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138 files

  1. Driver: San Francisco - Uplay & Deluxe Events

    A mod that restores events exclusive to the deluxe edition of the game and Uplay unlockables, that became unavailable with the online functionality breaking Uplay/Ubisoft Connect update. It comes in three flavors:
    Uplay Events - restores only the events that were unlockable through Uplay points. Deluxe Events - restores only the events that were unlockable through the purchase of Deluxe Edition. Uplay & Deluxe Events - restores both the events that were unlockable through the purchase of Deluxe Edition and those that were unlockable through Uplay points. Installation: Extract "ScriptsLuaScripts.fchunk" from the folder of your choice into the "media" folder located in game's main directory.




  2. Zenith - Skip Logo Movies Mod

    This is a replacement file that removes the unskippable logos.
    Just replace the existing file with this one and the movies will be gone.
    For the game Zenith: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Zenith




  3. James Bond 007: Blood Stone - Film Grain and Color Grading Removal

    This mod allows you to remove the Color Grading and Film Grain effects
    Here are the instructions to disable the color grading and film grain effects.
    1) Extract the contents of .zip file to folder of your choice.
    2) Open Texmod
    3) Click on Target Application and find Bond.exe
    4) Select Packages provided in the folder extracted from the rar file.
    It's worth noting that this requires to have the game start only from Texmod.exe
    Credits goes to xXMarT1naXx for the solution on how to disable it, without her it wouldn't be possible.




  4. Assassins Creed Black Flag SUWSF Ultrawide

    Ultrawide Mod for Assassins Creed Black Flag
    Follow the steps below in order.
    1. Launch game and select graphic settings and resolution.
    2. Exit the game and download the mod file.
    3. Drop everything from the mod folder into the game folder for either steam or Ubisoft Connect.
    5. Start game. Happy Gaming.
    All fixes are listed below.
    All aspect ratios supported and fully automated.
    In game UI affixed to 16x9 with in game pointers fixed.
    Main menu UI affixed to 16x9 with menu mouse pointers fixed.
    2k, 3k and 4k Soft Shadows added overriding in game soft shadow selection.
    Movies affixed to 16x9 with black bars automated for all aspect ratios.
    240 FPS unlock included.
    Unlocked Fog rendering.
    4GB patch Added.
    FPS mod can make the elevator glitch and cinematics glitch a small amount. 
    Shout out to the team from WSGF for the support!
    This mod could not have been done without Phantom's SUWSF module. Big shout out to PhantomGamers! 
    Cheers everyone and I hope you enjoy the ultrawide fix.




  5. Villains Extended QoL mod 1.5

    This is a permanent file for https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830147770806960188/906776676246118430/Villains_Extended_QoL_mod_1.5.rar.
    In Lego DC super villains wiki page.




  6. Liquidator 2: Welcome to Hell - Alternative level walkthrough [Official mod]

    After the devastating article from site Absolute Games, the developers (Parallax Arts Studio) responded to the criticism with the release of an official mod for the game. It introduces the alternative walkthrough of one of the levels, turning it into "completely different game".
    Applies only on Russian version of the game.




  7. JP Cube for Jet Set Radio HD

    This mod(s) restores the original looks of Cube from the original Japanese Dreamcast release to Jet Set Radio HD. Works only when the game is set to English. Uploaded here for preservation purposes, since one of them was on some old Dropbox cloud and the other on the obscure Jet Set Radio Modding server, uploaded in the #general and forgotten.
    Installation: Read the "README.txt" file.
    java_finch - Port of the gameplay model and textures.
    egregiousguy - Port of the garage model and textures.
    Me - Packing those mods together and uploading them as a package here for preservation purposes.




