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Found 17 results

  1. Version 2.0.0


    While the latest Bioshock 2 patch made things worse, every version of Bioshock 2 presents issues with audio balance. The previous fix helped some sounds but these still remained super loud: damage noise, Shotgun, and drill punch. I looked into and modified the "Fix Quiet Guns and Unbalanced Audio - Restoring the Retail Audio Mix" fix file and came up with something I feel helps with the issues. This fix would not have been possible without this fix/thread here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=322637977 For this article: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/BioShock_2
  2. Version 2.4.7


    Audio driver in Rune Classic is broken, and can lead to crashes during cutscenes in the Embers of Hrafnborg level. This file fixes the crash issue, but also as an added bonus, fixes spatial audio in the game as well. Installation instructions Navigate to the Rune Classic installation directory, and open the System folder; Open the Rune.ini file (make a backup of it first); Find and delete the [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] section (renaming it also works), and save your changes; Download and extract the attached archive (OpenAL_v2.4.7_Rune.zip); Copy and paste all its folder contents in the Rune Classic > System folder. Credit goes out to I Drink Lava - 3D Game Audio for the fix.
  3. 6,574 downloads

    Original source: Game Front This is the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords High Quality Music Patch. An officially released patch, it increases the sample rate of the soundtrack from 11,025 Hz to 44,100 Hz. Note that this patch is not required for the Steam or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Collection 2 DVD versions of the game.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has been fully localized in 9 different languages, including texts and voice acting, and 2 languages with just text. But again for some odd reason, audio and text are interconnected, and you can only play the game 100% in the same language. Preventing users to play with English audio for example, and text / subtitles in any other language. To work around this limitation, I developed this mod for Steam. It will basically force the game to follow your desired language for text and subtitles, but will keep the original dubbing of that language. First, download and extract the file Crash Bandicoot 4 - Undub All Languages.zip to your computer. After that, go to the game's installation folder (by default it is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crash Bandicoot 4"), enter inside the folders Lava, Content and then Paks. Inside the Paks folder, create another folder, called ~mods. Now, place the all .PAK files from your desired text language inside the ~mods folder. Go to your Steam Library, select Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, click Properties, "Language" tab, and then select the language you would like to hear the voice acting in. Run the game and it will have the voice acting you chose, but with all the texts (menus and subtitles) in your primary language. ;D This mod is also available on Steam Guides section if you want to give it likes, faves and awards: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2909052216 *Obs.: this mod was made for the Steam version of Crash Bandicoot 4. It should work on BattleNet version since it use similar files, but it was not tested.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Note: After applying the fix, Hardware acceleration and Allow EAX effects will still be greyed out in UruSetup.exe, however those settings no longer apply as this bypasses those settings to be forced on after the game has started. This fix allows Hardware Acceleration and EAX to be enabled on modern systems using DSOAL, OpenAL Soft, or Creative ALchemy in URU: Complete Chronicles. Works on GOG version and should work with other versions also. Source: https://airtable.com/shrtTsUtiAJQ7wFGI/tblNOTdmp5nHXfFGU/viwjDPuKOjBnIQunv/rec5DHnTjpYhRzdWQ ==Installation== 1. Extract files to <path to game> and overwrite existing files. 2. Set both files (plClientSetup.cfg and audio.ini) to read-only (right click each file --> properties --> check read-only --> click Apply and ok) ==details== plClientSetup.cfg forces the audio device to be Generic Hardware by adding Audio.SetDeviceName "Generic Hardware" and has Audio.UseHardware and Audio.UseEAX set to true. Audio.ini has Audio.UseHardware and Audio.UseEAX set to true.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Used to fix the muffled audio Extract into the runtime folder in the installation folder
  7. Version 1.0.0


    A fix for voice issues in chapter 2. Retrieved from original Dropbox link via SirYodaJedi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gf16yvxj42wa2r1/2_MonkeyIsland102_pc_voice.ttarch?dl=0 Just copy the .ttarch file to <path-to-game>\The Siege of Spinner Cay\Pack\ or <path-to-game>\Episode 2\Pack\, depending on your installation's structure.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    In Powerslave EX, the speech for Ramses is of especially low quality, making it hard to understand at points, I went ahead and ripped my own files from a PS1 disc. Article: Powerslave Ex Author: Noenko
  9. Version 3


