Unofficial patches
770 files
Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultra Config
By Patrxgt
Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultra Config is an unofficial configuration file for Aliens: Colonial Marines, which activates hidden graphic corrections and corrections in aliens AI to increase the comfort of the game.
medal of honor Medal of Honor: Airborne Field of View fix
By Patrxgt
Medal of Honor: Airborne Field of View fix is an unofficial patch for Medal of Honor: Airborne, which allows to change in-game field of view with use of movement keys (W,S,A,D) to increase the comfort of the game.
BFBBUW (SpongeBob BFBB Ultrawide/Uncapped FPS Fix)
By KingKrouch
An ASI Loader plugin which allows Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated to run on Ultrawide displays, and with even higher framerates.
Extract the "BFBBUW.7z" file using 7-Zip, WinRAR, or anything else that can extract these archives, and use the password "pcgw" to extract.
Copy the plugins folder and dsound.dll (ASI Loader) into the "\Pineapple\Binaries\Win64" directory of where the game is installed.
Make sure that the in-game resolution is set to your chosen resolution. If you are using a non-16:9 or 21:9 resolution, you will need to edit the GameUserSettings.ini (in the "Pineapple" localappdata directory) using a text editor and then relaunch the game.
Note: If you don't have any other Steam library locations set up, this will likely be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated".
If you are experiencing difficulties launching the game or changes don't apply after installing the patch, make sure to download Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redists here:
Source Code
Source code is available here:
Persona 4 Golden Ultrawide Patch
By Lyall
This ultrawide patch for Persona 4 Golden modifies the supported resolution list to add support for your chosen ultrawide resolution and modifies the screen AR and gameplay AR to fill the screen correctly. It replaces the need to use a reshade filter to stretch the image.
Tested on the Steam release of Persona 4 Golden as of 21st of June 2020.
Credit and thanks to StevieCoops#6722 on the WSGF Discord for assistance and testing.
How to install:
Download the patcher that matches your resolution and type of UI you want. Extract the patcher exe from the zip using the password 'pcgw'. Run the patcher and click the 3 dots and find 'P4G.exe' then hit start. Known issues:
Adjusting render scale above or below 100% will interfere with the UI offset. Screen filters such as the scanline-effect in the TV world will only fill the center portion of the screen. Various other visual bugs due to seeing outside of the rendered UI. Internal resolution is 16:9 (3440x1935 using the 3440x1440 patcher). Interface is misaligned for mouse interactions.
Example of centered UI.
Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or issues.
Desperados 3 ultrawide & multimonitor zoom fix (obsolete as of update 1.2)
By Rose
The simple patcher removes the zoom limitations affecting ultrawide and wider resolutions. Compared to the manual solution, it does not depend on any specific aspect ratio.
There is no reliable fix for the windowboxing at the cutscenes yet and I've had better results in the demo.
Tested the latest full GOG version at 2560x1080 and 5760x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Blasphemous ultrawide and wider mod
By Rose
The solution allows to remove the black bars from the gameplay at 21:9 and wider.
If updating from an earlier version, verify the game files and remove dxgi.dll from the game folder. Download the mod and unpack the archive to the game folder. Launch the game (which will generate the config). If you prefer the UI to be spanned, open \BepInEx\config\blasphemous.ultrawide.rose.cfg and set UIspanToWidth to true. Tested on the latest Steam version at 21:9, 32:9, and 48:9 resolutions. Note that the screenshots are from the first version and do not fully represent the improved look of v2.0.
You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My linktree.
Toca 2 exe fixed no crash loading
This tap 2 executable is already modified with a hex editor to avoid crashing when loading a game
More info at
DestroyAllVertMinus (21:9/Multimonitor FOV fix for Destroy All Humans Remake GOG demo)
By KingKrouch
This mod is based on the code used in 21xMachi9 (, but only modifies the Vert- FOV in Destroy All Humans.
It also supports custom FOVs by modifying the config.ini file.
I have plans on releasing an open sourced version once the game releases, but I figured that I'd release a seperate version of this fix soley for the demo version, as it likely won't need to be updated as often. This fix requires the GOG version of the demo to use, and isn't compatible with the Steam demo.
Extract the contents of "" into the "Destroy All Humans Demo\DH\Binaries\Win64" directory where the game is installed.
