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We need a partial value for proprieties


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Only time I have bumped to something needing partial is definitly always on, forced vsync. However in that case it's true game has vsync and just comment that it can't be turned off and that's it. From example from OP if games other half support high frame rate, then put it to true and comment that it's false for other part of the game. Or if game has 30 FPS cutscenes just put it true and comment that. 

So basically if it's in some way supported, put it to true and add comment. No need for partial value. 


More the options the messier page is going to look.

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Last but not least.. if we couldn't disable the subtitles.. what do you think we should choose?

All these thoughts of course could be simply written in the documentations of the template to give perfect explanations

Are there even people that are annoyed by subtitles being displayed? Cause seriously, I'd say - the importance with subtitles should be put on "whatever there are subtitles and if so, if there are places where they are missing" - as many people (like me) like to play their games in English, but they still need subtitles to understand everything. And so - it's annoying to find out that X game has subtitles option, but it only applies to dialogues, but not in-game cutscenes or pre-rendered cutscenes.That's why I'd propose:

If there are subtitles - true and a note if where the option is located (launcher, under graphics options etc. not required if it's under audio settings).

If there are subtitles, but there is no option to disable them - true and a note that they can not be disabled.

If there are subtitles, but for example the subtitles are missing in pre-rendered cutscenes or other important places - partial and a note.

No subtitles at all - false (unless there is no use for subtitles in the game at all - then n/a [mostly applies only to old racing games]).


I'd also advise to focus with Vsync, Anti-aliasing, Anisotropic filtering and similar options to an option just being there. If not - as usually editing config file, forcing them off/on -hackable (Vsync is not objectively good thing). I'm not sure what to do for example with games which have Vsync, but cap the framerate always to 60fps (instead of actual refresh rate of the monitor) or games where anti-aliasing is connected to other options (Sniper Ghost Warrior for example has post processing anti aliasing linked with bloom, depth of field etc. as post processing). But both would make sense to me to be counted as partial, as the option to disable or enable them is theoretically there, but is not what it should have been (e.g. someone may be annoyed by depth of field, bloom, etc. but one may not mind FXAA).


And don't you dare saying that SMAA sucks :P

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Well, SMAA is the best kind of post processing antialising actually, that's true. But i could still notice a very slightly reduction in the quality of texts


Anyway, back on topic.. I wasn't claiming subtitles are really annoying.. but I would lie if I said playing without them isn't more "immersive"

But yeah, probably in the subtitles case even if you can't disable them it wouldn't be really that problem


But on the other hand, if we were talking about mouse acceleration.. I would definitively find unfair if when you can't disable it we would similarly still put true

Rather.. we are on computers.. the norm should be it is disabled (by default at least)


Then vsync is not necessarily something good, you are absolutely right.

In this very good extreme case, if game just could do 60fps v-sync I would be quite confused as well

But maybe it would all depend by the reasons of this bug. If the game simply just supported 60Hz resolution.. we could note this somewhere else and just put true

If instead the v-sync itself is bugged (i.e. = game support other refresh rate but the v-sync doesn't) we should put partial.. eventually


But in this last case -if it can also be disabled- nothing stop you from enabling the vsync with a third party utility, so that correct frame refresh is observed


Anyhow we should always distinguish between a mere 60fps cap, and a 60fps cap due to vsync. I mean.. In arma:cold war assault, I originally thought 60fps was an engine limit (it wouldn't be the first time a game is just capped to 60 fps)..

