Unofficial patches
770 files
Yakuza 7 (Like a Dragon) Letterbox Remover/Ultrawide Fix
By Lyall
This is a patcher for Yakuza 7 (Like a Dragon) that removes the letterboxing at non 16:9 resolutions.
It is made using quickBMS to extract UI resource files and replace the letterboxing textures.
To install:
1. Extract the contents of the zip to "steamapps\common\Yakuza Like a Dragon\runtime\media\data" 2. Run "letterbox_patch_efigs.bat" 3. A backup of the original files will be placed within a folder marked "backup". Known Issues:
Due to the nature of how the game was made, you will see outside of the 16:9 window. You may see visual glitches and so on that would have been hidden otherwise. New patches for the game may break this. If it does, delete the backup folder and run the patcher again. Credits/Sources:
QuickBMS ( for the unpacker/repacker. ( for the quickbms script. Kiwami 2 Letterbox Mod ( for pointing me in the right direction. Thanks to KingKrouch and Rose on the WSGF Discord for advice and testing.1,971 downloads
- ultrawide
- unofficial patch
- (and 2 more)
French translation Swat4 - The Stetchkov Syndicate
By Choum
Unofficial translation for swat4 addon The Stetchkov Syndicate
The base game Swat 4 have an official french translation, but the expansion has never been translated.
This patch will add a french translation (text only) to the game expansion.
Multiplayer compatible.
Copy all file in the main game folder.
Edit the SWAT 4\ContentExpansion\System\Swat4X.ini
Change line Language=int to Language=frt
- translation
- french
- (and 2 more)
Universal Widescreen Patcher by Wogg
By arctic
Games supported:
Dungeon Lords Empire Earth II Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground 2 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Prince of Persia 2: The Warrior Within Sim City 4 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 Uru: Ages of Myst
supermassive games Supermassive Games Border Remover
By MulleDK19
This program patches out the cinematic border on games from Supermassive Games like The Quarry and The Dark Pictures anthology.
I've only tested on The Quarry and House of Ashes, but it should work on Man of Medan, as well as other and future Supermassive games. Please report if not.
Tested on aspect ratios 4:3, 16:9, 21:9, and 645:4.
Note that the game was developed with these borders in mind, so expect artifacts, like binocular visuals, etc. not covering the entire screen, less optimally placed subtitles, etc.
Simply run the tool. Once it detects the game, it patches out the border. Needs to be run once on every restart of the game.
- the dark pictures
- the quarry
- (and 3 more)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia English Patch
By koterminus
An unofficial English language patch for Fate/Hollow Ataraxia made by the Beast's Lair forum community. More information about the patch, including a complete list of credits and a record of its development, can be found on this archived copy of the project's page on TLWiki (which has since gone offline). Feedback and error reports should be made in the active project thread over on Beast's Lair. The following installation instructions have been copied from TLWiki. I claim no credit for the contents of this file, only for rehosting it on PCGW.
Installation instructions
1). Get the game (buy it from a legit source; as a start, try the links below)
2). Install* the game
3). Download the patch
4). Click-and-drag the patch into the install directory.
5). Enjoy.
This patch was designed to work for ALL locales, provided the game installation directory does NOT contain '/' (forward-slash). When installing the game simply remove the '/' to achieve this. Example installation directories:
Fate/hollow ataraxia (This is a BAD installation directory) Fate hollow ataraxia (This is a GOOD installation directory) Since the patch was coded with unicode, it will work without the need of the Applocale software. So meaning, follow the above steps in a literal way and there shouldn't be any issues.
Saying the above, if any issues do arise please refer to the project page on Beast's Lair for a comprehensive FAQ and an in-depth troubleshooting process.
Direct general questions to Dozenagent or to sushimonster on the active project thread. Where to buy the game
Amazon US (int'l shipping available)
Amazon Japan
Lost in Vivo ultrawide patcher
By Rose
The patcher removes black bars at all resolutions, although it does not address the UI cropping issues present in the game at 21:9 and wider, making it likely inapplicable to 32:9.
The in-game notes can be read without closely inspecting them to work around the issue.
Simply unpack the archive and follow the instructions to patch the specified game file.