    This download contains a set of files that replace the some of the lower quality audio files in the Windows port of "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain" with those from the original PlayStation release.
  10. 1,507 downloads

    This audio codec provides a way for older applications and games that require the Windows Media Source Filter to bypass all ASF codecs. DivX ;-) was not made by the corporation DivX, but instead it was later adopted by the company and trademarked. Known games that require this audio codec to play audio: - Monopoly Tycoon - Test Drive 6
  11. Version 1.0


    This DLL fixes the issue with Earthworm Jim: Special Edition crashing after setting the game's compatibility mode. Taken from this article: https://www.play-old-pc-games.com/2014/09/07/earthworm-special-edition/
  12. Version 1.18.2


    This is a pack containing a compiled OpenAL Soft libraries and softwares for Linux use. It was compiled by me (KayX291) in order to help newcomers with using OpenAL Soft without trying to compile it by themselves. It can be used for specific software which uses OpenAL or use it in your system as a replacement. The main difference between OpenAL and OpenAL Soft is the fact that the latter is not only open source, but also a support for mono, stereo, 4-channel, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 and HRTF output. But with the configurator, you can customize and even enhance the sound output with filters, effects etc. It contains: - OpenAL Soft libraries - OpenAL Soft GUI Configurator - HRTF files - alsoftrc sample file and more. They are available in both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Dependencies required: Qt5 and pressumably SDL2 (For GUI configurator to work) Compiled on: ArchLinux - 64 bit Manjaro 17.0.6 (via VirtualBox) - 32 bit Credits Loki Software for OpenAL KCat for OpenAL Soft Me for compiling em
  13. While currently playing Prey I noticed that somebody marked Closed Captions for this game as true. And while it does offer subtitles for all dialogues, it only partially offers them for sound effects. For example, the sound of some of the robotic devices gets described if you are near them, but things like shooting, breaking glass, explosions or alien noises do not. The editing guide mentions "Text accompanied with all audio in-game." so in this case it should probable be false then, right? However, I've checked a couple of pages which makes me unsure about the setting in general. Dragon Age Origins has it enabled and while it is heavily text based, things like sounds (or combat chatter IIRC) has no subtitles. Same goes with other classical RPGs. Now looking at some Bluray movies with SDH subtitles, not every noise necessarily gets described - at least not in dramatic/action scenes. So I think we need some better clarification as to when CC should be true, false or N/A. Especially with the different genres in mind (e.g. adventure games). I know this is generally a rare feature but it seems even the Steam store often lists it for games which only feature normal subtitles.
  14. Version 1.00


    Somehow some of the voice clips for Amy and Cream are empty, but it's about time they come back with this replacement file. The voices from other game systems were ripped, re-enconded with CRI Middleware Tools and placed onto the file "SH_VOICE_EN.afs" in the PC version of the game. To get those voices back, replace the existing voice afs file with this one into dvdroot\bgm.
  15. Mirh

    EAX Unified



    Originally taken from Splinter Cell: Double Agent DVD.
  16. Under 'audio settings' I've been checking 'true' if a game has surround sound and then I realized that I wasn't taking that heading literally enough and decided that I need to be checking 'false' if the game doesn't actually have an option for various speaker configurations. Most games now days just auto detect the user's speaker configuration based on how they have their speakers configured in the operating systems sound device configuration. I'll be going back through and cleaning up changes I've made in the past and updating notes.
  17. Other than fan rips probably not being viable, could something similar be added, such as manualy obtaining a game's ost trough an utility copying the music from the game's installation folder and/or converting it to make it work common usefull utilities for converting ogg files and other formats (WInLame, specific game utilities) officialy released soundtracks for free, bandicamp pages http://amontobin.bandcamp.com/album/chaos-theory-splinter-cell-3-soundtrack whatever else I can't think of right now But couldn't fan rips simply be re-uploaded somewhere else anyway, and aren't most for personal use anyway?
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