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AA, AF, Vsync and forcing through GPU


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Oh, whoops. I didn't actually look at your pictures. AA is definitely not working .

Wonder what could be the cause. Are you using any mods or autoexec changes? Perhaps it's broken when not using letterboxing?


EDIT: Ignore, caused by "r_skipglare 1" command. I didn't know the commands stick...

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Is id Tech 5 engine this problematic? I recall hearing some complaints when Wolfenstein: The New Order launched (the game had no AA options).

Yes it is.


That's just how the application works.

Thankfully we can change it :p

And I mean, to an extent your profiles are even made default ones in Inspector (is there anybody else on the net working on them?)


Or at least make .nip be able to carry more than a single game.


He has multiple times tried to create these registry changes that supposedly make games run way better and other stuff But really didn't seem to amount to anything when people actually took the risk and installed them. Similar situation.

Tbh I read some people were reporting quite big improvements there.

He has multiple times tried to create these registry changes that supposedly make games run way better and other stuff But really didn't seem to amount to anything when people actually took the risk and installed them. Similar situation.


Whether Nvidia makes the Hardware Module purely as source of profit for G-Sync, is a toss up. There have been multiple blind tests done that show that people often pick out G-sync as the better of the two. We don't know the cost of these modules and the licensing they charge. Will they be in a manner that makes sure Nvidia makes money off of it? Sure that's what any business does. But it would be nice to see the price and point of entry come way down.

I'd really kill for just a 60hz Gynsc basic 1080p monitor.


Anyway the point doesn't even need to be "do you need hardware module to have g-sync".

It has to simply be "do you need hardware module to see an[y kind whatsoever of] improvement".


And in this, I feel like nvidia has been pretty of a prick.


p.s: Companies are free to do what they want, but of course so you are on despising from the other side of the capitalistic river



Also, do you happen to know why in the hell I can't register on guru3d?

After a week of trying to report back my account continues to be deleted after some hours, they told me that "your registration did not meet our membership requirements"


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I couldn't tell you about Guru3D registration.
Could try https://www.guru3d.com/content-page/contact-us.html



Or at least make .nip be able to carry more than a single game.

It actually can. If I wanted, I could make a nip file with a flag on every profile of every compatible game.
But again, doesn't help out cases where there are multiple flags, nor games with special instructions.
There ultimately wouldn't be much point or benefit over just having someone copypaste the flags themselves.

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On laptops is different indeed.

From what I read, it's really plain simple VESA sync (which TIL in turn is different from freesync)


Referring to your link instead, if you check this, I think there are too many variables there to reeealy assess whether the tech (rather than the driver) is at fault.


I couldn't tell you about Guru3D registration.

Could try https://www.guru3d.com/content-page/contact-us.html

That's the page from which I got the "you are below our requirements" reply -.-

Don't you know any admin there to report this disgrace? :c


It actually can. If I wanted, I could make a nip file with a flag on every profile of every compatible game.

But again, doesn't help out cases where there are multiple flags, nor games with special instructions.

There ultimately wouldn't be much point or benefit over just having someone copypaste the flags themselves.

Oh right, sorry, that was the problem.

... I'd even open an issue on github tracker asking for "game multi-profile" support or something then, if only the thing could start on my amd computer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No... non-functional AA setting appears in another game,  The Testament of Sherlock Holmes.



I haven't done any modifications, only removed intro videos.

AA can be forced in Nvidia Control Panel.


EDIT: I haven't yet had time for testing (the following message by BONKERS).

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Does the same happen with 4xAA selected?

Does it do the same if you put the intro videos back?

Are you playing in Windowed mode? That might be a possibility. Try FSE.

Also: On try a 16:10 resolution or 4:3 too, you never know.

I'm surprised the CSAA option is working for you. Do you have a Pre Maxwell card?


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  • 1 month later...

Can I safely force AA globally in Nvidia control panel (override any AA setting, 32x CSAA)? I don't like to configure individually for every game, I must have over 100 games I can force proper AA to.

I know that forcing AF causes some issues (disables effects in Alan Wake, causes flickering in id Tech 5 game The Evil Within).

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It will cause issues in some games. And in the majority it will do absolutely nothing.

First i've heard of AF causing issues in AW. Nvidia has built in overrides for games that have issues with AF, making it so you can't force it unless you disable the lock they have on each profile.

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  • 4 months later...

I found Half-Life: Opposing Force screenshots from my late Linux installation. AA covers jagged lines far better than than the default and only AA method 4x MSAA (AA can't no no longer be forced in HL as discussed in the thread), I wonder what anti-aliasing method I have used?
Gallery: http://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/image/2709-1/


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  • 10 months later...

As for anisotropic filtering, setting value to "unsupported" instead of "hackable" is counter-intuitive as, as you say, for 99% video games the option is indeed hackable - you can force it through GPU control panel. My take is you should set "unsupported" instead of "hackable" only if forcing through GPU control panel doesn't change anything.

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