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Version v1.0
TL;DR The DirectInputFpxFix fixes an input related FPS drop/slowdown problem that occurs in FEAR, its expansions, Condemned: Criminal Origins and other games. It is easy to install and does not require manual disabling of HID devices. Quick start guide: Extract the file dinput8.dll to the folder containing the executable of the game. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition" Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam or GOG Galaxy. Features The DirectInputFpsFix fixes a bug that causes the FPS to severely drop after a few minutes of play. This problem is probably most widely known in regards to the game FEAR and often occurs in conjunction with the usage of Logitech devices. However, the problem also crops up in other games using the same engine, such as the FEAR expansions or Condemned: Criminal Origins and with non-Logitech hardware configurations. A similar problem has also been reported to occur in other titles, like Prototype. Although this issue can often be fixed by disabling most/all HID-Devices in the device manager, it is bothersome to do so and lately some people reported that that solution does not even work at all anymore, especially on machines running Windows 10. Instructions Supported Games The fix is agnostic towards the game that uses it and should therefore work with all versions of a supported game, including the Steam, GOG and retail versions. Confirmed:FEAR and its expansions Condemned: Criminal Origins [*]Supposedly: Prototype Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Feel free to provide feedback if the DLL works on other games as well. Install The fix does not make any permanent changes to the game or to Windows and can easily be removed. Extract the file dinput8.dll to the folder containing the executable of the game. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition"* Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam or GOG Galaxy. *Note that for the FEAR expansions the fix also has to be installed into the corresponding sub-folder of the game Uninstall Rename or remove the dinput8.dll from the folder of the game. Known Issues There are currently no known issues with the fix. Additional Information Antivirus Software Since this mod consists of an executable DLL file that uses "hacking techniques" such as injection and hooking, it could be classified as malicious by antivirus software. In that case, it might be necessary to add an exception rule to the scanner. If you lack the trust in random people on the internet -- and I would not blame you -- feel free to use a meta online virus scanner like VirusTotal to verify the file. Loading Other Fixes/Mods/Injectors To increase the compatibility with other mods or injectors that are using a wrapper DLL, this fix offers two methods for remote loading of additional files. Note that there might still be compatibility issues between the different fixes, mods or injectors that have nothing to do with the loading process. File method: The mod will load another dinput8.dll automatically if it has the name dinput8.dll. Just rename the DLL you want to load accordingly. Using this method will lead to an error if the renamed DLL is not itself a dinput8.dll. Folder method: The mod will also automatically load all DLLs regardless of their names in a dinput8 sub-directory. Just create a corresponding folder in the install directory of the mod. This is the only way to load multiple (conflicting) files. How This Works The fix is implemented using a common technique known as DLL hooking. User input in games like FEAR can be realized via DirectInput, an API by Microsoft for interacting with HID-Devices. The library is ancient and should no longer be used today, because there are other ways to get mouse and keyboard input, especially for games. The FPS drops happen because the thread that runs DirectInput massively slows down after a while (as can be seen in tools like ProcessExplorer). If an application uses a library like DirectInput, it needs a so-called DLL (dynamic-link library) where the functionality of the library is stored. In many cases, especially for libraries provided by Microsoft, these DLLs usually reside in the Windows folder. However, there is an order of how an application searches for the DLLs it needs. Since the DLL of the fix gets copied into the main folder of the application and has the same name of a DLL needed by the game (the one of DirectInput), it gets loaded instead of the one in the Windows folder. This means that all calls to DirectInput go through the Hook-DLL and can either be directed to the original DLL in the Windows folder or changed as necessary. This also allows some insight in how exactly the library is used by the game. It turned out that some games not only unnecessarily register all HID-devices, they also call several functions every frame that usually only should be called once during initialization. The latter seems to apply only to devices that are not keyboards or mice. This eventually leads to circumstances where a lot of time is spent opening and closing device connections. The fix changes the DirectInput initialization in such a way that only keyboard and pointer devices get registered. Contact And Support If you like this mod and want to support the development or show your appreciation with a donation, you can find more information on my website. There you can also find out more about other mods that I have done and means to contact me if you have a question, want to provide feedback, bug reports and suggestions.- 7 comments
- 1 review
- DirectInput
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
Split/Second patch that removes the 30 FPS limiter and enables the game to run at 60 Hz; it also fixes physics to ensure physics and power plays work. Created by ducon2016. Run NoobPatcher.exe Select the unpatched (original) .exe Select "SplitSecond.NoobDiff" Wait for the file to get patched Run the newly created patched .exe -
- gta sa
- refreshrate
- (and 5 more)
Comes with a RAR file (made by Dege), which includes Donald.exe binaries for 5:4, 16:9, 16:10 and 21:9 aspect ratios, and a DLL file (GliDX6vf.dll) to fix the intermittent FPS loss (jumps between 30 and 60 FPS during gameplay), so it always runs at the full framerate (60 FPS). Instructions: - Extract the executable that corresponds to the aspect ratio you want to use and the "DLL" folder, both to the root game folder, replacing any original files. - Use dgVoodoo to force a resolution that matches the aspect ratio you chose from the fix (Changing resolution from the config file ubi.ini in "C:\Windows\UbiSoft" makes the game crash) Credits go to: AuToMaNiAk005 (creator of widescreen fix), Dege (creator of dgVoodoo) Password: pcgw-
- windows 8.1
- windows 8
