Unofficial patches
770 files
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Ultrawide Fix & FPS Unlock
By killer-m
Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder, binkw32.dll should be replaced Set your screen resolution in Settings.ini In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings
Limit = 300
FPS limiter value
Unlock = 0
0 - disable FPS limiter
1 - enable FPS limiter
Width = 0
Height = 0
forces the screen resolution
Centered = 1
0 - stretched HUD
1 - centered HUD
Aspect = 1.777777
HUD aspect ratio value
LOD = 1.000
multiplier for the distance between LOD levels
Objects = 1.000
multiplier for objects visibility distance
use values no greater than 3.0 to avoid glitches at very high aspect ratios
4.0 - max value
Shadows = 1.000
multiplier for shadows visibility distance
Fog = 1.000
multiplier for the fog visibility distance
ColorCorrection = 0
0 - disable yellowish tint
1 - enable yellowish tint
DOF = 0
0 - disable "Depth Of Field" effect
1 - enable "Depth Of Field" effect
ShadowMapSize = 1024
increase this value to get better shadows quality
256 - min value
15360 - max value
- fps unlock
- 48:9
- (and 4 more)
Dark Forces (GOG) Definitive Fix
By idk
A pack of fixes for the GOG version of dark forces taken from the essential improvements section for this game, I recommend installing it before using the custom launcher. the included things are:
DOSBox cofiguration file tweaks Gravis ultrasound driver pack for DOSBox - I don't know who created it, the oldest source I could find was here. fixed gravis files - tsyu Gear-up cutscene - LucasArts missing cutscene patch - unknown DOS/32A - Narech K. If you want to have everything from this pack on the steam (and maybe origin) version follow this and this guide, use DOS/32A, and apply the following changes in the DOSBox configuration file:
Change fulldouble to true Change memsize to 32 Change blocksize to 4096 Change prebuffer to 30 Change cycles to auto477 downloads
- fix
- unofficial patch
- (and 2 more)
Dragon Marked For Death Ultrawide Fix
By killer-m
Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors
Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder Set your screen resolution in Settings.ini The game uses a virtual resolution, so it may be higher or lower than the monitor's native resolution.
The height value should be a multiple of 720 (720, 1440, 2160, etc.) for best scaling results, but this is not necessary.
In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings
Width = 3440
Height = 1440
forces the screen resolution
Ms. Splosion Man - Ultrawide Fix
By czarman
I made a bbars Fix for Ms. Splosion Man.
Tested with the latest Steam version at 3440x1440 and 3840x1600.
You can buy me a coffee if you like my work.
Password is always: pcgw
unofficial patch Patrxgt's Unofficial Modern Patch for Colin McRae Rally (1998)
By Patrxgt
Patrxgt's Unofficial Modern Patch is an unofficial patch for Colin McRae Rally (1998), which fixes incompatibilities with modern operating systems (without breaking menus, like "kFYatek's Unofficial Windows 7 Patch" does) and skips CD check for the sake of convenience. This patch is compatible only with 1.5 European and American versions of the game and modifies game's executable.
Install the 1.5 patch for version from your region. Download "Patrxgt's Unofficial Modern Patch.7z" file and extract it wherever you want. Put "Rally.exe" file from your game's installation folder into the "put_rally.exe_here" folder. Run "patch_<region of your game>.bat" and wait until "Rally.exe_patched" shows up in the folder. Rename "Rally.exe_patched" to "Rally.exe" and replace it's counterpart in the game's installation folder. Recommendations: Set Motion smoothness to "OFF" in the games menu for smooth framerate and lock it with third-party tool (like "RivaTunner Statistic Server" or "NVIDIA Control Panel") to 60 FPS for the sake of stability.
unofficial patch SimCity 3000 Unlimited: Re-composed
By Patrxgt
SimCity 3000 Unlimited: Re-composed is an unofficial patch for SimCity 3000 Unlimited, which fixes specific for the Unlimited edition bug, where game doesn't play music, which was included in the original release of SimCity 3000, even if it's listed in the game's files. This patch restores the following songs:
"SIM Broadway"
"Concrete Jungle"
"City of Dreams"
"SimCity 2000 Theme"
Installation: Just extract "Apps" folder from the archive to the game's main folder.
Shrek 2 Team Action xbox - ps2 buttons
By IraFunesto
Insert the files in the path ENG/BOOK
Password: pcgw
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Widescreen Fix
By zaphero
This updated build for Chaos Theory features additional ini options over the current release build including:
Disabling the Alt+Tab fix Setting the text offset according to the input game language Setting the ShadowMapSize to higher values (avoid shimmering on higher resolutions) Enabling ShadowFiltering (will be broken on multimonitor setups) Whether the exe has been modified or not (If the exe has been hexedited to edit ShadowMapSize the patch override won't work, this is to disable the override) This build was retrieved as from a March 29th 2022 Artifact on AppVeyor -
Ini updates added on December 21, 2021 -
Chrome Engine 2 - FOV Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a ChromeEngine2.dll file to fix the FOV in most of the Chrome Engine 2 games.
