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Devil May Cry 5 Save Game - Level 1 (Prologue Skip) Fix for CrossOver/Wine on M1 Macs

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About This File

This is a 'fix' specific to M1 Macs running CrossOver or Wine versions of the Windows game Devil May Cry 5. Currently the game crashes at the Prologue level, this save game allows users to skip this and jump straight into Level 1. This level does have some graphical errors but from Level 2 onwards is very playable. This savegame was created by me on my Windows gaming PC and packaged up.

The save game location is found here: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Devil_May_Cry_5#Save_game_data_location

It should be located within the Steam data here: <Steam-folder>\userdata\<user-id>\601150\remote\win64_save\*.bin

Use 7zip or equivalent and unzip the file into your Steam folder in your CrossOver or Wine bottle (Ctrl+click on Bottle, Open C Drive) or navigate to Library, Application Support, CrossOver, Bottles, Steam, drive_c.

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Apparently, savegames are locked to a steam ID.
Except, there is a Mod called Coop-Trainer that actually unlock it but it needs REFramework to work and needs to be opened in game by pressing "Insert Key", then go to setting and tick the box for "Import Save Files".

Problem, Macbook don't have a Insert Key -_-

So I'm looking for a way: 
Either to change the key bind to it
Looking for a CoopTrainer.ini file that already have the setting activated 😅

I have would like to find before tomorrow so if it doesn't work I can ask refund for the game 🤣
Thank you

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Apparently, savegames are locked to a steam ID.
Except, there is a Mod called Coop-Trainer that actually unlock it but it needs REFramework to work and needs to be opened in game by pressing "Insert Key", then go to setting and tick the box for "Import Save Files".

Problem, Macbook don't have a Insert Key -_-

So I'm looking for a way: 
Either to change the key bind to it
Looking for a CoopTrainer.ini file that already have the setting activated 😅

I have would like to find before tomorrow so if it doesn't work I can ask refund for the game 🤣
Thank you

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Apparently, savegames are locked to a steam ID.
Except, there is a Mod called Coop-Trainer that actually unlock it but it needs REFramework to work and needs to be opened in game by pressing "Insert Key", then go to setting and tick the box for "Import Save Files".

Problem, Macbook don't have a Insert Key -_-

So I'm looking for a way: 
Either to change the key bind to it
Looking for a CoopTrainer.ini file that already have the setting activated 😅

I have would like to find before tomorrow so if it doesn't work I can ask refund for the game 🤣
Thank you

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