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About This File

Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure third-person game "American McGee's Alice" (2000)since the game's engine, id Tech 3, crops the image at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-). This is a permanent fix, so it's no longer needed to run the "fov" command every level reset/restart or binding the command to a key. Both gameplay and cutscene FOVs are fixed.

Source code available: https://github.com/alphayellow1/AlphaYellowWidescreenFixes/blob/main/source/fixes/AmericanMcGeesAliceFOVFix


1. Extract all files to the game folder.

2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder.

3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in AmericanMcGeesAliceFOVFix.ini.

What's New in Version 12/16/2023 04:38 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

  • With version 12/16/2023 04:38 PM:
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7 hours ago, bishop_swift said:

So I have tested these out and they still have a lot of cropping in cutscenes. SO it doesn't seem to have any effect on the FOV there unfortunately.

Ah, I really thought it affected the FOV in cutscenes too, thanks for clarifying it 😄

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On 1/8/2023 at 3:35 AM, bishop_swift said:

So I have tested these out and they still have a lot of cropping in cutscenes. SO it doesn't seem to have any effect on the FOV there unfortunately.

I fixed it now (found the right hex address that deals with cutscene FOV), try and see if the cropping happens during any cutscene.

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