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Found 17 results

  1. Version 1.3


    Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the aspect ratio and field of view in the stealth first-person game "Project IGI 1: I'm Going In" (2000), as the game's engine crops the view at wider resolutons than 4:3 (Vert-). This fix supports the American, European 1.0 and Re-release, Italian, Chinese and Japanese versions. Credits also go to: AuToMaNiAk005 Source code available here: https://github.com/alphayellow1/AlphaYellowWidescreenFixes/blob/main/source/fixes/ProjectIGI1FOVFix Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV, camera FOV and weapon FOV in ProjectIGI1FOVFix.ini.
  2. Version 1.3


    Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure third-person game "American McGee's Alice" (2000), since the game's engine, id Tech 3, crops the image at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-). This is a permanent fix, so it's no longer needed to run the "fov" command every level reset/restart or binding the command to a key. Both gameplay and cutscene FOVs are fixed. Source code available: https://github.com/alphayellow1/AlphaYellowWidescreenFixes/blob/main/source/fixes/AmericanMcGeesAliceFOVFix Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in AmericanMcGeesAliceFOVFix.ini.
  3. Version 1.5


    Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action RPG game "Sanity: AIken's Artifact" (2000), as the game's engine, LithTech 2.0, crops the view at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-), and makes the game unplayable in many sections at aspect ratios wider than 16:9. Source code available here: https://github.com/alphayellow1/AlphaYellowWidescreenFixes/blob/main/source/fixes/SanityAikensArtifactFOVFix Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in SanityAikensArtifactFOVFix.ini.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in DMH.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw
  5. Version 1.5


    Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action FPS game "Nina: Agent Chronicles" (2002), as the game's engine, LithTech Talon, stretches the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. Source code available here: https://github.com/alphayellow1/AlphaYellowWidescreenFixes/blob/main/source/fixes/NinaAgentChroniclesFOVFix Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in NinaAgentChroniclesFOVFix.ini.
  6. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in RM.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  7. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in CQC.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  8. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in RedOrchestra.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  9. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes the camera FOV as well. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Default.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  10. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through User.ini, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Zombie.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  11. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in MarineSharpshooter3.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  12. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in DT.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  13. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Kury.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  14. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Combat.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  15. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Devastation.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Password: pcgw
  16. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fixes the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Berlin.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw
  17. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified Engine.dll files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio without having to change FOV or resolution ingame or through config files. Supports the following aspect ratios: 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9, 48:9. This fixes both the camera and weapon FOVs, unlike the FOV workaround through the User.ini and profile .ini files, which only fix the camera FOV. Instructions: 1. Extract the Engine.dll that corresponds to your aspect ratio and put it inside the "System" folder, replacing the original file. 2. You need dgVoodoo2 as well (I won't explain here how to set it up, I'll assume you already know it). 3. Inside dgVoodoo2, set the "Scaling mode" in the General tab to "Stretched" and set your native resolution in the "DirectX" tab (The in-game resolution has to be in 4:3, don't change it in Iwo.ini). 4. You're good to go. Issues: - HUD and menus are stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak Password: pcgw
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