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Perhaps it's time to add an area to the system requirements where the actual size of the game is mentioned?  This may help for games like Overwatch, where the game recommends a good 30GB of space on the box then only has a 6.1GB file size.


Yes, Overwatch really is that small.  It may get updates over time, but 30GB won't fill itself.

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I always wrote the real file size when I was able to in the HDD field.

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The recommended HDD space is usually based around what's necessary for unpacking, updates, occasionally even planned DLC. The system requirements section on the site is always just the official data - whether it's listed on a store, on the box, or where ever relevant.

I forgot to say this but, I usually list the game's real size when the values I found don't match. Would it be fine for these cases? Otherwise I just use the official data.

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There are few cases where there's nothing listed in official requirements, making it impossible to know how much game will take. At that point I have pointed out the install size of the game. 


But usually it's not a problem unless official value is far lower than install size, which have happened few times, but usually it's better to simply go what official requirements are as you are on your own if you try running games outside the requirements anyway. Even if game requiring 4 GB of RAM only uses 1 GB or if game requires 64-bit OS even if it only ships with 32-bit executable. 

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