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  1. 139 downloads

    This is the extracted official Polish translation for 'Prey (2006)'. Tested only with the Steam version of the game, but it should work on any version of the game. In Polish: Jest to oficjalne polskie tłumaczenie dla 'Prey (2006)'. Testowane na wersji Steam, ale powinno także działać na innych wydaniach. Password/Hasło: PCGW
  2. Version v1.9.1


    TL;DR This mod allows you to customize various aspects of the game, including the user interface, controls, visuals, notifications, sounds and more. It is simple to install and comes with a GUI for easy configuration. Quick start guide: Extract the files of the archive to the release sub-folder of the game. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\" Use the PreyInterfaceCustomizerGUI to change the settings as desired Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam or Big Picture mode Features The Prey Interface Customizer (PRIC) is a user experience customization mod for Prey (2017). It provides a wide variety of options to customize the UI, controls, visuals, notifications, sounds and more. Its features include: Control over the visibility of individual UI elements, including the health/armor/PSI bars, objective markers, pickup log, button tutorial prompts, item highlighting, as well as various notifications, such as objective updates Fine-grained settings, such as only disabling side-mission markers while keeping the main-mission markers visible Dynamic UI mode, which shows elements only with a hotkey instead of disabling them completely Options to disable various notifications sounds, such as enemy behavioral cues, objective updates or the ring sound for incoming audio messages Options to change the crosshair style and vertical position Options to adjust the weapon FOV or having a fixed FOV during sprinting Options to use non-standard bindings, such as scrolling through your quickbar items or directly using a medkit without having to open the spiral wheel Options to alter the interaction with screens, such as proper mouse cursor support or direct control via the attack key (aka ) Options to adjust the sensitivity scale when sprinting or zooming Option to skip the second loading screen Options to skip intro videos, disable motion blur, set the image sharpening amount or disable the crouch vignette Option to force PS4 controller prompts Easy installation and configuration via a GUI Instructions Supported Versions This mod is designed for the latest, fully patched version of Prey and the Mooncrash DLC and might not work when used with older or otherwise modified executables. Steam v1.10 GOG v1.10 Note that the mod currently does not work with the demo version of the game. Install The mod does not make any permanent changes to the game or to Windows and can easily be removed. Extract the files of the archive to the release sub-folder of the game. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\" Use the PreyInterfaceCustomizerGUI to change the settings as desired* Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam or Big Picture mode Note that the GUI is for configuration only and does not have to be running for the mod to work. *If the GUI does not work probably, you might miss some of the requirements. See the section for details Uninstall Remove all files starting with PreyInterfaceCustomizer as well as the dinput8.dll from the release sub-folder of the game Presets The mod comes with three standard configuration presets: Default: All UI elements, notifications and sounds are enabled. This should be equivalent to the unmodded version of the game Reduced: Removes UI elements, notifications and sounds that are unnecessary or are already conveyed in other ways. Additional elements, such as objective markers are only visible in the Dynamic UI. This preset is designed in such a way that it should be usable by an observant player on the first playthrough Immersive: Removes all UI elements, notifications and sounds that are not absolutely essential to playing the game. This preset expects a certain knowledge of the game by the player and is probably not suitable for a first playthrough Note that these settings are just templates and can be adjusted as desired. Known Issues Combined objective markers If there are multiple objectives in another area, the game's UI combines them into a single marker If one of the objectives is of a type that was disabled via PRIC, the combined marker might be hidden as well, even if it contains another type that is not disabled Additional Information Antivirus Software Since this mod consists of an executable DLL file