Thanks to Dopefish for playing through the game to test the solution at 2560x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Final Fantasy XIII Ultrawide Fix
By killer-m
Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors
Unpack the archive Copy all files into two game folders "\FINAL FANTASY XIII\" "\FINAL FANTASY XIII\white_data\prog\win\bin\" Hotkeys:
F5 - FOV +
F6 - FOV -
F7 - Default FOV
In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings
Fullscreen = 0
forces full-screen mode
Width = 0
Height = 0
forces the screen resolution
Additional_degrees = 0.000
FOV value in degrees that will be added to current FOV;
doesn't affect to battles and cutscenes
Multiplier = 1.000
multiplier for FOV value used in battles
Multiplier = 1.000
multiplier for FOV value used in cutscenes
No One Lives Forever
By yoorrik
No One Lives Forever Nolf_PACK ver. 2
Nolf_PACK for No One Lives Forever contains 8 European languages GUI, mod Widescreen, mod MODERNIZER. You can select English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish for GUI and subtitle game.
1. English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swidish GUI and Subtitles
2. mod MODERNIZER 1.006 Patch 3.1 for Windows 7 / 8 / 10 by HeyJake
- Fix Widescreen
- Fix jerking mouse;
- Fix low frame rate;
- Play online ver.1.006
3. mod WidescreenGOTY by jackfuste for Windows 7
- Fix Widescreen
4. mod WidescreenPatch v2 by Wobak for Windows XP / 7
- Fix Widescreen
5. Fix of the "Configure Controls" game menu and mouse for non-Latin systems Windows (Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, etc.)
1. Make the game "No One Lives Forever " upgrade to version 1.003 or 1.004 GOTY
2. Unzip the patch
3. Read file Nolf_PACK.txt
How to play
Run the game from the Administrator in compatibility mode with Windows XP SP 3:
Game shortcut - properties - compatibility - mark compatibility with Windows XP SP3 and mark launch from the Administrator
To return to the original graphic interface, run the patch mode "Reset to Default"
Unzip and read file Nolf_PACK.txt
Original here
- no one lives forever
- nolf_pack
- (and 1 more)
No Straight Roads Ultrawide Fix
By killer-m
- Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors
- Works with No Straight Roads Epic Games Store version
1. Extract the patcher to your desktop
2. Launch the patcher and locate the game exe file found in Program Files\Epic Games\NoStraightRoads\NoStraightRoads\Binaries\Win64
3. Extract the content found in "" and paste them in the same location mentioned above
4. Start the game
- The background texture from the pause menu is the same as black bars, so it is also removed
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time Ultrawide Fix
By lexars
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time Ultrawide Fix
- Adds support for ultrawide monitors
Password: pcgw
Open the patch and select the file SJGAME-Win64-Shipping.exe in Steam \ steamapps \ common \ SamuraiJack \ SJGAME \ Binaries \ Win64, check the backup box and then press start
Follow the tutorial below
Unpack SJGAME-Win64-Shipping.exe using Steamless
Rename SJGAME-Win64-Shipping.exe.unpacked.exe to SJGAME-Win64-Shipping.exe, apply the patch!
Horizon Zero Dawn Memory Allocator Fix
By Steam006
This is for the Steam version of HZD. It fixes crashes caused by bugs in the memory allocator. Replace steam_api64.dll in "steamapps\common\Horizon Zero Dawn".
Debug dll is to get more information about crashes.
Observation ultrawide workaround
By Rose
The small patcher removes the resolution limit introduced in update 1.17.
After patching, the list of resolutions available for selection will remain limited to the hardcoded 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions, but selecting any 16:9 resolution above native will now set the game to that monitor resolution.
Unpack the archive and patch the file as instructed Launch the game and select any or the highest resolution above that of your monitor (for example, choosing 2560x1440 at 2560x1080 will have the game set to 2560x1080 without displaying it) Disregard the numbers and back out into the main menu to see that the image properly fills the screen width. Tested the latest Epic version at 2560x1080. Check out my black bars remover for the game as well.
You can buy me a coffee here.
- observation
- ultrawide
- (and 1 more)
Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue Compatibility Fix
By icup321
This is an unofficial patch for Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue to fix Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8/10 compatibility issues.
More specifically, any computer which had received an update after approximately 2007/2008 was unable to run this game.
The program included here is Swamp Launcher, which is a launcher-based patch that can be installed by copying the files into the game's install directory and launching the game through SwampLauncher.exe rather than the main executable. Alternatively, there is also an assembly-based method of patching the game's executable that can be downloaded from the source code.
This program was made by Grimdoomer and Kneesnap. All credit goes to them for creating this program.
Source code:
Horizon Zero Dawn Special K configuration files
This archive contains configuration files from the settings posted by Special K developer Kaldaien on the Special K forum.
Unpack the archive Follow the setup instructions on the PCGW article for Horizon Zero Dawn Launch the game Tested on the Steam version of the game.
WH40K: Dawn of War II GFWL downgrade
By SargeCassidy
These files allow Dawn Of War II and its' standalone expansion, Chaos Rising to use GFWL instead of Steamworks.
