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138 files

  1. Blue Shift Menu Color Scheme (Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update)

    Obviously from the screenshots, this is not the same as this version. This is one I made myself since I wanted a more WON styled coloring for the recent update to Half-Life. I was a little disappointed this was not done during that transition.
    Note: This does not fix the scaling issue with the background on widescreen resolutions or add the animated logo. That will involve more work to add, but might be possible with the new update.
    This gives the menu for Blue Shift (or literally any other Gold Source game if you wanted to) a more accurate Blue Shift coloring. It is not entirely based off of the looks of WON as I mainly wanted the menu to be appropriately colored for Blue-Shift...although I went the extra mile to give the menu buttons a more accurate font. You may need to install the font "Courier New Bold" On your system if it's absent. I do not know where you get it if not installed already.
    1. Download the file.
    2. Extract the zip into the game's installation directory (where hl.exe is located)
    3. Launch the game.
    4. Go to the in-game options and under the "content" tab, make sure "allow custom addon content" is checked. Click apply and the game will restart with the new color scheme.
    Note: Using the bshift_addon directory ensures that the file will not get deleted or overwritten after an update or verification. If using the previous version I uploaded, I recommend moving it into the bshift_addon\resource directory instead.
    If you wish to use this for regular Half-Life or other mods, create the addon folder for the mod and create a resource folder in there and put the TrackerScheme.res file in there. (for Half-Life, use the valve_addon folder, for Opposing Force, use gearbox_addon folder, etc. Create them if they do not exist already).




  2. Vritra Hexa BGM Pack

    A set of files that replaces some existing tracks in Vritra Complete Edition with their Hexa arrangements.




  3. Enhanced Valve Logo For Half-Life (only for Steam version, 25th Anniversary) + Open Your Mind

    Same as this mod, but converted to WebM with separate WAV file for audio, to work with the 25th Anniversary version of the game, which restored the intro video support, this time WebM instead of AVI. Plus included Open Your Mind version of the intro alongside the original in two resolutions (720p Widescreen and 480p)
    The audio will remain played in it's lower quality due to the game used separate WAV file played through the Miles Sound System instead of the one from WebM itself.
    To fix the low quality audio, use MetaAudio with MetaHookSv, see the instructions here.
    Added 3 variants of the intro (Open Your Mind (both Portal 2/turning head and non-turning head version), and Open Your Eyes in 720p & Widescreen)
    Initial creation.




  4. Unreal DirectX11 Renderer

    Re-upload of the 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 versions of "Unreal DirectX11 Renderer" made by darknovismc, which were removed from the original ModDB site, due to controversy surrounding aggressive advertisements of monetary donations. Files provided in this archive are modified to prevent forcing any links to the author's PayPal to the system's clipboard and provide instructions on removing watermark in the "readme.txt" file.
    Original summary:
    "DirectX 11 renderer for the following Unreal Engine I games: Unreal Tournament, Unreal Gold, Harry Potter 1&2, Clive Barker Undying, ST:Klingon Honor Guard, Rune and DeusEx. These dll extensions allow you to play these games on full HD resolution with features like: ASSAO - ambient occlusion which gives realistic ambient lightning and shadowing effects. Screen Space Reflection - imitates reflective and shiny surfaces Tesselation - increases mesh complexity, gives smoothness and roundness to characters and game objects. HDR - simulates light adaptation, adds more vivid colors Parallax Occlusion Mapping - adds bumpiness on near to camera surfaces and more.."


    1 comment


  5. Coax, Force, Accuse - Mod

    In L.A. Noire, the interrogation dialogue options were originally written to be "Coax, Force or Accuse" but the prompts were retitled shortly before release which often was misleading. Especially for the "Doubt" option which was originally "Force".
    This mod retitles the prompts back to what they originally were.
    To install, extract the files to the "L.A. Noire\final\pc" folder.
    Credit to u/JazzEXP




  6. Over the Hedge - Xbox Button Prompts

    This mod replaces the generic, numbered button prompts with Xbox 360 icons.
    To install: replace the original [game]\data\keys\gamepad_and_mouse.dat file with the modified one.




  7. Ultra+ for Dirt Rally 1.02

    Mirrored from https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/ultra-for-dirt-rally-1-02.8472, which requires creating an account to download.




