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66 files

  1. T-55 fix for Warfare

    Apparently HEAT FRAG ammo for the T-55 is broken in several versions of Warfare. (Don't know specifics)
    Obtained from here with permission: https://steamcommunity.com/app/35300/discussions/0/3418810183133842714/




  2. Rally Championship Xtreme Truespeech Converter

    This batch scripts converts Co-Driver speech files encoded with the obsolete Truespeech codec into plain PCM WAV files, allowing the game to play them without requiring the user to install the codec on their system. Bundles ffmpeg for the ease of use.
    Password: pcgw
    Run convert_speech_to_adpcm.bat. If your game is installed in a write-protected directory (like Program Files), run it as an Administrator. Write or paste a full path to the game's Speech directory - that is, <path-to-game>\Data\Sound\Speech. Press Enter and wait for the conversion to finish.




  3. Prototype 1 Launcher Bat File

    This is a bat file which helps user to run the prototype game which lags or crashes when they try to reopen their save file in the game. This bat file fixes that problem




  4. Persona 3 Reload - Force higher quality SSAO

    The low-quality SSAO the game uses by default results in grid-like patterns. This script fixes that.




  5. Persona 3 Reload - Force RT Reflections everywhere

    If you for some reason hate SSR in Tartarus, this script ensures Tartarus will have RT. Requires UE4SS.




  6. Max Payne Flat Difficulty (Vanilla PC Values)

    Replaced both the maximum and minimum values for default ("Fugitive") difficulty in the PC version's difficulty.txt (sourced from Steam release) with the default/neutral ones.  No other difficulty (or mode, in the case of New York Minute) uses differing adaptive values, so those didn't need to be changed.




  7. Ultrawide monitor workaround for mgs 2, 3 and mg 1+2 in metal gear master collection

    In short, master collection does not like ultrawide monitors when it comes to metal geaer solid 2 and 3 and will just stretch the game image to fill the screen.

    The easy fix is to change your resolution to 1920x1080 just to play these and this script will do that for you.

    It uses display changer made by 12noon, according to the website at the time of download they are fine with their product being redistributed for non commercial use as long as it is not altered as seen here https://web.archive.org/web/20230218234037/https://12noon.com/?page_id=127.
    Program is entirely created by and owned by 12noon and I don't pretend otherwise.
    Copy files:

    Simply download the zip file and put both files into the main game directory
    Adjust the resolution:
    You will need to edit the following in the batch file.
    Numbers on line 1 are what we want our resolution to change to when we start the game, for me and probably for you too thats 1920x1080 or 1080p.
    numbers on line 7 are what we want our resolution to swap back to once we stop playing, for me this is 2560 by 1080.

    Steam launch options:
    In steam right click the game, click properties, and paste the following into launch options and then close the window using the X in the top right corner.
    mgs2or3ultrawideworkaround.bat %command%
    Now you can launch the game as normal
    Once the game has started this little window will start as well and the game should be running at 1920x1080.

    this is the script running, when you've quit the game and want your computer to go back to ultrawide just click on the script window and then press any key on the keyboard.
    It would be nice to automate this but as the game uses two exes this is harder then it needs to be.
    Regardless I hope this is helpful to some people until we get a proper fix.




  8. NFS Most Wanted (2012) - Realistic Plugin v4.02

    Retrieved from: https://www.nfsplanet.com/en/nfsmw2/files/
    Author: Racer_S
    This tool includes everything needed for a realistic experience in Need for Speed Most Wanted.
    Includes the Camera Control mod, along with some bugfixes and as a bonus more options to properly use your force-feedback wheel or gamepad. Originally the game had some weak inverted effects and really slow turning rates, which are taken care of in this plugin. The crash camera can be disabled and raw input can be forced and or adjusted.
    - The Proxy DLL method doesn't seem to work from my testing. Using the other method is required (provided in the .zip).
    - Run the plugin .exe before starting the game (if not using the proxy version DLL)
    Usage instructions:
    The mouse is used for changing the camera angles; The mouse-wheel controls the camera Roll, X and Y control Yaw and Pitch
    * SAVE/LOAD Views:  The hotkeys for this are hard coded to the numbers across the top of the keyboard (not the Function keys!)
      To load a preset, hold Ctrl and press any number 0-9. To save a preset, hold ALT and press any number 0-9.
    * There are 3 camera modes.  * There are also 3 camera modes while in Free-Look.
      1. Original Modified                   1. normal free look
      2. Locked to car                          2. cinematic with manual FOV
      3. Locked to car + Orbit            3. cinematic with auto FOV

