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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Ultrawide and Multimon Hack

2 Screenshots

About This File

Archive password is PCGW

Black Bars FIX:
Depending on aspect ratio replace AC4BFSP.exe and AC4BFMP.exe in the game folder

Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues

Black Bars FIX:
Depending on aspect ratio replace AC4BFSP.exe and AC4BFMP.exe in the game folder

Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues

Forced triple wide version:
Replace AC4BFSP.exe in the game folder

What's New in Version 02/03/2020 07:14 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Guest the files are encrypted


what is the password

otherwwise they are pretty much unusable

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Hi the mod just got updated, what has changed also Witch is the newest ver file name?

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Guest Guest AC


Can you explain me how you made you're fix for the triple wide version ? Because when I try to change the in HxD the value 39 8E E3 3F to AB AA AA 40, the game launches on 3 screens but the HUD is not wel formatted, the videos are on 3 screens instead of 1. The menu is not well, etc...


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Guest ACCC


What files do i download? 

I've tried both the 21:9 files and it wont launch

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Guest Doesnt Work On Uplay


It doesnt let the game start on Uplay.

any fixes?


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Guest Works on Uplay guys


If you bought the game, the license key is in the exe, so that means when you launches the game directly from the shortcut, uplay asks for the serial but if you start it from uplay, it works well. I tested the forced triple wide (I just finished the game on a tri-screen set 5760*1080 without any proiblems, bugs or black bars, it was just amazing)

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Guest Guest


I replaced the 2 .exe and it won't launch (error 0xc0000142). Is this mod not compatible with cracked copies?

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Guest spinnerX


On 6/9/2020 at 8:13 AM, Guest Guest said:

I replaced the 2 .exe and it won't launch (error 0xc0000142). Is this mod not compatible with cracked copies?

Yeah seems like it. I also own a cracked copy and I get the same error.

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Guest Bassie


I used the triple fix but then i get black bars at the top and bottom. My resolution is 5120 x 1440 and my aspect ratio is 32:9. What can i do to fix it?

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@Guest Bassie

Had the same problem with this resolution. Use the 16:9 version off the exe. That works right with 32:9.

Nice fix! Some minor problems with the HUD/overlay, but perfectly playable (in contrast to other solutions like Flawless Widescreen). 
Currently halfway into the stoyline.
Thanks creator!

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Thanks for the black bar mod...its helped me..when i run its show black bars but when i open flawless widescreen and its in fullscreen...and u know what its helped me to fix hud ...i don't know how to thank for this....but only one suggestion can u do ac 4 mod with 640 480 screen with no black bars

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Very great work!
Is it possible to make a 16:9 version with enlarged Fov?  (like 1.3x the Fov)

I am using your 21:9 mod as a workaround for enlarged fov with black bars.. but it isn't really immersive.

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This is fantastic! Thank you very much for this. I just got triples and wanted to play this game again, as nvidia say "as it's meant to be played"


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Any idea how to get this running in 32:9

The files make no reference to 5120x1440. The closest is the triple monitor fix but I get black bars at the top and bottom. 

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On 7/20/2020 at 1:22 PM, Guest Bassie said:

I used the triple fix but then i get black bars at the top and bottom. My resolution is 5120 x 1440 and my aspect ratio is 32:9. What can i do to fix it?



i am also looking for this. any way to make it 32:9? 5120x1440 to be specific

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So I'm confused on what the Multimon hack is? I downloaded and installed the 21:9 and widescreen on my 3440 x 1400 looks great. But is there a file for also moving the HUD to the edges of the screen? 

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Is anybody able to do an ultra widescreen fix for 32:9 with resolution for 5120 x 1440 

it's really a same what custom aspect ratio is so hard to achieve.

I had older games where special aspect ratio was no problem to add or to modify

I hope someone can help me ! Thanks in advance

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Hi I'm very new to this, I saw a post on reddit refering me to download this and to "run it in conjunction" with Flawless Widescreen, so I downloaded that then the file here but i have no idea where to go from here am i supposed to plug this file into Flawless widescreen somehow? I have no clue what to do from here if anyone could help me id be greatly appreciative

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I created an account just to make sure any 32:9 peeps get the help they need, especially considering how hard it is to get any useful information from the previous posts. Hopefully almost 4 years later, this will useful for someone.

After trying out every combination available for ultra widescreen's, for a proper HUD display (not squished, minimal visual waypoint deviation, centred HUD elements, etc.) all someone will need is to download the patches above for 21:9 ("AssassinsCreed_4_BlackBars_FIX_21x9.7z", which does most of the heavy lifting, and then use "Flawless Widescreen" patch of this game to get the rest of the way.

In my testing any other combinations might introduces severe issues with the game, be it simply visual, or a little more annoying such as the potential crashes when alt-tabbing

Pictures to show how it looks - apologies for the lack of AAimage.thumb.png.3e52751c61a7fb5a4a8427cc9e874182.pngimage.thumb.png.069fd0fa10fcb24467abc6154128799f.pngimage.thumb.png.16989c9d86e60f07aeb1496d66694a82.png

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23 hours ago, w4r4ck said:

I created an account just to make sure any 32:9 peeps get the help they need, especially considering how hard it is to get any useful information from the previous posts. Hopefully almost 4 years later, this will useful for someone.

After trying out every combination available for ultra widescreen's, for a proper HUD display (not squished, minimal visual waypoint deviation, centred HUD elements, etc.) all someone will need is to download the patches above for 21:9 ("AssassinsCreed_4_BlackBars_FIX_21x9.7z", which does most of the heavy lifting, and then use "Flawless Widescreen" patch of this game to get the rest of the way.

In my testing any other combinations might introduces severe issues with the game, be it simply visual, or a little more annoying such as the potential crashes when alt-tabbing

Pictures to show how it looks - apologies for the lack of AAimage.thumb.png.3e52751c61a7fb5a4a8427cc9e874182.pngimage.thumb.png.069fd0fa10fcb24467abc6154128799f.pngimage.thumb.png.16989c9d86e60f07aeb1496d66694a82.png

Unfortunately, this doesn't work anymore.

I've tested it some months ago but now it doesn't work.

I used the exe files from "AssassinsCreed_4_BlackBars_FIX_21x9.7z" and after that the Flawless Widecreen program but it don't changed..

My 32:9 Monitor only supports this resolution for the 32:9 aspect ratio

5120 x 1440

3840 x 1080

2560 x 1440

1920 x 1440

1920 x 1200

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Hey guys, all you need to do is open the downloaded 21:9 3440:1400 .EXE with a program called HxD

Then look for the these hex values: 8E E3 18 40
and replace with the resolution/aspect ratio that you have from this wiki Common HEX Values | WSGF

I have made one for 32:10 as thats the ratio i needed.AC4BFSP.exe


Hope this helps, not sure if you can do this for any game haha 

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On 2/19/2024 at 2:24 AM, walshy said:

Hey guys, all you need to do is open the downloaded 21:9 3440:1400 .EXE with a program called HxD

Then look for the these hex values: 8E E3 18 40
and replace with the resolution/aspect ratio that you have from this wiki Common HEX Values | WSGF

I have made one for 32:10 as thats the ratio i needed.AC4BFSP.exe


Hope this helps, not sure if you can do this for any game haha 

Thanks, I have used your AC4BFSP.exe with Flawless WideScreen https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/ and i got full screen 5120 x 1440 on Samsung Neo G9 49"

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