Works in the following games:
- Chrome SpecForce (2005)
- Terrorist Takedown: War in Colombia (2006)
- The Hell in Vietnam (2007)
- Sniper: Art of Victory (2007)
Password: pcgw
Credits go to: jackfuste
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- (and 12 more)
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault Widescreen Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes mohpa.exe binaries for 16:9, 16:10, 21:9 and multimonitor aspect ratios.
- Extract the executable that corresponds to the aspect ratio you want to use, to the root game folder, replacing any original files.
Password: pcgw
- 21x9
- windows 10
- (and 23 more)
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen - Verok's GL Wrapper & Patch
By comrade kiwi
Fixes & features:
Game runs on modern PC (Windows 10) Game renders via OpenGL 1.1/3.0. If your GPU supports OpenGL 3.0 - game uses it. If no - game uses OpenGL 1.1 Removed CD check and game can run now without CD. Removed system restriction for 4 languages (Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Thai) When switching display modes (F12), the game does not crash now When switching display into "Eagle Eye" (F6), the game does not crash now Camera zoom is working now, not only for 320x240 mode (like on PS1), but for 640x480 too Camera can follow by Kain movement like in PS1 version Added feature to run and switch game into windowed mode Added feature to switch on/off filtering Corrected rendering speed for Nosgoth map and Kain's inventory menu Added option to select game rendering speed / frame per second (FPS) Added configuration window on startup, similar to Soul Reaver. To disable it - launch the game with command parameter "-noconfig" Added FPS counter Implemented subtitles engine Implemented 3D sounds via OpenAL Implemented XInput support with gamepad vibrations Arrows keys are duplicated on WSAD keys Intro movies and cutscenes are now played in progressive mode Game can play stereo sound files for cutscenes Added HQ Sound Patch - sound files from PS1 version. Thanks to NobelGas
Full version, containing updated cutscenes and audio, can be downloaded from this link: [DOWNLOAD HERE]
Uploaders note: Due to recent events, the patch author Verok has taken down their download links to the fan patches. I have taken the liberty to reupload the latest versions (1.75) in order to preserve these patches for ease of access.
- blood omen
- legacy of kain
- (and 2 more)
Commandos Strike Force Widescreen Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes CommXPC.exe binaries for 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9 and 3x16:9 (48:9) aspect ratios.
- Extract the executable that corresponds to the aspect ratio you want to use, to the root game folder, replacing any original files.
Note: This fix only works with the 1.2 version of the game.
Credits go to: Rose
Password: pcgw
Hugo: Bukkazoom! - Widescreen & FOV Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes a modified Config.exe, a Runtime.exe and a Hugo Bukkazoom! - Widescreen Fixer v1.1.exe, intended to fix the resolution and field of view in the arcade racing game Hugo: Bukkazoom (2003).
Credits also go to: AuToMaNiAk005
Source code available here:
1. Extract both exe files to the root game folder, replacing the original executables (extract the 32-bit or 64-bit fixer exe depending if your system is 32 or 64-bits).
2. Run Hugo Bukkazoom! - Widescreen Fixer v1.1.exe, and insert your desired resolution width and height to automatically fix the field of view.
3. Close the fixer, open Config.exe, select any resolution in the menu, and click OK (this applies the new resolution in-game, don't worry those resolutions are overrided by the new one due to modifications I did to Config.exe).
4. You're good to go.
- Issues:
:-: HUD and menus are stretched.
:-: Do not alt+tab while the game is open, since if the game regains focus again, the viewport will be messed up.
- unofficial patch
- unofficial
- (and 26 more)
Bejeweled Twist 16:9 Patch
By mrpenguinb
Edited .exes to make the game run in 16:9 aspect
Requires the game to be launched with the -widescreen parameter via a desktop shortcut.
Copy the relevant .exe for the version, Steam (digital) or PopCap (retail).
Project IGI 1: I'm Going In - FOV Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the aspect ratio and field of view in the stealth first-person game "Project IGI 1: I'm Going In" (2000), as the game's engine crops the view at wider resolutons than 4:3 (Vert-). This fix supports the American, European 1.0 and Re-release, Italian, Chinese and Japanese versions.
Credits also go to: AuToMaNiAk005
Source code available here:
1. Extract all files to the game folder.
2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder.
3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV, camera FOV and weapon FOV in ProjectIGI1FOVFix.ini.
Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge - FOV Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure game "Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge" (2001), as the game's engine, Blazing Renderer, stretches the image at resolutions wider than 4:3.
Source code available here:
1. Extract all files to the game folder.
2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (it has to be the 32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder.
3. Set the desired resolution to fix the stretching and also set the FOV factor in AladdinInNasirasRevengeFOVFix.ini.
By IraFunesto
Replace the exe to change the resolution
of the game.
If the game doesn't start, also change the desktop resolution before starting it.
