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Silent Hill 3 PC Fix by Steam006

About This File

Allow custom window resolutions
Allow custom rendering resolutions
Windowed mode
Increase FOV
Decrease FOV in cutscenes
Display FMVs in 4:3 aspect ratio
Display FMVs in fullscreen
Disable safe mode
Options menu fix
Display 2D elements in 4:3
Display fullscreen pause menu
Depth of Field resolution increase
Shadow resolution increase
Inventory resolution increase
Status Screen resolution increase
Anisotropic Texture Filtering
Remove black bars
Remove borders in cutscenes
Modify fog complexity
Different framerate modes
Unlock Silent Hill 2 Easter eggs
Restore missing dialogue sound
Restore beta sound
Redirect registry values from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to HKEY_CURRENT_USER
New save and load system
Support for Silent Hill 3 Trial Version
Wallhack (F1)
Disable DirectX Fog (F2)

Use 7-Zip or WinRAR to unpack the zip file.

1. Copy all the files to your Silent Hill 3 install folder.
2. Configure your options in Silent_Hill_3_PC_Fix.ini. (Optional)
3. Start the game with sh3.exe.

07151129 - sh3proxy
WidescreenFixesPack team


What's New in Version 2.7.1   See changelog


Update 2.7.1:
Improved 60 and 30 FPS cap

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On 9/19/2023 at 10:15 PM, xaxord said:

What's up? I am testing the mod and everything works fine except the widescreen, the game is 4:3 stretched to 16:9, what option can I modify to make it look ok?

I'm not sure what you mean? The main menu should be in 4:3 and gameplay in 16:9.

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3 minutes ago, Steam006 said:

I'm not sure what you mean? The main menu should be in 4:3 and gameplay in 16:9.

The menu and gameplay is in 4:3, but the gameplay is only stretched, it is not a real widescreen, when entering the menu it is in 4:3 without stretching.

C__Program Files (x86)_KONAMI_SILENT HILL 3_sh3.exe 21_09_2023 07_53_20 a. m..png

C__Program Files (x86)_KONAMI_SILENT HILL 3_sh3.exe 21_09_2023 07_53_27 a. m..png

C__Program Files (x86)_KONAMI_SILENT HILL 3_sh3.exe 21_09_2023 07_53_40 a. m..png

C__Program Files (x86)_KONAMI_SILENT HILL 3_sh3.exe 21_09_2023 07_53_55 a. m..png

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56 minutes ago, xaxord said:

The menu and gameplay is in 4:3, but the gameplay is only stretched, it is not a real widescreen, when entering the menu it is in 4:3 without stretching.

In "Silent_Hill_3_PC_Fix.ini" set Log = 1 and LogGameDebugMsg = 1. This should create a "Silent_Hill_3_PC_Fix.log" file the next time you start the game. Post that file here.

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How to friend this fix with d3d8to9? I have a laptop with switchable graphics and on directx8 the game runs on low power intel hd graphics. On directx9 the game sees external graphics and runs on nvidia. And if I replace this file, the picture will be stretched out

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On 9/21/2023 at 8:42 PM, konnor said:

How to friend this fix with d3d8to9? I have a laptop with switchable graphics and on directx8 the game runs on low power intel hd graphics. On directx9 the game sees external graphics and runs on nvidia. And if I replace this file, the picture will be stretched out

As I wrote in the FAQ d3d8to9 doesn't work well with SH3. If you still want to use it you can rename the d3d8.dll from d3d8to9 to "d3d8R.dll" and place it in the game folder. You will experience graphics and performance issues especially in the 2nd half of the game.

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3 hours ago, Steam006 said:

You have "IncreaseGameplayFOV = 0" set in your ini file. Change it to 1.

Yes, that was the problem, thanks for the help.

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One problem I have with this fix is it forces internal and displayed resolutions to be the same? Normally I would use the in-game (disp.ini) settings of internal = "resolution=4096x2048" and display = "size=1920x1080" to get pseudo antialiasing, but cannot do that using this fix...or can I? I tried but it made it squash the menu screens and did nothing apparent in game. Still had really bad "crawling jaggies".

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Hey, I've been trying to get this wonderful fix to work for two days now. I'm running Linux (Fedora Silverblue) and loading Silent Hill 3 through Bottles, but the fix isn't being applied at all (I can tell because no logs are being generated and ini settings do not affect the game).
I'm assuming so far that this is a Linux issue: I can't find anyone else having this problem on the internet. Maybe the old injector exe would help me...? Any tips?

