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Automatically add URL prefix to Steam Username in Forum Profile


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I noticed a field to enter some optional contact info on your forum profile, mainly the Steam however it's just a plain text entry field that offers little to no use or functionality.

A better and reasonably simple way to improve this would be to edit the field to automatically add the Steam community URL to before whatever it typed in the field, so say a user has created a custom URL, they could simply enter that into the field and the forum software would automatically add "https://steamcommunity.com/id/" and make it so on a user's profile page, the name would be clickable and take you directly to their Steam profile, instead of someone having to manually search for the listed name.

Depending on the forum software I know some allow and have it built in to add a URL prefix to a profile contact field, and I want to say IP Boards is one of them but it's been a long time where I can't remember for certain or have any idea what they might have changed in the meantime.

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Results in this:



So I'm not sure what functionality is missing?



On that note, our current implementation can't handle regular Steam IDs, so that's a downside. A user such as e.g. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980016871 can't input 76561197980016871 in that field as it will fail, since https://steamcommunity.com/id/76561197980016871 is not valid.

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Ah sorry I missed that, though that is different (though admittedly more useful) to what I was referring to which was this section on a user's profile itself.


My original suggestion was being able to click the name which would act as a URL in the same way, though as I admitted it wouldn't be as useful as it's much more likely that someone would come across a user by a post they have made, over directly visiting their profile through some other method.

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Hmm, weird -- that's the same field alright. I dunno why it doesn't get linkified on the profile page itself. I'll have to take a look at it.

I'm also reworking it a bit and adding more information about it so it's easier to fill out.

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Well, that turned out to be easy. I've changed it so it acts as a link on the profile page as well, and that it uses the Steam icon as well.

I want to add functionality for those without a custom URL set on Steam, but it seems there's no simple way of adding that functionality beyond adding an entirely separate field -- so for now I guess we'll just use the custom URL instead.

The edit profile page though has been updated to easily provide a way to be taken to the page where one can view or change the custom tag.



Thanks for bringing it to our attention that the Steam profile wasn't properly linkified on the profile pages 🙂

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Ah there you go, glad to see the functionality still exists even if it is a bit simplistic to what you would ideally like it to do. I'm sure you could have it do more by writing a custom script but at that point but at that point I wonder if it's really worth all that effort. 😅

Anyway glad to help even if it is just a minor thing!

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