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Version 1.2
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the arcade racing game "Antz Extreme Racing" (2002). Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of dinput8.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in AntzExtremeRacingFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.2
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the third-person action game "The Mummy" (2000), as the game's engine, SR Engine, stretches the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in TheMummyFOVFix.ini.- 6 comments
- the mummy widescreen fix
- the mummy widescreen
(and 29 more)
Tagged with:
- the mummy widescreen fix
- the mummy widescreen
- 32x10
- 32x9
- 32:9
- 32:10
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- 16:10
- 16x10
- 15:9
- 16x9
- ultrawide patch
- unofficial patch
- the mummy
- 15x9
- 16:9
- unofficial
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide fix
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen
- multimonitor
- 48:9
- 48:10
- 45:9
Version 1.3
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the aspect ratio and field of view in the stealth first-person game "Project IGI 1: I'm Going In" (2000), as the game's engine crops the view at wider resolutons than 4:3 (Vert-). This fix supports the American, European 1.0 and Re-release, Italian, Chinese and Japanese versions. Credits also go to: AuToMaNiAk005 Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV, camera FOV and weapon FOV in ProjectIGI1FOVFix.ini.- 11 comments
- 21x9
- 32:9
(and 28 more)
Tagged with:
- 21x9
- 32:9
- ultrawide patch
- 21:9
- project igi 1
- 21/9
- igi 1
- igi 1 widescreen
- 16:10
- 16:9
- 3840p
- 2160p
- ultrawide fov
- 1080p
- 15x9
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide mod
- igi 1 widescreen fix
- widescreen fix
- 32x9
- 1920x1080
- widescreen resolution
- widescreen
- 5:4
- widescreen patch
- ultrawide
- unofficial
- unofficial patch
- 48:9
- 48x9
Version 1.3
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure third-person game "American McGee's Alice" (2000), since the game's engine, id Tech 3, crops the image at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-). This is a permanent fix, so it's no longer needed to run the "fov" command every level reset/restart or binding the command to a key. Both gameplay and cutscene FOVs are fixed. Source code available: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in AmericanMcGeesAliceFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.5
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action RPG game "Sanity: AIken's Artifact" (2000), as the game's engine, LithTech 2.0, crops the view at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-), and makes the game unplayable in many sections at aspect ratios wider than 16:9. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in SanityAikensArtifactFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.0.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in DMH.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw- 1 comment
- multimonitor fix
- multimonitor
- (and 27 more)
Version 1.0.0
Project Jehuty for Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the steps below in order. 1. Download the files and drop the files in your Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS steam game folder. 2. Launch game and select resolution and graphic settings. 3. Happy Gaming. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gsync and Vsync --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gsync only works properly in borderless window with in game Vsync disabled. Game will lock to 60fps no tearing. 2. In game Vsync works in Fullscreen mode 60fps no tearing. Gsync must be disabled or fps drop will occur. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All fixes are listed below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All ultrawide resolutions supported for 1080p, 1440p, 1600p, 2160p. Render Resolution fixed for all aspect ratios. Game window fixed for all aspect ratios. In game cinematics and gameplay fixed for all aspect ratios. Effects fixed for all aspect ratios. Custom UI fixed to 16x9. (maybe more updates in the future for ui.) Menu and in game maps affixed to 16x9. FMV's have been affixed to 16x9 as well with black bars. Main Menu Custom UI for all aspect ratios. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can report anything wrong with the mod on here or on WSGF discord channel. There is still small things to fix with the UI. Hopefully update will be posted soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support! This mod couldn't have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to Phantom Gamers! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.-
- suwsf
- ultrawide fix
- (and 9 more)
Version 1.5
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure game "Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge" (2001), as the game's engine, Blazing Renderer, stretches the image at resolutions wider than 4:3. Source code available here: Instructions 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (it has to be the 32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the stretching and also set the FOV factor in AladdinInNasirasRevengeFOVFix.ini. -
