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Found 7 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder, binkw32.dll should be replaced Set your screen resolution in Settings.ini In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [FPS] Limit = 300 FPS limiter value Unlock = 0 0 - disable FPS limiter 1 - enable FPS limiter [RESOLUTION] Width = 0 Height = 0 forces the screen resolution [HUD] Centered = 1 0 - stretched HUD 1 - centered HUD Aspect = 1.777777 HUD aspect ratio value [DRAW_DISTANCE] LOD = 1.000 multiplier for the distance between LOD levels Objects = 1.000 multiplier for objects visibility distance use values no greater than 3.0 to avoid glitches at very high aspect ratios 4.0 - max value Shadows = 1.000 multiplier for shadows visibility distance Fog = 1.000 multiplier for the fog visibility distance [EFFECTS] ColorCorrection = 0 0 - disable yellowish tint 1 - enable yellowish tint DOF = 0 0 - disable "Depth Of Field" effect 1 - enable "Depth Of Field" effect ShadowMapSize = 1024 increase this value to get better shadows quality 256 - min value 15360 - max value
  2. Version 1.0


    This is a program to unlock the framerate in the game Astalon: Tears of the Earth. It's made with Cheat Engine so some Antivirus software will flag it. Extract the archive with the password pcgw The game has a forced 60 fps cap and no Vsync, and from my testing it also has issues with freesync/gsync so it's pretty bad. With this tool you can unlock the FPS which will eliminate input lag and get really smooth motion on camera panning. Since you will probably get 1000+ fps, if you want an fps limit use the Scanline Sync feature from Riva Tuner Statistics Server, which will cap it your refresh rate, eliminate judder and tearing with almost no input lag. Instructions: Extract the archive with the password pcgw Open the tool. Start the game. It should get patched automatically and you should hear a sound effect, otherwise press F1.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Unlocks the fps cap in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Instructions: You'll need .NET Framework 4.8 to work: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net48 Extract File and move to Game folder Launch the game and After skipping the first menu press "ALT TAB" on the keyboard Launch the exe called "IW Frame Unlocker.exe" and a return to the game. Done Sadly you'll have to do it every time you enter the game but still. better that nothing (works with Multiplayer and Zombies) Disclaimer: I didn't make this mod, just reuploaded. 😉
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Unpack the archive Copy all files to the game folder, binkw32.dll should be replaced In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [FPS] Limit = 60 FPS limiter value Unlock = 0 Value - 1 disables FPS limiter To achieve better performance at high FPS, it is better to disable the internal FPS limiter of the game. Use Vsync or external FPS limiter to limit FPS. This game is designed to work at a constant speed, so you must have a stable FPS, otherwise you will notice a slowdown or acceleration of the game speed. Example for 120 FPS with Vsync or external FPS limiter [FPS] Limit = 120 Unlock = 1 Example for 144 FPS with Vsync or external FPS limiter [FPS] Limit = 144 Unlock = 1 [RESOLUTION] Width = 0 Height = 0 This setting can override game's horizontal and vertical resolution Example for 1920x1080 resolution [RESOLUTION] Width = 1920 Height = 1080 [GAMMA] ColorCorrection = 1 Value - 0 disables color correction Use this setting to get more natural colors [TEXTURES] ShadowMapSize = 1024 Increase this value to get better shadows quality 256 - min value 8192 - max value Lighting = 384 Increase this value to avoid artifacts in some cases 256 - the min value 8192 - the max value
  5. 1,694 downloads

    Comes with a RAR file (made by Dege), which includes Donald.exe binaries for 5:4, 16:9, 16:10 and 21:9 aspect ratios, and a DLL file (GliDX6vf.dll) to fix the intermittent FPS loss (jumps between 30 and 60 FPS during gameplay), so it always runs at the full framerate (60 FPS). Instructions: - Extract the executable that corresponds to the aspect ratio you want to use and the "DLL" folder, both to the root game folder, replacing any original files. - Use dgVoodoo to force a resolution that matches the aspect ratio you chose from the fix (Changing resolution from the config file ubi.ini in "C:\Windows\UbiSoft" makes the game crash) Credits go to: AuToMaNiAk005 (creator of widescreen fix), Dege (creator of dgVoodoo) Password: pcgw
  6. Version 1.1.2


    This is a collection of the most important and useful fixes for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on Steam in one centralised, and easy to download file. The collection contains: 40, 50, 60 and Unlimited FPS executable files originally created by PCGamingwiki Moderator "Garrett" that can replace the game's original .exe file to play at the desired framerate. Config files for playing in 1440p and 4K with Cloth Simulation enabled which can simply be dragged into the user's "Appdata" directory. Replacement "LevelPack" contents to fix missing sounds for levels near the end of the game, originally created by Steam user "Sweetz". A READ ME.txt file with easy to follow installation instructions. Thanks to the original contributors for making this game playable for so many people over the years - have fun! 😄
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Modding tool for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes which allows changing the FOV, uncapping the frame rate, disabling depth of field, and swapping character models.
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