166 files
Drag and Drop Modding setup for MEGA MAN X DiVE Offline
This is a pre-configured setup by Aoki of the Rockman X Dive Derivative Works server aka the X Dive Offline Modding community.
To determine which version is for you, check the title screen of your game. Likely it will be 1.0.1 but 1.0.0 is included for posterity.
All you need to do is copy the contents into the root of your Mega Man X Dive Offline folder, start the game once and then close it again. Then, just add your mods to BepinEx/mods.
LocaleEmulator & LocaleRemulator Portable Pack
By luminousnox
This is a non-installation package of Locale Emulator and Locale Remulator
A proxy program for Steam or other applications that require DRM verification but cannot use LE/LR directly on EXE.
To use it, extract the required rar file to the directory where your EXE is located, then run Launcher.exe (if you have a file with the same name, you can change the name first, and the launcher can be called anything), and then modify the generated launcher.ini (if you change Launcher.exe, the ini name is the same as the name of the exe you modified). If it is running on Steam, you can try to fill in [ Launcher %command% ] in the startup options if the EXE is in the root directory, so that you can bypass the default startup options and directly start this Launcher.
In addition, this package was originally designed for the simplified Chinese environment, so Chinese may appear in some places. You can use translation software to understand the details.
Credits :
Locale Emulator :
Locale Remulator :
Postal - Audio Extraction Utility
By Mystyle48
This is the audio extraction utility for Postal. It can be used to extract WAV audio from the game's SAK archives.
Source: Running With Scissors (archived)
utility Dead Island - Riptide Helper
By Patrxgt
About This File
Dead Island: Riptide PCGW Article
Utility to help with tweaking the settings of Dead Island: Riptide.
RPG Maker XP/RPG Tools XP Runtime Package
By KyoriAsh
RPG Maker XP/RPG Tools XP Runtime Package installation file.
1.04 English Runtime Package installer was mirrored from official English RPG Maker website.
1.03 Japanese Runtine Package installer was mirrored from official Japanese RPG Maker website.
Spec Ops: The Line - INI Decrypt/Encrypt Tool (rewritten)
By LuKeStorm
Decrypt and Encrypt Tool to decrypt and re-encrypt the INI files of Spec Ops: The Line.
(rewritten in the programming language C without third-party dll - based on the Tool by Rick Gibbed from 2012)
1.Drag & drop one or more INI files on the decrypt tool to decrypt
2.Make any changes in the decrypted INI file
3.Save and drag & drop one or more INI files on the encrypt tool to encrypt
Decrypt/Encrypt.exe <inifilename>.ini
Cinemaware Anthology ADF Extraction Tool
By diduz
Hello guys!
I've programmed a simple tool to extract ADFs (Amiga floppy images) from the Cinemaware Anthology previously sold on Steam (now on Zoom-Platform).
You'll get plain ADFs to use in your emulator of choice or in the A500 Mini.
Be sure you follow the Instructions included in the tool itself (press "I" to read them). 😉
3rd Space Game Driver 4.5 (32-bit)/4.7 (64-bit)
By Blackbird
Driver for 3RD Space Gaming Vest
Following versions are available
4.5 (32-bit) 4.7 (64-bit) 4.8/5.0 versions were lost, so if someone can find them, feel free to comment and I'll add them.
Retrieved from:
password: pcgw
- 3rd space gaming vest
- driver
- (and 1 more)
TexMod v0.9b by RS and Loader
By luminousnox
This is a TexMod Loader that can load tpf files for some games that cannot directly run *.exe files. The following is the description text of this mod. Thank you to the author for his efforts!
TexMod is a program that allows you to replace textures in DirectX 9 games.
Original TexMod has some limitations: you must use its UI to start a game, so you can't start a game in one click; you can't start a game with custom command line parameters.
So i'v made a loader (addition) for TexMod that you can download here: TexMod Loader (currently version 1.0).
Loader is written and compiled for .NET Framework v4.0. You must have it installed to be able to run a loader. This is because current MS Visual Studio can't compile native code for Windows XP and I don't want to install old VS just to make this loader. And .NET Framework is available for Windows XP also. And also it was much easier to write it in C#.