Edit: Wow! I got it to work! In Bottles, I set my DLL override settings for my Silent Hill 3 profile to make sure d3d8 loads native (so it loads the PC fix dll)! I'm going to see how things work in-game, now...!

Edited by blargo

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:38 AM, dude guyman said:

One problem I have with this fix is it forces internal and displayed resolutions to be the same? Normally I would use the in-game (disp.ini) settings of internal = "resolution=4096x2048" and display = "size=1920x1080" to get pseudo antialiasing, but cannot do that using this fix...or can I? I tried but it made it squash the menu screens and did nothing apparent in game. Still had really bad "crawling jaggies".

The mod supports 16x anisotropic texture filtering which should clean up a lot of the jaggies in the game and should be better then your disp trick.

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On 10/1/2023 at 5:59 PM, Steam006 said:

The mod supports 16x anisotropic texture filtering which should clean up a lot of the jaggies in the game and should be better then your disp trick.

Thanks for your work, I love the "fix" overall, but...

Anisotropic filtering gives clarity to flat surfaces viewed at an angle (the walls and floors up ahead), but does little to nothing for jagged edges, but I did notice the Anisotropic filtering in the config file, set to "1". Is that just an on/off toggle or can we set it to 4, 8, 16, or is it intended to be set to "1" then forced via driver controls? I've never found Anisotropic filtering very important in SH games because they do all kinds of filtering on their own. Can't really see a difference with it on or off...but the "jaggies" from displaying those tiny, old textures at higher resolutions...that's another story. As far as I know, these Silent Hill games HATE any form of Antialiasing, so the only way I've found to get any is by using the games internal resolution settings.

silent-hill-3-pc-fix forced internal=display resolution:


VS my "disp trick", which is simply using the games intended built in settings via SH3Config.exe (works with the thirteenag widescreen fix, but that lacks some fixes from this fix, of course):


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It should be set to 1 and it is enabled automatically you don't need to do anything in the GPU control panel. It helps quite a bit I would say.

On: SH3_1.thumb.jpg.6d304a51202ddb2f42e67b05475b541e.jpg

Off: SH3_2.thumb.jpg.5f1bceb16a0dac5d9c3b9c6eb06b5e9c.jpg

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8 hours ago, Steam006 said:

It should be set to 1 and it is enabled automatically you don't need to do anything in the GPU control panel. It helps quite a bit I would say.


It definitely helps! With  floors and walls viewed at an angle, but not so much with jagged edges. And thanks for the "how to use" info. In the spot in your screen shot, if you turn around and look at the edges of the boxes behind her, where the sub machine gun would be, you can see the "jaggies" I am nagging about. I'm guessing the internal resolution setting from the game just can't work with the added .DLL files? Would be nice if it could though! Real nice!

Edit: I just went and tested in that same spot from your screenshot. Anisotropic filtering is NOT working for me at all with "AnisotropicTextureFiltering = 1", or even with that on and forcing it in my AMD control panel "only affects directx9" it says. Probably just an "AMD" thing, I have an RX 6600, not a big deal, just so you know. Mine looks like your second screenshot with all the wavy lines in the wall, worse in motion actually. Still, the patch/fix is great. I know the Silent Hill engine is a fickle beast.

Edit #2: Found a way to achieve the same effect using AMD's "Super Virtual Resolution" feature. Turn that on (on a 1920x1080 screen), then set the Silent_Hill_3_PC_Fix.ini (screen and render, width and height) to 3200x1800 and let the drivers scale it down to 1920x1080, wallah! No jaggies! Still no Anisotropic Filtering on AMD, but the other stuff almost takes care of that too.

The wall is still a bit "crawly" (no anisotropic filter on AMD) but otherwise, looks good with much less aliasing...if youtube doesn't compress it to a blurred mess:


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I download the zip file, but it doesn't ask me for a password when I try to extract and every file I try to unzip to the install folder is saying there is an error, "error 0x80004oo5"

What could be the problem?

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11 hours ago, commandergrief said:

I download the zip file, but it doesn't ask me for a password when I try to extract and every file I try to unzip to the install folder is saying there is an error, "error 0x80004oo5"

What could be the problem?

You need to use 7-Zip or a similar tool to extract the files.