    Camera Control HotKeys
    Numpad * = Toggle Camera Control On
    Numpad / = Toggle Camera Control Off
    Numpad 9 = Toggle Free-Look
    Numpad 3 = Toggle TrackIR (must be enabled in config first)
    Numpad 7 = Toggle HUD
    Numpad 1 = Next Preset
    Numpad 0 = Toggle Mouse
    Numpad . = Change Camera  Mode (Changes to Cinematic Mode if Free-Look enabled)
    Numpad + = Toggle Glass Texture
    U = Move Up
    T = Move Down
    G = Move Left
    J = Move Right
    Y = Move Forward
    H = Move Backward
    k = Reset View
    ] = Increase FOV
    [ = Decrease FOV
    SHIFT = Move Faster

    Initial camera setup
    1) Start game then press Numpad * to enable new cameras
    2) Change to 3rd Person view then press Numpad 1 to cycle new cameras or create your own.
    3) Press Numpad / to disable new cameras and return to default
    4) Steering and force-feedback options are always enabled.




  9. Max Payne 1 Removed Adaptive Difficulty

    Edited difficulty file to remove the adaptive difficulty option of the original Max Payne. The new values are taken from the "Fugitive" difficulty of the remastered mobile release. Other difficulty settings not affected. Just put in your game folder for it to take effect.


    1 comment


  10. Metro 2033 FWS Plugin

    This plugin provides a fix for mismatched mouse sensitivity and separate adjustments of World FoV and Hands FoV. Script made by JohnnyonFlame.
    Download and install Flawless Widescreen. Download this plugin and extract it into the Flawless Widescreen installation folder. Launch Flawless Widescreen, select Metro 2033 from Installed Plugins section, adjust settings to your preference.




  11. DKII-MouseWheel Remapper

    ZIP password is "pcgw" without quotes.


    This software is provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees. The author is not liable for any damages or issues caused by the use of this software.
    Windows Defender might flag this as a keylogger, this is false. Well, factually this waits for keyinputs and acts on them, in the background. So technically windows defender is right. But this code is not malicious.
    The sourcecode is attached in the ahk file, you can take a look at it and compile it yourself!
    If this happens and windows keeps deleting the file you can disable the real-time protection, install as instructed below and then make an exception for the file.
    More Infos on how to do this here:
    https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-security-811816c0-4dfd-af4a-47e4-301afe13b26#:~:text=Go to Start > Settings > Update,%2C file types%2C or process.

    1. What is this?

    This allows you to use mousewheel scrolling to zoom in / out and mousewheel click and drag to rotate the camera in Dungeon Keeper II
    2. System requirements

    Any potato. This was tested on Windows 10 but I'm pretty sure it runs on pretty much any Windows since 7, maybe even XP or 11.
    Might also work on linux with the source code provided. No idea.
    3. How do I install it?

    1. Install the GOG Version of Dungeon Keeper II
    2. Throw the DKII-MouseWheel.exe into the Dungeon Keeper II installation directory
    3. Rightclick > Properties > Compatibility Tab > Run as Administrator
    4. Always run DKII-MouseWheel.exe instead of the regular game exe. It starts with the game and quits afterwards
    Running this as administrator is necessary because the DKII-DX.exe from the GOG version runs as admin by default and will not accept inputs from programs with lower permissions.

    4. License Information
    MIT or something, can't be bothered to look this up. You're free to redistribute, copy, share, edit this as you like. Who even cares?