that uses such as injection and hooking, it could be classified as malicious by antivirus software. In that case, it might be necessary to add an exception rule to the scanner. If you lack the trust in random people on the internet – and I would not blame you – feel free to use a meta online virus scanner like VirusTotal to verify the file. GUI Requirements The GUI requires both the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2019 and .NET Framework 4.7.1 packages to work; which should already be installed on most systems. If you are having problems starting the program, you can download the required versions either through a recommended Windows update (Windows 7 and later) or at Microsoft here and here. Loading Other Fixes/Mods/Injectors To increase the compatibility with other mods or injectors that are using a wrapper DLL, this fix offers two methods for remote loading of additional files. Note that there might still be compatibility issues between the different fixes, mods or injectors that have nothing to do with the loading process. File method: The mod will load another dinput8.dll automatically if it has the name dinput8_Remote.dll. Just rename the DLL you want to load accordingly. Using this method will lead to an error if the renamed DLL is not itself a dinput8.dll. Folder method: The mod will also automatically load all DLLs regardless of their names in a dinput8_Remote sub-directory. Just create a corresponding folder in the install directory of the mod. This is the only way to load multiple (conflicting) files. Input Bindings The GUI allows the binding of an action to an arbitrary combination of keys and buttons on the keyboard, the mouse or an XInput compatible controller. The system purposefully does not restrict conflicts, so multiple actions can be bound to the same key. Key Names: In case of the keyboard there might be a discrepancy between the key that was pressed and the one that is displayed. This is because the names are automatically translated based on the keyboard layout by using a Windows function. However, the mod always uses the physical keys as they were used during the creation of the binding, independent of the name that is displayed. Modifiers: Modifier bindings can be created by just using the corresponding key combinations. If you bind one action to Space and another another to LCTRL + Space and a third one to LALT + LCTRL + Space, only one of them will be triggered when Space is down, depending on the state of LCTRL and LALT. The system is not restricted to the usual modifier keys ALT, CTRL or SHIFT. Any key or button pressed before another acts as a modifier for the next one. Note that the order of the keys or buttons is only relevant during the binding process to distinguish bindings with the same modifiers. In the above example, Space could be held down and the other actions triggered by pressing LCTRL or LALT afterwards. Acknowledgments I would like to thank all those people who created the original file replacement UI mods for Prey. Although it is a great game, I would have certainly enjoyed it a lot less without them. Contact And Support If you like this mod and want to support the development or show your appreciation with a donation, you can find more information on my website. There you can also find out more about other mods that I have done and means to contact me if you have a question, want to provide feedback, bug reports and suggestions. Version History v1.9.1: Fixed a regression that caused the previously added auto reapply to break the near FOV entirely when zooming Moved automatic reapply for 'Near/Weapon FOV' into dedicated option 'Near FOV Reapply' v1.9: Added option to disable notifications (sound) for gaining Sim Points in Mooncrash Changed motion blur option to allow disabling camera and object effects individually Note that previously object motion blur was always disabled, which altered the appearance of certain Typhon (see below) Also note that this results in resetting the motion blur option in existing configs Extended 'Near/Weapon FOV' option to prevent FOV from being reset after certain QTE/first-person events Added experimental option for scaling 'near' effects with 'Near/Weapon FOV' option Examples for this are fullscreen effects such as when targeting PSI abilities Fixed support for GOG version of the game Note that since one of the last updates, the GOG version differs technically from the Steam version and now has to be supported separately Fixed a bug that caused the max FPS limit to set to 1 when generating config presets Fixed a regression that broke the 'Timed' behavior of 'Show Dynamic UI' in v1.8 Fixed object