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Version 2.1.0
How to install: 1. Go to the game's installation directory and open the config.ini. Change aspectx and aspecty to 0 and make sure the resolution is set. 2. Copy all files from .zip to the game's installation directory. FMVs are stretched. Loading screens are pillarboxed. I have repositioned UI objects where possible. also available on github If you like my work you can support me here: patreon Credits PhantomGamers for SUWSF -
Version 1.1
A total overhaul of the old Flawless Widescreen script for GTA V that has been dysfunctional for many months if not longer. As before, it allows for fine-tuning of FOV per each view - first person, in-vehicle, ADS, and third person. It also allows to remove the pillarboxing at cutscenes at 21:9 and wider, although having the latter enabled may cause some confirmation prompts to disappear at 32:9 and wider until disabled. Download and install Flawless Widescreen. Download this script and unpack the archive. Put its contents in the main Flawless Widescreen folder (usually \Program Files (x86)\Flawless Widescreen\). Launch Flawless Widescreen, select Grand Theft Auto V (updated) and set everything to preference. Tested the latest game version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080, and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee. -
Version 2.0
The game can be run in widescreen by changing the resolution in the VideoSettings.scr config file, but this results in stretched HUD and text, and cropped vertical FOV (Vert-). This RAR file fixes both of those, and contains modified code.pak and .scr files that fix the FOV and HUD for the 2006 racing game GTI Racing. The fix supports the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 12:5, 15:9, 16:9, 16:10, 25:16, 43:18 and 64:27 (basically same as 21:9). Instructions: 1. Extract the files inside the folder that corresponds to your desired aspect ratio to the main game folder, overwriting all original files (make a backup of those first if needed). 2. Set your desired resolution in VideoSettings.scr (<main game folder>/Data/VideoSettings.scr). Credits go to: Automaniak-
- 25:16
- 16/10
(and 37 more)
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- 25:16
- 16/10
- 16x10
- 16:10
- 16/9
- 16x9
- 16:9
- 15/9
- 15x9
- 15:9
- 12/5
- 12x5
- 12:5
- 5/4
- 5x4
- 5:4
- fov
- fov patch
- fov fix
- widescreen resolution
- widescreen patch
- widescreen fix
- widescreen
- 25x16
- 25/16
- 43:18
- 43x18
- 43/18
- 64:27
- 64x27
- 64/27
- ultrawide
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- ultrawide mod
- ultrawide patch
- unofficial
- fix
- fixes
Version 2.2.1
Note: A standalone solution for the Director's Cut edition is now available. The tools allow for support of any display aspect ratio and real-time FOV adjustment in Death Stranding. The gameplay and engine-rendered cutscenes will properly fill the screen, while the state of the pre-rendered cutscenes will depend on the used solution. Option 1: A trainer automatically detecting any resolution and allowing to make the zoomed pre-rendered cutscenes 16:9. Left alignment of the pre-rendered cutscenes is a known issue. The tool also allows to adjust FOV at any aspect ratio. Unpack the archive - the password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the trainer Press the desired keys - ideally from the main menu and before any cutscenes Go to Graphics Settings and select your resolution under 21:9 Correcting the aspect ratio may require switching to 16:9 in Graphics Settings, then back to 21:9. Option 2: The known ultrawide solution made into patchers limited to common wide resolutions and keeping the pre-rendered cutscenes zoomed. Tested on the latest Steam version at 1920x1080, 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080 (HUD is spanned). I may have been the first to discover the common sense aspect ratio change solution (as seen on the WSGF Discord), but I am certainly not the one who published the bytes first (looks like it was FasterThanFTL). As such, I am not taking any credit for the patchers but you can buy me a coffee or support me on Patreon for the trainer built over many hours of 100% unique research, calculations and code. -
Version 1.5
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the fantasy action horror FPS game "KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child" (2000), as the game's engine, LithTech 1.5, crops the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3 (Vert-). Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in KISSPsychoCircusTheNightmareChildFOVFix.ini.-
- fov fix
- widescreen patch
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.3
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure FPS game "Arthur's Quest: Battle for the Kingdom" (2002), as the game's engine, LithTech Talon, stretches the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in ArthursQuestBattleForTheKingdomFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.3