Also now archive contains HelixMod version of a loader. It has patched HelixMod dll inside (d3d9.dll) that loads tmldr.dll (used for tpf files autoload), and this dll loads tmrls.dll (texmod dll). Use it for games that you can't run directly (like Steam games).
If you are a developer and want to learn TexMod, then you can download this archive. It contains unpacked from nspack versions of TexMod and its dlls (one for logging mode and one for package mode, original and unpacked).
You can download original TexMod here: TexMod v0.9b by RS (also included in Loader package).
The Sinking City FOV changer and ultrawide fix
By Rose
Unpack the archive (password is pcgw), then use the trainer to modify the game FOV in real time.
Make sure to run the game first to let the program detect it.
Press the FOV correction button before trying to modify the FOV.
Tested on the Steam and Epic versions.
You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My linktree.
Venus Vacation Resolution Patcher
By Jigen123
Patcher to force unsupported resolutions in Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation.
Original download link:
Rainbow Six: Vega 2 FOV fix
By evaunit02
Original file:
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 FOV fix by Highflex
Installation is very simple just replace the original file and enjoy this game with PC worthy FOV!
Replace file in:
GAME PATH\Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\CookedPC\Packages\Camera
with fixed File.
Comes with three pre-determined Values:
( 60, 70, 75, 90 and 100 FOV )
-> Viewmodels will look distorted, looking into finding the value that controls Viewmodel FOV, might be also possible to adjust
-> Has only been tested in Singleplayer / Terrorist Hunt locally, no guarantees that it works Online but please let me know.
Patch - Highflex
- rainbow six vegas 2
- fov
- (and 2 more)
SetAffinity v1.82
By Dgrdsv
setaffinity is an application for setting affinity masks on Windows processes and executables (generally files with a .exe extension). Affinity masks are only important on systems with 2 or more virtual/physical processors, like an AMD dual core or Intel HyperThreading CPU, as well as more complex setups. An affinity mask controls which of the processors in the system an application is allowed to use. For example, you can restrict an application to a single processor, or allow it to run on all of them.
An affinity mask is simply a number, the value of which determines the processors that may be used by an application with that mask. Processors in the system each have a unique value in the mask. The first processor has value 1, the second value 2, the third value 4, and so on. To create a mask for a particular set of processors, you simply add the values for those processors together and use the result as the mask. On a 2 processors system there are 4 possible masks (remember CPU0 has value 1, CPU1 has value 2):
0 (this is always the default when a mask hasn't been set, it allows the application to use all processors) 1 (only allows use of CPU0) 2 (only allows use of CPU1) 3 (allows use of CPU0 and CPU1, equivalent to 0 for 2 processors) In a 4 processor system, there are many more possible combinations, but here are a few examples:
7 (CPU0 = 1, CPU1 = 2, CPU2 = 4, and since 1+2+4 = 7, this means a mask of 7 will let an application use CPU0, CPU1, CPU2, but NOT CPU3) 4 (only allows use of CPU2) 12 (only allows use of CPU2 and CPU3) Setting affinity masks can be useful because some applications and games do not run properly on a multiprocessor system. Restricting such applications to a single CPU using an affinity mask will often solve this type of problem. It's possible to update the affinity of running processes using the normal Windows task manager, but this can be annoying. Firstly, you can't update the affinity until the process is actually running, which can mean Alt-Tabbing out of a game, running Task Manager, finding the correct process, updating the affinity, then Alt-Tabbing back in. Secondly, the changes you make are temporary; when the process terminates, the updated affinity mask is not saved, so next time you start it the affinity is back to the default value. setaffinity.exe offers a couple of methods for getting around these problems, which are detailed below.
By default the application starts minimized to the system tray. You can left click the icon to display the window, or use the "Restore" option in the right click menu.
There are 4 main parts to the application window. The first allows you to view and change affinity for running processes, similar to what you can do with the Windows Task Manager. The second allows you to insert an affinity mask into an exe file (while it isn't running), so that every time you start the application from then on, it will use that mask automatically. The third part of the application can optionally monitor the creation of new processes, and set an affinity mask for them automatically. Each of these are described in more detail in the following sections. The fourth part allows you to install and control a small Windows service that can be used to do the process monitoring instead of setaffinity itself. To exit the application, use the "Exit" button or select "Exit" from the tray icons right click menu.
