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34 files

  1. Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly – Spolszczenie

    Spolszczenie do gry Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly
    W folderze .zip ze spolszczeniem znajduje się plik z instrukcją instalacji. Należy się z nią zapoznać przed skopiowaniem plików spolszczenia do folderu gry. Zawiera ona również ważne informacje o jego prawidłowej aktywacji.
    Jeśli znajdziecie kiedykolwiek jakieś błędy w spolszczeniu albo jakieś nieprzetłumaczone kwestie, napiszcie o nich w komentarzach na stronie spolszczenia na Steamie (tutaj: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3383236849). Postaram się je jak najszybciej poprawić.




  2. DOOM 3 / DOOM 3 - Resurrection of Evil (original version) Enhancement recopilatory

    · "Recopilatory for DOOM 3 / DOOM 3 - Resurrection of Evil":

    --- Fixes and improvements recopilatory for original "DOOM 3 and DOOM 3 - RoE" ---
    -Improved elements for DOOM 3 and his (official) expansion, almost all things are recopilated from other autors, but it's useful to have them all in one file for the best DOOM 3 (original) experience.
    -Put the game to original 60 Hz / FPS (uses less resources and avoids bugs).
    -Clearer texts.
    -Enhanced shader effects and other things.
    -Use of widescreen resolution. Default 1600x900 (can be changed in "autoexec.cfg", see below).
    -Maximizing graphics without compromising performance (active Vsync preventing tearing).

    -- Use --
    Uncompress and Overwrite (if asked) all files when you put them in "DOOM 3" game folder.
    · Credits and additional information:

    · Arls improvements for DOOM 3 / RoE:
    *Note: only in the DOOM 3 improvement I deleted some files because they were the cause of strange shadows and flickerings (Dr. Betruger eye and shadows of possessed soldiers with guns).

    · "Next & Better Shaders v5.5 - Doom 3" by Dafama2k7:
    *Note: only used one of them: "zzz_cool_ng_shaders_rfl_dfm_d3.pk4", to maintain vanilla feel.

    · Fjapo: modified "Doom3.exe" to allow the use of 4Gb of RAM, and added "Doom3RoE.exe" to execute the expansion directly. Modifications in "autoexec.cfg" to improve performance and quality, also enhanced texts image quality, now they show clearer than in original. By default now DOOM 3 uses 16:9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1600x900, but this can be modified opening "autoexe.cfg" with any text reader (notepad).
    It's important to know that "autoexec.cfg" has priority over DoomConfig.cfg, so modify autoexec to permanent changes, not use on-game screen resolution change option and quality. This is done in the autoexec file. *Note: some minor elements are shown "stretched" (menus, PDA, etc.) but its a really minor problem, I prefer this game over "Doom 3 BFG".
    -Recommended options that can be changed in "autoexec.cfg":
    seta sys_lang "english" //(Options: english, french, german, italian, polish, russian, spanish)
    seta r_multiSamples "4" //(Antialiasing: Options = 0, 2, 4, 8, 16)
    seta r_aspectRatio "1" //(0 = 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10)
    seta r_customWidth "1600" //(Your screen width)
    seta r_customHeight "900" //(Your screen height)
    seta sys_lang "english" - only need to change if your version of DOOM 3 uses other language. (Don't touch this in the "fixes for Spanish" version, it's ready for spanish).
    I only recommend to modify these lines only if you want to change resolution, aspect ratio or antialiasing level. The rest must be left alone. Try it by your own risk.
    * REMEMBER: you need to put one copy of the modified "autoexec.cfg" in both folders: "base" and "d3xp" to use the same config in DOOM 3 and in its expansion.

    *** Note only for the specific SPANISH version of this enhancement:
    *** Fixes for Spanish version: Doom 3 has an error with spanish auto-saves causing some auto-save levels disappear as you progress. So I put for Doom 3 (not RoE, luckily in "DOOM 3 - RoE" this does not happen) the english auto-saves, with these 2 files in "base" directory: "pak005.pak" and "zpak001.pk4", with this DOOM 3 spanish will correct the auto-saves, and only the names of the auto-save levels will remain in english, maintaining all the rest in spanish.

