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Good morning




and not been able to make it work, installed it without problem thanks to installer edition of Dinamic Multimedia.


But then the game does not start (16-bit application says not supported), and compatibilities and tested all options and I can not make it work


And with vmware it does not work in Windows XP


It would be a pity that donot can play only flight simulator WW1 :(


Greetings from Spain



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From your writing I'm guessing the game is 16-bit game, which will not work under 64-bit Windows no matter what you do. 

At that point virtual machines are basically only way to play the game, though I personally have had really bad luck with those. Because the game is that old, I would almost try with Windows 98 or 95 instead of XP though. 


Created article for the game, so information found can be added directly: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Flying_Corps

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