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Found 24 results

  1. 249 downloads

    This is a replacement for the original 8-bit 64x64 icon for System Shock 2. It uses the super-high-res render of Shodan available with the GOG version of the game. The "ubersize" icon goes up to 1024x1024. The regular icon posits a more practical 256x256. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/155-system-shock-2-icon-comparison/
  2. 33 downloads

    This is a replacement for the original 64x64 icon for Prince Caspian. It uses a 128x128 DDS-sourced icon from the game proper, cleaned up with the 1xBC1Smooth2 ESRGAN model, upscaled with the 4xFalloutWeaponsV2 ESRGAN model, then bicubically downscaled to 256x256. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/153-prince-caspian-icon-comparison/
  3. 212 downloads

    This is a replacement for the original 4-bit icon for Bionicle Heroes. It uses a 256x256 DDS-sourced icon from the game proper, cleaned up with the 1xBC1Smooth2 ESRGAN model. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/152-bionicle-heroes-icon-comparison/
  4. 1,733 downloads

    This is a simple enhancement for the default Win32 icon for Doom 3. The default icon maxes out at 48x48, so I took the texture pentastic1.dds from the demo and created an icon with a maximum resolution of 512x512. Pentastic1.dds is 512x512, but the DXT1 compression results in severe macroblocking. Therefore, it has been cleaned up with BlueAmulet's 1xBC1Smooth2 ESRGAN model. Additionally, all the original icon sizes are taken from the original icon due to the texture becoming less clear at resolutions below 64x64. Doom3.ico is the icon. pentastic1.dds is the original texture, and Pentastic.png is the version cropped to a circle and cleaned up.
  5. 38 downloads

    The icon embedded in the executable for Anodyne 2: Return to Dust has blurry interpolation between pixels, despite having an original resolution of 16x16. This even affects the 16x16 version of the icon, so it likely is some weird quirk of Unity. I have manually recreated the icon pixel-by-pixel and integer upscaled to all major icon resolutions except 24x24 as to achieve a pixel-perfect upscale.
  6. Version (Maximum Res)


    This is a simple enhancement for the default desktop icon for Crysis 1. The default icon maxes out at 48x48, so I found a high quality render (thanks DuelZ) that matches the original icon and cropped it appropriately to the same proportions as the original icon to create a 256x256 icon to make full use of that Windows Vista goodness.
  7. 263 downloads

    Or the curse of GOG not using the original icon for games, take your pick. The GOG version of The Curse of Monkey Island does not include the original executable, and as such the original icon is missing (due to GOG always using a different icon from the original). Additionally, the Steam version uses a lower resolution than the original (32x32 instead of 48x48). The icon provided here is taken from the retail executable and upscaled to scale nicely on Windows Vista and newer (as well as Linux).
  8. 396 downloads

    This icon is a replacement for the default icon that comes with the Steam version of Spec Ops: The Line. The default icon is only 48x48, whereas this recreation is 256x256. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/147-spec-ops-the-line-icon-comparison/ I made this a while ago and don't remember where I got the assets, but I've also uploaded the source assets in a RAR archive, in case you are interested.
  9. 194 downloads

    The GOG version of Blade Runner '97 does not include the original executable, and as such the original icon is missing (due to GOG always using a different icon from the original). The icon provided here is taken from the retail executable and upscaled to scale nicely on Windows Vista and newer (as well as Linux).
  10. Version 1.0.0


    NOTE: I am NOT the creator of this desktop icon, credit goes to Steam user Carloskun. https://steamcommunity.com/app/386770/discussions/0/3185654583880851121/ The original Caladrius Blaze desktop icon is very low, blurred resolution at 48x48. A user on Steam, Carloskun, has made a faithful and higher resolution one (up to 256x256) based off an official poster of the game (minus the logo featured on the original desktop icon).
  11. Version (and 2004 icon)


    The 2011 and Steam releases of Sonic Adventure DX only have a 64x64 desktop icon. PkR on SonicRetro made a hi-res mockup of a 256x256 version, which I have converted into icon format (SADX 2011 and Steam by PkR.ico). I have also included the 2004 release's icon (SADX 2004.ico), as well as a version of it with transparency bugs fixed that Blue Spikeball made (SADX 2004 fixed by Blue Spikeball.ico).
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Due to using ScummVM and not having the original disc images, the GOG (and presumably Steam) versions of Toonstruck are missing the original icon (intended to be used with a PIF shortcut). I have provided it here, along with versions that add a transparency effect to make the icon look cleaner (although I had to shift everything left one pixel to make an effective border). The Steam version of the icon also is lacking a 256x256 version, so I created one using waifu2x-caffe. TOONSTRK.ICO is the original icon, with a solid black background. TNSTRK95.ICO removes the background while using a solid black line to accentuate details. It should be in a format compatible with Windows 95 (it's also compatible with Windows 3.1, but you really shouldn't be playing it that way). Toonstruck original with transparency.ICO is the same as TNSTRK95.ICO, except it is integer-upscaled to 256x256 (with several intermediate versions). Toonstruck Steam +256.ico is the icon used by Steam, with the addition of a 256x256 version (cutesy of waifu2x-caffe).
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Need for Speed: Most Wanted - HiDPI icon By TripleZet https://www.deviantart.com/triplezet Source: https://www.deviantart.com/triplezet/art/Need-for-Speed-Most-Wanted-HiDPI-icon-745415159 Original icon for NFS: Most Wanted reworked in high resolution to look as close as possible to original 32x32 one. If you need something bigger than 256x256, feel free to use 640x640 PNG preview (from Source)
  14. 50 downloads

