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Found 6 results

  1. Version 2.0


    The game can be run in widescreen by changing the resolution in the VideoSettings.scr config file, but this results in stretched HUD and text, and cropped vertical FOV (Vert-). This RAR file fixes both of those, and contains modified code.pak and .scr files that fix the FOV and HUD for the 2006 racing game GTI Racing. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 (basically same as 21:9). Instructions: 1. Extract the files inside the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting all original files (make a backup of those first if needed). 2. Set your desired resolution in VideoSettings.scr (<main game folder>/Data/VideoSettings.scr). Credits go to: Automaniak
  2. Version 2.0


    The game can be run in widescreen by changing the resolution in the VideoSettings.scr config file, but this results in stretched HUD and text, and cropped vertical FOV (Vert-). This RAR file fixes both of those, and contains modified code.pak and .scr files that fix the FOV and HUD for the 2006 racing game Xpand Rally Xtreme. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 (basically same as 21:9). Instructions: 1. Extract the files inside the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting all original files (make a backup of those first if needed). 2. Set your desired resolution in VideoSettings.scr (<main game folder>/Data/VideoSettings.scr). Credits go to: Automaniak
  3. Version 1.0


    The game can be run in widescreen by changing the resolution in the VideoSettings.scr config file, but this results in stretched HUD and text, and cropped vertical FOV (Vert-). This RAR file fixes both of those, and contains modified code.pak and .scr files that fix the FOV and HUD for the 2004 racing game Xpand Rally. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 (basically same as 21:9). Instructions: 1. Extract the files inside the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting all original files (make a backup of those first if needed). 2. Set your desired resolution in VideoSettings.scr (<main game folder>/Data/VideoSettings.scr). Credits go to: Automaniak
  4. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified truck.exe files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio (HOR+) for the 2003 racing game Tough Trucks: Modified Monsters. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 32:9, 43:18, 64:27. HUD and texts are also fixed. Instructions: 1. Extract the file from the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio and replace the original one in the game folder (first make a backup of it, if needed). 2. Select your desired resolution in the game launcher. Credits also go to: Automaniak
  5. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified mxmania.exe files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio (HOR+) for the 2000 racing game Motocross Mania. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18, 64:27. Instructions: 1. Extract the file from the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio and replace the original one in the game folder (first make a backup of it, if needed). 2. Force your native resolution in dgVoodoo2's "DirectX" tab and set the resolution there (ignore the resolution option from the launcher, since it only supports 4:3 resolutions there). Issues: - Menus and HUD are still stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak
  6. Version 1.0


    This RAR file contains modified motor.exe files that fix the FOV and aspect ratio (HOR+) for the 1998 racing game Motorhead. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18, 64:27, 256:135. Instructions: 1. Extract the file from the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio and replace the original one in the game folder (first make a backup of it, if needed). 2. Go to the game's graphics settings and set the resolution that matches your chosen aspect ratio, and you're good to go. Issues: - Menus are still stretched. Credits also go to: Automaniak
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