
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Blue Fire ultrawide fix and FOV changer
By Rose
The tool corrects the field of view decrease affecting ultrawide resolutions and removes side black bars from the game. It also allows to change the field of view at any resolution in real time.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the FOV correction key and further adjust the FOV if necessary. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
The FOV correction approach is inspired by killer-m's work.
Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080.
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Genesis Noir ultrawide, superwide, multi-monitor fix
By Rose
The tool for Microsoft Store / Game Pass and possibly other versions removes pillarboxing (side black bars), preserving the letterboxing heavily used in the game for artistic and gameplay purposes.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game and set all the options as preferred. Launch the tool. Press the hotkey to toggle the fix on and off in real time. Known issues:
Game options menu will stop functioning while the fix is enabled. Near the end of the game, passenger manifests will be partly cropped while the fix is enabled (unrelated to the story). The full end credits will not appear while the fix is enabled. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. The FOV correction approach is inspired by killer-m's work.
Tested the latest Game Pass and GOG versions at 2560x1080 and 5760x1080.
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- multimonitor
- superwide
- (and 2 more)
Magic: Legends superwide fix
By Rose
The tool makes a simple change to the game code to remove the vertical field of view reduction affecting resolutions wider than 21:9. It could be a patcher, but the game checks its files for integrity, so use this tool at own risk.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Fully launch the game - making sure the character is visible is a good practice. Launch the tool and press the hotkey to toggle the FOV limitation off and on in real time. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Epic Games Store version at 3840x1080 and other arbitrary aspect ratios.
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The Evil Within ultrawide fix & FOV changer (Game Pass & Epic)
By Rose
The tool for the Microsoft Store version of the game is based in part on the Flawless Widescreen findings by HaYDeN, removing black bars from the game and allowing to change the third-person and first-person field of view in real time.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Enable the black bars fix and press Alt+Enter in the game twice to properly adjust the aspect ratio. Alternatively, enable the fix at the loading intro screens. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version primarily at 2560x1080, briefly at 3440x1440 and 3840x1080.
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- game pass compatible
- superwide
- (and 4 more)
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