About This File
This is a patch for HL2: Update mod to update the game to the latest version of Source engine similar to vanilla HL2, basically this guide but are simplified, you just need to run the installer and choose the steamapps\common\HL2 Update folder and install (overwrite anything). Plus, SDL2 2.26.3 is also included.
- Vulkan is fully supported with no issues
- Gamepad UI is also supported + Community Commentary option added.
- Custom chapter backgrounds/images that matches the one from HL2 Update one.
- Along with other changes from the latest HL2 vanilla are also included aswell.
If you find some bugs aside the one from readme which i can't fix, comment it below, and beside I might be inactive so some bugs might not be fixed.
Also it's highly recommended that you don't download the older version (other than 1.0.3) on the changelogs, they are obsolete and contains lots of bugs, and nonfunctional Gamepad UI, always download latest one, 1.0.3 was the last oldest version that was recommended if you have issues with latest version (in case I release a newer version everytime Valve updated the vanilla game).
If you have any problems with downloads, try one of these mirrors:
GitHub: https://github.com/kr0tchet/HL2UpdatePlusPlus/releases
GameBanana: https://gamebanana.com/mods/429040
MEGA: (Coming soon)
Thanks to idk for making the patch based off my original tutorial, updated to 2023 version of the game by me.
What's New in Version See changelog
- More improvements and few new features to Gamepad UI, restored some missing options which the old UI have, including:
Keyboard Advanced Options:
Fast Weapon Switch - Disabled (0), Enabled (1), Enabled with Gamepad/Console style (2), Enabled with Horizontal style (3).
Enable Developer Console directly via Gamepad UI
Mouse sensitivity on Gamepad UI increased up to 20 (like the Old Engine HL2).
- Some improvements to old VGUI:
Video - Advanced
Removed broken "Use 'bloom' effect when available" that always uncheck itself when saved. Bloom and HDR will still functioning normally with it's options remain available. It's unknown if AMD/ATI GPU would do the same thing or not, or if it was leftovers from old version of the game.
FOV options for old VGUI can be increased up to 120 without using Console command "fov_desired 120".
- Optional/Extras: Orange Gamepad UI scheme with Verdana & Trebuchet MS font included.
With version
- Download
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