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Found 9 results

  1. Version 2.0


    Final Fantasy XIII - Console Button Prompts Mod Created By: Krisan Thyme Special Thanks: Echelo (Research / Programming / Support) Scarlet Crusade (Extensive Testing / Support) Version: 2.0 - Instructions - 1. Copy all files contained within the ZIP file to your FINAL FANTASY XIII\white_data\ directory. 2. Run the "Install Console Button Prompts" BAT file, and wait for it to finish processing the files. 3. Once it is finished, close the prompt window and play the game, you're all good to go! Important Notes: - While in-game go to Settings > On-Screen Button Explanations, and set the option to "Controller Type." Changelog: 1.0 - First Release. - Implemented a custom set of PS3 style Icons. - Implemented a custom set of 360 style Icons. 1.0.1 - Colorized the QTE prompts. 1.1 - Revised certain textures. 1.2 - Updated the installation process. - Revised all textures to better match the console prompts. 2.0 - Condensed Button Prompt mods into a single installer. - Minor revision to the PlayStation prompts to better fit the interface.
  2. Version 2.1


    Reupload of the Console Button Prompts Mod. The original file hosted on Patreon is no longer available. A Readme with instructions is included in the archive. Mod Created By: Krisan Thyme Special Thanks: Echelo (Research / Programming / Support) Scarlet Crusade (Extensive Testing / Support)
  3. Version 1.1


    Texture mod replacing Xbox button prompts with DS4. Copy "data" folder from archive to "steamapps\common\NieRAutomata\".
  4. Version 1.0.0


    PCGW mirror of Steam user Phi Zero's DualShock 4 button prompts mod and Steam guide for ONINAKI. Phi Zero's Steam Guide Original download link (Google Drive) Installing the mod After downloading the zip file, extract it in your ONINAKI folder. Example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ONINAKI Simply double click _install_prompts.bat Done! If you don't trust batch files or just want to do it manually: Simply move the buttonprompts_pc file over to -> ONINAKI\ONINAKI_Data\StreamingAssets\STEAM\ui\platform\pc Uninstalling the mod Just double-click _uninstall_prompts.bat or just rename the original file back if you did it manually. OPTIONAL: Changing the pause button On PS4, the pause button is touchpad. However, the default controller config has this mapped to Share. If you do not care about this, you're done. If you'd like to change this, read on. Please note that if you do not change this, in game the pause button will show the touchpad, but it's instead the Share button! Connect controller and turn it on. Right-click on ONINAKI in your Steam library and select Edit Steam Controller Configuration Click on the touchpad mapping (which should say Mouse Button) then change it to: Single Button -> Trackpack Click -> SELECT Done!
  5. 5,999 downloads

    Xbox 360 and DualShock 4 button prompts for Prince of Persia: Warrior Within by KainXVIII. Taken from: https://steamcommunity.com/app/13500/discussions/0/487876568242758529/
  6. Version 1.0


    Monster Hunter: World - DualShock 4 prompts v1.0 Mod by MHVuze Tested and working with game build 151639. Use at your own risk! Play in offline mode if you fear a ban or whatever. How-to: 1. Move the nativePC folder from this archive to your install dir (i.e. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World) 2. Profit If the controller detection is fixed in an upcoming patch or you want to get rid of it for some other reason, just remove the nativePC folder. If you have other mods installed, remove the two files of this mod to keep the other mods intact. If you downloaded this mod from anywhere but the release post linked below, be wary of malicious modifications. Release Post @ ResetEra: https://resetera.com/posts/11334316/ Enjoy! --- Tips are appreciated: https://streamlabs.com/mhvuze Twitter: https://twitter.com/mhvuze
  7. 211 downloads

    https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Rogue_Legacy Replaces button prompts with Dualshock 4 ones. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/RogueLegacy/comments/2uluih/pc_i_made_a_mod_for_ps4_icons_today_interested/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b5888d18fmax8m6/RL+Icons+Mod.zip MD5: 0CFA8A96D1371EDAA7D463CBD8B0CC35
  8. Would it be possible to add an option and icon for Steam Controller specific button prompts/glyfs? The Steam Controller's button icons are distinct in several ways from the general xbox buttons, As they have their unique and distinct from the general xbox icons. For example, you can see in the images below the button prompts show icons for unique features and properties of the steam controller, , like the gyro, touchpad's, buttons at the end of the triggers, and grips. There's also a number of games out there that use steam Controller specific prompts, because they've implemented them directly via the Steam Controller API (SCAPI). For example: Mafia III Team Fortress 2 Warframe XCOM 2 Portal 2 Left for Dead 2 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Wasteland 2 Firewatch Cook, Serve, Delicious! CS:GO Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten If you want to see the official button prompts that Valve has made and have suggested devs use directly in Steam, and see how they're different from the xbox prompts, navigate to: \Steam\tenfoot\resource\images\library\controller\api\ If they are decided to be added, could to add them to the input settings guide too, as well ass add the new "Simultaneous controller+KB/M" setting to the guide, as that's recently been added, but not to the guide yet, and is highly relevant to the Steam Controller :) Here's some images of the distinct Steam Controller button prompts:
  9. 849 downloads

    SOMA DualShock 4 Button Prompts Changes the XBOX Button Prompts to DS4 in SOMA Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=522804955 Author: MrHonselâ„¢ For this article: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/SOMA
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