    · All credits to the corresponding and mentioned authors.




  3. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath - Kane Edition Skins for Steam

    Replacing the installscript.vdf file that comes with the game with this version will enable the Kane Edition skins for the Kane's Wrath expansion.
    (Specifically, the Hash dword value controls which version of the game you're using.)
    For the base game, you'll want this file instead:




  4. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Kane Edition Skins for Steam

    Replacing the installscript.vdf file that comes with the game with this version will enable the Kane Edition skins for the base game.
    (Specifically, the Hash dword value controls which version of the game you're using.)
    For the Kane's Wrath expansion, you'll need to download this file:




  5. Blade The Edge of Darkness - Fixes+Textures - (Spanish)

    -"Blade - The Edge of Darkness / Severance":

    This fix aims to convert all "original" versions of Blade / Severance (classic versions) to Spanish.
    *** Installation ***
    -Copy the contents of the fix on the main game directory, overwriting all when asked.

    · This improves / adds / repairs:
    -Some fixes are universal, affect all versions of the game, but a lot of fixes here are exclusive to the
    Spanish version of the game (enhanced spanish texts and added missing slats to some levels).
    -Increased the number of savegames allowed for ALL versions of the game (14 slots now).
    -Windows does not ask to install "DirectPlay".
    -Modified executables and Direct3D / OpenGL / Glide rasters to allow (fixed) support for 16:9 resolutions.
    ** I only recommended to use "Direct3D" as video option (D3d_HD). **
    -Widescreen resolutions without stretching characters.
    -Uses a "d3d11" wrapper (dgvoodoo2) fixing many graphical problems (game is limited to 60 FPS).
    -Applied "Dsoal" sound wrapper, any sound driver can be used (Miles Fast 2D is recommended, but try yourself).
    -Added FXAA to the game with ReShade.
    -Spanish voices from the original Spanish version of the game.
    -Spanish texts have been reordered and fixed.
    -Controls are redefined to use a more "modern" key configuration, you can change it, but now the "default" configuration controls can return to the "modernized" one.
    -The map to choose missions is fixed (as much as it can be) for all resolutions.
    -Restored cosmetic content, Gold and Dark orcs appear in some leveles.
    -All elemental weapons do more damage, base damage remains the same as in the weapon slat says.
    -Blade Sword now has a "lightning" effect when attacking enemies in both versions.
    -"Trigger" activation fixes in some levels, player never gets stuck or dies after certain cutscene.
    -Buggy elements from original game deactivated (sun and almost all flares deactivated, cause of slowdowns).
    -Improved some aesthetics (fire texture, glitters, etc.).
    -Enhancements in water splash, blood splash and other cosmetic elements, restored dark blood for undead.
    -(Optional - only on file: "Blade The Edge of Darkness - Fixes+Textures - (Spanish)": Added enhanced
     "original" textures (not HD textures) to all levels, an improved "classic" feel to the game.
    -To use the fix with other languages do this (remember that some fixes only apply to Spanish):
    go to the folder "Config" then find the file "Lang.ini" and do this:
    --For Spanish language-- (default)
    --For English language (GOG version/Others)--

    * Note (initial video wich running with the game executable is buggy):
    · The video is in this fix, with the name of "main (original).mpg", so you can see it with any video player.
    -Rename or delete "main.mpg" in "<game directory>\Data\video\Spanish", to start the game without bugs.
    -Rename or delete "main.mpg" in "<game directory>\Data\video\EnglishUS", to start the game without bugs.
    -This applies to all local versions of the game: "<game directory>\Data\video\<local version>"

