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Grand Theft Auto V FOV, ultrawide - story mode only

11 Screenshots

About This File

A total overhaul of the old Flawless Widescreen script for GTA V that has been dysfunctional for many months if not longer.
As before, it allows for fine-tuning of FOV per each view - first person, in-vehicle, ADS, and third person. It also allows to remove the pillarboxing at cutscenes at 21:9 and wider, although having the latter enabled may cause some confirmation prompts to disappear at 32:9 and wider until disabled.

  1. Download and install Flawless Widescreen.
  2. Download this script and unpack the archive.
  3. Put its contents in the main Flawless Widescreen folder (usually \Program Files (x86)\Flawless Widescreen\).
  4. Launch Flawless Widescreen, select Grand Theft Auto V (updated) and set everything to preference.

Tested the latest game version at 2560x1080, 3440x1440, 3840x1080, and 5760x1080.

You can buy me a coffee.

What's New in Version 1.1


Two fix patterns updated to be more inclusive and support the latest game version.

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  On 6/20/2024 at 7:55 PM, Rose said:

Probably. The code of pirated versions is modified at best to just remove the protection and at worst with all kinds of unexpected things. Every fix appears to be working on my end today when using the vanilla version on Steam.


so sorry to bother but does this still work after the bottom dollar bounties update in online without getting banned?

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Hey all. I'm getting a "fatel (sic) error" when starting the game. I'm running the GTAV (updated) script with FW v1.0.15 (x64) on a fresh install of the game, no mods.

This is the only debug info FW gives me:


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  On 7/19/2024 at 6:19 AM, Boomslang said:

Hey all. I'm getting a "fatel (sic) error" when starting the game. I'm running the GTAV (updated) script with FW v1.0.15 (x64) on a fresh install of the game, no mods.


The fix still works on my end on the latest game version. If this were a script issue, I would expect the issue to be about it not finding the injection points. Make sure you have all the necessary VC redists (maybe this pack if unsure) required to run the app properly. Also make sure you're an admin on the PC.

P.S. Hayden's grammar is not the best.

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Wow that was a fast reply, thanks Rose! Redistributables didn't fix it unfortunately, so I tried just reinstalling FW. Turns out my install was bugged and not allowing me to see the "acknowledge and ignore" online check button (or the entire status window below!), sometimes it's the simplest things... Working 'flawlessly' now, thanks!



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I formatted my computer yesterday, downloading gta v in a completely new state, downloading FWS and downloading this file to use the program like before formatting my computer. However, this error pops up and the program doesn't work. I've tried fixing all the microsoft visuals and the mscvr100.dll file as well, but it still doesn't work. Someone help! For your information, that error code is 0x000007b


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Upon launching FlawlessWidescreen it says, "The version of Flawless Widescreen you have installed is no longer compatible with the existing plugins/modules curren tly installed on this system, in order to proceed the existing plugin and modules must be removed, blah blah blah"

Can I safely ignore this or is it broken for now?

So I took a risk and tried it online, It doesn't seem to do anything but break the UI. I am on 5120x1440 and all I wanted was to move the dang radar and phone to the sides of my screen instead of smack dab in the center.

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  On 8/27/2024 at 12:40 PM, splooben said:

So I took a risk and tried it online, It doesn't seem to do anything but break the UI. I am on 5120x1440 and all I wanted was to move the dang radar and phone to the sides of my screen instead of smack dab in the center.


There are no HUD fixes included in the script. The features that are included are still working fine on my end.

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  On 8/27/2024 at 9:59 PM, Rose said:

There are no HUD fixes included in the script. The features that are included are still working fine on my end.


I don't understand, my screen aspect is fine 32:9, everything is fine but the HUD, what is the purpose of this script if it already works fine in 32:9?
I was lead here by a reddit post, people said this fixed the hud issues, So are they just lying or??

Is there any fix out there for the hud or do I have to just complain to rock*

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