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Watch Dogs - Camera Speed Limit Remover

About This File

Watch Dogs doesn't allow the camera to be rotated beyond a certain turning speed limit. This mod fixes the issue through edited camera library files. It is meant to be used along with Mouse Acceleration Fix - download the standalone version of it and extract the file to the game's "bin" folder.

Extract the files to the game's "data_win64" folder and overwrite any files as needed.

Password: pcgw

Although the heavy horizontal camera turning speed limit is removed, some vertical limit remains in place, as no parameters that control it could be found. This means suddenly moving the camera up or down too fast might still cause some deceleration effect. There is still quite some room for speed however, and vertical camera movement is also less prevalent in gameplay compared to horizontal movement, so most of the time that shouldn't be an issue.

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Any chance you know how to combine this mod with the Living City mod?  Been wanting to do a replay now that these great camera fixes are available, but was hoping to use Living City too.  Unfortunately I can't figure out how to use them together....

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11 hours ago, JCAMAR0 said:

Any chance you know how to combine this mod with the Living City mod?  Been wanting to do a replay now that these great camera fixes are available, but was hoping to use Living City too.  Unfortunately I can't figure out how to use them together....

What you need to do is unpack the patch.dat/fat files from this mod with the unpacker included in Gibbed's Disrupt Tools and get the cameracontext.lib file located in generated\databases\generic\, unpack the LC mod's files the same way and replace the same file there with the one from this mod, then pack it back and use that. Though keep in mind LC likely does other tweaks to that file so you'd lose those. If you want to add just the tweaks that this mod does to LC's cameracontext.lib then you should also unpack that file with the binary converter included in Gibbed's Disrupt Tools and edit these parameters to the presented values:

fInputYawSpeed = 120
fInputPitchSpeed = 120
fInputYawExtraSpeed = 120000
fInputYawExtraSpeedAngleThreshold = 0

In every single file present on the main directory as well as all subdirectories, then pack it back with the same binary converter, pack the patch.dat/fat files back as well and use them.

(or you could use a Python script to mass edit those values into all files)

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14 hours ago, Markie said:

What you need to do is unpack the patch.dat/fat files from this mod with the unpacker included in Gibbed's Disrupt Tools and get the cameracontext.lib file located in generated\databases\generic\, unpack the LC mod's files the same way and replace the same file there with the one from this mod, then pack it back and use that. Though keep in mind LC likely does other tweaks to that file so you'd lose those. If you want to add just the tweaks that this mod does to LC's cameracontext.lib then you should also unpack that file with the binary converter included in Gibbed's Disrupt Tools and edit these parameters to the presented values:

fInputYawSpeed = 120
fInputPitchSpeed = 120
fInputYawExtraSpeed = 120000
fInputYawExtraSpeedAngleThreshold = 0

In every single file present on the main directory as well as all subdirectories, then pack it back with the same binary converter, pack the patch.dat/fat files back as well and use them.

(or you could use a Python script to mass edit those values into all files)

Thanks so much!  I think I got it working correctly!

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