  8. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Reduced Bloom Mod

    Bloom seems to be far stronger than it should be in the base game of The Two Thrones on PC compared to other versions of the game. This fix uses HelixMod to replace the bloom shader with one that applies less bloom. It's not exact (you can see in the screenshots that it's both stronger and weaker than the console versions in different places).
    Also includes nemesis2000's widescreen fix daisy chained into HelixMod. Edit pop3.ini accordingly and run upx.bat once if you are using the GoG version.




  9. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Xbox button prompts

    Modified POPData.bf (contains various strings for Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones) to replace generic button prompts with Xbox ones. Two Thrones supports XInput but its XInput support is broken (triggers don't work). This is part of a workaround to force the game to use DirectInput, which is better supported.




  10. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough - Ammo and Health Drops

    Original description:
    "This simple *.pk3 file edits out the frustrating drop rate limiter from the orginal script files. Enemies now drop ammo and health pickups as frequent as in the base game, making Breakthrough much more enjoyable.
    For some reason ammo drop rates on mission 1-3 don't seem to increase. For that reason you now spawn with an additional Thompson in your arsenal. Health flasks do drop more frequently though.
    You now also begin mission 3-3 with a scoped rifle which makes way more sense for a big chunk of the map layout."

    How to use:
    Simply put the 'ZZZ_more_ammo_health.pk3' file into your 'maintt' folder and you're good to go. The changes should take effect when starting a mission from the beginning."
    Original source: Mod DB
    I'm uploading here an updated version of this mod, that reverts weapon change in third segment of the first mission and fixes ammo drops in the same level, while also fixing crashes at the end of first segment of the second mission and reducing file size quite a bit (mod author forgot to delete unmodified .scr files from the archive).




  11. Deadly Premonition mods

    A reupload of the mods for Deadly Premonition. Extra outfits and raincoat killer Emily work like DLCs, and can be toggled on and off in-game.
    HD HUD, font and icons
    raincoat killer Emily + no crease fold on York's jacket, clean logo, beta "hunger/sleep" TV in pause menu and corrected "Invisble St." sign
    HD Environment and skins texture pack
    PlayStation button prompts & clean fonts (use wayback machine)
    Immersive Premonition + DOF fix
    extra outfits for Emily (contains spoilers)




  12. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS {Project Jehuty}

    Project Jehuty for Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS
    Follow the steps below in order.
    1. Download the files and drop the files in your Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS steam game folder.
    2. Launch game and select resolution and graphic settings.
    3. Happy Gaming.
    Gsync and Vsync
    1. Gsync only works properly in borderless window with in game Vsync disabled. Game will lock to 60fps no tearing.
    2. In game Vsync works in Fullscreen mode 60fps no tearing. Gsync must be disabled or fps drop will occur. 
    All fixes are listed below.
    All ultrawide resolutions supported for 1080p, 1440p, 1600p, 2160p.
    Render Resolution fixed for all aspect ratios.
    Game window fixed for all aspect ratios.
    In game cinematics and gameplay fixed for all aspect ratios.
    Effects fixed for all aspect ratios.
    Custom UI fixed to 16x9. (maybe more updates in the future for ui.)
    Menu and in game maps affixed to 16x9.
    FMV's have been affixed to 16x9 as well with black bars.
    Main Menu Custom UI for all aspect ratios.
    You can report anything wrong with the mod on here or on WSGF discord channel.
    There is still small things to fix with the UI. Hopefully update will be posted soon.
    Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support!
    This mod couldn't have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to Phantom Gamers! 
    Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.




  13. Prince of Persia Kindred Blades Mod (The TRUE Prince of Persia 3)

    Prince of Persia kindred blades was the intended official continuation and conclusion of the prince of persia trilogy, but was scraped and re-arranged into The Two Thrones after receiving backlash for the darker themes and aesthetic of its predecessor  "Warrior Within" this mod aims to get as close to the intended original plans for the game.
    -New textures for characters, environments and skyboxes.
    -Prince costume inspired by the warrior within one and dark prince form from the first e3 trailers of the game
    -More darker aesthetic to be more in close with Warrior Within
    -Restores Decapitations and blood into the game
    -Fixes lighting, including bloom (witch is broken on the base game)
    Optional (Accessible in Extras Folder):
    -Files to make the dark prince not lose HP
    -Sandy halo around dark prince (as in the E3 Trailer)
    -Free look while executing QTE
    -Ability to spawn infinite enemies
    -Selectable Variable speedkill methods
    -Enable / Disable post-processing
    -Enable / Disable Speedkill camera
    Instructions to install: 
    1) Download All 3 Parts
    2) Extract them all at the same time (not separately)
    3) Move all files to game folder
    4) If you want to utilize the Optional stuff, Move the files from the Extra folder to the main folder and replace
    5) You're done
    Youtube video Showing some of the changes: 
    Mod Made By Chessbas50, Special thanks to him