Password: pcgw
Super Neptunia RPG Movement Stutter Fix
By KingKrouch
This patch aims to fix the movement stutter above 50FPS. The game uses FixedUpdate for movement updates, and due to it sticking to Unity's default FixedUpdate rate of 50Hz, this results in stutter at 60FPS or higher. This mod simply changes the FixedUpdate to run at 1000Hz (1ms) instead, as that evenly divides by most framerate targets that are realistically going to be targeted by most people. From my testing, it behaves fine when using VSync at a locked 144FPS. Instructions: 1. Download the IPS patch, and head to RomPatcher.js ( or use a dedicated IPS patching utility (Such as Lunar IPS). 2. Drag the "globalgamemanagers" file from the "SuperNeptuniaRPG_Data" folder in the game directory onto the Browse button in the ROM file section, and drag the IPS patch into the Browse button in the Patch File section. 3. After pressing "Apply Patch", copy the downloaded file to the "SuperNeptuniaRPG_Data" directory and make sure to rename the file to "globalgamemanagers".114 downloads
Sports Car GT Widescreen Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes Spcar.exe binaries for 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 aspect ratios.
- Extract the executable that corresponds to the aspect ratio you want to use, to the root game folder, replacing any original files.
- Use dgVoodoo to force a resolution that matches the aspect ratio you chose from the fix.
Credits go to: AuToMaNiAk005 (Creator of Widescreen Fix)
Password: pcgw
- sports car gt widescreen fix
- widescreen
- (and 17 more)
Antz Extreme Racing - FOV Fix
By AlphaYellow
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the arcade racing game "Antz Extreme Racing" (2002).
Source code available here:
1. Extract all files to the game folder.
2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of dinput8.dll), and also extract it to the game folder.
3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in AntzExtremeRacingFOVFix.ini.
International Rally Championship compatibility fix
By Manticore
This fix ensures compatibility with new Windows systems (tested on 10 and 11). The game should run properly now - without crashing on launch, with working pause menu and without FPS drops. This fix should be used with dgVoodoo 2 to achieve the best results.
Kane & Lynch 16:9 FOV Fix
By MrEWhite
Requires ThirteenAG's Universal ASI Loader and optionally Zolika1351's GFWL Protection Disabler if you want to use it with GFWL. Simply drag eASIer.asi & eASIer.txt to the root directory of K&L alongside UAL's dinput8.dll & GPD's GFWLProtectionDisabler2019.asi (if using GFWL Protection Disabler) and start the game.
The number 246 in the eASIer.txt file can be changed up or down to a max of 255 to increase or decrease FOV accordingly.
Credit to HackMan128 and his ASI plugin "eASIer" (permission was given to include it in this fix), along with czarman for finding the value that changes FOV.
This is only tested on the Steam release.
Control Resolution and Aspect Ratio unlocker + UI fixes
By filoppi
NOTE: the improvements from this mod have also been included in a new more comprehensive patch, which also adds HDR support, improves DLSS and textures streaming.
Only tested on the Epic Store, GOG and Steam versions, but it should also work on Xbox Game Pass builds.
Works with both Win7/10 DirectX 11/12 versions. Based on the latest Ultimate Edition patch (0.0.344.1879).
Just replace one or two DLLs in the game folder.
Aspect Ratio fixes:
Fix enemies health bar not being placed in the right screen location at any resolution above 16:9 (this caused a UI mess during combat on ultra wide monitors) Unlocked aspect ratio restrictions (above 21:9 and below 4:3). The game is Hor+ above 16:9 and Ver+ below 16:9 Resolution fixes:
Fix DLSS not working at resolutions or aspect ratios that weren't in the officially supported lists Unlock supersampling rendering resolutions (greater than your output resolution) Added some resolutions to the game hardcoded list, but also dynamically added your current monitor resolution to it A bunch of fixes for resolution management and swapping between windowed/borderless/fullscreen Unlock DLSS Ultra Quality, which is still locked by nVidia, but might get unlocked one day at driver level Donations: PayPal
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 Widescreen Fix
By AlphaYellow
Widescreen Fix for PES 3 (Pro Evolution Soccer 3)
- Extract the kitserver folder to the game folder where PES3.exe is located.
- Install kitserver3 using setup.exe and locate your PES3.exe
- Configure screen and internal game resolution, aspect ratio and game speed in kserv.cfg, as well as other settings available.
Credits: Juce
Password is pcgw
- pes 3
- pro evolution soccer 3
- (and 10 more)
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Widescreen Fix
By AlphaYellow
Widescreen Fix for PES 4 (Pro Evolution Soccer 4)
- Extract the kitserver folder to the game folder where PES4.exe is located.
- Install kitserver4 using setup.exe and locate your PES4.exe
- Configure screen and internal game resolution and aspect ratio in kserv.cfg, as well as other settings available.
Credits: Juce
Password is pcgw
- pes 4 widescreen fix
- aspect ratio
- (and 22 more)
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