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action-adventure third-person game "American McGee's Alice" (2000), since the game's engine, id Tech 3, crops the image at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-). This is a permanent fix, so it's no longer needed to run the "fov" command every level reset/restart or binding the command to a key. Both gameplay and cutscene FOVs are fixed. Source code available: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Download ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader (32-bit version of winmm.dll), and also extract it to the game folder. 3. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV and FOV factor in AmericanMcGeesAliceFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.5
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action RPG game "Sanity: AIken's Artifact" (2000), as the game's engine, LithTech 2.0, crops the view at resolutions wider than 4:3 (Vert-), and makes the game unplayable in many sections at aspect ratios wider than 16:9. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in SanityAikensArtifactFOVFix.ini. -
Version 1.5
Comes with a RAR file, which includes an ASI plugin intended to fix the field of view in the action FPS game "Nina: Agent Chronicles" (2002), as the game's engine, LithTech Talon, stretches the image at resolutions with an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. Source code available here: Instructions: 1. Extract all files to the game folder. 2. Set the desired resolution to fix the FOV in NinaAgentChroniclesFOVFix.ini.- 3 comments
- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
(and 40 more)
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- ultrawide fix
- ultrawide fov
- fov fix
- 15x9
- superultrawide fov
- superwide fov
- fixes
- ultrawide
- 48/10
- superwide fix
- superultrawide
- unofficial
- fix
- unofficial patch
- 48x10
- 48/9
- 32/10
- 48:9
- 48x9
- 32/9
- 64x27
- 32:10
- 48:10
- 32x9
- 32x10
- 64/27
- 32:9
- 64:27
- 16x10
- 16:9
- 21:9
- 21/9
- 21x9
- 16/9
- 16/10
- 16:10
- 15/9
- 16x9
- fov patch
- superwide
- fov
- 15:9
Version 1.1.1
Install Flawless Widescreen Unpack the archive included here and copy the folders to the main Flawless Widescreen folder in Program Files Launch Flawless Widescreen and make sure the fix is enabled, which will remove the black bars and allow for FOV adjustment through the UI or hotkeys -
Version 3.5
The tool removes black bars from the in-game cutscenes, cinematic cameras, shops and a number of other areas at 21:9 and wider resolutions. Since version 2.0 it also removes pillarboxing from the photo mode. Since version 3.0, it allows for custom FOV adjustment. Launch the game first, then the tool. The password for the archive is pcgw As expected from a trainer based on CE components, this tool does get falsely flagged by some anti-virus software as a trojan, while the rest correctly mark it as a "hacktool". Use the tool provided here at own risk and ideally avoid playing RDR Online without completely disabling the fix - especially the FOV hack. Tested at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. Additionally confirmed as working by two volunteers from WSGF. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0.0
Camera mod for God of War created by huutaiii. Features Change field of view (FOV) during gameplay only. Change camera distance and X, Y offsets. Change the window in which the lock-on target can move without having the camera rotate to follow. Customize the smoothness of cutscene transitions. Installation Extract the contents of into the folder containing GoW.exe. Configuration The configuration file is located at mods\GoWCameraMod.ini.- 1 comment
- fov
- field of view
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0
The tool for the Microsoft Store version of the game is based in part on the Flawless Widescreen findings by HaYDeN, removing black bars from the game and allowing to change the third-person and first-person field of view in real time. Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip using the password pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Enable the black bars fix and press Alt+Enter in the game twice to properly adjust the aspect ratio. Alternatively, enable the fix at the loading intro screens. All trainers containing CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. Tested the latest Game Pass version primarily at 2560x1080, briefly at 3440x1440 and 3840x1080. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. -
Version 3.1
Download the included trainer and unpack it with software like PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game, then the tool. Press the shown keys to remove the black bars and adjust FOV as desired. Alternatively, for the DRM-free version, use the included aspect ratio patchers to target \BloodstainedRotN\Binaries\Win64\BloodstainedRotN-Win64-Shipping.exe within the game folder. To avoid upscaling, edit %LOCALAPPDATA%\BloodstainedRotN\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini and at the end add ResolutionSizeX=YOUR_WIDTH ResolutionSizeY=YOUR_HEIGHT and set FullscreenMode=0 Changing game settings may reset the above. Tested on the latest Steam version at 2560x1080 and 5120x1440. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron.- 43 comments
- 5:4
- ms store compatible