motion blur always being disabled regardless of setting Fixed a bug that cause 'Interaction Direct Use' option not working reliably (no more unintentionally shooting/wrenching screens!) Fixed a regression that caused the 'Objective Markers' options to be mapped incorrectly or work not at all Note that there is still a known issue with combined markers (see Known Issues above for details) Setting the 'Skip Second Loading Screen' option now shows a warning regarding effects in Mooncrash DLC v1.8: Fixed reticle options, which were broken since v1.5 Added option to set FPS limit / max FPS Fixed a bug that caused the mod to break when entering some areas for the first time (e.g. Talos 1 exterior) v1.7: Added support for non-Denuvo Steam version of the game v1.6: Added support for GOG version of the game v1.5: Upgraded main game and Mooncrash support to game version v1.10 v1.4.6: Upgraded main game and Mooncrash support to game version v1.09.5 v1.4.5: Upgraded main game and Mooncrash support to game version v1.09 Removed XInput fix option since the issue was officially fixed with the last patch Adjusted the PS4 prompt option to work independently of the removed XInput fix v1.4.4: Upgraded main game and Mooncrash support to game version v1.08 v1.4.3: Upgraded Mooncrash support to game version v1.07 v1.4.2: Added non-standard binding to quick use an armor repair item Fixed various issues with non-standard keybindings in both the main game and the Mooncrash DLC Fixed sprint and zoom sensitivity scale options for Mooncrash DLC Fixed various display issues with UI elements in dynamic mode v1.4.1: Fixed a crash that occurred in some parts of the Mooncrash DLC v1.4: Upgraded the mod to game version v1.06 and added support for the Mooncrash DLC v1.3.2: Fixed a bug that caused the game to sometimes crash when using dynamic mode after a quickload Fixed a bug that caused UI elements to sometimes not be shown in dynamic mode v1.3.1: Fixed a bug that caused the status sound setting to be ignored v1.3: Settings are now applied correctly when a level is loaded for the first time within a playthrough Added option to lock the camera and enable free cursor control of interactive screens Added option to directly control interactive screens with the attack key (e.g. the left mouse button) Added options to set the sensitivity scale when sprinting or zooming Added options to change the weapon FOV or prevent FOV changes during sprinting Added option to disable the crouch vignette effect that darkens the edges of the screen when crouching Added option to set the vertical reticle/crosshair position Added option to disable reticle/crosshair entirely Updated the address system to increase the compatibility with modified versions of the game Updated the loading system to add support for remote loading of additional DLLs for increased compatibility with other mods (see Loading Other Fixes/Mods/Injectors) Updated the GUI to .NET version 4.7.1 to fix a problem where the program would crash on startup v1.2.4: Solved compatibility issue with ReShade v1.2.3: Controller movement no longer gets stuck on interactive items when using PS4 prompts v1.2.2: Added option to skip the second loading screen Added option to select what button prompts are shown when using the XInput fix v1.2.1: Fixed a loading issue that occurred on some system configurations v1.2: Completely revised the Dynamic UI system. With a few exceptions, all elements should now behave as expected when using the Dynamic UI binding Added Dynamic UI option to control the highlighting/glow of items Added Dynamic UI options to control button prompts in interaction and quick loot windows Added Dynamic UI options to control various notifications, such as objective/task updates, location discovery, item pickups and more Added sound option to control behavioral audio cues of enemies Added sound option to control the ring before an incoming audio message Added sound options to control various notifications, such as objective/task updates, location discovery, item pickups and more Added options to skip intro videos, disable motion blur and set the image sharpening amount Revised the layout of the GUI Fixed various display bugs and crashes v1.1: The repair icon option does now work correctly The mod does no longer lead to a crash when starting a new game instead of loading an existing save game Buttons bound ingame no longer become unresponsive when using a key binding of the mod v1.0: Initial public release
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Fix for image stretching at 21:9 resolution. Includes modified dlls and autoexec with custom settings for 21:9 aspect ratio.
