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Proposal: VR Template - Add VR Driver VorpX


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Hello there, i hope i am posting this in the proper subforum.

I would like to propose to add the VR Driver VorpX to the VR Template. We have about 650 games that we have fixed already for the Driver and i would like to add/update these games to the Wiki. Almost every day new game fixes are released either by me or other users or the VorpX staff, so very soon we will hit the 700.

I find the VR template is a little out of date because of the following reasons:

- NVidia is stopping support at the moment for 3D-Visison and many users already swap over to VorpX.

- Tridef seems to be out of business (at least what i read from the net) or is not very popular anymore

- iz3D is dead and whats left over can be used for a very small number of games only

- With VorpX you can play almost any DX9/10/11/older openGL and DX7/8(with DGVoodoo) game in VR (2D/3D, depending on the game and the settings), also with Headtracking, so Fallout 4 for example just looks like the native game itself.  -

The availability of a game profile ("fix") together with additional informations eg. Screen Settings, ini Hints , G3D, Z3D, ect would be added to the corresponding games.

The VR community would definately appreciate you making this available.


Thank you, RJK




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Welcome to the forums, and yeah, you posted this in the proper channel 🙂


Your proposal is sound, and I don't foresee many hindrances of implementing it. What I am interested in though is how, if you have an initial design, the row itself would be formatted in the VR table, and what parameters you're interested in tracking separately from one another (e.g. modes such as G3D/Z3D etc), if any.


I've created an initial draft of the addition to the template here: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/User:Aemony/Sandbox/VorpX


When parameters are tracked separately it allows the users or visitors of PCGW to easily create a table of all tracked parameters to make for an easy comparison. For example, each column (except the game name) in the list of local multiplayer games is a separately tracked parameter. However the more these sorts of data are tracked separately, the more complicated the end result can become (see the editing guide for multiplayer table as an example).

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Thank you for responding so quickly.

I am completely new to your site so please apologize me beeing abit "uncryptic" yet ;-)

The most important paramaters for useres are G3D and Z3D. Though VorpX can always switch beetween these modes , its not clear for many user created profiles for example if Z3D is available instead of G3D or not, so i would suggest either using 3 Fields in that row "G3D", "ZD3" and "2D" or just using one field where the available mode with the highest priority can be entered (2D makes sense for games that can only be displayed with vorpX in this mode yet ). (Priority order is G3D,Z3D,2D) Then followed by a short description and/or link which leads into the corresponding game introduction of the Vorpx forum, just like in your design. 

Another very important point should be if the fix (game profile) has been created by a user or if the game is officially supported (Official profile), thats quite a requirement to prevent complaints about (not properly working) user created profiles to the VorpX staff. If we can mark each profile as "user" or "official" somehow that would be great. Perhaps with a little Icon but another parameter behind G3D/Z3D will be fine. Note: "2D" wouldnt require a profile because the driver can display many games in 2D that dont have a 3D profile yet.

I would not recommend using Hackable, there arent any hackable parts of VorpX, the driver has many inbuilt options like shader and display settings that the user can manipulate (you could call it hackable) but that counts for every game that the driver can hook into. Hackable may lead into some confusion. 

Not shure if limited would make sense neither because each game shows a glitch here and then. Any Limitations are usually mentioned in the profile introduction in the VorpX forum or the profile description of the game profile itself. If we have enough room in the Line "Here be a note.. ect" i think well be good for a start.

Other parameters like "Oculus, Vive" ect wouldnt be nessecary because VorpX supports almost any Headset by now. If anything becomes nessecary that i my have overseen, i will report here again.

I guess the glossary page should/can be edited by me after this is done ?


Additional Note for readers: Against 3D Vision for example, VorpX is not in need of Hacks or Code-Manipulations. Each VorpX-Fix consists in a so called game profile that contains all kinds of graphics and shader settings that the VorpX user can edit himself in the ingame VorpX Tools and so create new profiles for new games. 

Edit: One more parameter which i forgot thats of interest is "DirectVR". Many official supported game profiles are providing this where VorpX automaticly adjusts game settings like FOV or resolution for example so the user doesnt have to bother anymore. Games with  DirectVR offer the best VR experience , just like native Apps. 


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I tested around this morning a little, i think the following should be working. We can fill out the "modes" field with either DirectVR only which covers all the other modes, or the top order Mode G3D/Z3D or 2D. Since we have enough room in the decription field we can put "officially supported" or "user profile" there. So  below is my code, i hope i am doing right and if you have ideas for improvements ill be looking forward to see your solutions. See attachemant for my codelines.




