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Proposal: Utilize YouTube channel for infrequent PCGW streams and podcasts


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Repost from Discord:



Why not get a small group of editors and/or staff who can collaborate on community streams, where we can do a podcast thing, stream a multiplayer game and, where applicable, invite the audience to play, and so on?

We don't have to be doing it daily - as you said, this isn't the 'meat' of what we do - but I feel it could be a little something more to help drive our social media.

Plus, with the GOG Enhancement Project, it gives us a common pool of games.



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So this question is spurred on by the latest update to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PCGamingWikiTV which is just a little video I made of Stranglehold FOV fix.

The idea of a stream/podcast seems quite daunting to me! I think our strength lies more in collaborating and working 'asynchronously' in more low commitment scenarios. I think a good idea would be to open up submissions for anyone to submit gameplay footage of games that demonstrate substantial 'quality of life' fixes, and I would upload them to the PCGamingWiki YouTube channel.

A good model might be DigitalFoundry that do more analysis from multiple contributors -https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalFoundry/videos

Some of our @alrayes_brn channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/m7argy - which is just benchmarks/gameplay with no commentary
Or @Silent channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfH51_x32-6Z-dVPf0VXiIA - with demonstrations of games fixed, etc.

Some interesting topics we could cover:

- Quake 2 RTX update
- How to guides - e.g. how to play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas multiplayer
- How to hex edit to change FOV/aspect ratio of a game (this could also be an article)

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I was actually thinking that it'd be nice to have some videos made for PCGamingWiki, but while dreaming about it is nice, I also know - having done planty of video editing myself - to create something worthwhile you pretty much have to aim minimum 4 hours of editing, probably 8 or more depending on complexity of videos and whilst this is something I'd be willing to take care of 2 years ago, nowadays I've been having so many assignments and projects for university, I am not feeling like taking up additional tasks (especially that I still have to do over 250hrs of internship, which I sadly won't be able to do for PCGW... sadly).

Podcasts are an quicker format, although still require some work upfront, designing some elements like intros and cards, so might be a good place to start and experiment with.

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11 hours ago, Suicide machine said:

I was actually thinking that it'd be nice to have some videos made for PCGamingWiki, but while dreaming about it is nice, I also know - having done planty of video editing myself - to create something worthwhile you pretty much have to aim minimum 4 hours of editing, probably 8 or more depending on complexity of videos and whilst this is something I'd be willing to take care of 2 years ago, nowadays I've been having so many assignments and projects for university, I am not feeling like taking up additional tasks (especially that I still have to do over 250hrs of internship, which I sadly won't be able to do for PCGW... sadly).

Podcasts are an quicker format, although still require some work upfront, designing some elements like intros and cards, so might be a good place to start and experiment with.

Indeed. And it can be made relevant to the mission of PCGW by focusing on, or at least having a prominent section for, game fixes and the like.

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Thanks for suggestions all.

I will pilot the idea of a podcast, here are some ideas:

- topics decided in advance based on PC gaming news
- instead of doing the 4 square boxes video chat with lots of dead air, how about we play a co-op game on easy and discuss topics at the same time e.g. Halo: Reach campaign
- or alternatively, use Discord chat to host an audio show, and overlay with B-roll gameplay footage
- we will need people to interview and rotate around, there will need to be a level of moderation so that we have interesting people who can talk
- we will need to decide a specific time

Let me know what you think!

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Let's discuss availability and timezones..

I am in GMT and can generally do evenings eg 9pm-11pm on most days..

We should do a test run.. ideally we need 2-4 people, we should 'audition' to make sure we are all able to speak and deliver something interesting! I can do Sat/Sun evening this weekend for example, or another time that works for people.

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