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What's the origin of your name?


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  • 1 year later...

Wait dafaq?

Where does this thread come from?


Anyway, my name is a kind of phonetic mashup.

I needed a new BF2 demo account, for.. whatever reasons.

And since I felt I was growing older I thought I may even put some actual effort into thinking/wording something cool.

So iirc I took the first two letters of my real name, thought to which of the remaining 25 letters could sit next to them better, and then added an H cause I felt the resulting contrast could sound badass.




I'm kind of happy even after half a decade.

The only regret is that the twitter username was already taken.

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Back in year 2006, had to come up with nickname for IRC-Galleria, hip popular finnish image site, similar how facebook is now and I'm still being teased when I made note "first day on IRC" as I didn't use actual IRC for years after that statement. 

Super Mario combined with birthyear = Mario92. Also IRL name and that both start with M, so it felt natural for some reason. As started to use more of the amazing internet and even got one at home with SUPA FAST 2G trough Nokia 6151, that nickname seemed like it was in use in some places as it's quite generic.

Solution was finnish slang. So now I mostly use:

- Marioysikax, Mario, ysi = 9, kax = 2. 

- Mairo, Pronounced as "My Ro" as it quicky became a nickname of the original nickname when used VoIP in games and such. For some reason when people read the name, they misspell it as "Mario" when referring to me. 


Usually not being foilhat, so I do use IRL name in many places. That names origin should be obvious thing :p 


Also seeing some pattern here, most common reason seems to be "needed nickname, combined stuff".

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I wanted to sign up for AIM back in 2001, I was a big fan of Chaos, the final boss of Sonic Adventure and went with "chaos450" at the time. Couple years later, I wanted to move on from the name+number format but wasn't sure where to go. My friend suggested appending "Neo" to it, not because of The Matrix but because I considered it something a new/fresh start and "neo" being another way to say new. I've stuck X or EX to the end of it for services where NeoChaos is already taken, but otherwise, that has been my online handle since.

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  • 3 years later...

I have two names on the Internet: Expack (first Expack2, then Expack3), and, depending on whether it's a multiplayer game with a roleplaying aspect, either Malcom MacGovern or MacGovern.

The first one is my starting name. It started around the time when OG RollerCoaster Tycoon was still new, and my parents had gotten me the Loopy Landscapes expansion pack. I found it so enthralling that I could get more RollerCoaster Tycoon, a game which I love to this day, that I had a sort of quiet obsession only a child could have.

Naturally, when I had to sign up for something or other online, I decided to concatenate the phrase "expansion pack" into Expack.

The second originated when I briefly played a trial for EVE Online back when it, if you wanted to get a taste, was trial-only - and when stuff like MacWorld Expo, while fading, were still a thing. As I had recently come off using most of my free time on a family vacation watching 1st-generation streaming Netflix's collection of classic and modern Doctor Who, so my mind was very much within the sphere of the Britains.

As I was still very much reliant on my parents for money at the time, naturally they weren't interested in funding a MMO sub. Instead, they let me spend their money on more value-oriented options, like a subscription to GameTap back when they let you download games.

Nowadays, I tend to go for the MacGovern handle as I find it more interesting...and likely because my childhood obsession with expansion packs has long since died.

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Back when I got my first iPod Touch, I needed to come up with a username for Game Center (back when it was still relevant). I hadn't really made many accounts that I would need a non-identifying username prior, so I just kinda came up with something that reflected my tastes at the time. Yoda was taken, and so was Yoda Jedi and Sir Yoda, so I went with Sir Yoda Jedi (the Sir came from my Mom pointing out that Yoda is a Jedi Knight). It later changed to Sir Yoda, Jedi, then SirYodaJedi, as I used it across more accounts. I now use it as my main online username, as I'm practically the only person who uses it.

Common nicknames I go by on sites that allow me to set a nickname that is different from the username are Yui (because I have a lot of avatars of Yui Fuinami and Yui Hirasawa), SirYoda, and Yoda (in that order). 


Are Jedi Grandmasters still considered Jedi Knights?

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It's kinda funny seeing this name, as I haven't gone by this in a long time.  It was kind of just a random two names I threw out there, and it stuck... but then I started seeing it elsewhere, or I would try to sign up somewhere and find the name was already taken.  It quickly became more trouble than it was worth.


It took a very long time to settle for a good name, much less one that actually meant something, and finding something actually original was even more difficult.  Not an elegant tale nor a very interesting one, but there it is.

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My username is basically the end product of some 30 minutes brainstorming session a decade or so ago when I was a teenager, where I wanted a new and unique username that could work as an actual "name" (as opposed to the regular "xXDarkShadow2005Xx" etc stuff of that time) as well as be a name I could permanently use and therefor needed to like a lot.



"Ae" because I like how these two letters looks together in that order. It was a close call between "ae" and "ea", but I ended up liking the look of "ae" slightly more than "ea".

"mon" because I also apparently really liked those letters in that specific order as well! Probably influenced by franchises like Pokémon, Digimon, etc at the time.

"y" because of a reason I won't mention here.


I tend to also use anagrams of "Aemony" as well here and there. For example, one of my more frequent variations of "Aemony" is "Nomeya", another username I really like.

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My username is pretty straightforward, with Voyager being my favourite Star Trek series.

Where it gets somewhat "interesting" is with the "ncc" prefix.

For some time, I had used the username "ussvoyager" (or a variation of it) which would be the full title of the starship Voyager, with no space between the prefix and the ship name.
Unfortunately, several games and websites I frequented at the time began to censor or block "ussvoyager" in chat, profile descriptions, and forum posts.
Wishing to keep the username as close as possible, I switched out the "uss" ship prefix with the "ncc" (naval construction contract number) prefix.
It's been my primary personal username ever since.
(Well, other than Google as, surprising to me, someone else had already made an account with the "nccvoyager" username.)

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On 6/24/2019 at 1:10 AM, Cptmold said:

It's kinda funny seeing this name, as I haven't gone by this in a long time.  It was kind of just a random two names I threw out there, and it stuck... but then I started seeing it elsewhere, or I would try to sign up somewhere and find the name was already taken.  It quickly became more trouble than it was worth.


It took a very long time to settle for a good name, much less one that actually meant something, and finding something actually original was even more difficult.  Not an elegant tale nor a very interesting one, but there it is.

Are those two random names Cpt + Mold as in Captain Mold?

Also what about the origins of your Discord name? 🖥️🐢

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