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- windows 8.1
- windows 8
- ultrawide patch
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide fix
- donald duck
- donald duck goin quackers fps fix
- widescreen patch
- widescreen fix
- widescreen
- fps
- donald duck goin quackers widescreen
- fps fix
- fps cap
- donald duck quack attack fps fix
- donald duck goin quackers widescreen fix
- donald duck quack attack
- donald duck quack attack widescreen fix
- 5:4
- widescreen resolution
- 16:9
- 16x9
- 16x10
- 16:10
- 21x9
- 21:9
- fps unlock
- ultrawide
- windows 10
- windows 11
Version v1.1
TL;DR This mod allows you to change the FPS limit to above 60, fix texture issues on modern hardware, adjust the despawn time of corpses, change the FOV, skip intro videos and force custom display resolutions. Quick start guide: Extract the zip-file to your main game folder. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake 4" Use the Quake4TweakerGUI to change the settings as desired Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam Features The Quake 4 Tweaker is a utility mod for Quake 4 that offers various fixes and additional options for the game. It is easy to install and comes with a GUI for convenient configuration. Its features include: Properly adjusting the FPS limit to above 60 (e.g. to 144) Fixing texture bugs on modern hardware by forcing high image quality Adjusting the despawn time of corpses Changing the field of view Skipping of the intro videos Forcing the game to use a custom resolution Instructions Supported Versions This mod is designed for the latest, fully patched versions of Quake 4 and might not work when used with older or otherwise modified executables. Steam v1.4.2 Install The mod does not make any permanent changes to the game or to Windows and can easily be removed. Extract the zip-file to your main game folder. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake 4" Use the Quake4TweakerGUI to change the settings as desired Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam Note that the GUI is for configuration only and does not have to be running for the mod to work. Uninstall Rename or remove the dinput.dll from the folder of the game. Known Issues There are currently no known issues with the mod. Additional Information Antivirus Software Since this mod consists of an executable DLL file that uses "hacking techniques" such as injection and hooking, it could be classified as malicious by antivirus software. In that case, it might be necessary to add an exception rule to the scanner. If you lack the trust in random people on the internet -- and I would not blame you -- feel free to use a meta online virus scanner like VirusTotal to verify the file. GUI Requirements The GUI requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 to work; which should already be installed on most systems. If you are having problems starting the program, you can download the required version either through a recommended Windows update (Windows 7 and later) or at Microsoft here. Loading Other Fixes/Mods/Injectors To increase the compatibility with other mods or injectors that are using a wrapper DLL, this fix offers two methods for remote loading of additional files. Note that there might still be compatibility issues between the different fixes, mods or injectors that have nothing to do with the loading process. File method: The mod will load another dinput.dll automatically if it has the name dinput_Remote.dll. Just rename the DLL you want to load accordingly. Using this method will lead to an error if the renamed DLL is not itself a dinput.dll. Folder method: The mod will also automatically load all DLLs regardless of their names in a dinput_Remote sub-directory. Just create a corresponding folder in the install directory of the mod. This is the only way to load multiple (conflicting) files. Input Bindings The GUI allows the binding of an action to an arbitrary combination of keys and buttons on the keyboard, the mouse or an XInput compatible controller. The system purposefully does not restrict conflicts, so multiple actions can be bound to the same key. Key Names: In case of the keyboard there might be a discrepancy between the key that was pressed and the one that is displayed. This is because the names are automatically translated based on the keyboard layout by using a Windows function. However, the mod always uses the physical keys as they were used during the creation of the binding, independent of the name that is displayed. Modifiers: Modifier bindings can be created by just using the corresponding key combinations. If you bind one action to Space and another another to LCTRL + Space and a third one to LALT + LCTRL + Space, only one of them will be triggered when Space is down, depending on the state of LCTRL and LALT. The system is not restricted to the usual modifier keys ALT, CTRL or SHIFT. Any key or button pressed before another acts as a modifier for the next one. Note that the order of the keys or buttons is only relevant during the binding process to distinguish bindings with the same modifiers. In the above example, Space could be held down and the other actions triggered by pressing LCTRL or LALT afterwards. Contact And Support If you like this mod and want to support the development or show your appreciation with a donation, you can find more information on my website. There you can also find out more about other mods that I have done and means to contact me if you have a question, want to provide feedback, bug reports and suggestions.- 2 comments
- 1 review
- Custom resolution
- Skip Intros
(and 7 more)
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Version 4.D
L.A Noire FPS Unlocker is a tool made to unlock the framerate to 60FPS. This tool contains parts of Cheat Engine and may be detected by some AVs. Add it to the exclusion of your AV if this happens. The tool scans for memory values, patches them and shuts off automatically. This tool should work on any version of the game. Instructions: Open up the tool Start the game Press F10 to activate the tool. You will hear one beep when it starts, and a different beep when it's done Archive password: pcgw -- Original thread on Steam forums Link to the tool's Steam L.A Noire Guide page -
So I've been trying to get this game running at a stable 60 fps but none of my solutions are working. Running it at 130Hz is really bad, at 60Hz it's better but there are still big stutters in free roam. I remember that this game ran fine like 5 years ago. The strange this is that the game wont use my processors power at all.... It's like using one and a half core. I have 6 cores and setting the affinity to even real time is not helping. Tried processor lasso, no luck. Does anyone know a secret solution for this problem? I just want a stable 60 fps nothing more.