  8. Enhanced Valve Logo for Portal 2

    This is an enhanced version of the Valve logo seen in portal 2 (Open Your Mind 2012), the version that turns its head. Unlike the the one I made for Half-Life 2, this one has a bit more work into it.
    The video itself is the version that is found in the 2011 leak of DOTA 2. The file itself was in a USM format that needed to be converted as this is the highest quality version of the logo. The audio was manually recreated with the Valve theme from the Half-Life soundtack. The copyright information was recreated to match the quality.
    The video was converted several times:
    Converted from USM to m2v from m2v to mov (for the editing software) rendered into a mov then converted to bik. Quality was effected a small bit due to this, but I did the best I could to maintain it. It still looks much better than Portal 2's.
    Simply download the zip file and extract it into Portal 2's directory (Where portal2.exe is located). Any updates will not override the file unless Valve decides to add new content one day.
    No A.I was used. Everything you see and hear is all naturally occurring, even the FPS. The only manual "clean up" I did was recreate the copyright information in the video.
    Higher resolution: Now 1920x1080 instead of 1280x720 Higher FPS: Now 30 Instead of 24 Higher quality audio (see audio details below) Cleaner looking video Copyright information was recreated using a similar font. InkScape's "Trace Bitmap" feature was used to enhance the Source logo. Audio Details:
    This is where most of the work took place. I used the flac version of the Valve Theme from Half-Life's OST to manually recreate the audio heard in this version of the logo. It may sound slightly different, but that's because I worked with what I had. It took some doing, but aside from the reverb at the end since I could not get it right, I think it is nearly identical. I used the distortion sound from the audio of the USM file.




  9. Batman: Arkham Origins - PS3 Exclusive DLC

    Mod for the Batman: Arkham Origins, that ports the PS3 exclusive DLCs (Knightfall DLC + One Million and New 52 Metallic skins) to the PC version of the game
    Installation: See this section in the PCGamingWiki's article about the game.
    Weffette - Original creator of this mod
    Me - Repacking to reduce file size, fix for the "Run as Administrator" problem and re-upload here for preservation purposes




  10. Old Compass & Time Table Mod

    A mod for the Spintires that restores the pre-2019 look of the in-game compass and time table.
    Installation: Extract the "User" and "TextureCache" folders into the game's main folder.
    Oovee Games - making the original textures.
    Me - ripping textures from the older version and making them compatible with the newest version of the game.




  11. Fixed Polish translation

    English: A mod for the Spintires that corrects the mistakes in the original Polish translation and translates missing text added in the "China Adventure" DLC.
    Polish: Niniejsza poprawka służy jako korekta tekstu z podstawowej wersji gry oraz dotłumaczenie brakującego tekstu z dodatku "China Adventure".
    Installation: Extract the "Media" folder into the game's main folder.
    Oovee Games - original translation of the game.
    Me - translating new content and correction of the original translation.




  12. Gothic - In Extremo Restoration & zGamePad Quick Loot + Quick Save

    In Extremo Restoration: Restores the In Extremo performance, that was exclusive to the German version of the game. This version of a mod doesn't alter names of any enemies.
    zGamePad Quick Loot + Quick Save: Gamepad overlay for the zGamePad Ninja plugin, that adds functionality from the Quickloot and Quick Save/Load Manager mods.
    Installation: Unpack archive's content into the game's main directory.
    Kor Angar - In Extremo Restoration mod.
    ≠Yel0n` - zGamePad Quick Loot + Quick Save overlay.
    Me - Re-upload here for preservation purposes.




  13. HITMAN 3 - Better Bloom Mod

    Original description:
    "The Better Bloom Mod turns down all the bloom to more reasonable values in the games’ levels, as well as tweaking other aspects of the sky, such as the suns’ intensity.
    The Purpose of this mod is to not disable the bloom (as the game looks a little off without it; it was clearly made with it in mind), but tones it down to more reasonable levels.
    This, in general, tones down:
    The overexposure Bloom when you exit buildings (varies by level due to implementations between levels differing) The Berlin light-cubes are now much less distracting Chongqing has less bloom in general HAVEN Island’s storm is now much more grey/blue The Sun is now visible (where applicable)." Original source: HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread
    I'm uploading this mod here for preservation purposes, since the original mod author took it down from Nexus Mods.
    Dribbleondo - Making this mod.
    Me - Re-uploading it here.




  14. Alternative config for the Shaders Max mod

    Alternative config for the Shaders Max mod, that increases quality of the SSAO and makes shadows even softer.
    Installation: Unpack "gamedata" folder from this archive into the game's main directory.
    Kingo64 - Original Shaders Max mod.
    Deus_nsf - Modified config file.
    Me - Additional ReadMe.txt modifications and re-upload here.




