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What are your favourite PC gaming podcasts, streams and YouTube channels?


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Podcasting, let's plays, Twitch streaming, esports, and YouTubing have become more and more popular for PC gaming in recent years, with everything from small 2-man podcasts to enormous esports events like The International.


It can be hard to find new, good quality content, so I'd like us to help each other out.


Come to the comments and introduce us to your favourite set of broadcasts that you listen and watch on a regular basis.


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The Crate & Crowbar - new podcast - spiritual successor of the PC Gamer UK podcast which shut down recently. Consists of games journalists including the editor of PC Gamer and the developer of Gunpoint. Very analytical, really interesting, and the highlight of my podcasting week.
Not a Game Podcast - new podcast - made up of several UK freelance journalists. Last episode was very interesting, with first-hand coverage of The International 3 which was really good.

TotalBiscuit - YouTube channel - I like his analytical style and the content he covers, which tends to focus heavily on the quality of a PC's port. He happens to be a big supporter of the site, and mentions us often.

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TotalBiscuit (YouTube) - He's one of the reasons why, I ended up here. I started watching him, when he used to create Azeroth daily. Then he abandoned the idea, started focusing on WTF is series, showcasing indie games, I would probably never hear about it and pointing out some really bad ports of AAA games - which for me, as a person who never owned a console and plays PC games only, was pretty important. Since not many critics decide to budge the topic of PC ports... especially not like 3 years ago.


ElderGeek.com (YouTube) - which is usually one of the places where I go, when I'm interested in reviews of games. Although, I rarely watch their podcast series - Game Club. But nevertheless - over they years, they've built some serious amount of trust in me, thanks to their honest reviews, which often points out faults and problems that others overlooked (like for example their review of Assassin's Creed Revelations).


SpeedDemosArchiveSDA (Twitch) - this isn't really critic related and they rarely stream. However, few times a year, they have their charity events, when they speedrun games... and then, I get my foreign friends on TeamSpeak and we watch them few hours a day.

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YoGPod (iTunes Podcast) - This is, honestly, barely related to video games. However, it's my favorite podcast and run by the Yogscast guys, famous for their Minecraft videos.


Giant Bombcast (Podcast) - Gaming podcast by the GiantBomb team.


STAR_ (YouTube) - A Team Fortress 2 (and occasionally other games) commentator. In my opinion, the best commentator on YouTube.


Rev3Games (YouTube) - A section of Revision3 dedicated to game reviews and news. Includes Adam Sessler.


SeaNanners (YouTube) - A YouTube commentator that was one of the big guys that made Minecraft popular. Used to do mainly Minecraft and CoD, now does Garry's Mod and various Source engine modifications, mostly.


anangrysockpuppet (YouTube) - Does Source Film Maker videos, mostly involving Team Fortress 2. Really weird but humorous style of video.

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Really great list so far, I'm really looking forward to checking some of these out.


Aww man, I'd love to see us be able to do something like this once we get a bit bigger. 


Would love to see us do something official too like a brief video series or an informal podcast. Would depend on volunteers and such.


I also had an idea about having a charity stream at some point, I think we can be a force of good too!

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Ancient DOS Games is a series about DOS games (including many lesser-known ones) with details on the best DOSBox settings for each; he also covers other related topics like comparisons of sound and graphics cards. I have referred to the DOSBox settings he suggests on several wiki pages.


Mau1wurf1977 has a series of videos about building an MS-DOS Time Machine capable of running games under real DOS on the original legacy hardware while using modern components wherever possible (SATA hard drive, USB floppy emulator, etc.); he also covers various other DOS gaming topics.

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Weekend Confirmed (Podcast) - rather long (2+ hours) weekly podcast about games and the gaming industry. They sometimes have very interesting guests from developer community - guy from Naugty Dog announced The Last of Us multiplayer on their show for example. IMO the best gaming podcast.


VideoGamer.com (Podcast) - not as professional as Weekend Confirmed, but with more humor. From guys, that brough you abridged version of Sony, MS and E3 keynotes and


Kikoskia  - Let's plays with commentary on older games, mainly strategies.


Tek Syndicate (Videocast) - highly technical shows about hardware and everything important in the IT world. Very smart guys.

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Would love to see us do something official too like a brief video series or an informal podcast. Would depend on volunteers and such.


I also had an idea about having a charity stream at some point, I think we can be a force of good too!


Or maybe some reviews of games, how to videos and such. Some "news" would be great, just a brief video looking into the new things in gaming world.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ElderGeek.com (YouTube) - which is usually one of the places where I go, when I'm interested in reviews of games. Although, I rarely watch their podcast series - Game Club. But nevertheless - over they years, they've built some serious amount of trust in me, thanks to their honest reviews, which often points out faults and problems that others overlooked (like for example their review of Assassin's Creed Revelations).


Thanks for this one. Insta-subscribed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rev3Games (YouTube)
Come on, Adam Sessler. Need i say more? Alright, the rest is so-so but again, Adam Sessler!

Polaris (YouTube)

Good set up, bite sized news, solid crew who know their stuff, the occasional podcast, and Dodger isn't bad to look at either. I like it.


InsideGaming (YouTube)
What?? They're funny.

Northernlion (YouTube)
Whenever i want to check out if a (new) Indie game is worth buying i check his channel for a playthrough video. Most of the time he has it. Plus, he has a calm and soothing voice unlike most of the screaming and yelling playthroughs you will find on youtube.

FRANKIEonPCin1080p (YouTube)
Another likable bloke who does playthroughs, though mostly of bigger PC games. I especially liked his DayZ videos. Had a big storytelling feel to it.

And now 
TotalBiscuit as well. Cheers for the tip folks.

Edited by -SambaL-
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