- unofficial
- ultrawide mod
(and 20 more)
Tagged with:
- unofficial
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide fix
- unofficial patch
- 16:10
- marc eckos getting up widescreen fix
- marc eckos getting up widescreen
- marc ecko
- widescreen
- 21x9
- widescreen fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide
- 16:9
- marc eckos getting up
- widescreen resolution
- widescreen patch
- 21:9
- ultrawide patch
- 16x10
- 2160p
- aspect ratio
Version 1.5
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action FPS game "Nina: Agent Chronicles" (2002), as the game's engine, LithTech Talon, stretches the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in NinaAgentChroniclesFOVFix.ini.- 3 comments
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
(and 40 more)
Tagged with:
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- fov fix
- 15x9
- superultrawide fov
- superwide fov
- fixes
- ultrawide
- 48/10
- superwide fix
- superultrawide
- unofficial
- fix
- unofficial patch
- 48x10
- 48/9
- 32/10
- 48:9
- 48x9
- 32/9
- 64x27
- 32:10
- 48:10
- 32x9
- 32x10
- 64/27
- 32:9
- 64:27
- 16x10
- 16:9
- 21:9
- 21/9
- 21x9
- 16/9
- 16/10
- 16:10
- 15/9
- 16x9
- fov patch
- superwide
- fov
- 15:9
Version 6.0.0
Anima Edition for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are separate installs for both 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 5120x1440. Follow the steps below in order. 1. I recommend playing in 2.25x DSR DL Mode. Set 2,25x DSR DL Mode via nvidia control panel and set desktop to 2.25x DSR DL Mode resolution. 2. Launch game and select borderless windowed mode in game launcher. Also select high video quality settings and 2560x1440 or 1920x1080. 3. Launch one of the games from the game launcher. Once ingame press escape and select ultrawide resolution in graphics options. Tweak graphics options to max and close game. 4. Download the file specific to your monitor and drop the files in your Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster steam game folder. 5. Start game. Happy Gaming. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All fixes are listed below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Render Resolutions revamped. 8k Fog, Textures and Shadows added. High Quality Effects added. Custom UI for FFX. FFX-2 partially fixed UI for now. Sphere Grid Revamped Upscaled for FFX. Outdoor Aspect Ratio fixed for all .exe's. Indoor Aspect Ratio fixed for all .exe's. True scrolling on 4x3 added to FFX only for now. Map Fixed for both FFX and FFX-2. Large address aware added for extra stability for both FFX and FFX-2. And lots more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can report anything wrong with the mod on here or on WSGF discord channel. There is still small things to fix with FFX. FFX-2 I will still have to work on the UI and indoor 4x3 scrolling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support! This mod couldnt have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to PhantomGamers! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.- 36 comments
- final fantasy x eternal calm 21x9
- final fantasy eternal calm
(and 27 more)
Tagged with:
- final fantasy x eternal calm 21x9
- final fantasy eternal calm
- final fantasy 10 21x9
- 3440x1440
- final fantasy 10/10-2 21x9
- hex editing
- final fantasy 10-2 21x9
- final fantasy
- modified
- final fantasy 10/10-2
- gaming
- suwsf
- mod
- modding
- wsgf
- fix
- ultrawide
- 21x9
- 10-2
- final fantasy 10
- final fantasy 10 hd remaster
- final fantasy x-2 last mission 21x9
- 10
- fantasy
- final fantasy 10-2
- final fantasy x
- final fantasy x/x-2 hd remaster
- final
- final fantasy x-2 last mission
Version 1.1
Comes with a RAR file, which includes a modified Config.exe, a Runtime.exe and a Hugo Bukkazoom! - Widescreen Fixer v1.1.exe, intended to fix the resolution and field of view in the arcade racing game Hugo: Bukkazoom (2003). Credits also go to: AuToMaNiAk005 Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract both exe files to the root game folder, replacing the original executables (extract the 32-bit or 64-bit fixer exe depending if your system is 32 or 64-bits). 2. Run Hugo Bukkazoom! - Widescreen Fixer v1.1.exe, and insert your desired resolution width and height to automatically fix the field of view. 3. Close the fixer, open Config.exe, select any resolution in the menu, and click OK (this applies the new resolution in-game, don't worry those resolutions are overrided by the new one due to modifications I did to Config.exe). 4. You're good to go. - Issues: :-: HUD and menus are stretched. :-: Do not alt+tab while the game is open, since if the game regains focus again, the viewport will be messed up.-
- unofficial patch
- unofficial
(and 26 more)
Tagged with:
- unofficial patch
- unofficial
- hugo bukkazoom widescreen
- hugo bukkazoom widescreen fix
- hugo bukkazoom
- windows 8.1
- 21x9
- 25:16
- 5x4
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- 16:9
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- 16x9
- 16:10
- 1920x1080