Then I opened radeonpro and it told me v-sync was forced on. So thanks to it, I could turn off it.. and I could pass 100fps


And as side note.. V-sync can be eventually forced in every game with these (or at least I still haven't find one where they fail to work). I wouldn't want to make this an universal truth, but I'm quite convinced


So does it still make sense to use false when game doesn't natively support v-sync given that it's (almost??) always forceable? (this applies to AA too)

I think it might be better if

  • true: supported. If the feature has drawbacks (such as post processing antialising, vertical sync, mouse acceleration) you also have to be able to deactivate it
  • partial: the feature isn't entirely supported in every part of the game, or if it has "drawbacks" it's always on
  • hackable: as above, but you can improve the situation in the .ini/.cfg files or any other game specific hack
  • false: it's not possible in the game itself to use this feature. But general solutions still work. Should not be this way we could just make a note

Of course, we should have a general solutions page for this to work. Where we could write on the top with capital letters, besides all: UPDATE DIRECTX AND DRIVERS. THANK YOU.


Last but not least, even in metro 2033 AA was bound to other settings.. but in the cfg files you could customize and disable it.. I fairly believe sniper ghost warrior is the same :p


Thank you for the reading!

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We wouldn't. This topic came up a few times already, the input and video settings tables are for options. If you can't disable/enable/change it in the game, it's false.


Audio settings on the other hand was meant to denote general support. If there are subtitles, it's true. If there are closed captions, it's true. If the game mutes on losing focus, it's true. Not if we can change those settings.

Yeah that's fine (forgot the subtitles thing then)


Mute on focus lost could be also eligible to have partial value anyway. So that we could better differentiate between games that really mute when they loose focus and those which only mute when minimized


For everything else (video and input) my opinion is still the same

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  • 9 months later...

If I remember correctly, with KF it was possible to go over that limit but it required fiddling with netspeeds, possibly on both client and server side and that's why single player is unlocked as speed is infinite. Haven't bothered with that one as 90 is just fine. 


We actually tried to play COD:WAW zombie mode with friends and it seems that FoV can't be changed outside single player mode and nothing worked. It's so narrow we had to quit. I remember Black Ops had same issue, even though multiplayer had perfectly working FoV slider for some reason zombie mode was in single player side and again all fixes seemed to only work in single player, in coop every fix stopped working. 


I'm going to contradict myself and say that partial value would be useful. 

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I'm not opposed to adding a partial value. This might lead to some situations where it is being used incorrectly but that already sometimes happens with the existing values anyway.


As another example, the SLI or Crossfire Support proposal topic covers a situation where a partial value would be useful.

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  • 4 months later...

I think it wasn't added yet because there's no icon for it, or something. I guess a bot could be run to update the templates with the new value if needed.

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I think it wasn't added yet because there's no icon for it, or something. I guess a bot could be run to update the templates with the new value if needed.

A bot (and a computer in general) is better at discerning differences between black and white. It's not exactly good at cataloging shades of gray

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A bot (and a computer in general) is better at discerning differences between black and white. It's not exactly good at cataloging shades of gray

What are you even talking about, and I was just trying to find something to say so that we can get the partial value already.

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  • 3 months later...

What are you even talking about, and I was just trying to find something to say so that we can get the partial value already.

I'd like it to be present because I think it makes sense.

It hasn't to make sense because I want it to be present.


Anyway, this is just a bump, after I realized BFBC2 controller support status would be way more accurate this way.

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I'd like it to be present because I think it makes sense.

When I wrote that I simply didn't understand what you said. And it kinda came off to me. Anyway by now I've actually forgotten any articles where I could've used the partial value, but weren't there some implementation issues, I think? I still would like to have it though.

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  • 3 months later...

Some of the posts I made look really stupid right now because I didn't even bother saying what I truly wanted to say but oh well whatever. Learning how to express myself a tiny bit better had a learning curve of it's own :v


Anyway here's another case where this might help. The note itself kinda sucks but, you get the idea.




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Some of the posts I made look really stupid right now because I didn't even bother saying what I truly wanted to say but oh well whatever. Learning how to express myself a tiny bit better had a learning curve of it's own :v


Anyway here's another case where this might help. The note itself kinda sucks but, you get the idea.




Actually, similar cases had already been addressed under current "editing policies"....

But I guess your point still has some sense.

I mean.. A game with presets (for as much as they are "limited") shouldn't be false, as if it was on the same level of one with no way to alter commands at all.

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