    The default icon included in the executable of Forsaken Remastered is only included in the size 256x256. Due to this, Windows uses nearest neighbor downscaling to create the 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 icons when they are needed (such as on the taskbar or in the Start Menu). The icon file provided here includes these resolutions and more, linearly downscaled from 256x256 to preserve clarity. It also includes the 8-bit 32x32 icon from the original 1998 release of Forsaken.
  15. 57 downloads

    Higher quality icon for Black Moon Chronicles, taken from the splash screen of the editor and upscaled twice with waifu2x. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/142-black-moon-chronicles-icon-comparison/
  16. Version 2.1


    This icon is a replacement for the original 8-bit icon for Jedi Outcast. It uses the Steam Banner, which I have upscaled and deartefaced using Waifu2x's UpResNet10 model. I have also included the full quality version of the OpenJK icon, which I have since pushed to master on GitHub. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/140-jedi-outcast-icon-comparison/ Scroll to zoom
  17. 156 downloads

    This icon is a replacement for the original 8-bit icon for Giants: Citizen Kabuto. It is a modified version of the icon created by Glude on GiantsWD. Their icon has a transparency effect; this icon has a plain black background like the original. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/141-giants-citizen-kabuto-icon-comparison/ Scroll to zoom
  18. Version 1.02


    The patched version of Battlefront II that supports multiplayer over Galaxy does not include the original icon. For convenience (so that you don't need to manually rollback to the older version to grab the exe), I have extracted the icons from the original executable and provided them for download here. Battlefront II.ico contains all the original icons from the original executable. Setting a shortcut icon to use this icon should work the same way as setting it to use the original .exe. Battlefront II_256.ico and Battlefront II_512.ico are the same as Battlefront II.ico, except the contain versions of the highest resolution original resized using integer scaling to multiple higher resolutions, with the highest resolution for each being 256x256 and 512x512, respectively. They are provided so that the icons are nice and big if your desktop is set to Large Icons or File Explorer is set to Extra-Large Icons. Battlefront II Remastered.ico is extracted from the installer for Battlefront II Remastered. Battlefront II Remastered_256.ico is the same icon, but upscaled to 256x256 using waifu2x.
  19. Version 2.1


    This icon is a replacement for the original 4-bit icon for Unreal Gold and Unreal 227. It uses the 24-bit Unreal Emblem.jpg from the GOG version's bonus avatars. Comparison: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/album/138-unreal-gold-icon-comparison/ Scroll to zoom Note that the original file was a 150x150 jpeg, so there will be aliasing when viewed in "Extra Large Icons" mode.
  20. Version 1.02


    The freeware release of Chex Quest 3 includes a unique icon in the executable. I have extracted it for convenience when using newer source ports, so that you don't need to keep the old executable around. chex3.ico is the original icon from the executable, reformatted as a multi-icon ico file. chex3_XL.ico is a nearest neighbor upscaled version so that it stays crisper on Windows Vista and newer. ball.rar contains icons that make a spinning ball sprite that was included in the executable for some reason.
  21. SirYodaJedi

    MDK Icon

    Version 1.02


    The Windows version of the GOG release of MDK doesn't include the original icon, so I have provided it here, as extracted from the OS X release's .dmg archive. MDK.ICO is the original. MDK_256.ICO is the same as MDK.ICO, but integer-upscaled to 256x256 for use in Vista and newer. MDK_TRN.ICO replaces the white parts of the original with transparency. It still is 4-bit (no alpha channel), but might look nicer on systems that don't support 32-bit icons. MDK_TRN_256.ICO is the same as MDK_TRN.ICO, but integer-upscaled to 256x256 for use in Vista and newer. MDK_HQ.ICO is a revamped version of MDK_TRN.ICO that uses proper 32-bit translucency for the grey pixels. The opacity values were determined based of RGB values of the pixels, so it will look identical on a pure white background. MDK_HQ_256.ICO is the same as MDK_HQ.ICO, but integer-upscaled to 256x256 for use in Vista and newer. This fixes the issue where the translucency causes the icon to become much blurrier. MDK_HQ.png is a .png version of MDK_HQ.ICO. This might be necessary for Steam. Note that the versions with translucency will cause Kurt to be invisible if the deskop background is set to black or File Explorer is in dark mode. If this is an issue, use either MDK.ICO or MDK_256.ICO.
  22. Version 1.0


    By default, the icon for the original Yume Nikki as found on Steam is blurry, due to how Windows scales icons. I won't bore you with the details, but basically, the icon uses a 16x16 graphic integer scaled to 32x32, which Windows then scales linearly to 48x48. TL;DR: Download Yume Nikki.ico. The others are just there to demonstrate how Windows scales icons.
  23. Chex Quest 3 icon View File The freeware release of Chex Quest 3 includes a unique icon in the executable. I have extracted it for convenience when using newer source ports, so that you don't need to keep the old executable around. chex3.ico is the original icon from the executable, reformatted as a multi-icon ico file. chex3_XL.ico is a nearest neighbor upscaled version so that it stays crisper on Windows Vista and newer. ball.rar contains icons that make a spinning ball sprite that was included in the executable for some reason. Submitter SirYodaJedi Submitted 12/11/18 Category Other  
  24. Version 1.0


    A mod that replaces in game cursor with fully transparent texture. Mod aimed at players who exclusively use gamepads to avoid cursor popping in during cutscenes or when making screenshots.
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