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I'll take a look at it later this evening and see what I can come up with. We can technically add a separate parameter for user-created/official and have the output printed on its own line in the "Notes" column, as showcased in the multiplayer example above. That will still allow the state to be tracked separately in lists and whatnot.

Usually on PCGW "true" is used for "official support" while "hackable" is used to indicate something is user-created or not official, but having a separate parameter to track it properly should be fine as well.


So something like this isn't entirely out of the question, I think:

|vorpx                       = true
|vorpx modes                 = G3D, Z3D, 2D, DirectVR
|vorpx support               = official
|vorpx notes                 = Test Text – Great 3D in all Modes – FULL VR with Headtracking – Cinema Mode is default setting – Profile available at the VorpX cloud - Link ....


On 6/24/2019 at 10:48 AM, RJK said:

I guess the glossary page should/can be edited by me after this is done ? 

Almost certainly. I was under the impression they were already available for editing by regular users but perhaps it only requires some form of additional membership in a member group of sorts. I'm currently checking with the rest of the staff.

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I haven't gotten around to implement this yet, sadly, and probably won't until at least Sunday evening at the earliest.

@Garrett if you have free time and want to, could you throw something together based on the earlier replies?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay. Life got in the way 🙂


I've taken some further look at this and believe I am finished with another draft of the implementation in my sandbox: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/User:Aemony/Sandbox/VorpX

PCGW sees "hackable" as the state to use for everything that isn't supported "natively" or "officially", so to follow the rest of the VR template and site, "hackable" in this case would mean that a profile is unofficial or user-created.

That would leave us with these parameters:

|vorpx                       = true/hackable/limited/false/unknown
|vorpx modes                 = G3D, Z3D, 2D, DirectVR
|vorpx notes                 = Here be a note! Or a [https://www.vorpx.com/ downlaod link], etc...


The "modes" are simply shown on its own line as part of the notes field when displayed on articles for convenience's sake.

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Awesome, thank you !


Assuming that Do X, then Y, and finallyZ as well as Has issues A, B, and C. can contain a link ( especially user profiles contain links to workarounds,patches ect. Limitations are discussed in the vorpX forum or elsewhere.) this is definately what we can use ☺️


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Yeah, the "vorpx notes" field supports basically everything the wiki does. It can be used to e.g. have a link to a section below the VR table with more instructoins as well, as I updated the "hackable" example with: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/User:Aemony/Sandbox/VorpX#Hackable_.28aka_Unofficial.2FUser-created.29

I've published the changes so they're live right now on the wiki. I've also set up an initial variant of a glossary page, along with an auto-populating list that will update and reflect the level of support as well as modes (so no notes/links to download there, sadly): https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Glossary:VorpX

As soon as a game or two have been filled out with the new parameters, I'll be able to adjust and customize the table on the glossary page so it looks pretty (right now it'll end up looking barebone with no styling, since I have no examples to work with).

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Excellent !

Ive just edited 3 games to see how it looks like, ( Skyrim, Skyrim SE and Aerea ). The list on the glossary page remains empty yet though.  - I noticed when adding a fresh VR template from the editor to a game , the template does not contain the vorpX code (yet?). Not shure if thats nessecary for the 3 edits i made to appear on the glossary.

Perhaps its because you havent finished the table yet i guess.


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Yeah, sorry, updating the table is either performed automatically by the backend, which may take a while, or can be forced by clicking More -> Refresh, which will purge the cached version of the page and process it all anew.


Thanks for mentioning the visual editor, as I had forgotten we have a VR table in that one. I'll add the code to it, and then see how I can improve the list of games to better fit in to other lists on PCGW

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Well, thank you very much for now. Added a few more games, almost 700 more to come within the few days/weeks ☺️ also have made some small changes to the Glossary already, so lets see how good we can work with it. 


Edit: I am doing my first edits and added some more informations on the 3D modes above the game table.  Hope i'm doing this right. ☺️


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Looks great so far! I've made a few tiny changes to improve readability.

The glossary page can be used to add all sorts of information you feel is relevant, so feel free to add whatever you think is missing.

When the next header ("==Two equal characters creates a main header==", "===Three creates a subheader===") is added to the page it will automatically get a table of content added to the top of the page as well.

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