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Found 12 results

  1. Version 5


    Nioh2Resolution Adds support for any resolutions to *Nioh 2: Complete Edition* on PC (UI isn't perfectly scaled). Credit to LennardF1989 for the original Nioh 1 version. Edit: This was proven to work on Stranger of Paradise as well (test up to version 1.21), even if it was made specifically for Nioh2, just rename your exe to Nioh2.exe and apply the patch without any extra options on it. Ignore any error that might come up. I do not own the game so I can't make a new patcher for it at the moment. ## How to use? 1) Download the latest release of Nioh2Resolution. 2) Save the content of the archive to the root of the *Nioh 2: Complete Edition* game-directory (Defaults to `C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Nioh2` for Steam installs) (you can delete it later on) 3) Run `Nioh2Resolution.exe` and follow the instructions. 4) Start the game and set the resolution to the specified one (if that is not shown in the game menu, set it in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\KoeiTecmo\NIOH2\config.xml) 5) Restart the game as there seems to be a bug that breaks the brightness (and UI scaling) if you change resolution after startup. ## How does it work? Before doing anything, the game will be unpacked using Steamless. This is required because the Steam DRM will otherwise not allow a modified executable. Once unpacked, the patcher will look for the byte representation of the 3440x1440 resolution, and change all occurances to your desired resolution. Anything wider than 21:9 should work decently, especially because the FOV scaling is Horizontal+, but some UI anchoring will be wrong and some other won't be scaled correctly. Loading screens and cutscenes seem fine. Unfortunately Nioh 2 natively has a bug where the UI drifts after certain events at any aspect ratio above 64:27 (2560x1080). There is an EXPERIMENTAL fix that and also allow the game to have fully visible UI and not stretched at aspect ratios below 16:9, but both fixes come with consequences. They are detailed in the patch itself. In theory, this patcher should work for any version of the game. v5 changelog: -Added experimental fix to fix the drifting -Improved text and fixed some false warnings -v4 often ended up reported as a false positive by many anti viruses. I've moved a few things around to make sure this doesn't happen anymore. Virus scan (of v5): https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2e3aaf6cd34fe77138e8f7de7a8d5007a6a53217b75db8696d1842de203981f7/detection Source is available anyway. Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=BFT6XUJPRL6YC
  2. 722 downloads

    The game only supports 4:3 resolutions and aspect ratio. This is jackfustes' fix for proper widescreen support, mirrored from here.
  3. 16,885 downloads

    http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Silent_Hill_4:_The_Room Sources: ps2wide.net/other/sh4.7z, ps2wide.net/other/sh4.zip Includes both Wrapper by Nemesis and experimental 60 FPS mods, with modified dinput8.dll by Vetle to avoid problems with antivirus softwares. (Virustotal dinput8.dll: Original, Modified)
  4. Version 1.0


    Source: http://blog.metaclassofnil.com/?p=725 Source code: https://github.com/PeterTh/d4launcher Alternative launcher for D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die which includes support for all available resolutions.
  5. Version 1.1.2


    This is a collection of the most important and useful fixes for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on Steam in one centralised, and easy to download file. The collection contains: 40, 50, 60 and Unlimited FPS executable files originally created by PCGamingwiki Moderator "Garrett" that can replace the game's original .exe file to play at the desired framerate. Config files for playing in 1440p and 4K with Cloth Simulation enabled which can simply be dragged into the user's "Appdata" directory. Replacement "LevelPack" contents to fix missing sounds for levels near the end of the game, originally created by Steam user "Sweetz". A READ ME.txt file with easy to follow installation instructions. Thanks to the original contributors for making this game playable for so many people over the years - have fun! 😄
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is a collection of the most important and useful fixes for "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition" on Steam in one centralised, and easy to download file. If you've just bought the game and want everything to look and run as well as possible, this is for you! The collection contains: Options to play in 1440p and 4K. Increased shadow resolution, better anisotropy and a fix for the distracting shadow-banding visual bug on characters. An unlimited frame-limit, it can now be played as fast your monitor allows! Originally the game would run at a maximum of 62FPS. The ability to play with Monkey and Trip's extra costumes from a first playthrough, along with the ability to enable both of them at once - for some reason you are not able to do this by default. An accompanying ".txt" file with easy to follow installation instructions. Thanks to the original contributors for making this game playable for so many people over the years - have fun! 😄
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Mirrored the fixed .exe from the Mega link.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Removes black bars for all resolutions in Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Developed by jackfuste at WSGF. Replace CrashBandicootNSaneTrilogy.exe in the game folder with the fixed one.
  9. 2,424 downloads

    Forces the game to render in 1920x1080. For this article: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_4:_Episode_I Author: xion999 Source: http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=24190&start=30
  10. So I was recently playing some Zoo Tycoon (http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Zoo_Tycoon) via Windows XP in a virtualbox (I'm actually typing this right now in XP, how nostolgic) and whenever I launch the game it is stuck at 1280x1024. I tried the method mentioned on the WSGF link on that wiki page, but whenever I try that I automatically am reverted to the lowest resolution possible when I open the game, and none of the other resolution options are 1920x1080. Any tips, or maybe other ideas I can try? Nevermind, apparently it is working now. I'm not entirely sure how. I set it to 900p in windowed mode and it worked, then I changed it to 1080p fullscreen and it worked somehow. Hopefully that helps anyone else with the same question.
  11. Update: I have found an alternative method to skip the intro videos, which I have added to the wiki page as Method 2. http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Tom_Clancy%27s_Splinter_Cell:_Chaos_Theory#Essential_improvements I'm attemping to follow the suggestion on the wiki page for Chaos Theory to remove the intro movies, along with the widescreen suggestions. Unfortunately neither seem to be working. I've opened the correct files, commented out the lines and set my own X and Y resolution. The game is ignoring them however. The odd thing is that it isn't overwriting the files or anything, which makes me think the game ignores these files entirely for some reason. I'm running the game through Steam, if it helps..
  12. My laptop's screen resolution is 1366x768, and for some reason the wiki does not size properly to it and hangs off the right side. Is this an issue with just this resolution, or are other sizes affected too?
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