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filoppi last won the day on November 26 2023

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About filoppi

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  1. Do not use the sRGB/2.2 gamma mismatch color profile. 8GB are not enough to use Max or even High possibly. Use Medium textures.
  2. Have you tried moving the game as windowed instead of fullscreen?
  3. I got like 15$ donations since the mod was first uploaded, so i doubt you'll manage to put together enough to buy a 4090 😁, but if I just found an RTX 4090 at my door, I couldn't really say no to implementing DLSS 3.5. But until then, I don't really have much more to say. Thanks for showing interest!
  4. The steam overlay is broken for scRGB buffers. SpecialK Kal has been reporting it for years but they won't fix it. Complaint to Steam please.
  5. https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/11850 https://github.com/Filoppi/PumboAutoHDR https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/588
  6. Development of the mod is finished. My intent was the implement HDR, the rest was extra. I can't keep implementing every new technology from nvidia, I have other projects now. Regarding this mod being officially published, I can't comment on that, but it's not been ruled out.
  7. OK. Wait for the next driver version, if it's still not fixed, report to nvidia. I can't do anything.
  8. So yesterday it was working and today it's not? Sounds like the problem is in your PC 😅?
  9. If you crowdfund a 4090, I might do it 😁
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