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PCGamingWiki to shut down, reopen as new tech support forum PCGamingForum


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We have a big announcement. For the past few years, we have been trying to find ways of improving our user experience, learning from where our friends in the PC gaming space have succeeded and failed. At the end of the day, we are just gamers. Our wiki platform has simply grown far too complex and confusing to our staff and editors to use, and our templates are now impossible to understand or even modify.

Therefore after eight long years, we have made the momentous decision to shut down PCGamingWiki. In its place, we have decided to go back to our gamer roots and the days of yore with a classic, and more importantly much easier to use, web forum. We are excited to announce that we are relaunching as PCGamingForum, a brand new forum that will continue our goal of helping users find PC game fixes.

Our unique approach will succeed where all others have failed with our unique forum policies:

  • To prevent out of date information being posted and 'necroposting', all threads will be locked after 2 weeks.
  • Once a user has found a solution, simply reply to the thread 'Nvm I fixed it' and the thread will be automatically locked.
  • Other users can also respond with their solutions - if you come across a game that works for you, just reply saying 'No problem here, it worked for me'.
  • If you don't have a solution simply use one of our stock responses: 'Don't know, sorry', 'Format and reinstall your OS' or 'Have you tried Googling it'.
  • If no one has told the opening poster to update their drivers, please remind them to update their drivers.
  • We encourage our users to share their fixes privately, simply write: "If you want the fix PM me".
  • When describing a problem, please do not list system specifications, these take up too much space and can be intimidating for new users.
  • Fixes can come in any form - video tutorials made in Windows Movie Maker, links to compromised phpBB forums, Google Translated foreign language websites, archive.org mirrors, etc. anything goes!
  • If a link to a fix is dead you should still link it, you never know if the website might come back online in the future. We should really learn to be more patient.
  • To incentivize the publication of fixes, all file links must now be sent through AdF.ly link forwarders.
  • All files must be in multipart .rar archives that are randomly password protected, and must be hosted on 1Fichier or MegaUpload.

For more information about how your account will migrate to the new platform please check here for more information.

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Are you kidding me? I edited wiki articles for a long time now without an account, and now I started one to beg you not to do this, and you do this to me? "Our wiki platform has simply grown far too complex and confusing to our staff and editors to use, and our templates are now impossible to understand or even modify" Well, not to say, that your templates are the easiest to understand, but I'd prefer some minor fixes (i.e. I still can't define the correct DRM for some of the games, bc there's no such template for such DRM), rather than giving me a major heart attack. This is worse than when GOG announced they were shutting down!


That's it. That's my rage rant. Other than that, thanks for being the most awesome community for PC gamers out there. Just no more heart attacks, please, OK?


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