Note: This does not bypass or remove Steam's DRM in any way. You still need Steam to run the game in addition to GFWL.
Horizon Zero Dawn ultrawide patches
These patches are made using the addresses posted by Reddit user OnkelJupp to remove ultra-widescreen pillarboxing from Horizon Zero Dawn without the need for manual hex editing.
Unpack the archive using the password pcgw Open the desired patcher and navigate to the game folder where HorizonZeroDawn.exe is located and click Start Launch the game and set the aspect ratio in the settings to Auto Included resolutions are 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1600, 5120x2160, 6880x2880 and a combined patcher for 32:9 aspect ratio resolutions 3840x1080 and 5120x1440.
If a desired resolution isn't included with the patches, test use this calculator by first entering one of the included resolutions and then entering the desired resolution. If an exact match is achieved (such as 2560x1080 matching with 3840x1620), you will be able to use the patch compared against without issue.
Tested on the Steam version of the game on versions 1.00 and 1.01, however there should be no issue with using these patches on the Epic Games Store version.
Roki ultrawide mod
By Rose
The small patcher for Röki unlocks all resolutions and removes the side black bars in the game. A known game issue exposed by the solution is that the top and bottom black bars that appear at the cutscenes will have their width limited to 16:9 - as seen in the screenshots.
Unpack the archive Copy \Röki_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll from the game folder to the desktop Patch the file Copy the file back to \Röki_Data\Managed\ and replace. Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Starlancer Crash Fix
By Choum
Fix for StarLancer crashing on modern versions of Windows when using the medal case.
First version of the fix by Teleguy
V1.0.1 : Check if the lancer.exe is a starlancer one (product_name = "starlancer"), this will avoid to apply the compatibility fix to all application that could also use lancer.exe.
You are Empty - Post processing fix
Fix for some post processing effects being rendered incorrectly in You are Empty based.
Creaks true ultrawide & superwide mod
By Rose
The small patcher removes black bars from the game at all wide resolutions.
Keep in mind that some of the textures simply do not have enough width to fill the screen, and the menu UI will become cropped the wider it gets from 21:9, although the game appears to be playable even at 48:9.
Tested the latest GOG version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here.
SkyDrift 60fps Patch
By zeptobst
Patches the game to unlock the frame rate, however must be capped to 60 fps to avoid the game running faster than it should be.
Use xdelta to patch "SkyDrift.exe".
By withinrafael
Return of the Obra Dinn (Field of View XDelta Patch)
When applied, adds two new features/fixes:
Ability to use NumPad+Minus/Plus to lower/raise in-game FOV in increments of 0.1f Ability to specify in-game FoV via new -fov command line argument (e.g. -fov 90) Tested with GOG version of the game (1.1.110).
Instructions can be found on the game page.
Death Stranding ultrawide fix + FOV changer
By Rose
Note: A standalone solution for the Director's Cut edition is now available.
The tools allow for support of any display aspect ratio and real-time FOV adjustment in Death Stranding. The gameplay and engine-rendered cutscenes will properly fill the screen, while the state of the pre-rendered cutscenes will depend on the used solution.
Option 1:
A trainer automatically detecting any resolution and allowing to make the zoomed pre-rendered cutscenes 16:9. Left alignment of the pre-rendered cutscenes is a known issue. The tool also allows to adjust FOV at any aspect ratio.
Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the trainer Press the desired keys - ideally from the main menu and before any cutscenes Go to Graphics Settings and select your resolution under 21:9
Correcting the aspect ratio may require switching to 16:9 in Graphics Settings, then back to 21:9. Option 2:
The known ultrawide solution made into patchers limited to common wide resolutions and keeping the pre-rendered cutscenes zoomed.
Tested on the latest Steam version at 1920x1080, 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080 (HUD is spanned).
I may have been the first to discover the common sense aspect ratio change solution (as seen on the WSGF Discord), but I am certainly not the one who published the bytes first (looks like it was FasterThanFTL). As such, I am not taking any credit for the patchers but you can buy me a coffee or support me on Patreon for the trainer built over many hours of 100% unique research, calculations and code.
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Compatibility Patch
By KyoriAsh
Compatibility fixes for issues running Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo on Windows NT-based operating system.
NOTE: Run this patch first before running installation of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Extract anywhere and run SPF2TPatch.bat to apply the fix.
This fix works by applying the following compatibility fixes to SETUP.exe, UNINST.EXE and W_SPF2X.EXE:
Win98 Compatibility Mode (to fix registry read and write problem in Windows NT-based system) Additionally this fix also applies the following compatibility fixes to EXEC_ST.EXE:
Elevate Create Process (to allow administrator priviledge)211 downloads
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