  4. Version v1.1


    IMPORTANT Since game version v1.09 this fix is no longer needed, because the game received an official option to enable XInput support. If you are interested in using PS4 button prompts, you can find a corresponding option in the most recent version of the PRIC mod. --- TL;DR This fix resolves controller issues in Prey that were introduced with patch v1.05, by forcing the game to use XInput instead of the Steam Controller API by Valve. Quick start guide: Open the archive and choose the button prompts you want to use by opening the corresponding folder Extract the file dinput8.dll to the release sub-folder of Prey. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\" Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam or Big Picture mode Important: If the fix does not work, make sure that you have turned off the usage of the Steam Controller API (see below) Features While Prey originally offered good controller support, patch v1.05 introduced various issues. Instead of choosing either XInput or the Steam Controller API based on the user settings, the game always uses the latter. This results in problems with the movement as well as certain controller settings or the controller not working at all if the user has disabled the usage of the Steam Controller API in game's properties in Steam. This fix re-enables XInput support and forces the game to use it, regardless of the settings. Instructions Supported Versions This fix is designed for the latest, fully patched version of Prey and the Mooncrash DLC and might not work when used with older or otherwise modified executables. Steam v1.08 Note that the fix currently does not work with the demo version of the game. Install The fix does not make any permanent changes to the game or to Windows and can easily be removed. Important: When using a non-XInput controller such as the DS4, you will need a XInput emulator like DS4Windows for this fix to work Open the archive and choose the button prompts you want to use by opening the corresponding folder Extract the file dinput8.dll to the release sub-folder of Prey. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\" Start the game like you would normally, for example directly through Steam or Big Picture mode Important: If the fix does not work, make sure that you have turned off the usage of the Steam Controller API (see below) Although the fix forces the game to use XInput, it is necessary to disable the usage of the Steam Controller API in the game's settings. The safest way to do this is the following: In the Steam client go to the menu Steam -> Settings -> Controller -> General Controller Settings Make sure PS4/XBox Configuration Support is checked Go to Big Picture mode and find Prey in you library Click Mange Game -> Controller Options and uncheck Use Steam Configuration for Non-Steam Controllers Uncheck the setting from step 1 again, depending on whether it was checked in the first place Uninstall Remove or rename the dinput8.dll from the folder of the game. Known Issues There are currently no known issues with using the fix. Additional Information Antivirus Software Since this fix consists of an executable DLL file that uses "hacking techniques" such as injection and hooking, it could be classified as malicious by antivirus software. In that case, it might be necessary to add an exception rule to the scanner. If you lack the trust in random people on the internet -- and I would not blame you -- feel free to use a meta online virus scanner like VirusTotal to verify the file. Loading Other Fixes/Mods/Injectors To increase the compatibility with other mods or injectors that are using a wrapper DLL, this fix offers two methods for remote loading of additional files. Note that there might still be compatibility issues between the different fixes, mods or injectors that have nothing to do with the loading process. File method: The fix will load another dinput8.dll automatically if it has the name dinput8_Remote.dll. Just rename the DLL you want to load accordingly. Using this method will lead to an error if the renamed DLL is not itself a dinput8.dll. Folder method: The fix will also automatically load all DLLs regardless of their names in a dinput8_Remote sub-directory. Just create a corresponding folder in the install directory of the fix. This is the only way to load multiple (conflicting) files. Contact And Support If you like this fix and want to support the development or show your appreciation with a donation, you can find more information on my website. There you can also find out more about other mods that I have done and means to contact me if you have a question, want to provide feedback, bug reports and suggestions. Version History v1.1: Fixed launch issues for users that do not own the Mooncrash DLC v1.0: Upgraded the fix to game version v1.08 v0.6: Added support for Mooncrash DLC v0.5: Upgraded the fix to game version v1.06 v0.4: Controller movement no longer gets stuck on interactive items when using PS4 prompts v0.3: Added a separate version that shows button prompts of the PS4 instead of the XBox controller Added more detailed instructions to the readme file v0.2: Added support for demo version of Prey Added measures to make the fix more robust to updates of the game v0.1: Initial release
  5. Version 1.4


    Includes all versions of the patches available. Retail prey_14 (1.4) prey_pt13 (1.3) prey1_2 (1.2) prey_pt11 (1.1) International Direct2Drive prey_14patch_d2d (1.4) prey_patch_v13 (1.3) prey_patch_13_rus (1.3) prey_patch_12_rus (1.2) Russian
  6. Version 1.7


    DirectSound Control (DSC) is a wrapper DLL which allows to tweak some function calls of games to Microsoft DirectSound (part of DirectX). It's NOT a replacement for DirectSound or any game sound engine. DSC allows to "work around" some driver- and application limitations and bugs. DSC can help you to enable 3D sound with games that disables this functionality by default. It can enhance the sound quality in many ways. Homepage FAQ
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