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8 Screenshots

About This File

The tools remove black bars from the in-game cutscenes.

Option 1 (reliable; pillarboxing removal):

  1. Download and unpack the patcher archive.
  2. Use the included tool to patch engine_x64_rwdi.dll inside the main game folder.
  3. Re-patch in the event of a game update. This solution has no effect on letterboxing, retaining the native vert- behavior compared to 16:9.

Option 2 (less reliable; removes all black bars):

  1. Download and unpack the trainer with software like 7zip (password is pcgw).
  2. Launch the game, then the tool.
  3. Press the F keys as instructed to remove all black bars.

Tested on the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, 5120x1440 and 3840x2160.

You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. My newest fixes are available here.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


  • Updated the patcher to support the latest game version.
  • Completely remade the trainer based on new findings, making it significantly more reliable.

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Is it possible for you to do a ultrawide screen fix (3440x1440) for Sunset overdrive? For the Windows 10/Xbox Game Pass version specifically. 🙂


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  On 4/29/2020 at 5:10 PM, chachardus said:

It does not work for 3440x1440. There is a vertical black bar in the left part of the screen.


Updated both tools to work around the issue.


(the letterboxing can be removed as well but it's not shown)

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  On 8/28/2022 at 1:21 AM, kyouma00001 said:

The fix is not working anymore, i tried it and still have black bars


Thanks for the feedback. I updated the patcher and completely remade the trainer, which took some hours but hopefully made it much more reliable for removing the letterboxing.

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  On 8/28/2022 at 8:12 AM, Rose said:

Thanks for the feedback. I updated the patcher and completely remade the trainer, which took some hours but hopefully made it much more reliable for removing the letterboxing.


Wow, this was really quick, really appreciate that bro. Thanks

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