    1 comment


  14. Crash Bandicoot 4 - Undub All Languages

    Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has been fully localized in 9 different languages, including texts and voice acting, and 2 languages with just text. But again for some odd reason, audio and text are interconnected, and you can only play the game 100% in the same language. Preventing users to play with English audio for example, and text / subtitles in any other language.
    To work around this limitation, I developed this mod for Steam. It will basically force the game to follow your desired language for text and subtitles, but will keep the original dubbing of that language.
    First, download and extract the file Crash Bandicoot 4 - Undub All Languages.zip to your computer. After that, go to the game's installation folder (by default it is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crash Bandicoot 4"), enter inside the folders Lava, Content and then Paks. Inside the Paks folder, create another folder, called ~mods. Now, place the all .PAK files from your desired text language inside the ~mods folder.
    Go to your Steam Library, select Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, click Properties, "Language" tab, and then select the language you would like to hear the voice acting in. Run the game and it will have the voice acting you chose, but with all the texts (menus and subtitles) in your primary language. ;D
    This mod is also available on Steam Guides section if you want to give it likes, faves and awards:
    *Obs.: this mod was made for the Steam version of Crash Bandicoot 4. It should work on BattleNet version since it use similar files, but it was not tested.




  15. Enhanced Valve Logo For Half-Life (non-Steam version only)

    Note: This only plays on the original, non-Steam version of Half-Life (WON version). The Steam version does not have video playback on startup. It was completely removed with no way to reactivate it.
    For a version that works for the 25th-Anniversary update to Half-life, go here.
    So here is something a little different, an enhanced version of the classic Valve logo from Half-Life when it first starts up. I know most people probably just skip these, but I wanted to make this anyway. Small little personal project that I decided to make public.
    Improvements compared to the original:
    -Higher FPS: Now 30fps instead of 15fps.
    -Higher Bit-rate maybe?: Now ~2482Kbps, the original may have been lower but don't know the exact bit-rate.
    -Higher Quality Audio: I replaced the original, VERY noisy unsigned 8-bit PCM audio with signed 16-bit PCM with little endian.
    -Higher Sample Rate: Now 44100Hz instead of 22050Hz.
    -Music is now in Stereo instead of Mono.
    -Somehow slightly smaller file size.
    -Better, slightly more animated Logo: I did not do the animation, Valve did.
    The only negative here is that it is still 640x480 resolution, but I had to keep it at that to avoid the video from freezing part way through. The image quality suffers because of this also.
    More Details:
    Nothing was manually or AI enhanced/remastered, what you see/hear is all naturally occurring. Even the FPS.
    Amongst the files of the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer, is a teaser of Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (Which I think also plays at the end of Episode 1). This teaser contains a higher quality version of Valve's classic logo from Half-Life in 30fps and higher visual quality. I took that logo out of the teaser, replaced the audio with the official FLAC file of the Valve Theme from the Half-Life OST, manually trimmed and aligned the audio to match the original, converted it to the necessary codecs with FFmpeg, and here we are.
    I only take credit for simply mashing these two things together since both the video and audio was made by Valve.
    Note: Make sure you backup any already existing files. If you want to see it before installing, open valve.avi with Windows Media Player.
    1. Extract the zip file in <path-to-game>/valve/media.
    2. Click yes if asked to replace existing files.
    Personal Changelog:
    Initial creation.
    Adjusted resolution to 640x480 to prevent the video from freezing part way through.
    Resized logo to better match the original size of the original logo.




  16. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - FoV Changer Bionic-Blob (Steam version by Soupinator).CT

    Cheat table for changing FoV.
    Note that this will lock the FoV to a static value for all actions which used zoom effects (such as sprinting, aiming).
    Built for the Steam version.




