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Need for Speed Underground 1 random crashes


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Guess so :D


Yes I realize that. I mean upon Windows startup. I know hot-plugging is broken in SCP making the fake 360 controller perma-connected until the service is restarted.


Possible, but I have no idea how to find that out.


Yes I did tick the box. It created dinput.dll/dinput8.dll and XInput1_3.dll in game's folder. But it does literally nothing. There isn't even beep on startup similarly to X360CE even though I have it turned on :/

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Yes I realize that. I mean upon Windows startup. I know hot-plugging is broken in SCP making the fake 360 controller perma-connected until the service is restarted.

I wouldn't know if it's a bug or rather a desired behavior.


Anyway, check if there's some weird config path like here, and make sure you have DI mapper files


Aside of this, I would be happy to test XI+ on my retail copy (after I find it) but I fear I'm going to be too freaking busy in the next months.

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Oh I forgot to mention I had those already, but that path is new to me. Never heard of it. Tried wiping those .ini files, but no luck.

Oddly it names the devices in Czech ie. BLACKBIRDX_KLÃVESNICEX_0.INI or X_MYÅ X_0.INI


Also checking the article I don't have settings stored in that registry path, but here

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Need for Speed Underground 2

Damn permissions :D


Tried setting all stuff to off/low and compat modes(somehow they worked now) and still nothing.

I just want to play NFSU1 dammit!

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HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Need for Speed Underground 2

That happens when the game tries to write in HKLM without privileges.

Running as administrator is everything you should need.


Said this.. the game is not XInput for sure.. and if dinput8 can't block it..

I guess the problem must reside between SCP service, the fake x360 device it resemble (that must be somehow present in device manager), and the dinput.dll (not the 8 version it seems).


You could try some of these old programs.. Idk

Or "turning off legacy USB support in BIOS".


Speaking of the crashes on the other hand...

Try to close every possible application running (including AV of course). 

Then remove all filters from process monitor (yes I know it becomes awful).


And check if there's isn't something "too frequent for your tastes".

Edited by Mirh
ok, I guess I read ghost negations in sentences
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dinput8.dll does block it, but only because it blocks the entire controller so there is no Joypad section in-game. Someone needs to test this game with an actual 360 controller to confirm/deny if it's issue with its drivers.

Also of course the controller has NO INPUT while this phantom UP thing happens. Only K/MB do. If I end SCP service it stops.


I will try installing this game into my testing W10 VM since I managed to install the new SCP fork into it and it works.

EDIT: Fucks sake the game has no controller issues in it. So it's something to do with my machine :I

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Tested and confirmed from W10 VM.


The problem is I don't know what exactly gets screwed. Ihave snapshot before installing it, but how do I even compare them dammit.


Okay figured the solution I think. Installing the .ini files from xi.etc.zip on the site wipes out the drivers completely. This worked in the VM. My PC might have something else additionaly. FIXED




Now the crashes.

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I guess force feedback driver wasn't supposed to be used with normal microsoft x360 drivers (just figured out).

You may try those to see if they fix the problem, or just use XInput+.


Anyway.. the crashes.. .-.

What if you try another executable?

I checked on gamecopyworld, and I even saw a "savegame path fix" (which may have something to do with this)

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Heh my account name is unsurprisingly Blackbird so unless the game hates the DirectInput Mapper files using Czech chars(something I can't change) then I doubt that. I tried looking into that ProgramData stuff and it looks fine. IDK.

Also only 1.4 US exes on there are by Drunk! and SPiRiTY. EU ones don't seem to change anything. I didn't touch NFSU2 yet much since maybe those 2 are related.


Oh in the tools section. Too bad it's for 1.3 tho?  Works with 1.4 too nice, but who thought it was good idea to make it DOS-based ugh. Testing in progress......

Still crashes :(

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I'm pretty sure it's possible to change devices names in windows registry.


Also, why the hell patch 4 is version 1.3 ? .-.


And.. if we run out of ideas, I dunno, considering crashes are reproducible..

I guess we might even find somebody that could help with debugging.


EDIT for posterities: after many many tinkering the issue solved around after updating UxThemeSignatureBypass in conjuction with Aero Glass

attempt to make some reasoning: this might have something to do with the fact that it injects a dll into every program. 


remainder for the future: check which dlls are loaded into programs with process monitor

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi @Blackbird, what I've found with the phantom up issue you're having is that it happens when you hook dinput8 for 360 pad emulation.

I use a DS4 controller with DS4Windows, with Most Wanted and Carbon you can use Xinput Plus to swap the combined Z axis to independent axes, but if you try the same thing with Underground 1 + 2 you get the up issue. It probably does the same thing with x360ce and the like too, but I haven't tried them.

It might not be much help for you depending on what controller you use, but if you use a DS4 you can use DS4windows to make a new profile specifically for old DirectInput games. In the latest DS4windows you can set it to output as a dualshock 4 instead of emulating a 360 pad, this leaves you with independent axes for triggers instead of the combined Z axis on 360 without having to modify .dlls

I use it for NFSUG1+2, keep in mind that the L2 and R2 buttons double as both buttons 11-12, as well as axes. When you're remapping controls in some games (Like NFS) you need to push the triggers in just a little bit (enough to "press button 11/12") before you bind the key, then when it asks for input push the trigger in the rest of the way. This works for some games, but not others.

I'll attach my DS4Windows profiles folder, there's macros for holding PS and pressing face button to switch the controller into different modes for different kinds of games. It might have been pointless writing up all this if you don't even use a DS4 but I guess it's worth putting out there somewhere. I've been looking for a catch-all solution to PC controller compatibility, and there really isn't one but DS4Windows is the absolute closest you can get, I've found.


edit: nevermind I only just noticed this thread is from 2015 and you'd probably solved it by now


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Well ironically I have DS4 now, but even then I tried using XI Plus for the vibration (and gave up) since using that xbox driver thingy gave me some random issues I forgot about. Mapping itself is fine in the game, even triggers can be used for accel/brake.

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