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Version 1.3
This RAR file contains a MechWarrior 3 - FOV Fixer v1.3, intended to fix the field of view in MechWarrior 3 (1999). Credits also go to: AuToMaNiAk005 Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract the fixer executable to the game folder (either 32 or 64-bit one, depending on your system). 2. Run the fixer and type the desired width and height to automatically fix the FOV.-
- multimonitor fix
- widescreen
- (and 13 more)
Version 1.0.0
Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder, binkw32.dll should be replaced Set your screen resolution in Settings.ini In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [FPS] Limit = 300 FPS limiter value Unlock = 0 0 - disable FPS limiter 1 - enable FPS limiter [RESOLUTION] Width = 0 Height = 0 forces the screen resolution [HUD] Centered = 1 0 - stretched HUD 1 - centered HUD Aspect = 1.777777 HUD aspect ratio value [DRAW_DISTANCE] LOD = 1.000 multiplier for the distance between LOD levels Objects = 1.000 multiplier for objects visibility distance use values no greater than 3.0 to avoid glitches at very high aspect ratios 4.0 - max value Shadows = 1.000 multiplier for shadows visibility distance Fog = 1.000 multiplier for the fog visibility distance [EFFECTS] ColorCorrection = 0 0 - disable yellowish tint 1 - enable yellowish tint DOF = 0 0 - disable "Depth Of Field" effect 1 - enable "Depth Of Field" effect ShadowMapSize = 1024 increase this value to get better shadows quality 256 - min value 15360 - max value- 18 comments
- fps unlock
- 48:9
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
Features: Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files into two game folders "\FINAL FANTASY XIII\" "\FINAL FANTASY XIII\white_data\prog\win\bin\" Hotkeys: F5 - FOV + F6 - FOV - F7 - Default FOV In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [RESOLUTION] Fullscreen = 0 forces full-screen mode Width = 0 Height = 0 forces the screen resolution [FOV_MAIN] Additional_degrees = 0.000 FOV value in degrees that will be added to current FOV; doesn't affect to battles and cutscenes [FOV_BATTLE] Multiplier = 1.000 multiplier for FOV value used in battles [FOV_CUTSCENE] Multiplier = 1.000 multiplier for FOV value used in cutscenes -
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in RM.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 30 more)
Tagged with:
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- superwide fix
- superwide
- superultrawide
- multimon
- multimonitor
- multimonitor fix
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16/9
- 16:10
- 16x10
- 16/10
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- 32x9
- 32:9
- 32/9
- 48:9
- 48/9
- 48x9
- fov
- fov fix
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Zombie.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 25 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Combat.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 30 more)
Tagged with:
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- fov
- fov fix
- multimon
- multimonitor
- multimonitor fix
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16/9
- 16:10
- 16x10
- 16/10
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- 32x9
- 32/9
- 32:9
- 48:9
- 48/9
- 48x9
- superwide
- superwide fix
- superultrawide
Version 1.0.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in DMH.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw -
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Berlin.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 28 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fix the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Iwo.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 27 more)
Version 1.0
This is a RAR file containing modified exes from the Direct3D, OpenGL and Glide renderers, for the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 32:9, 43:18 and 64:27 (same as 21:9). Instructions: - Extract the exes from the folder that matches your current aspect ratio. - For OpenGL and Direct3D, select a resolution ingame that matches your native resolution. For Glide, force the native resolution from a wrapper like nGlide or dgVoodoo2. Credits go to: Automaniak-
- multimonitor
- multimonitor fix
(and 33 more)
Tagged with:
- multimonitor
- multimonitor fix
- multimon
- 21/9
- 21x9
- 21:9
- 32/9
- 64:27
- 64x27
- 43x18
- 43:18
- 32x9
- 32:9
- 25x16
- 25:16
- 16x10
- 16:10
- 16x9
- 16:9
- 15x9
- 15:9
- 12x5
- 12:5
- 5x4
- 5:4
- ultrawide patch
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide
- widescreen resolution
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- screamer 4x4
Version 1.0.0
Features: HOR+ FOV All supported screen resolutions are visible in the game menu Black bars removed from cut-scenes Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder "Stranglehold\Binaries\" Hotkeys: F5 - FOV + F6 - FOV - F7 - Default FOV In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [FOV] Additional_FOV = 0.000 FOV value in degrees that will be added to current FOV -
I made this RAR file, which includes crimelife.exe binaries for 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 32:10, 3x15:9, 3x16:10 and 3x16:9 aspect ratios. Instructions: - Extract the executable that corresponds to the aspect ratio you want to use, to the root game folder, replacing any original files. - Select the resolution you wish in the game's graphics options. Password: pcgw-
- superwide
- 45:9
(and 38 more)
Tagged with:
- superwide
- 45:9
- 16x10
- 21:9
- 15:9
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide mod
- widescreen patch
- ultrawide fix
- widescreen
- fixes
- multimonitor
- widescreen fix
- ultrawide
- mods
- multimon
- 48:10
- gaming
- modding
- 1920x1080
- crime life widescreen
- unofficial
- unofficial patch
- ultrawide patch
- crime life gang wars widescreen fix
- 32x9
- 32:9
- 15x9
- 1080p
- 32:10
- 21x9
- 16:10
- 32x10
- 3840x2160
- mod
- fix
- 48:9
- crime life widescreen fix
- 2160p
- superultrawide
Version 1.0.0
Features: Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder In the SUWSF.ini file, you can change the following settings [Patch:`FOV_Multiplier] ; Set FOV multiplier value (e.g. Value="1.5") Value="1.0" [Patch:4_VirtualResolution_X] ; Set the width of the virtual resolution (e.g. Value="3840") Value="width" [Patch:5_VirtualResolution_Y] ; Set the height of the virtual resolution (e.g. Value="2160") Value="height" [Patch:Exclusive Fullscreen Mode] ; Set "true" to force Exclusive mode (e.g. Enabled=true) Enabled=false -
Version 1.0.0
Features: Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder Set your screen resolution in Settings.ini The game uses a virtual resolution, so it may be higher or lower than the monitor's native resolution. The height value should be a multiple of 720 (720, 1440, 2160, etc.) for best scaling results, but this is not necessary. In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [RESOLUTION] Width = 3440 Height = 1440 forces the screen resolution -