  17. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - FoV Changer Bionic-Blob.CT

    Cheat table for changing FoV.
    Note that this will lock the FoV to a static value for all actions which used zoom effects (such as sprinting, aiming).
    Built for Xbox Game Pass version.




  18. High on Life - FoV Changer Bionic-Blob.CT

    A cheat table allowing the field of view to be modified in 'High on Life'.
    This cheat table was written for the Xbox Game Pass version.




  19. A Plague Tale: Requiem - Startup Logos Skip

    A Plague Tale: Requiem
    Zero length MP4 files
    Uploaded to replace "Short YouTube Video Link", another editor added, as just deleting the entry without explanation seems wrong, and someone may want it anyway.
    The zero length MP4 file will also work in any game that uses the format, correctly named, and installed.
    Simply extract to your game folder, the archive is packed with internal folder structure.




  20. World Rally Fever

    World Rally Fever: Born on the Road
    DOSBOX CRT Replacement and Gravis UltraSound for World Rally Fever game. Also works for many other GOG Dos Games. 
    1. Go to World Rally Fever folder.
    2. Make a backup of original Dosbox folder incase you don't like the CRT shader effect. Rename orinigal DOSBOX to ODosbox and dosboxWRF.conf to OdosboxWRF.conf and copy over folders and files into game directory.
    3. Start game and go to sound setup and select Gravis Ultrasound and use following settings.
    Save and start game and gravis ultrasound should now work.
    In my opinion game looks and sounds a lot better. (See Screenshot).
    A big thank you to Mattias Gustavsson for DOSBOX CRT.




  21. Mirror's Edge - Custom FOVs

    Changes the FOV in Mirror's Edge without breaking skyboxes/scope ADS. The numbers in the file names correspond to the FOV values in-game and are for reference only. Remember to remove the numbers from the file name when placing in your game directory.
    Files made by Nulaft




  22. UniversalRT - Forza Horizon 5 Ray tracing - Any version, both platforms

    This file is inspired by the ray tracing mod originally made here by Dictator.
    This version however uses a different approach, not using pointers, and should work on all versions of the game, both on MS and Steam.
    It has the same variables as Dictators mod, and yields the same results.
    To use, just enable the green entry, then you can change the variables underneath.
    If you get artifacting on the windows of your car in-game, make sure to change world car level of detail to ultra or above.




  23. Tales of Berseria Proper DualShock 4 button mod

    Changes the Share button to Touchpad on the TBFix provided button file as well changes the Xbox Controller layout displayed in the Controls option in the Pause menu to that of a DualShock 4 controller.




  24. Tales of Zestiria DualShock 4 button prompts mod

    Adds in PlayStation 4 equivalent button prompts to the game as well changes the Xbox Controller layout displayed in the ingame Controls option to that of a DualShock 4 controller.




  25. UplinkHD (High Resolution World Map)

    A higher resolution world map for the game Uplink, useful if you are not using any of the UI/Overhaul mods as the default world map is very low res.
    Source: https://forums.introversion.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=39121
    Original Readme:
    /------------------------------------------------------------------ / UPLINK HD V1.0 /------------------------------------------------------------------ / / Enjoy cool looks of Uplink even on hi-def screen. / / This pack contains high resolution version of UPLINK's / DEFCON-style world map. Both small and big map versions / were retouched for best visual experience. / / A brand new mask file is included, improving game to place / servers on locations where people actually live and use / internet (based on actual world internet usage map). So / no more companies from the middle of Sahara desert, heights / of Himalayas and so on. / / / Features: / / - retouched high definition DEFCON world map (small and big) / - reality-based mask for server placement on likely locations / - fully compatible with previous UPLINK user accounts / / /------------------------------------------------------------------ / / Installation: / / Extract this zip directly into your Uplink\graphics folder / (e.g. C:\Program Files\Uplink\graphics) / / If the graphics folder is not there, create it manually. / / /------------------------------------------------------------------ / / Troubleshooting: / / 1) Make sure you have UPLINK version of at least 1.51 / 2) Check inside UPLINK's display options that 'defaultworldmap' / is disabled / 3) If nothing helps, create a new user account. Most probably / your current account is using the default (non-DEFCON) / world map / / /------------------------------------------------------------------ / Created on 25.4.2011 by mudrpudr@gmail.com / / This graphic content is provided 'as-is', without any express or / implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for / any damages arising from the use of this graphic content. / / /------------------------------------------------------------------  




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