Version 1.0.1
All credit goes to drennan a gog user I'm simply sharing the mod for preservation purposes. Drennan made the following mod and said this about it: This mod hides certain elements of the XIII user interface. To install, copy HUDFree.u and into the System subfolder of your XIII folder. In the same folder, edit XIII.ini: Replace the value of the DefaultGame key with HUDFree.XIIIHUDFreeGameInfo in the Engine.Engine section of XIII.ini, like this: [Engine.Engine] DefaultGame=HUDFree.XIIIHUDFreeGameInfo Add the following section to XIII.ini to fine-tune what exactly is hidden: [HUDFree.XIIIHUDFreeHUD] bShowHealth=False bShowWeaponsItems=False bShowObjective=False bShowDialog=True bShowEndMessage=False bShowSave=False bShowPickup=False bShowOthers=False -
Version 0.2
What is this? This experimental fix attempts to mitigate the frame rate dependent problems of Vanquish. Overview Description Although the PC version of Vanquish is overall pretty good, some aspects of the game play are tied to the frame rate the game is played on. Most notably, the player effectively receives more damage than usual. The reason for this is that some enemy weapon types trigger invincibility frames, which prevent the player from taking any more damage for a certain amount of time. They seem to only occur with rapid-fire weapons, which leads to the assumption that they are probably there to prevent the player from dying too quickly, when being hit by a barrage of shots. Because this mechanic is frame-based, this means that on high FPS the player is vulnerable again way more quickly, which may lead to the character sometimes being killed almost instantly by a barrage of incoming fire. Additionally, this does not seem to be the only mechanic that is tied to the frame rate. For example, the time it takes you to regenerate your health does also directly scale with the frame rate, which means that you regenerate over four times more quickly when playing at 144 FPS compared to 30 FPS. So although playing the game at high FPS may be harder in certain situations when facing many enemies at once, it can also be easier in other situations. Note: In a previous version it was stated that the boost recharge is also in some way coupled to the frame rate. Although this is true, it is actually the other way around. On higher frame rates, the game uses the correct value of six seconds for a full recharge. However, with very low FPS (< 35) recharging takes slightly longer. So unless you are playing on a very weak system, the boost should work as intended, even without the fix. Important: This is an experimental fix. I only did some rudimentary testing. There might be unexpected issues that require further updates. Additionally, this fix should be no replacement for a proper patch and should only be seen as a band-aid until the game is updated. Features Scales the number of invulnerability frames and the regeneration time according to the frame rate Instructions Supported Versions Important: This fix relies on the latest, fully patched executable of the game on Steam. Older versions or ones that otherwise have been tempered with probably will not. If the game is updated, it is likely that it will break the fix. Install Note: The fix does not make any permanent changes to the game or the system and can easily be removed (see below). Extract the file dinput8.dll to your main game folder. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Vanquish\" Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam Uninstall Remove or rename the dinput8.dll from the folder of the game. How To Use After the installation the fix does not require any additional treatment. Just launch and configure the game as usual. Additional Information What You Should Know This fix is essentially a hack and relies on the layout of the specific executable. There may be crashes or unexpected issues. Feel free to provide feedback so that the problems can get fixed. Since the fix consists of an executable DLL-File, I could have put any harmful shenanigans in there. You just have to trust me that the file is clean. If you don't -- and why should you -- feel free to use a meta online virus scanner like VirusTotal to verify the file. Be aware however, that because the fix uses "hacking techniques" such as injection and hooking, it could trigger anti-virus software without being harmful. Known Issues There are currently no known issues with the fix. Contact And Support If you like this fix and want to support the development or show your appreciation, you can find more information on my website. There you can also find out more about other fixes that I have done and means to contact me if you have a question, want to provide feedback, bug reports or suggestions.- 1 review
- Frame rate
- regeneration
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We should have a glossary page about capping / limiting FPS for games, and IMO should be done like Motivation: we all know that for most games (except games like CS:GO) achieving a FPS over 60fps (60hz monitor in this case ofc) will make NO difference than having it capped at 60, and causes computers to render frames that never gets used, also causing computers to run hotter and more. I know that v-sync does the job but sometimes you just don't wanna use it.
1) Test on intel I7 4770k 16gb ram Nvidia gtx 970 4g gaming driver 353.62 Windows 10 64bit 2)Test on intel I7 4770k 16gb ram Amd r9 290x driver 15.7 windows 7 64bit Gta v steam version Settings : 1920x1080 60hz. Quality: Max. Advanced graphic option: off. I try to set all graphics option , the grass in ultra cause frame drop to 40fps!! For play on 60fps stable i set grass on high. anybody has this problem? is graphic option broken?