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17 hours ago, dude guyman said:

It definitely helps! With  floors and walls viewed at an angle, but not so much with jagged edges. And thanks for the "how to use" info. In the spot in your screen shot, if you turn around and look at the edges of the boxes behind her, where the sub machine gun would be, you can see the "jaggies" I am nagging about. I'm guessing the internal resolution setting from the game just can't work with the added .DLL files? Would be nice if it could though! Real nice!

Edit: I just went and tested in that same spot from your screenshot. Anisotropic filtering is NOT working for me at all with "AnisotropicTextureFiltering = 1", or even with that on and forcing it in my AMD control panel "only affects directx9" it says. Probably just an "AMD" thing, I have an RX 6600, not a big deal, just so you know. Mine looks like your second screenshot with all the wavy lines in the wall, worse in motion actually. Still, the patch/fix is great. I know the Silent Hill engine is a fickle beast.

Edit #2: Found a way to achieve the same effect using AMD's "Super Virtual Resolution" feature. Turn that on (on a 1920x1080 screen), then set the Silent_Hill_3_PC_Fix.ini (screen and render, width and height) to 3200x1800 and let the drivers scale it down to 1920x1080, wallah! No jaggies! Still no Anisotropic Filtering on AMD, but the other stuff almost takes care of that too.

The wall is still a bit "crawly" (no anisotropic filter on AMD) but otherwise, looks good with much less aliasing...if youtube doesn't compress it to a blurred mess:


Good to hear you found a solution that works. Yes anisotropic filtering not working is probably an AMD driver issue. I use an Nvidia card. I would be curious to know what happens if you set "UseDirectX12 = 1" in the ini. It might fix it.

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11 hours ago, Steam006 said:

...I would be curious to know what happens if you set "UseDirectX12 = 1" in the ini. It might fix it.

Directx 12 = no joy. Seems to work well, but still no AF. This pic is the worst spot in the game to see the effect of no AF though. In most other areas it looks great anyway, so AF would be nice, but AA is the real problem with SH games, and AMD VSR sorted that nicely. Nvidia's FXAA probably would too, not sure, pretty sure their Anisotropic Filter works pretty much across the board too. AMD's drivers will only do it on Directx 9 (on several of their "features") I guess. Can't win 'em all. Thanks for your time and effort on this though.


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Hi there (first off thanks for the amazing work)  - I am experiencing a similar issue as another user previously reported to which when entering certain rooms (happened in the sewer) the game will go black until I opened my inventory. Currently on patch 2.5.3. Any help or guidance is appreciated! thanks

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On 10/6/2023 at 4:51 AM, ebench said:

Hi there (first off thanks for the amazing work)  - I am experiencing a similar issue as another user previously reported to which when entering certain rooms (happened in the sewer) the game will go black until I opened my inventory. Currently on patch 2.5.3. Any help or guidance is appreciated! thanks

That bug was fixed a long time ago. Make sure you are using the latest version.

Edit: If it still happens with version 2.5.4, enable logging like it says it the FAQ and attach the log file here.

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1 hour ago, Steam006 said:

That bug was fixed a long time ago. Make sure you are using the latest version.

Thanks! I was using 2.5.3 (along with audio enhancement for pack). I will try deleting all 2.5.3 files and replace with the newest 2.5.4. Fingers crossed


1 hour ago, Steam006 said:

That bug was fixed a long time ago. Make sure you are using the latest version.


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On 10/7/2023 at 2:46 PM, Steam006 said:

That bug was fixed a long time ago. Make sure you are using the latest version.

Edit: If it still happens with version 2.5.4, enable logging like it says it the FAQ and attach the log file here.

 Update - for what its worth I was still experiencing the random dark lighting bug with 2.5.4, but I found a fix by turning off the noise filter in the options menu

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11 hours ago, ebench said:

 Update - for what its worth I was still experiencing the random dark lighting bug with 2.5.4, but I found a fix by turning off the noise filter in the options menu

Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this issue. If you are still able to test I would like to know if it happens when you not using any mods.

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ran the debug (attached)

I have the Steam006 patch + Silent Hill 3 Audio Enhancement Pack https://www.moddb.com/mods/silent-hill-3-audio-enhancement-pack

Note: Tried launching and playing without the audio enhancement, it appears to still be occurring when noise filter is on 

Note 2: when running the debug mode via the instructions in the FAQ the game would attempt to launch, crash, but generate the .log file regardless (maybe that is intended?)

Regardless this is pretty minor issue, by turning off the noise filter I can still enjoy your awesome mod 


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