- 5:4
- 15x9
- windows 10
- 21:9
- 2160p
- windows 8
- windows 11
Version 2.0
The game can be run in widescreen by changing the resolution in the VideoSettings.scr config file, but this results in stretched HUD and text, and cropped vertical FOV (Vert-). This RAR file fixes both of those, and contains modified code.pak and .scr files that fix the FOV and HUD for the 2006 racing game Xpand Rally Xtreme. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 (basically same as 21:9). Instructions: 1. Extract the files inside the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting all original files (make a backup of those first if needed). 2. Set your desired resolution in VideoSettings.scr (<main game folder>/Data/VideoSettings.scr). Credits go to: Automaniak-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 41 more)
Tagged with:
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- 5:4
- 5x4
- 5/4
- 12:5
- 12x5
- 12/5
- 15:9
- 15x9
- 15/9
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16/9
- 16:10
- 16x10
- 16/10
- 25:16
- 25x16
- 25/16
- 43x18
- 43:18
- 43/18
- 64:27
- 64/27
- 64x27
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- fov
- fov fix
- fov patch
- unofficial
- unofficial patch
- fix
- fixes
Version 1.0
The game can be run in widescreen by changing the resolution in the VideoSettings.scr config file, but this results in stretched HUD and text, and cropped vertical FOV (Vert-). This RAR file fixes both of those, and contains modified code.pak and .scr files that fix the FOV and HUD for the 2004 racing game Xpand Rally. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 (basically same as 21:9). Instructions: 1. Extract the files inside the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting all original files (make a backup of those first if needed). 2. Set your desired resolution in VideoSettings.scr (<main game folder>/Data/VideoSettings.scr). Credits go to: Automaniak-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 40 more)
Tagged with:
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- fov fix
- fov
- fov patch
- 5:4
- 5x4
- 5/4
- 12:5
- 12x5
- 12/5
- 15:9
- 15x9
- 15/9
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16/9
- 16:10
- 16/10
- 16x10
- 25:16
- 25x16
- 25/16
- 43:18
- 43x18
- 64:27
- 64x27
- 64/27
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- unofficial patch
- unofficial
- fix
- fixes
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified E-Bike.exe files and a resolution changer executable that fix the FOV and aspect ratio (HOR+) for the 1999 racing game Edgar Torronteras' eXtreme Biker. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9. Instructions: 1. Extract the E-Bike.exe and ETXBResChanger.exe to the main game folder, replacing the original executable in the process. 2. Set your desired resolution and FOV in ETXBResChanger.exe. 3. Set any resolution in the game launcher that is different from the default one, and you're good to go. Issues: - Menus and HUD are still stretched. Credits go to: Automaniak-
- unofficial
- unofficial patch
- (and 24 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in RM.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 30 more)
Tagged with:
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- superwide fix
- superwide
- superultrawide
- multimon
- multimonitor
- multimonitor fix
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16/9
- 16:10
- 16x10
- 16/10
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- 32x9
- 32:9
- 32/9
- 48:9
- 48/9
- 48x9
- fov
- fov fix
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in CQC.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 27 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in RedOrchestra.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 27 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes the camera FOV as well. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Default.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 24 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Zombie.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 25 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in MarineSharpshooter3.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 24 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in DT.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 25 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Kury.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- (and 26 more)
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Combat.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
(and 30 more)
Tagged with:
- widescreen
- widescreen fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen resolution
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- fov
- fov fix
- multimon
- multimonitor
- multimonitor fix
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16/9
- 16:10
- 16x10
- 16/10
- 21:9
- 21x9
- 21/9
- 32x9
- 32/9
- 32:9
- 48:9
- 48/9
- 48x9
- superwide
- superwide fix
- superultrawide
Version 1.0
This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Devastation.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw-
- widescreen fix
- widescreen
- (and 27 more)