  15. Enhanced Valve Logo For Half-Life 2

    This is simply a higher quality version of Half-Life 2's valve logo (Open Your Mind from 2007). This version is from the Source SDK Base 2007 but oddly had worse audio quality, but the video was very clean. I used the same method I did for the version I made for Half-Life 1. I took the version from the SDK and mixed it with the FLAC file of the Valve theme from Half-Life's OST and manually trimmed the song to match the logo, giving the logo both higher quality video and audio. The copyright information was used from the original video located in Half-Life 2's directory, so copyright information is consistent with the original. Credits for the video and audio go to valve, I only take credit for merging these two things together.
    This is not the version that turns its head.
    Improvements compared to the original:
    Slightly higher FPS. Now 24.02 instead of 23.98 Somehow slightly smaller file size (again) Much cleaner looking video Higher sound quality Nothing was manually or AI enhanced. What you see and hear is naturally occurring, even the FPS.
    Backups do not need to be made. This uses the Source Engine's custom directory, which means nothing gets overwritten and/or gets reset after an update.
    Extract the zip file to <path-to-game>\hl2 launch the game, and the enhanced logo should play. This can be used for other Valve games also but if you like accuracy, the copyright information may be incorrect as this was made for Half-Life 2.




  16. FFXIII-LR - Aerith Garb Mod

    Backup of Krisan Thyme's mod, which has long since been removed. Extract into game folder, run the .bat file and follow the instructions.




  17. FFXIII-LR - Outerworld Addons

    Backup of Krisan Thyme's mod, which has long since been removed. Extract into game folder, run the .bat file and follow the instructions.




  18. FFXIII-LR - Console Button Prompts

    Backup of Krisan Thyme's mod, which has long since been removed. Extract into game folder, run the .bat file and follow the instructions.




  19. GTA San Andreas - SAEnexLimit.asi

    Increases the limit of possible Enex files




  20. FFXIII - Console Button Prompts (v2.0)

    Final Fantasy XIII - Console Button Prompts
    Mod Created By:  Krisan Thyme
    Special Thanks:    Echelo        (Research / Programming / Support)
                                   Scarlet Crusade    (Extensive Testing / Support)

    Version: 2.0
    - Instructions -
    1.  Copy all files contained within the ZIP file to your FINAL FANTASY XIII\white_data\ directory.
    2.  Run the "Install Console Button Prompts" BAT file, and wait for it to finish processing the files.
    3.  Once it is finished, close the prompt window and play the game, you're all good to go!

    Important Notes:
    - While in-game go to Settings > On-Screen Button Explanations, and set the option to "Controller Type."
    1.0    - First Release.
             - Implemented a custom set of PS3 style Icons.
             - Implemented a custom set of 360 style Icons.
    1.0.1 - Colorized the QTE prompts.
    1.1    - Revised certain textures.
    1.2    - Updated the installation process.
             - Revised all textures to better match the console prompts.
    2.0    - Condensed Button Prompt mods into a single installer.
             - Minor revision to the PlayStation prompts to better fit the interface.




  21. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Console Button Prompts Mod v2.1

    Reupload of the Console Button Prompts Mod. The original file hosted on Patreon is no longer available. A Readme with instructions is included in the archive.
    Mod Created By: Krisan Thyme
    Special Thanks: Echelo (Research / Programming / Support)
                                 Scarlet Crusade (Extensive Testing / Support)




  22. Mahjong Numbers for Yakuza 0 & Yakuza Kiwami

    This mod for Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami replaces Mahjong tile faces with those from Yakuza 5 Remastered, adding English numbers to the number tiles and letters to wind and dragon tiles. The table and wood textures are kept as-is.
    To install, extract the archive to the directory containing Yakuza0.exe/YakuzaKiwami.exe (typically the media directory). Overwrite files when prompted.