NOTE: This fix requires Visual C++ Redist 2015-2019 to be installed to function properly, as this release build uses the most recent Windows SDK versions as of Visual Studio 2019. Please download and install those from here:
Rise of the Tomb Raider ultrawide cutscenes
By Rose
The game features FMVs and rendered cutscenes that get pillarboxed at 21:9 and wider resolutions.
This patcher removes the black bars from the rendered cutscenes and has no effect on the FMVs as there is no way to hack a pre-recorded video to add more content.
Simply unpack the archive and patch the main game exe.
Tested on the latest Steam version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 5760x1080 in both DX modes.
You can support me on patreon. More fixes and ways to support here.
Observation black bars removal
By Rose
Unpack the files to the game folder so that they are next to Observation.exe to remove the cinematic letterboxing (horizontal black bars).
Tested the latest version at 2560x1080 and 1680x1050 on the first and one of the last levels.
Let me know in the comments if you still come across letterboxing and attach your save files so I can take a look.
Bloodline English Patch
By Snow Fox
Patch to translate subtitle text from Czech to English in the game Bloodline.
Copy czech folder to game directory and replace files.
Mafia 2 Definitive ultrawide cutscenes
By Rose
By default, Mafia II Definitive Edition not only adds black bars to all cutscenes at 21:9 and wider but also simultaneously vertically "crops" pre-recorded FMVs.
The two included patchers serve as two options (don't use both!):
Remove all black bars - FMVs stay cropped (vert- from 16:9). Remove black bars only from rendered cutscenes and fix FMV scaling. Tested the latest Steam version primarily at 2560x1080, briefly at 3440x1440 and 5760x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here or support me on patreon.
EDFix (Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain Fix)
By KingKrouch
EDFix is an ASI Loader plugin/mod for Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain, which fixes a lot of the oversights with the PC port.
Here's a list of everything that this mod enables:
Uncapped Framerate (By default, the game is capped at 60FPS)
Ultrawide/Multimonitor support (By default, the game uses pillarboxing and Vert- FOV scaling, which doesn't make ultrawide support ideal. This mod removes the pillarboxing, and adjusts the FOV to best work with your screen resolution)
Custom Resolution Scaling (By default, the game sets the internal resolution to 83.333% of the actual screen resolution. With this mod, 100% is the default, although this can be adjusted for performance or visual quality)
Custom Field of View support (By default, the game uses 90° for the FOV. You can adjust this using a 16:9 Vertical FOV value)
Adjusting Motion Blur quality (or the option to remove motion blur entirely)
Adjusting Anisotropic Filtering
Copy the plugins folder and dsound.dll (ASI Loader) into the "\EDFIR\Binaries\Win64" directory of where the game is installed.
Note: If you don't have any other Steam library locations set up, this will likely be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\paper".
Edit the "config.ini" inside of the "plugins" folder to change to your desired FOV, framerate cap, motion blur setting, anisotropic filtering option, and resolution scale option.
NOTE: If you are experiencing difficulties launching the game or changes don't apply after installing the patch, make sure to download Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redists here:
Source Code
Source code is available here:
While this is a mirror of EDFix for the sake of archival purposes, the latest version can be downloaded here.
Download includes the latest version of Ultimate ASI Loader.
Support/Discussion thread can be found here:
unofficial patch Unifairy.sys Denial for miHoYo Games
By Max20091
Only use this file with miHoYo game titles! (Honkai Impact 3, Genshin Impact)
This file is basically deny UniFairy.sys to create itself in system32 and redirect it to game folder instead and to reduce conflict between multiple versions (and multiple servers / clients).
Must run the script as admin to work due to require access to system32.
The reason why this script exist is to prevent the anti-cheat to create itself in system32 (and once it was copied there, it will not get removed along with the game unless you manually go there and delete it)
option 1: Enable UniFairy.sys denial
The progress will be: deleting existing UniFairy.sys and create an empty decoy file > deny all permissions to the empty decoy file This will deny the game from creating UniFairy.sys in system32 and tell them to put it in game folder instead without tampering the anti-cheat. option 2: Disable UniFairy.sys denial
This option is basically revert the option 1 and also delete UniFairy.sys so the game can create the new anti-cheat in system32 Can be also used to remove UniFairy.sys without any knowledge or just remove unwanted file.4,921 downloads
DuckTales Remastered ultrawide & superwide mod
By Rose
The patchers remove the vertical black bars from the game at 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions.
