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About This File

This ultrawide patch for Persona 4 Golden modifies the supported resolution list to add support for your chosen ultrawide resolution and modifies the screen AR and gameplay AR to fill the screen correctly. It replaces the need to use a reshade filter to stretch the image.

Tested on the Steam release of Persona 4 Golden as of 21st of June 2020.

Credit and thanks to StevieCoops#6722 on the WSGF Discord for assistance and testing.

How to install:

  1. Download the patcher that matches your resolution and type of UI you want.
  2. Extract the patcher exe from the zip using the password 'pcgw'.
  3. Run the patcher and click the 3 dots and find 'P4G.exe' then hit start. 

Known issues:

  • Adjusting render scale above or below 100% will interfere with the UI offset.
  • Screen filters such as the scanline-effect in the TV world will only fill the center portion of the screen.
  • Various other visual bugs due to seeing outside of the rendered UI.
  • Internal resolution is 16:9 (3440x1935 using the 3440x1440 patcher).
  • Interface is misaligned for mouse interactions.

Example of centered UI.

P4 UI centered battle.jpg


Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or issues.

What's New in Version 0.12   See changelog


Added 2560x1080 patcher.

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Hi. I'm using the 3440x1440 centered HUD version, and the only problem I seem to have is that the HUD isn't centered, it's offset to the right. Is there a fix for this?


Edit: Nevermind, I should learn how to read. The problem was caused by the 200% render setting. Set it to 100% and it's centered. I will leave this up here if anyone else has problems with reading.



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30 minutes ago, Anthraksi said:

Hi. I'm using the 3440x1440 centered HUD version, and the only problem I seem to have is that the HUD isn't centered, it's offset to the right. Is there a fix for this?


Edit: Nevermind, I should learn how to read. The problem was caused by the 200% render setting. Set it to 100% and it's centered. I will leave this up here if anyone else has problems with reading.



Do you have your render scale set to 100%? 

Edit: Just saw your edit! 

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Anyone know what's going on here? Only occurs after running the executable through the patcher at 3440x1440.

Rendering at 100% nothing out of the ordinary done, just ran the game through the patcher and started it up.



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I'm using 3440x1440 Centered UI and I'm having an issue where there are darker bars on the sides. My render scale is 200%.



If I set my render to 100%, then I have another issue of things not being centered despite others here suggesting they've had the opposite issue.


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Hi, I'm on centered UI 3440x1440, rendering at 100% and I'm having this problem. What am I doing wrong here, anyone knows a fix? 

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For the people using the stretched hud version of this patch, I actually made a font edit to avoid stretching, which can be downloaded from gamebanana here

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I'm having the same issue as some of the previous users where the centered UI version doesn't work, no matter if you use 100% or 200% render. It creates this weird shadowy effect. Is there any update to this problem?

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This is being flagged as "Trojan:Script/Phonzy.A!ml" nobody else seems to have reported this, any reason this would be getting flagged for me? Appreciate any help :)

Screenshot (10).png

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1 hour ago, seraphhh said:

This is being flagged as "Trojan:Script/Phonzy.A!ml" nobody else seems to have reported this, any reason this would be getting flagged for me? Appreciate any help :)

Screenshot (10).png

Probably just a false positive. Windows usually flags these as viruses since these directly edit the game .exe file. Which is the reason why I prefer simple hex edits instead of these .exe files, since thats basically what they are.

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On 7/3/2020 at 2:18 PM, AlexanderDeLarge said:

Anyone know what's going on here? Only occurs after running the executable through the patcher at 3440x1440.

Rendering at 100% nothing out of the ordinary done, just ran the game through the patcher and started it up.



Has anyone find out what's causing this? I'm having the same problem with the centered UI and my display scaling is 100% just like this guy

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On 1/7/2021 at 3:07 PM, alonesama said:


Hi, I'm on centered UI 3440x1440, rendering at 100% and I'm having this problem. What am I doing wrong here, anyone knows a fix? 

For those still having this problem, here's the fix I've found.

The main problem is you are using the centered UI with Ultrawide Text Fix mod, at least that was my case. That mod is pretended to work only with stretched UI.

So, you have 2 options, either uninstall the mod or change your UI to the stretched one, which I highly recommend.

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I have a solution working with the 64 bit update (ultrawide monitor, 3440x1440, Steam version).

- Open the game executable (PG4.exe) in a hex-editor such as HxD. Use hexadecimal values.

- Search for 398EE33F and replace by 8EE31840 (1 ocurrence).

- Search for 0000F0440000FA44 and replace by 000021454000FA44 (1 ocurrence)

This removes black bars. FMV and HUD are streched, but Gameplay and other cinematics are fine.

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11 hours ago, chachardus said:

I have a solution working with the 64 bit update (ultrawide monitor, 3440x1440, Steam version).

- Open the game executable (PG4.exe) in a hex-editor such as HxD. Use hexadecimal values.

- Search for 398EE33F and replace by 8EE31840 (1 ocurrence).

- Search for 0000F0440000FA44 and replace by 000021454000FA44 (1 ocurrence)

This removes black bars. FMV and HUD are streched, but Gameplay and other cinematics are fine.


It worked like a charm! I still backed up the Vanilla.exe just in case.

I was using the Aspect Ratio option from Reshade, and it does look zoomed in, but the Hex Edit is much more Zoom out and properly scaled!

You can compare the option between the picture.

First is Aspect Ratio (0.341 values)

2nd Pic is Hex edit - Notice how you can see Marie on bottom right compared to the First one! It does feel weird seeing her, since she's actually moving in her place (Basically waiting until her cutscene appears where she walks past Yu).

I checked the screenshots. There is a very very small black letter box on the side (You won't notice it, unless you clearly zoom in on as screenshot file.

Anime Cutscenes are pretty much the same, other than the little black bars that I mentioned.

You can use the Aspect ratio (0.1) from Reshade to cover it slightly to make it no black bars on the sides!

I'll probably use the Aspect ratio just to cover the little black bars on the side, but this is much better than using it fully!










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Also, the more I look at the pics. The more I realize that the character models appear "Chubby" if Zoomed in when using full Aspect Ratio (0.341).

If you use the Hex Value method. Characters appear thinner and closer to the original models!

Another thing is looking at the taxi in the background behind Dojima. You can see the name of the Taxi on the side door!

”稲羽タクシ" or Inaba Taxi (Great thing my Japanese skills came in handy!).

This is truly much better than the full Aspect Ratio! Just using 0.1 should completely fix the little black bars on the side!

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Has anyone been able to make the UI centered on the new 64 bit update, i got the game working with chachardus' ultrawide hex edits but ui is stretched as stated

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I've got it working on 2560x1080 resolution with the new 64-bit version, since the patches did not work for me.

I changed only 0000F0440000FA44 to 000021450000F044 and it is not stretched. Changing it to 000021454000F044 did not work for me - it just crashed the game.

There are small gaps that I noticed after a while on top and bottom but i don't know how to fix them and they don't really bother me.

Also for Steam Deck, 1280x800 i changed it to 00 00 D8 44 00 00 FA 44 and it works great too.



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