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Animation treatment feedback


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I agree -- some fusion of 3 and 4 seems like the way to go.


I think the hands look a bit off though.  Maybe he shouldn't have fingers at all. Right now they make him look like a robot with two power plugs (seriously, that's what I thought they were at first). 


P.S. This is what it looks like when someone gets frustrated trying to get a PC game to run: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZLCoYrmZwk


My wife thinks this is the best - it's 4 but with 3's glasses and a reduced mustache.


Edit: added attachment.

3glasses reduced mustache.jpg

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We've got for a combination of 4 with the glasses of 3.


Background music - so we may use something in the background played at a low volume. Anyone know any good music resources?


I know of the YouTube library which is decent: http://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary - details: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/3376882?hl=en-GB - open to suggestions on which track would be good!


I'm open to other suggestions of royalty free music (or music at a very cheap price) if anyone has suggestions.

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Okay animation low res is here:



Need feedback by 9am tomorrow (Tuesday 15th) to make the final render, which will be published soon after that. Some changes can be made.


Initial thoughts:




HL2 -> HL3

PC Gaming Wiki -> PCGamingWiki (0:51, 1:22)

cut typing sound effect unless he's actually typing, replace some of it with hand on mouse and clicking


0:07 - change Dark Souls -> Darker Souls


0:11 - remove cut back to character's face


0:16 - include a line on the blue screen - 'It's a console port, what did you expect?'


0:17 - 'grrrr' sound effect should be louder


0:22 - use expression that's used in 0:25


0:25 - expression but have 'squinty' eyes to make him look angrier, possibly pulling on head/hair


0:25 - search term changed to 'Darker Souls keeps crashing how to fix?'


0:26 - 0:31 - cut this out


0:32 - replace sound effect with something from ['groan' reel.wav] or ['growl' reel.wav]


0:34 - here's a rewrite for this section:


Screen: User1 'Anyone have a fix for Darker Souls?'


- cut to character looking happier thinking he's found the solution 


Screen: scrolling down lots of new replies in rapid succession almost too fast to read, with speech bubble popping in from the right hand side e.g.:

I don't have this problem - Garrett

just google for the fix - Soeb

what are your PC specs? - LDK

update your drivers idiot - JRWR

I get a BSOD too - Nicereddy

post your dxdiag - hungry eyes

not working for me :( - Pridit

I need help too - ThunderKnight

have you tried turning it off and on again? - Newmansan


- cut to character getting upset


Screen: User1 'NVM I figured out how to fix it myself'


- character looks even more upset


- (with multiple ['groan' reel.wav] or ['growl' reel.wav] noises in background , escalating) character types into the reply text box, 'But... how did you fix it?' and then goes to click multiple times on the 'Submit reply' button but it is greyed out

THREAD LOCKED appears on screen witha small padlock symbol (groan noise is at its loudest, intake of breath)


0:38 - his throat background should be black, and we zoom out from blackness of his throat, seeing the comic wobbling uvula


0:41 - transitions between cuts - this should be done with blur


0:41 - cut out the white wall obscuring room


0:47 - Hydralisk shouldn't cover his eye, and there should be war background noise, e.g. http://soundbible.com/2078-Gun-Battle-Sound.html


Replace images of website being shown:

0:59 - Home page 

1:00 - blog post about Golden Joystick Awards

Change to only wiki article pages:

1-6.png (attached)


1:02 - covers should scroll slower so you might be able to actually read a few


1:15 - he's happy, can you do a happy expression with eyes, e.g. ^_^


1:20 - this bit should use the VO 'PCGamingWiki - the website about fixing PC games' - e.g. PCGaming Wiki 3.wav


1:23 - maybe an extremely slow, very slight zoom in or out on the PCGamingWiki logo, Ken Burns style

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I'd say the screenshot part shouldn't show non-game pages (this version shows the Golden Joystick news post) since the narrator is specifically describing the fix pages while flipping through these screens.

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