    5. Contact Information
    Questions / Feedback / Problems / Wishes / Thanks?
    Write to me at anonmailsgohere@gmail.com




  12. F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point EAX Fix

    F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point EAX Fix
    by D3SOL4TE
    Fixes an issue where when enabling 'HW Mixing' in the in-game settings certain sounds would be absent.
    1. Extract 'FEARXP_EAX_FIX.Arch00' to '<Path-to-FEAR>\FEARXP' e.g. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition'.
    2. Open 'Default.archcfg' located in '<Path-to-FEAR>\FEARXP' with Notepad and add 'FEARXP_EAX_FIX.Arch00' on a new line without the quotation marks.
    3. Save and close the file.
    1. Delete 'FEARXP_EAX_FIX.Arch00' located in '<Path-to-FEAR>\FEARXP'.
    2. Open 'Default.archcfg' located in '<Path-to-FEAR>\FEARXP' with Notepad and delete the line 'FEARXP_EAX_FIX.Arch00'.
    3. Save and close the file.
    Posted in https://discord.gg/SsNnde9pKv > https://discord.com/channels/769676466601984050/769678076518727731/1076670780911407204
    Discussion: https://github.com/kcat/dsoal/issues/37




  13. Erquint's Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Sound Hack

    Erquint's DDDA Sound Hack, originally uploaded on this Steam Guides thread, now unavailable.
    Used to fix low audio volume issue, as mentioned on the game's PCGW page.
    Password: pcgw




  14. Prototype Low FPS Workaround

    TLDR: This will simply disable the appropriate devices in device manager before launching the game then reenable them.
    Stole the idea from Sylum on steam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2868404662.
    The difference being it tells steam to launch the game instead of pointing to the game exe which won't always work.
    A shortcut is included that launches the script as admin for you as long as it is in the same folder as the script folder. Does not work as a steam shortcut unfortunately but you're welcome to try your luck.
    now to go over the script.
    The first part launches powershell in admin mode.
    The lines with the # infront of them are related the processoraffinity issues that cause the game to crash when loading. They are disabled as the numbers needed are custom from computer to computer but you can always remove the # if you want to play around with them.
    The pnp device related lines are for disabling then reenabling the devices in device manager letting the game start properly.
    Here is the script in its entirety:

    # Self-elevate the script if required
    Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
    if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
        if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
            $Command = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
            Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList $Command
    $gamePath = start steam://rungameid/10150
    $hidDevices = Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName 'HID-compliant consumer control device' -status OK
    Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false -InstanceId $hidDevices.InstanceId
    #$Process = Get-Process steam; $Process.ProcessorAffinity=15
    Start-Sleep -s 3
    $gamePath | Invoke-Expression
    Start-Sleep -s 3
    Enable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false -InstanceId $hidDevices.InstanceId
    # $Process = Get-Process steam; $Process.ProcessorAffinity=4095




  15. Splinter Cell Conviction extras unlocker

    An ASI script plugin that unlocks every piece of additional content in the game from all game versions, digital or physical, through memory injection.

    Gives access to all content from the Limited Collector's Edition, Gamestop pre-orders, and Deluxe Edition, as well as the Uplay Rewards and the Third Echelon map for the Deniable Ops game mode, which was only available for a limited time through a code given away by Gamespot and later included in the Ubisoft Store version of the game. The content consists of weapons, skins, a gadget, and the aforementioned map. Does not give access to the Insurgency Pack DLC content (four additional maps for the Deniable Ops game mode), which is still up for sale although no longer accessible due to server closure.

    The content will no longer require server connection for access. Tested only on the Deluxe Edition of the game on Steam. Does not work on the Ubisoft Connect version of the game.

    Extract the files to <path-to-game>\src\system.

    The author of this mod is unknown.




  16. 007: Quantum of Solace - multi-player FPS unlocker

    A Cheat Engine table for 007: Quantum of Solace, which allows changing the FPS cap in the multi-player mode. Tested with the retail copy of the game (with GFWL enabled and working).
    Note that this does not change the refresh-rate lock (whose value is 60) and that you use this table at your own discretion, I am not responsible for any (highly unlikely) bans due to usage of this table.