    ** -- Important -- **
    -Before you try to run "Blade - The Edge of Darkness / Severance" close all background programs (not icons),
    because this game is very sensitive and desyncs sound and text if you have other programs, like web browsers,
    active. I test this a lot and text with sound desyncs where caused by active background programs.
    -Execute the game using "Blade_HD.exe", go to configuration options and use "D3d_HD" as Video option.
    (Direct3D is the ONLY recommended option, but optionally you can choose to run "Blade_HD.exe" with
    "rOpenGL_HD" or even you can use "Blade_3DFX_HD.exe" and use "r3Dfx Voodoo 1-2_HD").
    **Using the "original" executable with "D3d_HD" causes the camera to be nearer the character and the map to
    choose level is out of range, so use "D3d_HD" with "Blade_HD.exe".
    -For audio configuration options I recommend to choose "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio" for stability.
    -If you are not using a fresh new installation, you need to delete the "*.pyc" files from all game folders.
    · Credits:
    -Almost everything done by Fjapo, with the help of some files (not textures) from BladeHD (SrRaulCL).
    -Widescreen (HD) executables from: https://www.wsgf.org/dr/severance-blade-darkness/en
    -dgVoodoo2 v2.8.2: ( https://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/bin/dgVoodoo2_8_2.zip ).
    -ReShade: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdfnrzhsk0bea07/ReShade_Setup_4.9.1.exe/file
    -Dsoal: http://vaporeon.io/hosted/dsoal-builds/
    -Other things I'm unable to remember (now lost in time).
    -Fjapo 2024.




  6. Coffee Talk – Spolszczenie (dla wersji spoza Steam – czytaj opis)

    Spolszczenie do gry Coffee Talk do wykorzystania na platformach innych niż Steam.
    W folderze .zip ze spolszczeniem znajduje się plik z instrukcją instalacji. Należy się z nią zapoznać przed skopiowaniem plików spolszczenia do folderu gry. Zawiera ona również ważne informacje o jego prawidłowej aktywacji.
    Spolszczenie do gry w wersji Steam jest dostępne jako modyfikacja w Warsztacie Steam.




  7. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 - Content pack

    Part of the recommended downloads for the Cumulative Patch for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 PC, originally found here: http://www.thps-mods.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5429
    As described by the author:
    Also contains content originally exclusive to the Korean release of the game, excluding the Korean music.




  8. Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Chinese language files

    This language file patch contains 2 different languages:
    Community-made Simplified Chinese language files by MYCNC and Ali213. Official retail Traditional Chinese language files. Download RA3_LanguagePack_CHS for community-made Simplified Chinese files or RA3_LanguagePack_CHT for official retail Traditional Chinese files.




  9. Descent 1 and 2 Interplay level contests collection

    GOG.com forum thread: https://www.gog.com/forum/descent_series/bunch_of_descent_12_levels_from_two_interplays_1997_contest/page1
    Interplay had many map making competitions for Descent, which some players considered to be the game's unofficial 3rd DLC. Although no official compilation has been made, a user (Nilex) on GOG.com has made one of his own with almost all competition entries included.
    Bunch of Descent 1 & 2 levels I came across on the old archived Interplay websites back from '96/'97. All the levels in this collection were submitted as part of the level design contest so I assumed they are worthy to be included in my own personal collection. And since I am a nice guy you can have them too. All cleaned and neatly sorted out.
    Descent 1:  97 levels in "Anniversary Edition Level Design Contest" folder (65 Single and 32 MultiPlayer)
            64 levels in "Mission Building Contest" folder (29 Single and 35 MultiPlayer)
    Descent 2:  78 levels in "Level Design Contest" folder (11 SP; 15 mixed; 52 MP);
           164 levels in "Mission Building Contest" folder (61 SP; 103 MP)
    Totaling:  403 levels (166 SP; 15 mixed; 222 MP)
    More detailed info inside two subfolders. There are also saved offline copies of archived Interplay webpages.

    Individual levels consist of two files and they share the same name, only the file extension is different. You will need both files for level to load.
    For DOS Descent 1: copy levels to root folder \DESCENT
    For DOS Descent 2: copy levels to folder \DESCENT2\MISSIONS
    For Rebirth source ports copy levels to \DXX-Rebirth\Missions
    Select "New Game" and all the SinglePlayer levels you copied will show in the selection list. Mind that DOS versions have a hardcoded limit of listing first 99 levels, the rest will be cut off.

