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Max Payne Anthology Definitive Fixes

About This File

I compiled the most used fixes for the first two games, and decided to upload them here. To install them you need to unpack the files to the game folders and apply "sound fix.reg" (It might not be needed with this game, but other games could use it so I recommend it anyway) and optionally apply "all difficulties.reg" if you want every difficulty and game mode unlocked from the start. I also recommend the Max Payne Remastered mod for the first game here. If you want to use DgVooDoo 2 you need to disable d3d8to9 in global.ini and rename d3d8.dll to dinput.dll.

You need to limit the framerate by yourself to 60 FPS, otherwise the physics will be broken, especially in Max Payne 1! Try RivaTurner, as from my experience the Nvidia Control Panel doesn't work with the games.

the fixes included are:

  • Startup fix v1.01 - UCyborg,
  • D3d8to9 - Crosire,
  • DirectSound Wrapper Registry Patcher - 3DJ,
  • Widescreen fix v16.05.2020 - ThirteenAG,
  • DSOAL - kcat,
  • Updated Classic - philips_27, repacking as mods - Kolter (both available only on the UC discord)
  • [MP1] Widescreen Intro - Perseus290688,
  • [MP1] AMD Ryzen fix - luigoalma,
  • [MP1] Adaptive Difficulty Removal - knightofthewind89,
  • [MP2] Dead Man Walking bonus chapters - Rockstar Games,
  • [MP2] Weapon Patch - AntiEvil,

What's New in Version 1.4   See changelog


updated DSOAL again
[MP2] Repacked the bonus maps to work as a RAS file, so you can play them with mods. If you encounter any issues however, you can remove the file 00_DMM.ras
[MP2] Included Max Payne 2: Fixing the Payne and Fixed Payne repacked as 1 mp2m file.

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Hello, this is a well-rounded fix pack, but I'd suggest updating the dsoal to the current build. The default out of the box setting works just fine for Max Payne 2.

Index of /hosted/dsoal-builds/ (vaporeon.io)

The old one produces static noise issues on a few levels (the most noticeable one is the first level).

Also, I don't understand the need for weapon patches. It does nothing but crash the game.

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3 hours ago, rana said:

Hello, this is a well-rounded fix pack, but I'd suggest updating the dsoal to the current build. The default out of the box setting works just fine for Max Payne 2.

Index of /hosted/dsoal-builds/ (vaporeon.io)

The old one produces static noise issues on a few levels (the most noticeable one is the first level).

Also, I don't understand the need for weapon patches. It does nothing but crash the game.

Wierd that the new version isn't available anywhere else, thanks.

Weapon patch is for mods, and you must have done something wrong since it doesn't crash when installed correctly.

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Is this mod where the "level select" custom game option in the Max Payne 1 launcher comes from? How do I select difficulty when using the level select, instead of being locked into Fugitive difficulty?

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For anyone who installs this now onto Max Payne 2, it will cause a crash when loading Part III Chapter 5 due to a missing texture in the "Updated Classic" mod included.

Unfortunately, using the mod will cause your save game to require these files and cannot be fixed by reverting to a vanilla game state.


There is however a solution detailed in a steam discussion here.

This solution requires you to install the Max Payne 2 Dev tools from here and use the RASMaker2.exe found after installing.

For ease, I have already completed this process and have attached a rebuilt .mp2m which can overwrite the file found in this mod. Password: pcgw

Updated Classic [tweaked] fix.7z

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14 minutes ago, idk said:

Thanks, didn't even know about this. Added your version to the pack.

Awesome thanks!

I finished the game yesterday but hopefully this helps anyone in the future!

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Hi, PappaSlask here (author of the Max Payne RTX Remixed mod). As much as I love updated software, something may work worse or break something else. And since previous versions aren't provided by the author, I took the liberty of providing a download for the previous version of Definitive Fix (2023 version), for everyone's convenience:

Max Payne Definitive Fix.7z

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