Viewing or setting affinity on running processes
The top left part of the application window consists of a list of processes. The list is NOT updated dynamically, so at first it will just show the processes that were active when setaffinity was launched. You can update the list at any time by clicking the "Refresh list" button. Each entry in the list shows the process name with the process ID in brackets. Clicking on a process entry will cause the second list to update itself. This list contains an entry for each CPU detected in the system, numbered from 0. When a process is selected from the list on the left, the CPU list will highlight the entries for the CPUs that the process is currently able to run on. In the screenshot, the firefox.exe process is only allowed to run on CPU0. Updating the affinity is done by changing the CPU list. To allow the firefox.exe process to use both CPUs, you would simply need to click on the "CPU 1" entry in the list. The changes are applied immediately.
If you select an item in the list and right click it, you can add it to the process monitoring list to the right of the window. See below for more details.
Setting affinity masks in executables
The bottom left part of the application window is concerned with setting affinity masks in executable files. The first step in this procedure is to enter a filename into the "Executable (full path)" field. There are three ways to do that; type it in, click the "..." button and browse for the file you want, or drag and drop the exe into the setaffinity window.
Once the executable filename is entered, you can start to perform various operations on the executable. Note that the exe must NOT be running, or the operations will fail.
Toggle uniprocessor bit: this button flips a bit in the executable header which when set, restricts the process to a single CPU (but does not allow you to choose which one). The default state is unset, so that the process can use any CPU. Set affinity mask: this button attempts to set an affinity mask in the executable. To enter the mask value, use the "Mask" textbox. As described above, the mask is just a number. The three buttons to the right of the textbox are there to help enter masks. CPU0 and CPU1 are shortcuts to masks that allow a process to run only on CPU0 or CPU1. The "?" button will examine the current value of the mask and tell you if it's valid or not. If it is valid, it will also list the processors the mask would allow. You should use this button to check if a mask is correct before setting it.
Since setting a mask like this involves modifying the executable, setaffinity.exe will by default create a backup before performing the modification. This backup will be called (name of original exe).bak. Reset mask: this button resets the values of the uniprocessor bit and affinity mask in the selected executable to their default states. Check exe: this button checks the current values of the uniprocessor bit and affinity mask in the selected executable. Monitoring process creation
Unfortunately, it isn't always possible to set an affinity mask in an executable. For example, Valve's Steam application appears to redownload or replace modified executables when first started, presumably as an anti-cheating/cracking precaution.
To avoid having to set affinity manually every time a process is started, setaffinity.exe can optionally monitor the creation of new processes by "hooking" the Windows API call CreateProcess, and so set the affinity mask for particular processes without user intervention. By hooking the CreateProcess function, setaffinity can be notified each time a new process is launched (by any application). When it receives a notification, it checks if the new process is present in the list shown on the right side of the window, and if so it will set the associated affinity mask automatically.
To take advantage of this, you first need to add one or more .exe files to the list on the right side of the application window, using the "Add a process" button. By default, newly added applications have the default affinity mask of 0. You can also select a process from the list shown on the left side of the setaffinity window, right click it, and select "Add to monitoring list". In this case, setaffinity will check the current affinity mask for the process and use that as the initial value for the monitoring mask.
Once a .exe file is added to the list, select it, type the mask you want to set into the textbox underneath the list, then click the "Save" button to store it for future use. The "?" button is again used to check that the given mask is valid. You can remove a process from the list by selecting it and clicking the "Remove selected process" button. The application saves the process names and masks in a text file called "hook_list.txt" when closed, and the entries in this file are loaded back in when the application is restarted. The file format is simple, each line consists of the executable path and its affinity mask, separated by a comma:
executable path and filename,affinity mask Eg:
D:\utorrent.exe,1 The application will look for hook_list.txt in the directory containing the executable. Manual editing of the file is fine, just make sure you do it while the application isn't running, otherwise your changes will be overwritten when it exits.