    MultiPlayer levels will not be shown in the in-game "New Game" list. They are empty of enemies and are designed for MP only. However if you wish you can edit individual MSN/MN2 files using notepad and change type from "anarchy" to "normal". This will enable the levels to be loaded as they were SP if you simply wish to explore them.




  10. More Portal RTX Presets

    EDIT: Nvidia updated Portal RTX to include their own presets. These likely aren't necessary anymore.
    I made some custom presets for Portal RTX because it doesn't have anything lower than High. There's 3:
    Low doubled my FPS compared to high while retaining good visual quality. The main drawback with Low is that reflections are disabled. Medium and Medium-Low are almost indistinguishable from the higher presets to me, so I'd stick with those if you want more performance while retaining great quality.
    To use this, drag the file (rtx.conf) of the desire preset into the Portal RTX installation folder and overwrite the existing file. I have this set to DLSS off by default, but feel free to turn it on.




  11. Bonus Missions for nocturne [Polish]

    These are the bonus maps that came included with my version of the game (and some claim to be lost), so I decided to upload them here, the only catch is that they're in Polish.




  12. SWAT 4: Elite Force Spanish translation

    This incorporates both the base game and expansion translation for you to use in conjuction with the SEF mod.
    All credit goes to ClanDlan & IlDucci.
    Esta traducción combina la traducción base del juego y de la expansión para ser compatibles con el mod SEF.
    Todo el credito va para ClanDlan y IlDucci.




  13. Clive Barker's Undying - Fixes - (Spanish)

    - Read Me -
    • "Clive Barker's Undying - Fixes - Spanish"
    For any version of the game. It converts the texts into Spanish (it contains an "improved" version of the journal texts) and allows you to save 18 games instead of 10. For better performance use "dgVoodoo 2" because the game has new windows problems. When you load the game, the video does not appear before you start the game, so the "3D Hardware" detection error does not occur. The executable can use up to 4GB of RAM.
    - Installation -
    It already brings created folders, therefore it must be installed in the folder where the game is installed, because it already brings the folders "Help", "System" and "Textures" (overwrite everything when install).
    "Attention!": The original (Spanish) version brings the following files in "Sounds" with this format "LevelMechanics_est.uax" and "Voiceover_est.uax", you have to remove the "_est" from the name and they should look like this: "LevelMechanics.uax "and" Voiceover.uax ".
    - Features -
    Arrangements for Clive Barker's Undying. The file "UndyingShellPC.u" what it does is to put the game menus, the environment of the journal and the settings in Spanish, in addition to adding the possibility of running it in more resolutions than originally could. Added 8 more save slots.
    *Note: the GOG version uses nGlide, the driver uses Glide and the video only goes to 16-bit, but it works fine.
    *Recommendation (this version already comes in the file): use "dgVoodoo 2" (version 2.6 / 2.8.2, the ones I know are going well). By default the "System.ini" of the file already puts the driver in Direct3D, using 32-bit, with graphical advantages over the Glide version (better character shadows, these do not disappear according to the angle and better transparencies when using 32-bits).
    -- Being an old game has certain problems, if we do not use "dgVoodoo 2" the game YES it will work in "Direct3D", but the brightness can not be changed (not responds in the game) and everything may look very dark. --
    -Changed "Undying.exe" for other executable because the first one can cause crashes (I was unable to launch the game in a laptop), adding FXAA to the game using and old version of ReShade (as "d3d11.dll"), minor fixes in video screen (adding sound FX in selections).
    -Updated diary corrections.
    -Added the "voiceover.uax" file that makes the subtitles in Spanish appear in the game in non-original Spanish versions (this file is the same as the one indicated in - Installation -, so it would not be necessary to change the name to this file in Spanish versions of the game, but it is necessary to do with the file "LevelMechanics_est.uax").
    -Use common resolutions up to 1920x1080 (subtitles shrink on higher resolutions).
    -Added Detail Textures with files updated, modified and / or improved for the most part with respect to the original version: http://www.undyingitalia.it/public/index.php?pid=2
    *Note explaining about Detail Textures: In "System.ini" search for "[D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice]" and change to "DetailTextures=True" and also put "VolumetricLighting=False" because Detail Textures does not show in areas with Volumetric Lighting activated. (The fix uses Detail Textures without Volumetric Lighting being active).