- (and 9 more)
Version 1.0.0
Features: Removes the pillarboxing (black bars) which appear on ultrawide monitors Installation: Unpack the archive Copy all files into two game folders "\FINAL FANTASY XIII\" "\FINAL FANTASY XIII\white_data\prog\win\bin\" Hotkeys: F5 - FOV + F6 - FOV - F7 - Default FOV In the Settings.ini file, you can change the following settings [RESOLUTION] Fullscreen = 0 forces full-screen mode Width = 0 Height = 0 forces the screen resolution [FOV_MAIN] Additional_degrees = 0.000 FOV value in degrees that will be added to current FOV; doesn't affect to battles and cutscenes [FOV_BATTLE] Multiplier = 1.000 multiplier for FOV value used in battles [FOV_CUTSCENE] Multiplier = 1.000 multiplier for FOV value used in cutscenes -
Version 1.0
The tool allows to remove black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider and increase or decrease field of view in real-time at any resolution. The included presets will adjust the vertical FOV at the gameplay to match that of 16:9, with some deviations at the cutscenes and interactions mostly in favor of higher vertical FOV. Download and unpack the archive using software like 7zip or PeaZip. The password is pcgw Launch the game, followed by the tool. Press the hotkeys as instructed to make the desired changes. Tested the latest Microsoft Store / Game Pass version at 2560x1080 and briefly at 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
Version 1.0
The tool allows to adjust FOV in real time and remove the black bars from cutscenes and dialogue scenes at 21:9 and other common wider resolutions. Unpack the archive with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool Press the keys as instructed Tested the latest Epic Games Store version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee here. -
- field of view
- fov fix
(and 1 more)
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Version 3.1.1
Unpack the trainer archive for your platform with software like 7zip - the password is pcgw Launch the game Launch the tool Press the keys as instructed to remove the black bars and enable FOV modifications, then manipulate in real time. Tested on the latest GOG version at 2560x1080 and 7680x1080. The Steam version was confirmed as working by Ferosnow95. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. Backup repository.- 18 comments
- ms store compatible
- 21:9
- (and 5 more)
Version 2.1
The tool removes black bars from cutscenes and allows to manually control the game FOV in real time. Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip - the password is pcgw Launch the game first, followed by the tool. All trainers based on CE components may trigger some anti-virus software. Tested the latest Origin version at 2560x1080 and 5760x1080. You can buy me a coffee or become a patron. -
Version 1.0.0
Original file: Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 FOV fix by Highflex Installation is very simple just replace the original file and enjoy this game with PC worthy FOV! Replace file in: GAME PATH\Rainbow Six Vegas 2\KellerGame\CookedPC\Packages\Camera with fixed File. Notes: Comes with three pre-determined Values: ( 60, 70, 75, 90 and 100 FOV ) Bugs: -> Viewmodels will look distorted, looking into finding the value that controls Viewmodel FOV, might be also possible to adjust Notes: -> Has only been tested in Singleplayer / Terrorist Hunt locally, no guarantees that it works Online but please let me know. Credits: Patch - Highflex-
- rainbow six vegas 2
- fov
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Version 3.1
The FOV tool attempts to automatically correct the field of view of the cutscenes at 21:9 and wider and allows for real-time FOV adjustment affecting all scenes at any resolution. As any trainer based on CE components, it may trigger some anti-virus software. Use software like 7zip or PeaZip to unpack the archive. The password is pcgw Launch the game first, followed by the tool. Press the hotkeys as instructed. The letterbox remover tool is a patcher, which previously required Steamless as a prerequisite on Steam. Tested on the latest Steam version at 2560x1080, 3840x1080 and 5760x1080. The game copy was generously funded by AlRayes of Ultrawide Benchmarks. You can support me on Patreon if you like my work. More here. The mod previously removed pillarboxing from the gameplay and menu. -
Version 0.1
This is an implementation of the mod used HERE . Using PhantomGamer's SUWSF this mods allows to apply FOV correction to your resolution's aspect ratio, without dealing with hexadecimal editors and without tinkering with the exe file. Check the wiki or the included "How To" file inside the mod to use it. Tested on Toca Race Driver version 1.1 (17/11/2023) -
Version 0.2
This is an implementation of the mod used HERE . Using PhantomGamer's SUWSF this mods allows to apply FOV correction to your resolution's aspect ratio, without dealing with hexadecimal editors and without tinkering with the exe file. Check the wiki or the included "How To" file inside the mod to use it. Tested on GOG Release Tested on Toca Race Driver 3 - GOG Release (17/11/2023)-
- fov
- aspect ratio
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