To actually activate the automatic affinity updating, you must click the "Activate process monitoring" button, and leave setaffinity.exe running in the background. You can turn the monitoring off by clicking the button again, through the right click menu on the tray icon, or by closing setaffinity.exe.
Applications in hook_list.txt that are running when setaffinity is started will have their affinity masks updated without activating the process monitoring. For example, if you have "c:\foo.exe,2" in hook_list.txt, and foo.exe happens to be running when setaffinity.exe is first launched, it will detect this and set the affinity mask for that process to 2.
The application can also now restore the previous process monitoring state on startup, so if you have monitoring active, exit the application (eg to reboot) then start it again, monitoring will be reactivated automatically. This is done by testing for the presence of an empty file called "procmon" in the application directory. If the file is found, monitoring is activated. If you have problems with process monitoring for some reason, you can prevent it from starting automatically by deleting this file before running setaffinity.exe.
Monitoring process creation with setaffinity_service.exe
As an alternative to leaving the setaffinity.exe application running in the system tray, you can install setaffinity_service.exe. This is a Windows Service rather than a normal application (it runs in the background and has no visible windows etc), just like those listed in Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. To use this service, run setaffinity as normal, then click the "Install" button at the bottom of the window. This installs the service, so that you should now be able to see it listed in the Control Panel with the rest of them. The service will be configured to run automatically each time the system is booted up. To start the service immediately after installing, just click the "Start" button. The "Stop" button stops the service but leaves it installed. The "Remove" button uninstalls it (you must click "Stop" before clicking "Remove").
The service reads the same hook_list.txt file as setaffinity.exe, so you can still use the application to add new processes and update masks as usual. This also allows the application to signal the service when the file is updated, so that the service can reread the file. If you edit the file outside of setaffinity.exe, restart the service to force it to reread the file.
To avoid conflicts, the process monitoring functionality in setaffinity.exe will be disabled while the service is installed (even if it's not running).
The service will create a logfile in the setaffinity directory called setaffinity_log.txt. You can use this to check if it is correctly setting the affinity for the processes you have selected.
NFS Most Wanted (2005) - Camera Hack v1.0
By mrpenguinb
Retrieved from:
Author: ToCA EDIT
With this tool you can change the camera position. So it's also possible to add a cockpit view, create custom views, with custom camera positions saved to presets
Installation and usage:
1) Extract the .exe file to wherever you prefer
2) Run Trainer/Hack (and always have it running before launching the game)
3) Edit options if needed (check Controls)
3) Start NFSMW then press * to enable new cameras
4) Change your view using the normal change view key and press any number
from 0-9 on your keyboard (1 is normal by default)
5) You can press / (Numpad divide) to disable new cameras and return to
Jet Set Radio original launcher
By Keith
An older version of the Jet Set Radio launcher, digitally signed by SEGA EUROPE LIMITED on August 9, 2012.
Can be used as a replacement launcher to enable borderless fullscreen windowed.
tool Unity2Classic
By Patrxgt
This is a simple tool, that will allow you to extract The Plutonia Experiment, TNT: Evilution, No Rest for the Living and The Master Levels of Doom II wads from Doom II Classic (Unity port) and patch them to use with various source ports.
Joshua MacDonald (jmacd) - Xdelta3 Patcher
Mike Swanson (chungy) - IWAD Patches
Kaelan Evans - Unity Doom Ripper
Patrxgt (Me) - Unity2Classic Script
PS. For the usage instructions, check out "Readme.txt" file.
PPS. I have altered Unity Doom Ripper, so it doesn't have any references to the for the sake of clarity, but due to my poor hex editing it looks... not good (please, don't kill me mr. Evans).
Halo: The Master Chief Collection ultrawide cutscenes fixes
By Rose
The tools for the Steam and Microsoft Store versions of Halo: Reach, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, ODST, and Halo 4 offer real-time solutions for the cutscenes at ultrawide, superwide and triple monitor resolutions. Depending on the game, they remove the black bars, correct the vertical FOV reduction or allow to choose between the scaling behaviors of the FMVs. The password for the archives is pcgw
Play the game in the Anti-Cheat Disabled mode for this to work. Launch the game first, then the tool.