    · Credits:
    -There may be used and/or modified parts of other authors although I do not know their names.
    -Use dgVoodoo2 (v2.6 / v2.8.2): http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/
    -ReShade: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdfnrzhsk0bea07/ReShade_Setup_4.9.1.exe/file
    -Original - Detail Textures: http://www.undyingitalia.it/public/index.php?pid=2
    -Fjapo (2023).


    1 comment


  14. Ultimate King's Quest 4 Patch

    Backup of SierraHelp's KQ4 patch


    1 comment


  15. Need for Speed: Most Wanted - HiDPI icon

    Need for Speed: Most Wanted - HiDPI icon
    By TripleZet https://www.deviantart.com/triplezet
    Source: https://www.deviantart.com/triplezet/art/Need-for-Speed-Most-Wanted-HiDPI-icon-745415159 
    Original icon for NFS: Most Wanted reworked in high resolution to look as close as possible to original 32x32 one.
    If you need something bigger than 256x256, feel free to use 640x640 PNG preview (from Source)




  16. Kreed: Battle for Savitar - English translation

    Fan translation by  Sam J.
    With the assistance and vocal talents of:
    Luchian D.
    Jillian Anitova
    Bob Nomad
    More info at: http://www.devisraad.com/savitar/




  17. Extras For Flibitijibibo's UTLinux

    This is a pack of goodies that were used for my UT Native Linux 451 Patched.
    It basically contains all the content from the Goodies such as:
    * Chris Donhal's OpenGLDrv
    * Loki Compatibility Libs
    * Server Creation Wiki page in text form
    * NPLoader files
    It also includes the "ut-fps" script and the Troubleshooting text file in case if you encounter any issues.
    This was made due to the fact that there is an issue regarding difficulties to connecting server which use 451 version from UTPG's. However, the mentioned version is backwards compatible with 436, which Flibitijibibo's back was made on.




  18. Jedi Outcast HD loading screens

    Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
    HD level loading screens
    by ND (Quiet Bob @ PCGW)
    This is a set of high-resolution loading screens for Jedi Outcast, for both mission mode and multiplayer levels. My aim was to replace the default set - which is extremely low-resolution - with better visuals, while staying as close to the original as possible.
    Loading screens in Jedi Outcast are basically screenshots of the levels. I recaptured them in full HD. These images were later rescaled to work in-game. I used high quality conversion in an effort to preserve most detail. The end result are loading screens which are of 16x higher resolution: the default set is only 256x256, mine are 1024x1024.
    I substituted two of the loading screens. The original ones used for Cairn: Bay and Yavin: Temple are taken from pre-rendered low-res FMVs. Since these can't be captured in high quality, I replaced them with in-engine screenshots from the corresponding levels. I also added a loading screen for Nar Shaddaa: Streets.
    Before and after image comparison:

    Just place the file Jedi_Outcast_HD_loading_screens.pk3 in your GameData\base\ directory. Enjoy!




  19. Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow PS3 HD textures

    Article: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
    Credits to ThirteenAG




  20. Splinter Cell PS3 HD textures

    Article: Splinter Cell
    Credits to ThirteenAG.


    1 comment


  21. TRAOD right looking FMVs

    Article: Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
    Remastered PS2 FMVs for PC.
    MPEG-1 with MP2 192 Kbps audio has been overcome by MPEG-2 codec with twice the bitrate and LPCM. Gamma levels have been also adjusted.
    All credits to rewak
    Included localizations are: German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, English.