Inspired by czarman's 32:9 solution for Shantae.
Simply use the applicable tool to patch the game exe as instructed.
Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 3840x1080.
Disaster Report 4 ultrawide & superwide mod
By Rose
The patchers remove black bars at 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions, matching the vertical gameplay FOV of 16:9.
After unpacking the archive, select the patcher that best matches your resolution, then target the file found in \DisasterReport4\Binaries\Win64\ inside the game folder.
Known issues:
UI misalignment. Press alt+enter to briefly switch to Windowed if you have a hard time navigating the main menu. The compass can be disabled altogether through a game option. Occasional flickering at cutscenes when the game transitions between scenes through snapshots. FOV is adjusted to the gameplay, resulting in a slight vertical decrease at the cutscenes. Tested the latest GOG version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 3840x1080.
Verify your game files, adapt and follow the first steps of the Bloodstained guide if you encounter an error message after patching the Steam version of the game.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Resident Evil 3 Proper Vignette Removal (including HDR)
By Helifax@WSGF
This is done using our 3DMigoto wrapper (that we normally use for fixing game in Stereo3D for 3DVision & VR cinema).
Simply un-rar the files next to the executable. (Requires DirectX 11 to be set as renderer).
- Unlike the plugin & hex-edit this method doesn't suffer from the colour inversion bug found in that method.
If you are using this fix, make sure to disable the "Vignette removal" in the FWS plugin!
Toy Story Fix
By JeffRuLz0
This is a modified exe for Toy Story that fixes the "Unable to link to KERNEL32.DLL!" error on newer versions of Windows.
This was not made by me.
Superliminal ultrawide patcher (obsolete, part of the game now)
By Rose
The patcher unlocks 21:9 and any other resolutions unavailable in the game, however the UI will be too cropped to navigate every settings menu at anything wider.
Played the latest Steam demo at 2560x1080 for about 30 minutes and very briefly at 3840x1080 to test the solution.
Please leave a comment to let me know how it works in the full Epic version.
You can buy me a coffee here.
DOOM 64 - Restore Red Crosses
By Username
This PWAD restores the red cross icons back to DOOM 64.
- uncensored
- doom 64
- (and 2 more)
Croc Unofficial Update
By Noenko
This is an unofficial Update for "Croc: Legend of the Gobbos". It updates the game to the later release.
The later release has support for DirectX 5, among a couple of file changes.
This version is (from what I've heard) the only one that works with fan patches and fixes.
File created by:
- directx
- unofficial
- (and 3 more)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - Definitive Edition
By Noenko
NOTE: 32bit support was dropped in version 1.2.0, use earlier versions for 32bit support.
This is an unofficial patch for "Croc: Legend of the Gobbos". It allows for:
Native Windows 10/Linux support. Higher Resolutions (non-stretched widescreen). Anisotropic Filtering and enhanced lighting effects. Full analog controller support like the console versions. Select between PSX, PC and DEMO soundtracks in the settings. More Audio and Display options than the original game. A number of controllers are now natively supported. Among others.
This patch was created by: crocguy0688
From the readme:
- unofficial
- patch
- (and 2 more)
Dying Light ultrawide cutscenes
By Rose
The tools remove black bars from the in-game cutscenes.
Option 1 (reliable; pillarboxing removal):
Download and unpack the patcher archive. Use the included tool to patch engine_x64_rwdi.dll inside the main game folder. Re-patch in the event of a game update. This solution has no effect on letterboxing, retaining the native vert- behavior compared to 16:9. Option 2 (less reliable; removes all black bars):
Download and unpack the trainer with software like 7zip (password is pcgw). Launch the game, then the tool. Press the F keys as instructed to remove all black bars. Tested on the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, 5120x1440 and 3840x2160.
You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My newest fixes are available here.
Rebel Cops ultrawide & superwide mod
By Rose
The tiny patcher can be used to remove black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider resolutions.
Follow the instructions within the tool to patch the specified game file.
If necessary, any resolution can be set in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Weappy\Rebel Cops\Settings.xml (open in Notepad) Tested the latest GOG version briefly at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. The menu cursor disappeared at the triple monitor resolution.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Sonic Generations (FWS Script) mod
Fixed a number of things to be un-stretched for Generations over my previous modified script.
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