166 files
Torchlight 3 ultrawide & superwide fix (Game Pass)
By Rose
The tool for the Microsoft Store / Game Pass version of Torchlight III fixes the issues affecting the game at ultrawide and wider resolutions, removing the black bars and adjusting the field of view to vertically match that of 16:9 at every scene.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkey to toggle the fix on and off in real time. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version primarily at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080.
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Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition superwide & multimonitor fix
By Rose
The tool removes black bars from the game in real time at resolutions wider than 21:9.
Compared to the manual solution, it is for the Game Pass / Microsoft Store version of the game, automatically sets its resolution based on that of the desktop and has no aspect ratio limitations.
Unpack the archive with 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Run the game, followed by the tool. Press the Enable key as shown. If necessary, select any resolution in the game to force the game to use the display resolution. All trainers based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Game Pass version at 3840x1080, 11520x1080, 5760x1080 and 2711x1055.
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Code Vein ultrawide fix, FOV changer (Game Pass)
By Rose
The tool removes black bars affecting wide resolutions at any aspect ratio. Unlike the existing solution, it works with Game Pass and corrects the vertical field of view per scene automatically (inspired by killer-m's work), also allowing to see the current FOV and modify it in real time.
Download and unpack the archive with 7zip or PeaZip, using the password pcgw Launch the game first, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed. All trainers based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080.
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood FOV fixes
By Rose
The tool allows to change the game field of view freely in real time, addressing the potential issue of narrow default FOV. It also perfectly corrects the vertical FOV inconsistencies affecting all wider resolutions, including 21:9, 32:9 and 48:9 - see the screenshots for some of the exact differences.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the trainer. Press the keys as instructed to FOV correct and enable manual adjustment. Tested the latest Epic Games Store version mainly at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
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The Medium 32:9 MOD
Modified the game and opened the 32:9 screen. Friends who love it can directly download and cover the game and run perfectly. My player from Taiwan
- frontier.uvresin
- the medium 32:9 mod
- (and 1 more)
The Medium multimonitor, ultrawide, superwide fix
By Rose
The tools for Microsoft Store/Game Pass, Steam, GOG, and potentially other game versions remove black bars from the game at 48:9 and wider, also correcting the vertical field of view at 21:9 and wider to match that of 16:9.
Unpack the archives with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game and set Panini Projection to off in Advanced Display settings. Launch the trainer and press the button as instructed. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
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tools The Wheel of Time Official Utilities (T.H.U.M.B & ServCon)
By scottvordem
Password for the archive is 'pcgw'
These are official utilities made by Legend Entertainment for The Wheel of Time. Uploaded here to make them easier to find.
Source (Via Wayback Machine) Although no longer hosted there, still provides information about them.
Note: These programs are old and may not support file paths with spaces like "Program Files". However, Windows assigns what is known as "Short Names" to roughly every file and folder. You can find these names by typing dir /x in Command prompt (CMD), or cmd /c dir /x in PowerShell. The format for them is usually the first 6 characters excluding the spaces followed by "~#". For example, "Program Files" would be PROGRA~1 and Program Files (x86) would be PROGRA~2. Alternatively, reinstall The Wheel of Time in a directory with no spaces in the folder path.
Note 2: UI is a bit different than most installers.
T.H.U.M.B: Ter'angreal Hand Utility Modifier and Builder - 1.1.7
Provides a very easy way to rebind mouse and keyboard buttons and reorganize your hand of Ter'angreal. For example, air pulse can be moved into Hand 5 (Slot 5) instead of Hand 1 (Slot 1).
This can also help with modernizing controls since it can bind Ter'angreal directly to a key without needing to select it first. For example, binding light globe to F would be equivalent to a flashlight or lantern in a modern game.
This also provides a list of console commands with the ability to bind them. (Set bind type to "Action". Check "Advanced Commands" for more.)
WoTServCon - 1.0
Provides a way to create a server without needing to launch the game first. Also supports loading custom maps.
Note: This officially bypasses the game's DRM (don't need disc 2 inserted), but only for server creation.
Individual Downloads
Faust DxWnd
By Noenko
A compatible version of DxWnd for the game Faust: The Seven Games of the Soul.
Using this, the game is playable on modern Windows.
For: Faust: The Seven Games of the Soul
Tales of Vesperia ultrawide fix
By Rose
The trainer removes black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider. Unlike the existing solution, it works with Game Pass and any aspect ratio.
Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the key as instructed to enable and disable the solution in real time. Press Alt+Enter twice or switch to a different window mode and back for proper application. Known issues (as with the existing solution):
Pre-rendered cutscenes are stretched. Post-process effects scale improperly, resulting in washed out image the wider it gets. Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and 7680x1080. The latter was significantly affected by blurred effects and missing shadows / ambient occlusion.
Using MSAA is not recommended, as it causes additional washout - even without modifications, at 16:9.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Astroneer multi-monitor fix
By Rose
The tool allows to adjust field of view in real time, displaying the current value. It also corrects the vertical FOV decrease at ultrawide and wider resolutions.
Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed. Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
The AR to FOV automation code is inspired by killer-m's work.
You can buy me a coffee here.
- game pass compatible
- 21:9
- (and 5 more)
XInput Plus v4.15.0.64
By ne451
XInput Plus v4.15.0.64
See the below for a newer version.
RPG Maker XP/RPG Tools XP Runtime Package
By KyoriAsh
RPG Maker XP/RPG Tools XP Runtime Package installation file.