  23. Decensor Patch Fix

    This is a fix for the Decensor patch for Neptunia Sister Vs Sisters.
    If you haven't download the patch and installed it yet, do that first. Unzip the file Copy the "neptunia-sisters-vs-sisters_Data" into the game's install folder Play




  24. High Resolution Texture Pack for Prototype

    Based off of this mod, but I turned it into one complete file for convenience. Many people on the original thread were reporting part 2 not working, so I grabbed my working version and zipped it up.
    1. Drag this file into your Prototype directory
    2. Start Texmod.exe and target Prototypef.exe
    3. Click the Folder icon and add the packages
    4. Make sure that they are organized like the list below
        2)New New-York v2
        3)ALEX HD
        4)P2 Style v3.0
    5. Start the game through Texmod.
    6. If Steam is preventing the game from launching, copy steam.exe to the prototype root directory.
    Mod Includes:
    New rock textures New grass textures Darker asphalt, brighter markings. Fix bricks (removed excessive shine). Additional textures of the grass. New "noise map" or "dirt map" (the city seems cleaner). Paving slabs are darker. New effects of blood. New lighting effect. New effect of a shot from a weapon. Smoke more transparent New LOD card with a slight increase in quality. New texture of trees. Hi-res textures for Alex  Red-ish details to all of Alex's powers (inspiration taken from main Game Cover).




  25. Restored Logo Video Playback for Half-Life, Blue Shift, & Opposing Force (Steam and Retail) - Windows Only

    This was primarily made for the Pre-25th Anniversary version of Half-Life on Steam since that version had absolutely no video playback at all. Now that the Anniversary update has come along restoring the logo video playback, it made restoring the other logos difficult since it involved replacing two files, making sure the audio is synced, having worse audio quality, and all audio files must be mixed into one file.
    These are scripts that basically have the videos play with FFplay (FFmpeg but as a media player) instead and then launch the specified game, this way the videos are played externally and are no longer tied to the limits of the Gold Source Engine. FFplay was chosen due to it's portability, compatibility, and it best emulates the original way the videos played in the WON versions.
    Windows version of FFplay is provided in this download for convenience with the license and readme files, those files only apply to ffplay.exe. I take no credit for anything except the vbs, bat, and ps1 files.
    Before Installing:
    The zip files contain VBS, BAT, and PS1 files for the sake of OS compatibility. You choose which ones to use as you do not need all of them extracted, they all do the exact same thing just in a different way. Their code can be reviewed by opening them in any text editor.
    BAT files are the most compatible and the fastest, use the VBS files to run the BAT without a console window (VBS and BAT files must stay together). PS1 files use Powershell and are more modern. You may need to allow your system to run the files, they are a little slower than BAT files.
    The version of FFplay provided will run on Windows 7 to modern Windows. Therefore, at least Windows 7 is required.
    Choose which zip file to download. Steam or WON.
    The script file names start with "LWM", this stands for "Launch With Movies". The two letters afterward represent the name of the games. "HL" = "Half-Life", "BS" = "Blue Shift", and "OF" = "Opposing Force".
    The scripts will launch the game using steam itself via it's Browser Protocol and not the hl.exe file directly, so any configurations and/or arguments made in steam should still work like normal as it is the equivalent as clicking the "PLAY" button in Steam.
    1. Extract the "Steam Versions.zip" file into the main installation directory. This will also add the missing logo files from the WON version of the games and utilize the already existing valve.webm file.
    2. Open Steam and right click on Half-Life and click "properties". Add -novid to the launch options. Do this for Blue Shift and Opposing Force Also.
    3. Run the script for the game you wish to play, it must be used every time to launch the game with logo playback.
    Since the media files are already there and play just fine in this version, this is technically not needed. But, this still eliminates the video limits of the Gold Source Engine, providing the possibility of higher quality videos.
    These scripts already include the -nosierra argument to prevent the videos from playing twice. If there are any other arguments you want to use, open the script files in a text editor, look for -nosierra, and add the arguments the same way you enter them in Steam, a space after each one.
    1. For Half-Life and Opposing Force, extract the contents of the "Half-Life + Opposing Force" folder (not the folder itself) within the zip file into the main installation directory for Half-Life (where hl.exe is located). For Blue Shift, extract the contents of the "Blue Shift" folder (not the folder itself) within the zip file in the main installation directory for Blue Shift (where bshift.exe is located)
    2. Run the script for the game you wish to play.




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