    BIG thanks to SuicideMachine for major help with this.


    1 comment


  17. Harry Potter HBP Resolution Fix

    Allows you to play Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in Full HD resolution or more.




  18. neptunia rebirth 1 1080p start

    A premade batch file for an example of using display changer for this game as mentioned at https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Hyperdimension_Neptunia_Re;Birth_1




  19. Battlefield: Hardline - FOV Cheat Engine Table

    A cheat engine table for Battlefield: Hardline, which should allow for changing FOV in singleplayer mode. Tested with Steam release of the game.


    1 comment


  20. Fps Unlocker for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

    Unlocks the fps cap in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
    You'll need .NET Framework 4.8 to work: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net48
    Extract File and move to Game folder Launch the game and After skipping the first menu press "ALT TAB" on the keyboard Launch the exe called "IW Frame Unlocker.exe" and a return to the game. Done Sadly you'll have to do it every time you enter the game but still. better that nothing
    (works with Multiplayer and Zombies)
    Disclaimer: I didn't make this mod, just reuploaded. 😉




  21. The Suffering: Ties That Bind - numpad AHK script

    An autohotkey script for The Suffering: Ties That Bind that adds hotkeys for numpad 4 and numpad 6, allowing to progress for those which can't use them. numpad4 is shift+4 and numpad6 is shift+6.




  22. Road 96 - FOV cheat engine table

    This FOV table allows for changing Default FOV value in the game.


    1 comment


  23. Kena_Bridge_of_spirits_FOV.CT

    Here is a simple fix i made for this game.
    You need to download and install first cheat engine.
    Then start your game and load your savegame. Alt+Tab to desktop and double click the CT file provided here.
    Then click on the computer to load the game process. Find it in the list and click open.
    Now tick the box named FOV changer. Double click the value column on the FOV value line and enter whatever value desired.
    Alt+Tab back to game the FOV should be changed.




  24. Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Red Screen Flash Reduction

    This HUD script intends to fix how blinding the red tinting is from being damaged in HL2:DM, particularly from high damage attacks.
    This fix can interfere with custom HUDs, so delete this folder if you install one (most of them include this fix anyway).
    Installation Instructions
    1. Navigate to "<path-to-game>/Half-Life 2 Deathmatch/hl2mp"
    2. Open the "custom" folder (if you don't have one, create it).
    3. Click and drag ONE of the folders into your "custom" folder:
    "red_screen_fix_low" - This heavily reduces the opacity of the damage tint "red_screen_fix_off" - This outright removes the damage tint. 4. You're done.
    This mod cannot fix all instances of being damaged due to some events being hardcoded, most notably prop damage (e.g moving fast into props). The game will create a "sound" folder with a small "sound.cache" file in it. This is not a bug. This fix can interfere with custom HUDs, so delete the fix you chose if you install one (most of the good ones include this fix anyway). If you want to disable the death red tint too, open "hudanimations.txt", CTRL+F "HudPlayerDeath" (without quotes) and replace the two lines with "HudDamageIndicator" with the following below: Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor    "255 0 0 0"        Deaccel 0.1 0.2
    Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor    "255 0 0 0"        Deaccel 0.3 4.0
    Diamphid (hl2dm.net) - Using their transperency values




  25. Just Cause 4 Field of View mod

    You need to have Cheat Engine installed, then launch the game, open the table, attach it to the process and use the hotkeys:
    F4 - activate the mod
    F5 - reset FoV to default
    F6 - Increase FoV
    F7 - Decrease FoV
    F8 - Set FoV to default +30°
    Quick video to show the mod in action: https://streamable.com/2iosxc
    Known issues:
    If you set an offset too high or too low the camera will flip upside down, just press F5 to reset it.
    In-engine cutscenes are also affected, things that weren't supposed to be in the shot may behave oddly.
    Vehicle weapon crosshairs may be off-center (higher) when using higher FoV, just aim a bit higher than the actual target.




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