The tool is a trainer based on CE components that may trigger some anti-virus software. Making it into a patcher would be inconvenient, as it would likely require replacing files before each launch in the anti-cheat-enabled mode.
Tested the Xbox / Microsoft Store versions of all games at 2560x1080, 5120x1440 and 5760x1080.
You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My newest fixes are available here.
_inmm 2.38
By Patrxgt
Unpacked _inmm.dll Ver. 2.38 with updated _inmmcnf.ini.
Original description (translated from Japanese)
"_inmm.dll is a patch program that tweaks a CD-only game to play any kind of song you like (MIDI, MP3, another CD, etc.).
If you convert CD music to MP3 and put it on the HDD, you can enjoy the game with music without having to bother to insert the CD (if there is no CD check)."
OpenIV - Version 4.1
By sandemc
(Build 1502, Date 21.01.2022)
A powerful tool to modify and create internal Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V, Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City, Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2 files.
This is an archive for the installer of the latest offline build of OpenIV due to the official website ( being down for a pretty long time now. Any alternative sites are NOT official. All rights and copyrights belong to the OpenIV Team.
Sourced from:
Lost Ember ultrawide and wider mod
By Rose
The solution removes the black bars from the game at ultrawide and wider resolutions.
Download the mod archive. Unpack the files to \LostEmber\Binaries\Win64\ inside the game folder. The issues of stretched FMVs and potential lack of controls to browse through the legendary animals menu are known. Press the arrow keys at the latter if necessary.
Tested on the latest Steam version primarily at 2560x1080.
You can support my work here.
- lost ember
- superwide
- (and 4 more)
Carmageddon 1 and 2 key rebinder
Carma Key Rebinder from The download link is already dead as of 2023, this file was obtained through This is a tool for Carmageddon 1 / Splat Pack (full / demos / mods) / Carmageddon 2 (full / mods) to bind keys that otherwise have a fixed function, allowing for example the use of WASD to drive.
Global timer resolution requests (Windows 11)
By Aemony
The behaviour of the timer resolution on Windows changed with the release of Windows 10 v2004 to be per-process instead of system-wide as previously. This resulted in processes not setting a specific timer resolution on their own falls back to using the default timer resolution of 15.625ms (64 Hz) which can have various effects in games which were developed with the mistaken assumption of the timer resolution being much higher. An example of a common issue of a game using the default timer resolution is an unexpected 64 FPS cap/limit.
Windows 11 received the ability to restore the previous behaviour through a registry value, which is attached here. As far as I am aware this option is not available on Windows 10.
1. Download the appropriate registry file.
2. Open the registry file to add it to the registry of Windows.
3. Restart the system to allow the change to take effect.
After the restart the timer resolution will be set system-wide again as in Windows 10 v1909 or older.
Minecraft Dungeons FOV changer
By Rose
The tool allows to change the field of view in real time.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool and press the keys as instructed All trainers based on CE components are likely to trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested on the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080.
You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My newest fixes are available here.
- minecraft dungeons
- 16:9
- (and 5 more)
NFS Shift Unpacker with Updated Script
By AlexKVideos1
This ZIP file includes an updated BAT script from here:
The updated script fixes the issue of the invisible Team Racing Pack vehicles when using the older script.
If you have the older 'game_unpack.bat' script, use the new 'shift_unpacker.bat' script.
Original author: acti0n
For several Need for Speed Shift mods you need to unpack the game files.
In order to do so, just copy the following files into your game's directory:
- shift_unpacker.bat
- quickbms.exe
Then run 'shift_unpacker.bat'.
Once the game is unpacked, you can use these new unpacked files by adding
the "-loose" parameter to your shift.exe shortcut. Make a new shortcut on
shift.exe, then click on right mouse -> properties and in the line
"target" add " -loose".
After that you should be able to start the game with this shortcut.
dgVoodoo 2
By beastman95
Original file:
dgVoodoo 2 is a wrapper for old graphics API's for Windows Vista/7/8/10.
This wrapper uses Direct3D 11 at GPU feature level 10.1 as wrapping output.
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