1.04 English Runtime Package installer was mirrored from official English RPG Maker website.
1.03 Japanese Runtine Package installer was mirrored from official Japanese RPG Maker website.
Drake Hollow ultrawide fix + FOV changer (mostly obsolete)
By Rose
The tool allows to remove black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider and increase or decrease field of view in real-time at any resolution.
Prior to the October 7 update, it compensated for the natively reduced FOV and lacking FOV slider, now resulting in increased vertical FOV with the bars removed.
Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed. Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass and Steam versions at 2560x1080.
- 21:9
- game pass compatible
- (and 1 more)
1nsane swissknife
By handlingcfg
tool used for editing 1nsane game options, actual version is 0.3
Tell Me Why ultrawide fix + FOV changer
By Rose
The tool allows to remove black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider and increase or decrease field of view in real-time at any resolution.
The included presets will adjust the vertical FOV at the gameplay to match that of 16:9, with some deviations at the cutscenes and interactions mostly in favor of higher vertical FOV.
Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkeys as instructed to make the desired changes. Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here.
New Super Lucky's Tale ultrawide and superwide
By Rose
The tool removes black bars from the gameplay and in-level cutscenes at 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions.
Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game first, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed while in the main menu of the game. If already playing, switch to windowed and back. Tested the latest Xbox Game Pass / Microsoft Store version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. Additionally verified by a WSGF member at 3440x1440.
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Mirrored here.
Destroy All Humans! FOV changer
By Rose
The trainer displays the current FOV and allows to change it at all resolutions in real time.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the keys as instructed All trainers based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest full GOG version and the Steam demo.
You can buy me a coffee here.
- fov
- field of view
- (and 3 more)
Zombie Army Trilogy ultrawide cutscenes
By Rose
The tool allows to remove all black bars from cutscenes and menu screens in all chapters of Zombie Army Trilogy in real time.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool and press the shown key to disable or re-enable black bars. All trainers based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest Steam version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080. Let me know if you run into any in-game issues tied to the fix.
You can buy me a coffee here.
SpongeBob Rehydrated ultrawide (no black bars), FOV changer, multimonitor fix
By Rose
Compared to the other ultrawide solutions, the tool for SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated removes black bars from cutscenes and dialog screens and allows to adjust FOV in real time at any resolution, including 16:9 and 48:9.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Run the game, followed by the tool. Toggle black bars off - ideally before they appear. Don't forget to enable the custom FOV toggle before trying to adjust FOV. All tools based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested the latest GOG version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080.
You can buy me a coffee here.
Minecraft Dungeons FOV changer
By Rose
The tool allows to change the field of view in real time.
Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool and press the keys as instructed All trainers based on CE components are likely to trigger some anti-virus software.
Tested on the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and 3840x1080.
You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My newest fixes are available here.
- minecraft dungeons
- 16:9
- (and 5 more)
Xbox 360 Custom Drivers to allow for Deadzone setup ( Emulates D- Input)
By Sprengladung
Original Author: Masahiko Morii ~2012
Don't recommend using these, as they emulate D-Input.
Device driver for using the Xbox 360 Wireless Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Adapter) on Windows (unofficial). Use this driver at your own risk.
[Comment by me: The Windows 7 Driver works on Windows 10]
file name Content size Update date For Windows 7 32-bit 308 KB Development end For Windows 7 32-bit (English) 308 KB Development end 64-bit for Windows 7 [ and 10] 322 KB Development end 64-bit for Windows 7 [ and 10] (English) 322 KB Development end For Windows Vista 308 KB Development end For Windows Vista (English) 308 KB Development end 64-bit for Windows Vista 323 KB Development end 64-bit for Windows Vista (English) 322 KB Development end For Windows XP 90 KB Development end For Windows XP (English) 90 KB Development end For Windows XP Professional x64 Edition 105 KB Development end For Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (English) 105 KB Development end source file 394 KB Development end Download (Windows 2000)
file name Content size Update date For Windows 2000 82 KB Development end For Windows 2000 (English) 82 KB Development end source file 392 KB Development end Download (Other)
file name Content size Update date DirectInput & OEM property deletion inf file 1 KB Devel1,335 downloads
Spec Ops: The Line - INI Decrypt/Encrypt Tools (
By Aemony
These are the decrypt tool Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniDecrypt.exe and encrypt tool Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniEncrypt.exe created by Rick/Gibbed (Twitter, GitHub) back in 2012 and first made public in this XeNTaX forum thread and retrieved as archived by Wayback Machine in December of 2015.
Kudos to LowSpecGamer whom documented the Wayback Machine archive link on his video about the game.
Download the decrypter. Unzip it in a handy folder. Such as %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\SpecOps-TheLine\SRGame\Config\ Open the file you need to edit with Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniDecrypt.exe (drag-and-drop). Make the changes you want in the now unencrypted file. Save the file. Open the modified file with Gibbed.SpecOpsTheLine.IniEncrypt.exe, thus re-encrypting it.10,270 downloads
DuckTales Remastered FOV changer
By Rose
The trainer allows for real-time FOV adjustment in the game.
Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool and press the keys as instructed The underlying script is built around the FOV bytes for Shantae found by czarman.
For permanent changes or manual adjustment, modify the first instance of those bytes in a hex editor.
Tested the latest Steam version.
- fov
- field of view
- (and 1 more)
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