  22. Daikatana pak9.pak (user community maps)

    Original download
    Repacked with 7-zip




  23. No One Lives Forever Super Map Pack

    Original file: http://www.fileplanet.com/157351/150000/fileinfo/No-One-Lives-Forever---1-MP-Super-Map-Pack-Final
    This is the No One Lives Forever Super Map Pack. It is the latest version available.
    The map pack (created by Sauron) contains almost every single map created by the community up to the point of release (19/10/2005). All maps included are at least stable and fairly bug-free.
    To install the map pack, place the extracted REZ file in the "Custom" folder (located at the game installation folder). If the folder does not exist, create it.
    Afterwards, make sure the map pack is enabled in the game launcher.


    1 comment


  24. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Community Map Pack (Steam)

    Original file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6470598/CommunityMapPackSteam.exe
    This is the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Community Map Pack. It is an unofficial map pack for the game.
    The pack is for the Steam version of the game. To install it, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
    For the retail version of the pack, a link can be found on the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory wiki page.
    Here are the list of maps added:
    41 new maps. MR. MIC's Map Pack is also included (15 maps), bringing the total map count to 56

    New maps added:
    Abandoned Bunker
    Argus HQ
    Artillery Warehouse
    Bank Mixed
    Base Argus
    Base Secrete
    Buddhist Temple 0.5
    Cargoship Beta
    Chemical Industries 1.2
    Clarity Soft Inc.
    Club House vs Museum
    DimmyKron Estate
    DM Contain Beta
    Executive Suites Beta
    Heliport 1.1
    Hotel 57
    Island -No title or pic on map select screen.
    Mount Hospital MOD
    Museum Aftermath
    Museum Classic (N)
    Red Tower Corps.
    Shadow Moses
    State Union
    Station Orbitale
    Suspect Dojo v.7
    Tank Factory
    Warehouse (SMBP)
    1 on 1 Club House
    1 on 1 Deftech Belew
    1 on 1 Museum
    1 on 1 Station

    Maps from Mr. Mic's Map Pack:
    Horizon Corporation
    Offshore Oilrig
    Polar Base
    Panama Bank 2.0
    Steel Squat (English)
    UMP Cinema
    UMP Hospital
    UMP Krauser Lab
    UMP Polar Base
    UMP Schermerhorn 1.1
    UMP Vertigo Classic
    UMP Vertigo Plaza




  25. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Community Map Pack (Retail)

    Original file: http://www.gamefront.com/files/15896793/Community-Map-Pack/
    This is the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Community Map Pack. It is an unofficial map pack for the game.
    The pack is for the retail version of the game. To install it, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
    For the Steam version of the pack, a link can be found on the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory wiki page.
    Here are the list of maps added:
    41 new maps. MR. MIC's Map Pack is also included (15 maps), bringing the total map count to 56

    New maps added:
    Abandoned Bunker
    Argus HQ
    Artillery Warehouse
    Bank Mixed
    Base Argus
    Base Secrete
    Buddhist Temple 0.5
    Cargoship Beta
    Chemical Industries 1.2
    Clarity Soft Inc.
    Club House vs Museum
    DimmyKron Estate
    DM Contain Beta
    Executive Suites Beta
    Heliport 1.1
    Hotel 57
    Island -No title or pic on map select screen.
    Mount Hospital MOD
    Museum Aftermath
    Museum Classic (N)
    Red Tower Corps.
    Shadow Moses
    State Union
    Station Orbitale
    Suspect Dojo v.7
    Tank Factory
    Warehouse (SMBP)
    1 on 1 Club House
    1 on 1 Deftech Belew
    1 on 1 Museum
    1 on 1 Station

    Maps from Mr. Mic's Map Pack:
    Horizon Corporation
    Offshore Oilrig
    Polar Base
    Panama Bank 2.0
    Steel Squat (English)
    UMP Cinema
    UMP Hospital
    UMP Krauser Lab
    UMP Polar Base
    UMP Schermerhorn 1.1
    UMP Vertigo Classic
    UMP Vertigo Plaza




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